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Computer History Museum

 The Computer History Museum is a museum of computer history, located in Mountain View,
California. The museum presents stories and artifacts of Silicon Valley and the information age,
and explores the computing revolution and its impact on society. The technology that they use
in the museum is computer why computer because they collect computers and put in the
museum and use it an art also from the heart of Silicon Valley, we share insights gleaned from
our research, our events, and our incomparable collection of computing artifacts and oral.

 For my opinion there no issue on this technology that they are using because computers never
outdated they keep upgrading and upgrading also computers are the best technology now a
days also computer is a programmed device with a group of instructions to perform specific
tasks and generate results at a really high speed. A Computer is a machine that can solve
difficult and different problems, process data, and store & retrieve data and perform
calculations faster and accurately as compared from humans.

 For me yes because now a days most of the companies uses computer but this company or
museum they use computer as an attraction to the people, we all know that having an
computer help increase user productivity, and users become more productive at
everything you do on the software running on the computer with a good understanding.
For instance, when you have work on an excel worksheet with a basic understanding,
you can create, edit, delete, store, calculation, and print documents and letters. With all
pre-existing technologies, all of these things were either impossible or much slower.
One of the most useful advantages of computers is able to store and access vast amounts of
data, which can be retrieved in the future. For example, a computer system and devices like
eBook readers have enough storage capacity as they can store hundreds or thousands of books.
Also, you can store movies, pictures, songs digitally, and documents on the computer, and can
quickly find data accordingly and share information between devices. It reduces plastics and
paper requirements that are used to make non-digital versions of the media.

 The company will continue to grow because we all know that technology is more getting bigger
than we expected as long the company maintain the satisfaction of the customers also the

 This only my own opinion, we all known that computers and its uses grew rapidly and widely
throughout the world. They are used to deal with many tasks due to their various potential. It
helps to resolve problems human life encounters in daily life. Therefore, they have more
influence on our life. The impact of computer usage on our life obviously identified as Savings of
Money, Time and Effort. To understand the depth of computer intervention in human life, have
a look at developments happened in the areas of Communication, Education, Utility facilities
and Health care. So think there no need to improve this technology because it improves by his

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