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COVID-19 Pandemic. This refers to the effects of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, which can

cause illness in humans, which has resulted in the disruption of the traditional, face-to-face

learning and teaching process and its replacement using a distance learning system.

Distance Learning. This refers to an e-learning environment in which primary/secondary students

in Jordan obtain knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need without the need for teachers to be

with them in the same place or at the same time.

Educational Attainment. This refers to the highest level of education that an individual has

completed. This is distinct from the level of schooling that an individual is attending.

Economic Aspects. This refers to a Financial income status, how parents garner, organize, and

allocate resources 

Face to face. an interaction that takes place in person, within each other's sight or presence

Parents. This refers to fathers, mothers, or guardians who are responsible for their children in

primary or secondary school in Jordan, as well as for their learning affairs at homes and schools.

Parents’ perception. This refers to a knowledge system for parents of primary school students

resulting from mental activity that includes their values, ideas, opinions, and attitudes toward

their children’s experiences in a distance learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

These perceptions are measured by the degree that the respondent gets on the study instrument.

(Hamaidi, rouri, Noufal, and Aldrou, 2021)

Primary school students. This refers to the first-grade to sixth-grade students in Tabuk city

whose ages range from 6 to 11 years.

Psychological aspects. This refers to the anxiety, depression, stress, mood, fear of falling and


Social aspects. This is the commonalities among people within a specific culture. Social aspects

may include the following: language, norms and rules.

Stress. This is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought

that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.

Workload. This is the amount of work to be done by someone or something.


Importance of the Study

This study focuses on the experiences of parents on their child’s learning during COVID-19

pandemic. The target beneficiaries to improve and give solutions in the distance learning in times

of COVID: Experiences of parents, wherein:

Students. To make improvement on their learning in times of this pandemic, and so that

they will be guided accordingly by their parents.

Teachers. to optimize the application of distance teaching, to seek to improve the

distance learning experience, and to further develop its application according to students’ needs..

School. For the school to be able to know the priority of the students in order to meet

their goal in delivering the learning to students and learn more about the distance learning

experience and improve its use in the future in a manner that meets students’ needs.

Future Researchers. For them to be able to gain more knowledge, find more creative

solutions which are not written yet in this study and this study will serve as their basis.

Administrators. For the to seek ways and means to improve the learning of their students,

and inform them about the perceptions of parents toward this new learning educational

experience. Knowledge of such perceptions can provide opportunities to reinforce the positive

aspects of the application and address its negative aspects

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