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Minutes of the Circulation Services Committee Meeting of Nov.

16, 05
Alice Moulton Room, Gerstein Library

Present: Neil Allen (Chair) (Engineering and Computer Science), Jan MacLean (Music),
Bonnie Horne (Gerstein), Linda Oliver (Victoria-Pratt), Erin Anderson (Trinity), Lynda Hayes
(Emmanuel), Mei-Chu Lin (East Asian), Susan Cozzi (ITS), Helen He (Dentistry),
Georgina Rooney (Regis), Mary MacKenzie (SMC- Kelly), Lari Langford (Access & Info,
Robarts), Anna Szot-Sacawa (Bora Laskin Law Library).
Regrets: Terry Correia (A & I, Robarts), Mike Hamilton (Media Commons), Joy Shanfield
(Toronto Rehab/Consortium), Dorota Swieton (UTM), Patricia LaCivita (UTSC), Jack Howard

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

Accepted with no changes

2. Business arising.
 Neil already invited Baycrest and the other consortium members to attend the
circulation services meeting. Their names have already been added to our mail list.
 Posting minutes to the intranet is still in progress
 Christmas loan periods have already been put into the Sirsi system
 UTL at Downsview: Everything is still on HOLD


It seems that the voting for the enhancement on that forum is different from our opinions.
It was recommended that someone from the circulation committee should log into the
website discussion list and suggest items we are interested in.

4. Suggested ways to improve Stack Maintenance and Accuracy of Shelving

 Train new shelvers

 Diversify duties during their four hour shift
For example: Shelf book, shelf reading, and shelf journal etc.
 Ask them to make sure the books before and after are in right order when shelving
 Discipline
 Write 15-20 titles before their shift and then check them later
 Invite them to the department party
 Rehire shelvers at the beginning of each term
 Break: Shelvers should have 15 minutes break during their four hour shift

But according to the information provided by Margaret Fulford (the head of

dentistry library):

The collective agreement for "Administrative Unionized Staff, USWA Local

1998, Casuals Unit" (http://www.utoronto.ca/hrhome/uswacas.pdf) doesn't
mention breaks at all.
The collective agreement for "Administrative Unionized Staff, USWA Local
1998, Staff Appointed Unit" (http://www.utoronto.ca/hrhome/uswaapt.pdf) does
include breaks, for both full-time and part-time workers. So if a shelver were a
staff-appointed part-time worker, they would be entitled to breaks:

"Part-time employees will receive a fifteen (15) minute paid break for every three
(3) consecutive hours worked, except in cases where the employees work a full
day, in which case they shall receive the same lunch and breaks as full-time staff
appointed employees."

As for the law in Ontario, the fact sheet "Hours of Work & Overtime"
(http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/factsheets/fs_hours.html ) says:

"What does the law say about eating periods?

An employee must not work more than five consecutive hours without getting a
30-minute eating period free from work. The employer does not have to pay for an
eating period unless there's an employment contract that says otherwise.

If the employee and employer agree, the 30-minute eating period can be taken as
two shorter breaks within a period of five hours. Together the two eating periods
must total at least 30 minutes. Agreements to divide the 30-minute meal break into
two shorter breaks do not have to be in writing.

What does the law say about coffee breaks?

An employer is not required to provide any breaks under the ESA other than a 30-
minute eating period for every five consecutive hours of work.
However, if the employer does provide another type of a break, such as a coffee
break, and the employee must remain at his or her workplace during the break, the
employee must be paid at least the minimum wage for that time."

5. Pharmacy library is now integrated into the Gerstein Library

Now the pharmacy library only keeps reference books and short term loans. When sending
books back to the Pharmacy library, make sure to send all the regular loan books back
to Gerstein library.

6. In OPAC hospital library holdings show up in the hitlist display but not Gerstein
The following was the explanation from Sian Meikle:

“Short Term Loan is not considered an "available" location by SIRSI, and this is why the
Gerstein copy does not display as available on the hitlist. Baycrest, Bloorview, and Mt
Sinai (all the listed "available" locations) have copies in their stacks (STACKS is an
"available" location). So far as I know, it is not yet possible for us to configure which
locations are considered "available" -- the available locations are determined by SIRSI,
and STL is not on the list. The ability to customize the list has been requested of SIRSI
through the SIRS process however, by a number of institutions. I've just sent an email out
to make sure that nothing's changed there since the last time I checked.”
7. Information on the library website
It was noticed that some information on the website is not accurate anymore. However it
is quite a job to keep them current. Lari will try to look through the website and pinpoint
those WebPages.

Next meeting Wednesday, Dec. 21 or Jan. 18, 2:15 pm, Alice Moulton Room, Gerstein

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