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: A Free Web-Based Version of Sweden's Notification System for Blood Donors

De Leon, Yanyan A.

Garcia, Reina Lea

Gariando, Steven John T.

Lirasan, Joshua Rafael

Revin, Andrada

Department of College of Engineering and Technology, City of Malabon University

Capstone Project and Research 1

Karlo Emil Flores

September 7, 2022

Concept of the Project

The project's goal is to create a free web-based notification system for blood donors as

well as to promote volunteer blood donation by providing blood donors with information about

how beneficial their donation in more visually appealing ways other than text messaging, such

as emails and social media posts. The website offers inspirational presentations to further

entice visitors to join in blood donation. Blood donors or Volunteers may have their own

Account in this website so as to determine how they will be in contact.

Background of the Beneficiary

Blood donation is a voluntary procedure that can help save the lives of others. There are

several types of blood donation. Eachtype helps meet different medical needs. In the

Philippines, the one responsible for National Blood Services is the Philippine Red Cross (PRC).

The PRC has been the country's leading provider of blood and blood products thanks to its 88

blood service facilities. To achieve adequacy, the PRC continues to promote voluntary non-

remunerated blood donation. (Red Cross, 2021). Although blood donors are unaware of where

their blood is being used, they assume that it will be a great help. In Sweden, when people

donate blood, they get more than free juice and cookies; they also get a text message alerting

them when their contribution has been transfused into someone in need. And in return the

blood donor will reply with great joy, since his donation had been used to save someone’s life

(Stockholm Blood Service).

This effort to connect with donors is very much aligned with what the Canadian Blood

Services and many other blood systems around the world aspire to, making blood donation

contemporary and relevant (Donnison, 2015). In the Philippines, PRC does not have such that

kind of system and from that developers could have an opportunity to create a web-based

platform of it, further improving it instead of just SMS messages, blood donors that are

registered in said website platform they could get notified in different ways like emails,

Facebook, and any kind of social media applications or websites, Or they could just check the

website instead and see it in a more detailed way of how their blood donation were used and

who’s life were saved because of it.

The Problem of the Beneficiary

Many blood banks work hard to keep their inventory levels at a three-day supply, which

is the ideal level. The inventory changes hourly as a result of erratic demands brought on by

trauma occurrences. The blood center begins informing nearby donors to replenish the

inventory to a safe operating level when the blood supply falls below a three-day level. And in

terms of Notification system Our country lacks the same framework as the antecedent to our

idea, which allowed donors to be informed of the outcome of their participation, Hence the

purpose of our project’s concept to give solution to this problem.

Overview of the Solution

This topic aims to improve Sweden’s blood donation text system and develop a

greater interface in a web-base platform.

 To create a more user-friendly interface version of Sweden’s Blood Donation

Notification System.

 To create a convenient informational website for volunteer blood donors.

 To provide support to our country’s blood shortage and promote blood donation

Review of Related Literature and Related Studies

Previous Investigations

Local Studies

Title: BloodBank PH: A Framework for an Android-based Application for the

Facilitation of Blood Services in the Philippines

Blood services are very essential for it can save a person’s life. The absence of a

platform to schedule blood donation appointment and to request for blood lead to problems

such as lack of knowledge with the process of blood donation and requesting for blood. This

study presents a framework for the development of an Android mobile application that will

facilitate blood services between blood banks, blood donors and blood requesters. The

proposed system will allow blood banks to manage blood drives to encourage more people to

donate, view updated reports of the current status of blood services, and manage blood

requests as well as blood donations. The proposed mobile application will allow blood donors

to conveniently schedule blood donation appointments or participate in blood drives. People

who need blood can send a request to the nearest blood bank with an available supply of blood

through the proposed mobile application.


Title: Disseminating Information Regarding Blood Donation in the Philippines

Using Mobile Application

Attributable to a dearth of blood donors, which is likely due to a lack of public

awareness of blood donation, the Philippines now falls short of the blood donation quota

required to maintain a sufficient blood supply. The goal of this project is to develop a mobile

application that contains the data that the Philippine National Red Cross gives to a potential

blood donor in order for them to donate blood appropriately and to raise awareness of blood

donation. Foreign Studies.



Foreign Study

Title: Saving lives using social media: Analysis of the role of twitter for personal

blood donation requests and dissemination.

Social media has an influence on many facets of human existence, from sharing

personal information to altering entire political systems. One understudied facet of social
media is its use and usefulness in healthcare, particularly in underdeveloped nations without

cutting-edge healthcare institutions and processes. Social media may be utilized in such nations

to facilitate patient-centric healthcare by involving the patient in meeting personal healthcare

requirements. This article examines one such need in depth, namely how individuals utilize

social media to obtain blood donations. We investigate the behavior of persons who use social

media to fulfill blood donation requests in terms of request and broadcast. In India, we

concentrate on Twitter and blood donation accounts. According to our findings, each of the

seven Twitter accounts we investigated has a big following of more than 35,000 users on

average and receives a significant amount (more than 900) of contribution requests every day

on average. We evaluate the requests in a variety of ways to create a forecast for healthcare

professionals to make their systems more patient-centric by better understanding the

requirements of people requesting blood donations. Our research also reveals areas where

future social media-enabled automated healthcare systems can be tailored to specific patients'

requirements. These solutions can help save more lives by bridging the gap between blood

donors and those in need.


Foreign Literature

Title: Blood donor notification and counseling: Our experience from a tertiary care

hospital in India
Donor notification and post-donation counseling are an essential aspect of the blood bank that

entails provision of information on serological status, assess the impact of test results on the

donor and finally referral for medical care. As in our data only 49.4% of the blood donors could

be contacted successfully, incomplete demographic details was the major limiting factor in

communicating with rest. Of the 229 contacted donors, the response rate was 98.2%. A large

majority (94.75%) of the notified donors in our study contacted their health care provider when

given clear instructions to do so. These results are encouraging because they indicate that a

major element of the notification message is acted upon when it is worded clearly. The very

high response rate of the contacted donors ensured their concern for knowing their test result




[1] Stevenson, R. (2015, August 31). In Sweden, give blood and get a text.

Retrieved April 6, 2022, from


[2] Humanitarian Organization in the Philippines. Philippine Red Cross. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6,

2022, from

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