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Paper: EPA-04 Comparative and Development


1. Which committee in India, in its report raise the problem of

the criminalization of politics and the nexus among criminals,
politicians and bureaucrats- The Vohra Committee
2. What is the full form of NGO ? -Non-governmental
3. 'Making Democracy Work: Civic Tradition in Modern Italy'- Who
wrote this book-Robert Putnam
4. What is meant by 'Third Sector' in development ?-
Voluntary group and Grassroots people's organization
5. In which decade did New Public Administration
emerge ?- 1970s
6. Which factors were outlined by Max Weber as key
characteristics of bureaucracy? -Both A and B
7. Who first coined the term'Development
Administration' ? - U.L. Goswami
8. What is Joint Forest Management ? -Joint enterprise by
voluntary organization and forest department to protect
9. What is the full form of PRD ? Participatory Rural
10. With which theory was the concept of 'discourse
analysis of development' associated ? Post-
development theory
11. What does Good governance mean? -All of the
12. In which system has the term 'bureau' emerged
?- Diffracted system
13. Who classified the social system into agraria and
industria models ?- Fred Riggs
14. When was the term 'Development Administration'
used? -1955
15. Who constructed the theory of Time and Motion
study ?- Fredrick Taylor
16. To which feature is 'Social Capital' in
development administration related ? -All of the above
17. Development Administration is "action-oriented,
goal-oriented administrative system" - Who said this
?- Edward Weidner
18. What is the basis of the agrarian-industria model
of Fred Riggs? -Ecological Approach
19. From which decade did the concept of 'Governance'
gain currency instead of 'Government' ?- 1990's
20. Who was the exponent of scientific management
principles ?- Fredrick Taylor
21. What does Decentralization of administration ensure? -
Both A and B
22. What is the full form of PRA ?- Participatory Rural
23. What is the full form of CAG ?- Comparative Administration
24. 'Bowling Alone : The Collapse and Revival of American
Civic Community' — Who wrote this book ?- Robert Putnam
25. Who coined the word 'bureaucracy' ?- Vincent de Gourney
26. In which society the new and traditional structures co-
exist- Prismatic society
27. Who used the term 'informatic-energy model' in
Comparative Public Adminstration ?- Dorsey Jr.
28. Who is the author of 'Public Administration : A
Comparative Perspective' ?- Ferrel Heady
29. 'Administration in Developing Countries' - Who wrote
this book?- Fred Riggs

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