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Ukraine and other Ukraine showed Russia started the Invasion started on
Russian provinces interest to join the conflict saying that the 24th february
separated from western alliance it was a threat and 2022 and Russia's
Russia (NATO) they couldn't feel goal was to
safe "demilitarize and
de-nazify Ukraine.
Why did the war in
Ukraine start?
Relations between the two countries became hostile after the Ukrainian
revolution, which was followed by Russia's annexation of Crimea from
In 2014 there was a smaller war between Ukraine and Russia because of
the little peninsula Krin because most of the residents are Russians. To end
this war they made a treaty. Russia agreed that they won't attack Ukraine if
they stay away from NATO. Couple of years after the treaty Ukraine
president went to the USA to meet with the representatives of NATO. That
made Putin get angry. In the 2021 Ukraine decided to join NATO. After that
Putin decided to attack Ukraine
Present day
Already more than 6.5 million people have been forced
from their homes in Ukraine after the invasion of
Russian forces, which completes one month on
Thursday (24). The United Nations (UN) reported that
more than 3 million have left the country and estimates
that this number could reach 4 million. Mostly children,
adolescents and women arrive in neighboring countries
without their parents, partners, children, siblings or
friends. By martial law, Ukrainian men between 18 and
60 are forbidden to leave the Ukrainian territory.
Besides women who also chose to stay.

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