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As the nation's future generation
Why do we have to
who have not experienced fighting
and expelling invaders, we must maintain Indonesia's
defend the struggle and sacrifice of independence?
heroes, the heroes have laid a solid
foundation in the form of
independence, we must defend this
independence and fill it with
struggles in the form of filling and
coloring independence with
Why should we be mentally prepared to defend our
independence against economic colonialism?
Freedom means sovereignty,
economically we are not yet sovereign, the
economy still depends on imports, the
country's deficit is drained because of imports,
the trade balance is always a deficit, because
the value of imports is greater than the value
of exports
It is time for us to organize our
economy by applying economic independence,
empowering the people's economy, creative
economy, E commers, and sharia economy.
How to develop the nation's competitiveness as a
form of maintaining independence?

An independent nation is a nation

that can manage the country independently
without foreign interference, and is able to
compete with other nations. The independence
of this nation will quickly be realized if the
younger generation study hard and work hard,
transfer technology and build strategic
How can the younger generation transform knowledge as a
form of filling and maintaining Indonesian independence?

01 Master the knowledge well, implement the

knowledge that has been learned in life

02 Mastering technology by improving skills,

implementing skills in everyday life

03 Transfer the knowledge and technology that we

have to fellow children of the nation

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