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The meaning of the

proclamation for the

Indonesian nation

Why is the proclamation called

the culmination of the Indonesian struggle?
The struggle of the Indonesian people against and
expelling the Dutch, British and Japanese colonialism in
Indonesia has reached its peak in the reading of the text of
the proclamation. After reading the text of the proclamation, in
both de facto and de yure Indonesia has become independent,
Indonesia has been sovereign.
Discuss with your mate!

Why should the spirit of the proclamation

be stimulated?
The spirit of the proclamation must be increased,
so that the nation's successors do not become
complacent by the infiltration of foreign cultures
and forget about their own culture, so that the
spirit of unity and integrity can flare up like the
spirit of unity and integrity of the founders of
this nation.
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How to eliminate disharmony so that the value of the
proclamation can be implemented properly?
The biggest challenge for this nation is to
maintain the harmony of life as a nation and as a state
in the corridors of an independent state, President
Soekarno once said that “my struggle is lighter because
what I am facing is an invader, and your struggle will be
heavier because of your struggle against your own
nation”. All the nation's children must strengthen each
other, synergize with each other to fight national dividers,
radicalists, drug dealers and hoax news, Indonesia must be
sovereign with the youth as the support
How do you implement the
meaning of the proclamation?
Independence is an essential need of
every human being, Indonesian
independence has been pledged through
the Proclamation, so it is our obligation
to uphold the value of the Proclamation
by struggling, filling independence by
studying hard, working hard and
creating our own jobs to be sovereign

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