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Tests for Urine (Virtual)

Test Test for Procedure Positive Result

1 Benedict’s Sugar Sample + reagent + Green
heat →yellow→red
2 Fehling’s Sugar Sample + reagent + Green
heat →yellow→brick
red ppt
3 Heller’s Albumin Sample + reagent White ring

4 Sulfosalicylic Albumin Sample + reagent Whitish/cloudy

Acid turbid solution
5 Smith’s Bile salt Sample + reagent Green ring
6 Pettenkofer’s Bile salt Sample + reagent red
7 Rothera’s Ketone Sample + reagent Purple ring
8 Fouchet’s Bile pigment Sample + reagent Green/bluish
9 Hay’s Sulfur Bile pigment Sample + reagent Sulfur powder
Powder Test sinks
10 Na Urea Sample + reagent N2 evolves
11 Urease Test Urea Sample + phenol red Pink or red
+ Na2CO3 + HAc
12 Jaffe’s Creatinine Sample + picric acid Red solution
Method + NaOH

Summary of Tests from the Laboratory Manual:

I. Normal Organic Constituents

Test for Reaction/procedure Positive Result

1 Urea Urine sample + NaOH + bromine Evolution of N2 gas
2 Uric Acid Folin Phosphotungstic Acid Reaction Blue color
Na2CO3 + urine + reagent
3 Indican Obermeyer’s Test Blue or green CHCl3
Urine + reagent + CHCl3 layer
4 Hippuric Urine + Ca(OH)2 + HCl Hippuric Acid
Acid crystals
5 Creatinine Jaffe’s Picric Acid Reaction Red → yellow
Urine + picric acid + NaOH (acidified)

II. Pathological Constituents

Test for Reaction/procedure Positive Result
1 Acetone Rothera’s Test Deep purple color
Urine sample + (NH4)2SO4 +
2 Glucose Benedict’s Test Green →yellow →red
Reagent + urine + heat
3 Albumin Heller’s Ring Test Fluffy white ring at the
HNO3 + Urine junction of 2 layers
4 Albumin Coagulation Test With HOAc:
Urine + heat Turbidity
Turbidity = protein or PO4 Disappear (PO4)
Not disappear (protein)
5 Blood Modified Benzidine Test (optional) Blue or green color
Urine + NaOAc + reagent - Less than 10 mins
6 Bile Gmelin’s Test Green ring near acid
Pigments HNO3 + urine
7 Bile acids Pettenkoffer’s Test Red ring
and salts Urine + sucrose + H2SO4 Note: brown ring
(charring of sucrose)

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