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Bememben your grammar

Future forms

.1 Choose the correct future form in each sentence. 3 Choose the correct answer.
1 Dean will have finished this report by five 1 I am getting / will get a new company car -
otlock. it's all been arranged!
A future perfect B going to 2 While you were / are typing those letters, l'll
This time next month,lwill be working as a fire do this photocopying.
fighter! 3 No, I will not work / will have been working
A present continuous B future continuous for you tomorrow! ltt Sunday!

Shall I give you some advice about how to 4 What yo u are doing / are you going to do now
succeed with the interview? that you've graduated from university?
A present simple B future simple 5 I am moking / will have made my decision
about the position by the end of the week.
l'm not going to be in charge of a team in my
new job. 6 RelaxlThetrain to London doesn'tget/ is
getting in until four otlock.
A going to B future passive
5 When does your employer's plane arrive?
7 We're sure your application is being / will be
A present simple B future time clauses
8 You can't see Mr James today. He will be
6 Your car will have been repaired by six so you
having / will hove a meeting.
can stop by and pick it up.
A future simple B future perfect passive Complete the sentences about the future with
7 As soon as I get to the office, l'll text you. the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
A future time clauses B future perfect 1 As soon as I
8 We're meeting at the head office first thing (complete) my course, I will get
tomorrow morning. (get) a job.
A present continuous B future continuous 2l will phone (phone)you after
the interview ends (end).
Now match the sentences in Exercise 1 with She is going to feel (feel) happier
the uses below.
once she will have been passed (pass) her

tr an offer to help exams.

When I will have got
tr a fixed future arrangement
time job,l will be able
(get)a full-
(be able)
tr timetable future
to afford a car.
tr an action in progress at a time in the future
While you are witting (write)up
tr a future plan or intention your CV, I will be printing (print)the
tr present tense instead of future after a application form.
time linking word.or phrase I will not start (not start) looking
tr an event completed by a time in the for a job until will have find

future (active) (find) a new flat.

E un event completed by a time in the 7 By the time i’m working out

future (passive) (work out) the answer, the exam

--",- -,--} wouldn’t be finished (finish)!
Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in Look at the pictures, Use the notes
brackets. Be careful! ln some of the sentences, more than one and comparative forms to write
answer is correct. sente n ces.

,$iiffiiÍlifiilifr :i'',',' , -:.=

IIi Georse, é*ry

Asyouknow, I' (graduate) -. L .!
from university on 25ih May and I want to ask if you
(come) to my §raduation. The
ceremony (be$n) at three o'clock.
So. this is how I think the nexb yeatr 4
(go). In Ju1y, I . (move) j¡to a
super-cool flat in ttre \l[est End. I 6

(probably/ get) a part-time job No pay the rent. A-fter that, I'll
start sending out CVs and applyiIrg onllne forjobs at comedy
By the end of October, I 7............... (hire)
by the best London theatre as a superstar comedian,
and in November Iwjll have begun my career and
(do) gigs in London's best clubs I In
December, I will be making a huge salary a,nd wü probably be
So, that's nllryear aJI planned outl rf

Let me know about the graduation,

Bi]l : ^-:'=;Si','e/Dant

See Grammar File, page 138

-. _i::-
Complete the grammar notes with words from the box.
best far impressive many than the

Regular adjectives

Adjective Comparative Superlative

big bigger the biggest
-_ -.
happy happier than 2 h;ñ^ :i- --
more impressive than the most inic':.s .

lrregular adjectives
good betterthan the a

worse than the worst ,Ál

:'o further/farther than the furthesr
little less than the least
much/6..... more than the mos:
Ei Match the sentences (1-8) with the sentences "!¿

(A-H)that mean the same.

: -. Read the grammar notes and complete the
Nobody in the factory is as fit as that examples with is/isn't or ore/oren't.
;-'r My staff are less productive than they
were last year. tr I some,lots of , a lot of, plenty of + plural countable
,; What is more important than anything else , and uncountable nouns
to stay fit.
is tr a few, few, (not) many + plural nouns
He got the biggest bonus of all. tr 't a l¡ttle, tittte, (not) much + uncountable nouns
Young people aren't as fit as they once were. tr
She's one of the best-qualified students there many jobs for young people in
in the university. tr your area?
The more my staff earn, the less productive .¡ There much work today - you can take
they become. tr the afternoon off.
She is better-qualified than her brother. tr :, Few people left in the village; most of
them have gone to the city.
s, Young people are less fit than they were before.
E My staff are less productive if they earn more.
,.' There few kids in my class who want
to leave school at sixteen.
{ No one got a bigger bonus than he did.
.r Plenty of nutritious food essentíal for
D Very few ofthe other students are better- staying fit and healthy.
qualified than she is.
5 Some of the lorry drivers at work this
E He's the fittest person in the factory. week - they're on holiday.
F He isn't as well-qualified as his sister. .' Little information known about the
'L My staff are not as productive as they were a effects of stress on paramedics.
year ago. :r Did you know that there a Iot of vitamin
l"i The most important thing is to stay fit. C in green peppers?
:.ti .. . . there a little milk left to go in my tea?
Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first. i ¿l:

Choose the correct answer.

I Nobody in the class got better marks than me. , Lotsof /Afew information willbe made
I got ................ available to our customers.
I Cathyt new job is more diffrcult than the .r We can offer you flexible hours and much /
previous one. plenty of opportunities for advancement.
Cathyt previous job wasn't :: Little / A few of our sales assistants have
decided they will leave the company next year.
Tom's car isn't as fast as Sam's. , A lot of / little the equipment we received was
5am's car is ..... . ............. damaged.
This bike is less expensive than all the others. ::, There are some / much positions available at
This bike is the my advertising agency; shall I try and get you
an interview?

lrene and I are equally good at Maths.

, There's some / a fewwater left in the water
cooler if you're thirsty.
; lf you study harder, the work gets easier.
See Grammar File, page 139
The harder

See Grammar File, page 139

Beview youn vocabulary
I Choose the correct word or phrase, A, B, C or D, to complete the sentencer

1 A lot of students couldn't keep ................... with the 11 Tanya isn't as keen m job as Pam
class work and had to leave the course. is-

Aup Cin A assisting -furthe

C applying
Bon D back B attending D sryplying
2 By this time next year, I will have been working 12 Wdre meetingüEesüile-after lunch to
in the family for a decade. discuss selling qr ]ure.
;,ff A business C agency A warden C dert
:H ffi
B factory D warehouse
The job promises lots of ..................-ás lou will be in 13
B officer
You will be e¡eecedm&a
D agEnt
jff so

tú charge of the head office. you'll harre to get used b wHng long hours.
rtr A membership C staff A benefrE C mtilne
B fitness D responsibility B full-time O ffiys
4 Tony's yearly is less than Bobby's. 14 As soon as g* lE hg¡dr
fuIa , she'll
be qualified tioHt
A experience
B training
C salary
D qualifications A grade C dEgree -.
Helen is the best student in her class; I'm sure B mark D f,fiect
'15 Plen§ of or¡rsales-¡efrding
F* she'll ................... from university with top marks.
A graduate C revise serve you!
by to

iE% B apply D attend A workers C -.¡!fárXts

B helpen D nrürrers
There will be a lot of .................. in the shop before
Christmas, so we'll need exÍa staff. 16 As an employee*therprnrfef,,¡rou will be

Itr A assistants C instructors expected to and work at

B customers D accountants
lf you are interested in the job, please fill in
i**$ this form and send it to our recruitment
B with D ort
t#*tr department. 17 Employees are entftled t¡ ff- of 25o/a
it¡ A bonus C discount on all clothes ild dc.
iffi B overtime D application A receipt
B sale

,ffi Your................... for the new position is being held
on Friday.
A interview C appointment
1 8 You
A flexible
will receiue
C qffied
in January.

bonus D mrd
\% B
Shall I check and see if your medical
D post B free
19 I have to-fulqf @[ficyexams, so
5% up to date?
................... is
can't corne q¡tüigh.

h% A label C result A read Cbn

h% B insurance D exam B reüse f»*
10 Have you heard that Myers Inc. is going to 20 Het grctirg b sürt Et¡f {nl that
our company in the new year? makescqnPrftrpúli
A turn out C take over A agency Ctuy-
B count on D work out B gar4e D (t*
.rrr :, :. .,tr :rr:,:_ tt irr:ii ti,1.11

Match the halves of the sentences.

Are his qualifications as good tr good knowledge of the housing market.

The successful candidate will have been u selected by Friday.
His desk is much farther from the door tr lying on a beach this time next week?
Willyou be tr apply for the head office job.
As an estate agent you will need tr as the last applicant's?
She is the fastest tr typist in the office.
Plenty of people will tr than the manager's.
Job satisfaction is just as important tr as paid holidays and bonuses.

Read the blog entry and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.


is James H. Offa and I amr

My name
ol-dest child in a family of four. From the
time I was very young, I have always wanted
to be j-n the theatre. However. I've been to
plenty auditions where everybody else
was better 3 .................. me, and I've failed each
and every time to get a part! Next year, my
father retiring and he has asked me if
I would be interested in taking 5 . the
family business - years ago he started up a
haulage company, and he now has fifty lorries and three warehouses. Although this
job probably won't be exciting as acting. I think f,tl give it a try. f
can't quite bel-ieve that this time next year, f,ll 7 managing a team in
our head office! I guess that wil-l- mean that I'11 be dealing staff problems
and trying to work solutions to anything else which might go \^¡rong. f'm
not going to worry about the future too much, though and I'11- tell you why. My
dad will- be right beside me, and f know I'l_I be abl_e to count him for 10

assistance and advice every step of the way.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

We're sure vou By 2040, most factory jobs

(enjoy) working with us;you'll get great (do) by robots.
bonuses and plenty of paid holidays. As soon as Stan gets here, we
What do you mean you want to leave? ..... (begin) the meeting.
I (increase)your | .. ... (finish) sending these
salary if you stay. faxes by five otlock, Sir.
We won't start the interviews until allthe This time next week, my brother
applicants (arrive).
... (attend) an interview for
What is Margaret a position in Wales.
(tell) her boss about being late again?

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in capitals.

Good morning, children! Welcome to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory'

My name is Willy Wonka and I will be your tour guide for today. Now, the tou t'

for five more minutes, so let me take this time to NOT START

congratulate you all on finding one of the five Golden Tickets' As you know, I

next year, and l'll need a new manager. By the tinre RETIRE

today's tour ends, 13............................ the'winner'who willtake over cHoosE

the company for me. Now, PaY attention while I tell you what you
today.This is going to be so much funlViolet' DO
Your chewing-gum for You?
To continue, first, we are going to visit'The Chocolate Roomi l'm sure you
this room the best of all, AugustuslAfter our LOVE

Chocolate River Ride , we will go to'The Invent¡ng FINISH

Room'where you'llsee some of my greatest inventions.Then, on to'The Nut Room I

l,m afraid you 8 ..... . to go in there just now because the NOT ALLOW

squirrels and mustn't be disturbed. charlie, can't WORK

you hear me? sorry,I 10......................... louder. Finally, we are going SPEAK

to visit'The Television Room'where I keep my latest invention ...Television Chocolatel

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first' Use the word in capitals.
Use between two and five words.

The workers will have made hundreds of shirts No one in the company t)/pes as fast as Natalie.
by the end ofthe day. THE
BEEN Natalie... will have been made in the
will have been made company.
Hundreds of shirts
the workers by the end of the daY. The city council are going to hire more traffic
That's a lot of photocopylng! Do you want me wardens.
to help you? BY
SHALL More traffic wardens are going will have been m
. have been made
That's a lot of photocopying! .will the cit¡' 66¡ ntil
vou? My new secretary is not as r: i¿b e as my old
Students of architecture don't study for as long one.
as medical students. LESS

THAN My new sec'eta'! s

will have been made
will have been made
Medical students mi'old o^:
students of architecture. As my employe" g::s I l3' s^3 iinds the work
I will file these forms when I finish this call. more difficult.

I will file these forms will have been made The older m),' c : , =- will have been made
finish this call. s-: =- ls:-: ,',:'{',
Rep\ace the underlined parts with the correct form Choose the best response to each question.
of a phrasal verb from the box.
Don't you find it cold in here?
come up with count on deal with Will you be staying long, sir?
keep up withtake on lsn't he the best employer in the world?
take oven turn out work out
Will I be in the office much? T
l'll have these fifty letters typed by the morning
Shall I help you with these files? tr
When are you seeing your employer
- you can deoend on me!
You'll never solve the answer to that Maths
about your bonus? tr
problem. You're the nicest person in the world!
Who produces more chocolate, Hershey's or He's not as good as my old one.
Yes, l'll close the window.
Will you be hiring any new firefighters in the near
As soon as possible.
future, Sir?
As soon as the meetings are finished, l'll be
Dad knows all the latest about business
checking out.
news because it helps him with his work.
You'll have plenty of opportunities to travel.

As soon as you think of a plan for me to make a

million pounds, give me a call!
An international company is getting control of my
uncle's business next winter.
As part of your new job, you will be managing the
customer complaints.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

One of the benefits of this job is that your medical

My wife is starting up a business;she's always loved cooking. CATER
Your salary is non - there can be no change to our offer of f1 000. NEGOTIATE
Well,ldon't have much experience but my are excellent. QUALIFY
Shop at Frank's Furniture; guaranteed! SATISFY
l'm opening a company and my lorries will travel all over the uK. HAUL
There are plenty of agencies in the area if you want to sell your gym
equipment. ADVERTISE
After I graduate, my brother and I are going to take over the family BUSY
Joe is good at writing; he should become a JOURNAL
Gilly runs a accountancy business. SUCCESS




Choose the correct word, A, B, C or D, to complete the sentences.

We offer a great salary and a friendly The more mone)v' ¡¡ake more popular I

environment. become.
job overtime a this
working annual the so

lf you can't up with the other workers, Carl is the impcrtanl person in the office
you'll have to leave. - he just makes the te¿"

keep count least i!:U Í

roll take I ess llL: !-

Ican't believe you'll be earning than me As as he geis io ihe cifice, he checks his
after we graduatel emails.
much many soon i3 si
little more quick ea r1y,

I recommend that you take this job; you get you an ¡pp cailon form from the

won't get a better offer. shop where I i,,',crk,-

heavily highly Would Shall
widely strongly Am \\/o n t

Read the horoscopes and decide if the parts underlined are grammatically correct or not. lf they are,
write T forTrue, if not write F for False.

December 31 (HAPPY NEWYEAR'S EVE!)

Virgo Libra
ln the new year, you'll have an important part
This year is going to be ---r
to play both at home and in the workplace. You 6 good than it gets
for you, Libral Many
will have felt lots of emotions over the next
year, 3 the best being love, a the worse being new doors'will been e g I
, frustration. But in between, opened for you in the
vou'll oet s olentv of workplace, and you'll
i' satisfaction from your daily make many newfriends as tc- : *c :-=
tasks. A word of advice: your ladderof success. Bythis ii-= ^:¡i ",t3' .,r;
.. maturity, honesty and sense 8
will have achieved ma.i c'..: -- :-::-:
,. of responsibility will make One thing to remember: ' :! -_.!_l -_l
i the difference between neverfind true happinE:s --: .: - :-:
.' success and failure. going to find your tru€ ., =

Decidewhichof thefourunderlinedwords/phrasesineach sentence is ircc'":::

You're retiring next month? What have you be

doing this time next year?
Stanley is much smarter than me, but until
he gets more training l'm still the better at
l'm seeing my boss tomorrow, so l'll be texting
you as soon as I know where he's going to send
The quicker that builder works, the most -
- ,:rk, but
energetic he becomes.
Complete the sentences with words for jobs. All the Choose the sentence, A, B, C or D, which is
letters are given, but they are mixed up. closest in meaning to the sentence given.

Our offices will be completed by the 15'h.

Being a is a difficult ugesonr
We'll finish the ofñces on the 15'h.
and responsible job, butyou earn a
lot of money. The offices have been completed.
We are just completing the offices.
My dad is a ... .. ........................... , so we mprlube
They will have completed our offices on
don't have to worry when our
or before the 15th.
washing machine goes wrongl
Some people are pleased with their new
Dan Rather is the best snedwreaer contracts, but not many.
on American TV; he's honest and Plenty of new contracts have pleased
very influential. people.

Being a is more apaicrmed A lot of people are pleased with their

dangerous than being a nurse in a new contracts.
hospital. Only a few people are pleased with
their new contracts.
My brother is going to be a saloci
There are lots of new contracts and
when he graduates; he orwker
many of them please people.
wants to help bullied teens.
New staff will be hired once we move into
We are seeing the chitecart our new building.
later; the plans for our new house
We will hire new staff and then move
are ready.
into our new building.
Don't park here or the ctffrai First we'll move into our new building
will give you a ticket. rwadne and then we'll hire new staff.
The staff will hire people to move us
He's a so he's used to orlyr
into the new building.
driving long distances. rirdve
As soon as we hire new staff, we'll move
into the new building.
Read the article and think of the word which
Will you have finished the report by noon?
best fits each space. Use only one word in each
Have you finished the report?
Shall I finish this report for you at noon?
Take responsibility Will the report be finished by noon?

Are you one of those people who think that the Willyou be working on the report at
future has already been planned out? Or are you, like noon?
biggest percentage of people, one of those The older you get, the more immature you
who believe that we choose our own destinies? become!
my opínion, we are all responsible for our You'll be more mature when you are
own lives; it is up to each and every one of us to older.
come 3 with a plan, work what we'll You get more mature as you age.
need to do to achieve this plan and then stick to it.
You're older and you're more mature
Of course there are going s be lots
than you used to be.
times when we don't get what we want - life's like
that sometimes. Howevet in those situations we will As you get older, you get more
just have to deal the disappointment and immature.
get on with it I we finally manage to succeed.
Choose the correct word, A, B, C or D, to complete Complete the secorrd sentence so that it has
the sentences. a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in
All sales must be friendly and polite to
customers. lf you work hard, the- \ 3- :-.onne more
assist assistance assistants successfu l.

You're going to have plenty of if you decide MORE

to join our team. The harder you tt,ori.l

responsibility responsible irresponsible
Her degree in Physics is just one of her many Some, but not man\/ n':- c:rs of staff will
take paid holidays.
qualified q ualify qua lifications FEW

The computer company is having a ...... day for Paid holidays

university students.
recru it recruiter recruitment Kevin has been here lon¡e r i¡an Pete and
My instructor says l'll be able to take part ¡n
the race at the weekend. THE

fitness ñt fitted Out of the three workers. Ke,,, n

some make-up have spent years training

for their job, This shop isn't as nice as the one l'll be
working in next week.
art artists artful
The best thing about being a journalist is the
flexible hours. The shop l'll be worklng n next tveek
work worked working
The government is goinE tc hire more social
You'llfind an form online;complete it and
application applicant apply
More social worke's

Thereisn'ta betterc - : - .-= 3'ea.

This is

Look at the
photographs and ask and ans,,,,,er
the questions rvitl-r a pi ":ner.

Whatlvill ci:: :: "= ". -- --l

What klncs :'" : : t '. :: -: = be doing
in fifty ye.:: : -:-
Whatare'l-:: =- -) .- ::-i kein
the futur:
Do you i' -- :-:'--.-'a :: cetteror
worse tha- :-= :'=i: - .- ', - , -

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