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DATE: August 25, 2022

TIME: 10:30 am
VENUE: Col. Andres and Doña Beatriz School Gymnasium
ATTENDEES: (See attached list)

A. Adjustment inside 1 Mr. Lordino G. Antonio, the school principal, started the meeting
the classroom with 2 by mentioning the DepEd order in view of the adjustments of the
regards to the social 3 number of students inside the classroom and the standard classroom
distancing 4 size. He also mentioned that there should still be social distancing
5 inside the classroom with the maximum amount of 40 students in a
6 7 meters by 9 meters standard classroom size. But with the number
7 of 1161 enrolled students the maximum number of students per
8 classroom may exceed.
9 For this reason, the principal presented a proposed division of set A
10 and set B of students per week. (See attached photo)
12 After enumerating the contents of the groupings, Mr. Marino R.
13 Cudia, a grade 10 adviser asked how the students should be divided
14 for set A and set B. The Principal suggested that the division of
15 students should be by barangay for the reason that most of the
16 students in the same barangay has the same ride or “sundo”. But
17 Ms. Emerita Lerry Guzman, a grade 9 adviser, opposed the division
18 per barangay since most of the students came from the neighboring
19 barangays and the students may be congested in the classroom.
20 As Mr. Artemio Rey A. Balucas, a grade 8 adviser, suggested for
21 the body for a better idea, Ms. Rosalyn Ramones, a grade 7 adviser,
22 asked if she may not have a groupings for her class because even
23 though her class exceeds the maximum number of students, her
24 class is still manageable.

25 With this suggestion, all grade level coordinators from the junior
26 high school presented their subordinates’ problems. Starting from
27 the grade 8 grade level coordinator, Ms. Rhea Mae Joy Garma, she
28 presented that her colleague, Ms. Princess Alexi M. Ariola, has 49
29 students in a smaller sized classroom, for this reason all grade 8
30 advisers agreed to divide and have the excess students which led to
31 43 students for Miss Ariola’s class. The same strategy was made by
32 the grade 9 advisers for Mr. Eric Español’s class. This suggestion led to an agreement that
33 there will be no groupings of set A and set
34 B for the junior high school. And the
35 senior high school will talk about this
36 matter on a separate meeting with the
37 senior high school coordinator.
B. Announcement 38 After the first problem has been resolves. The principal mentioned
39 that there will be no class on August 29, 2022.

40 The principal also mentioned that there will be visitors on the day
41 of August 25 or August 26 who will administer the conduct of face-
42 to-face classes of the school.
C. Requests 43 Mr. Jemer B Fernandez, the senior high school coordinator,
44 mentioned that three (3) advisers have table sets used in their
45 classrooms and due to the physical growth of students, the
46 students do not fit on their chairs. With this reason, Mr.
47 Fernandez requested to exchange the table sets to armchairs.
48 Before the principal agreed to this request,
49 he mentioned the acting supply officer,
50 Mr. Roger Dumo, to have rounds around
51 the senior high school buildings to check
52 the classrooms.
D. Proper Etiquettes 53 The Principal stated that as he visited the classrooms during the first
and Proper Clothing 54 day of school. He mentioned and reminded the students to have and
55 revive courteousness among students to their teachers as well as
56 their schoolmates.

57 He also pointed out that during his rounds he observed that there are
58 female students who still wear cropped tops. He reminded the
59 teachers to remind the students to avoid wearing cropped tops
60 inside school premises and wear proper or decent clothes instead.

61 Proper hair cut is also addressed during the meeting and the
62 principal said that students who are members of the LGBTQ+ that
63 have breasts due to pill intakes can remain their long hairs and cross
64 dress as long as it follows the proper dress code of the school. Male
65 students are not compelled cut their hair but teachers can encourage
66 them to do so. The principal also mentioned to wait for the student
67 council to be voted for they will be the one who will create such
68 rules and therefor be followed by the students.

69 The principal also observed there are students who uses “ma-ma”,
70 he pointed out that it is fine to do such as long as the teachers may
71 remind these students the proper place to spit and not spit
72 everywhere.
E. Enrollment Matters 73 Mrs. Guzman asked the principal for the last day of enrollment. The
74 principal answered that the last day of enrollment was August 22,
75 2022 but the school can still accept late enrollees. He also
76 mentioned that he will review the transferees from regular high
F. ESP and PSA 77 The Guidance Councilor, Mrs. Judy Ann S. Rodriguez, mentioned
matters 78 the deadline of the reports needed to be done for the Present
79 Situation Analysis (PSA) to be conducted by the ESP teachers as
80 she presented to the body the guidelines and proceedings for the
81 matter, the principal stated that the PSA should not be rushed but
82 must be done well and should be conducted with a reliable report
83 instead of a non-realistic report.
G. Other Concerns 84 1. Designated Areas for Cleaning.
85 i. Designated Area Coordinator, Mrs. Gemma P. Reyes,
86 read the designated areas to the body and provided
87 copies for each head teacher.
88 (See attached photo for list of designated areas and the school
89 map.)
90 ii. Mrs. Rowena L. Andres reminded the advisers from the
91 top floors of the four-story building to tell their students
92 to not throw garbage through their windows.

93 2. Check Wirings
94 i. The principal called upon the supply officer and check
95 the buildings for wirings and electricity.
97 3. Congestion of students when going home
98 i. To avoid overcrowding of students when going home.
99 The principal reminded the teachers that there are
100 designated stair exit for each grade level or section.
102 He mentioned that the designated exits
103 should be followed to avoid
104 overcrowding.
105 4. School ID
106 i. Due to the scholarship provided by the DSWD that
107 requires the students to show their school ID.
108 The school will provide the IDs to the
110 students. The principal stated in
111 advance that the teachers will be the
112 one who will take the photos of the
113 students with a palmera green
114 background and students should wear
a white t-shirt.
5. Comfort Rooms
i. Teacher from the junior high school reminded the
teacher in-charge of comfort rooms should not lock
their designated comfort rooms due to students
overcrowd because on one or two restrooms are open.
ii. Due to lack of tidiness and overflowing of water on
most of the comfort rooms, the designated teacher for
the comfort rooms are compelled to lock their doors.
For this reason, the teacher in-charge of comfort rooms
requested for them to have a schedule of cleaners per
week. The teachers from the junior high
school that faces these problems
129 agreed to have a weekly schedule of
130 cleaners.
131 6. Schedule of Trash Disposal
132 -Mr. Alvin Acpal is in-charge of the
133 MRF.
134 -The principal stated that before 7:30
135 am the garbage bins should be empty.
136 -The principal also mentioned that
137 teachers should remind students to
138 dispose their trash properly. He also
mentioned that burning of plastics and
141 plastic bottles is strictly prohibited.
142 7. Action Plan
143 -The action plans submitted by the
144 teachers in the district office that are
145 subject for approvals will be follow-
146 upped by the principal to the district
147 office.
148 8. LAC Sessions
149 i. The principal mentioned that there will be series LAC
sessions of teachers.
150 The principal asked the body if there are more questions. The
body has no questions.
Adjournment 152 The meeting adjourned at exactly 12:03 pm.

Prepared by: Certified Correct: Approved:


Teacher II Teacher III/SHS Coordinator School Principal II

Head Teacher III

Head Teacher V


Head Teacher III
School Map and Designated Areas for Cleaning

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