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Port A —_— BIRLA I ° ‘A INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, PILANE First Semester, 2021-22, MATH F111 : Mathematien! prehensive Examination (New Academic Schedule) Date: April 25, 2022 Max Marks: 120 ‘Time:3 Hours 1. The i peer Sy eee consists of two parts. Part A (Closed Book) is of 60 Marks & 90 Minutes B (Open Book) is of 60 Marks & 90 Minutes. Attempt questions of Part A and Part ‘on two separate answer sheets. 2. Answer she ‘Answer sheet aud question paper of Part B shall be given only ater the submission of Part A answer sheet. Late submission of Part A is not allowed. On the top right corner of the frst answer sheet, write Part A, and on the second answer sheet, write Part By 3. Begin solution of each question on a new page, and answer the parts (if any) of each question imuontinnation, Calvulator is not allowed. Write End atthe last attempted solution in act answer sheet, Use ball point pen only for writing the solution and drawing the diagrams Max Time: 90 Min Part-A Closed Book Max Marks: 60 eX _g)Find the are length of the curve traced out by the endpoint of the vector-valued function r(t) = 2ti+Intj+@k, forl t= 314 _n da . now dee (8) a0 & SEH) 0 2CoSt - 2sin2t 2O05E TE -7sint + 72¢es2t . 18 (3%) 2 Him - We 423% Siem -15int- uy coset - t0°% ~2 cost - 4sindt pohieh does not exist « eC. oF the bamyent Ime ‘Th | ~ undosined : 0 at 4 31% 15 } — 2 Maxnks a+ ‘ ooek z Co) a(t) = 2Ztitsrts® ) sor 4 jee - 2 - += 54+4t J 5+ 46% The Cunvet wre 18 4 oo ee isa ( cin (34%) ain (4X) (os(10xt) ® 2): ’ 2D soon | Sin (84% ein any)» (10 0] a (vext yy) = SEE aoe > [usr 0 + (on) C )| = nt) doc nat varnish _ son’ [ 7 on. thre nx) Sin (any) (oA (lo As os tt cn cancelled, gon “ain ar 4 ae @ 2 quertfen 2.(b) A ee ao 3 ; (x =F (99) $0mrd) = a2cty iy dee fivet piece of f fs a vattnal defined every ahere except at the origin, henec continuous a pt othe. thon on _ OH) Crum. avof olen, continvovs » deno eo at pls obher thon engin 5 2. .252 L Sine <, x & 2x+) > xy br we kno that wi by the Syverze Lye owe) he oo)c lt, lim ei. =o but fl? (4,7) (49) ‘ yt ct of paints ( Corfnvo) < \ (a) | wo 9) x, (22) 2 \y°/ for (xd) F / ap = (™)) 2 (4? r 30, £ ig day aC? Overtin 2(¢) de A ee er za lef Us ary , Ne ay Line joining (1,0) 2 (0,71) 18 aoe «tf ov vel ~() ‘ ( 6-2) ard (4,0) Une amin se" : ot @ lan i X a. (aft) ig oN Line ne (1,0) and (2,0) js z =) ere line on (9-1) are (%)-2) js “xp .e@ UtVeo —# J Tranpformed pn G tn UV plane ig “Vv ee we 2 =e > / g Din _ pve) i = u Yo. z =, a= a Yo oY vo Ir) = aig a “(feria = i R Nv 2 tf rel! Questim 2(4 on the tnfersectton of eo elt 3 Bee an re f =) 2% 3, => dan? + 40 the ourface li tp the conte $ = "y -(f) Gr) be (E°%)/ vey tn D stebaateria OF rR fo Be PCD le wv dzdr4@ = a s an on Mee dpd¢de R loseeP cing , oe ty pamper + Ef AE Alp © Open Book BIRLA INSTI F TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, PILANI First Semester, 2021-22 MATH F111 : Mathematics-I Compre 1. Find the critical points of f(«,y) = a” siny — a and classify them. (8] 2. A rectangular garden is to be constructed using a wall as one side of the garden and wire fencing for the other three sides. Given 100 meters of wire fencing, determine the dimensions that would create a garden of maximum area. What is the maximum area? (7] Solution 1. We need to solve f(x,y) =0 and fy(x,y) = 0, ie., 327 siny—1=0, x? cosy = 0. @ From the 2nd equation, we have either = 0 at a critical point. Case I: If « = 0. This case gives us no critical points, since Ist equation becomes —1 = 0, which is impossible) Case II: If cosy = 0, then y = 8 for some odd integer n. If n = 4k —1, then siny = —1 and Ist equation becomes 3x + 1 = 0, which is impossible. If n = 4k — 3, then siny = 1 and Ist equation becomes 3x? — 1 = 0, which is true when « = ) and (- 4S ). where f is any integer. (4) = Sexy ~ Sey Syx = (Gx siny)(— Thus all the critical points: ( ‘To classify these critical points, calculate x sin y) — (3? cos y)(3x2 cosy) = 6x4 sin? y — 924 cos? y at (+ a A( + Fg, AGB") = —3(< 0), so each critical point must be a saddle point. 2. Let a denote the length of the side of the garden perpendicular to the wall and y denote the length of the side parallel to the wall. Thus 2e + y= 100 =} y = 100 — 2x Area of the garden A = ‘y = x(100 — 2x) = 2x(50 — xr). Since sides and area must be positive (i.e., y > 0 and A> 0), we must have x < 5 ® We do not know that a function necessarily has a maximum over an open interval. However, continuous function has an absolute maximum over a closed interval. Therefore, consider A(x) = 2x(50 — x) over the closed interval (0,50). If the maximum value occurs at an interior point, then we have found the value « in the open interval (0,50) that maximizes the area of the garden. A(x) =0 =} 100-42 =0 =>} x = 25 is the only critical point. Moreover, A” = —4(< 0). Thus max occur when « = 25. Then we have y = 100 — 2x = (D in iy a “To hove the The area of the garden is =n") ‘ Be ona arty ie Luis 2 1 ne 1 au : ) +g + 2° 5 9(4,5,2)= ote y 44 24 Ts Ay Cea, 29, 221, Avg = C4 ary AA iii Coase - 1. 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