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Read it cleary
1. Otorhinolaryngologist
2. Anemony
3. Squirrel
4. Istmus
5. Worcestershire
6. Anathema
7. Antarctic
8. Brewery
9. Cavalry
10. Defibrillator
11. Detoriorate
12. Explicit
13. February
14. Ignominious
15. Often

Tongue Twister
(Strictly 3 tries only)
1. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
2. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
3. Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear
4. If a dog chews shoes , whose shoes does he choose?
5. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fun , was he?
6. Tom threw tim three throws
7. Thin sticks , thick bricks (3x)
8. She sees cheese (3x)
9. Four fine fresh fish for you
10. Pre- shrunk silk shirts (3x)
Direction: Watch the movie (Rapunzel) and answer the following.

1. Rapunzel takes what item out of her house for protection?

a. broom
b. paint brush
c. frying pan
d. guitar
2. What is Rapuzel’s dream?
a. to have a party
b. to see the floating lanterns gleam
c. to leave her tower
d. to find true love
3. Fill in the blank: FLOWER GLEAM AND GLOW. LET YOUR _________ SHINE.
a. magic
b. dream
c. gold
d. power
4. When Rapunzel sings what does her hair do?
a. twist
b. glow
c. spark
5. Rapunzel does all of the following to pass the time in her tower except?
a. knit
b. yoga
c. read
d. sketch
6. What does Rapunzel make for pascal to wear?
a. a dress
b. a hat
c. a shoes
d. a pants
7. What kind of shoes does Rapunzel wear?
a. boots
b. heels
c. flats
d. she doesn’t wear shoes
8. What emblem is the symbol of Rapunzel’s kingdom?
a. the moon
b. a flower
c. the sun
d. a star
9. What stolen object did Rapunzel hide from flynn?
a. frying pan
b. crown
c. jewel
d. magic flower
10. What does Flynn Rider call rapunzel when they meet?
a. long hair
b. princess
c. sweetheart
d. blondie
11. What happened when Mother Gothel cut a section of Rapunzel’s hair?
a. it turned brown but kept its magic
b. nothing
c. it turned brown and lost its magic
d. it stayed blonde, but lost its magic
12. Why did Mother Gothel want Rapunzel’s hair and the power it possessed?
a. to keep her young
b. to cure his sickness
c. to get into her tower
d. she thought it was pretty
13. What is Rapunzel’s pet’s name?
a. maximus
b. roder
c. henry
d. pascal
14. What is Flynn Rider’s real name
a. eugene fitz
b. eugene fitzherbert
c. fitz herbert
d. flynn rider
15. Why does Flynn go into Rapunzel’s tower?
a. to sleep
b. to ask for direction
c. hoping to find food
d. to hide
16. What was the deal Rapunzel made with Flynn?
a. if he took her to the castle, she would let him go
b. if he took her to see the stars and returned her home safely, she would give him back
his satchel
c. if he took her to see the stars, she would let him go
d. if he took her to see the foating lights and returned her home safely, she would give
him back his satchel
17. What did Flynn find so upsetting about the wanted posters of him?
a. there wasn’t enough of them
b. he didn’t want people to know what he look like
c. they just couldn’t get his nose right
d. they had his name wrong
18. What happens when Rapunzel gives Flynn back the satchel?
a. he keeps it and kidnaps Rapunzel
b. he takes off
c. he gives it to the Stabbington Brothers
d. he gives it to the Stabbington Brothers and they become partners again
19. Who tells Rapunzel she’s the lost princess?
a. flynn
b. she figures it out on her own
c. mother gothel
d. the stabbington brothers
20. How does Mother Gothel die?
a. in afight with the castle guards
b. she falls out of a window
c. she ages and turns to dust
d. she doesn’t die
21. Finish the Quote: ‘THE WORLD IS DARK AND ____ AND _____. IF IT FINDS EVEN
a. scruel, selfish, tiniest
b. selfish, mean, smallest
c. selfish, cruel, slightest
d. cruel, selfish, slightest
a. fantasy, really
b. nightmare , quite
c.blur , truly
d. tower , actually
a. wonderful
b. cool
c. interesting
d. funny
24. What reason does Mother Gothel give Rapunzel in explanation of why she cant leave the
a. its dangerous outside
b. people wont understand her powers
c. she isn’t old enough
d. there is someone looking for her outside
25. Finish the lyrics: _____what has been hurt, change the fates’ design. Save what has been
______ bring back what once was _____.”
a. fix, broken, whole
b. heal,lost, mine
c. fix , lost, alive
d. heal, broken, mine

Direction: Underline the errors in the following sentences and encircle the correct words in the
choices below the sentence. 2pts each.

1. An important part of my life have been the people who stood by me.
(is, has, had)
2. The two best things about the party was the food and the music.
(were, are, is)
3. She was afraid from cats.
(in, on ,of)
4. His name was inscribed by the book.
(is, in , on)
5. My birthday is on November.
(to, in, on)
6. Alex is married with a doctor.
(on, to, the)
7. We went in a trip last month
(on, to, in)
8. John failed from chemistry last week.
(a, to, in)
9. It has been snowing from Sunday.
(on, since, in)
10. His car is superior to mine.
(to, in,than)
11. The customer was in time for the meeting.
(on , in, a)
12. I agree with your proposal.
(on, to , with, youre)
13. I congratulate you for your success.
(youre, to, in , on)

Don't ask _______ you don't wanna know

Learned my _______ way too long ago

To be talking to you, _______

_______ a taken a break, not an _______ comma

Take what I want when I wanna

And I want ya

_______, bad news

One of _______ is gonna lose

I'm the _______, you're the fuse

Just add some _______

You _______ my strange addiction

You are _______ strange addiction

My _______ can't explain

My _______ or my _______

But you are my _______ addiction

I'm really, really sorry

I think I was just r _______ to see that _______ got his confidence back

Yeah, _______, that movie is _______

It's like, one of the best _______ I've ever seen in my life

Deadly _______, please don't ever break

Be my _______ 'cause I don't self medicate

And it burns like a gin and I like it

Put your _______ on my skin and you might _______ it

_______, but I know how to hide it, kinda like it

Read the story and Answer the following questions below.
The story follows the experiences of a mongoose named Rikki tikki tavi (after his
chattering vocalizations) after he becomes the pet of a british family residing in India as
protection agains cobras. He becomes friend with some of the other creatures inhabiting the
garden and is warned of the cobras Nag and Nagaina, who are angered by the family’s presense
on their territory.
Accordingly, Nag enters the house’s bathroom before dawn to kill the humans and make
Rikki tikki tavi leave, so that their babies will grow up in a safe place. Rikki attacks Nag from
behind him in the bathroom; the ensuing struggle awakens the family, and Rikki kills Nag with
one bite in the back of Nag’s neck.
The grieving Nagaina attempts revenge agains the humans , concerning them as they
have breakfast on an outdoor veranda. She is distracted by a female tailor bird, while Rikki
destroys the cobra’s unhatched broods of eggs,except for one. He carries it to bite little Teddy,
while his parents watch helplessly.
Nagaina recovers her egg but it pursued by Rikki away from the house to the cobra’s
underground nes,t where an unseen final battle takes place. Rikki emerges triumphant from the
hole, declaring Nagaina dead. With the immediate threat defeated, Rikki dedicates his life to
guarding the garden, where no snake dares to enter

Matching type. Write the letter of your answer in the space provided.
A. he wants to kill Teddy’s
1. Why does Nag hide in the bathroom? _____ father when he comes to the
bathroom in the morning
2. What did Darzee do that helped Rikki B. Nagaina grab her last egg
but angered Nag? ______
C. Because he knows that the
3. Who wrote Rikki Tikki Tavi ?______ family will never be safe until
Nagaina and her eggs are
4. What does nagaina grab before she goes D. Rudyard Kipling
down to her underground nest?______
5. Why does Rikii Tikki follow Nagaina E. He warned Rikki Tikki that
down into her underground nest?______ Nagaina was attacking
6. Who did Rikki Tikki protect in the story?_____ F. Rikki Tikki protected Teddy
and his family
MULTIPLE CHOICE . Encircle the letter of your answer.

7. Where is the setting of the story?

a. china
b. india
c. indonesia
d. malaysia
8. Who is the main character of the story?
a. Rikki Tikki Tavi
b. Teddy
c. Family
d. Nagaina
9. What is mongoose’s motto, according to this story?
a.the hole might open up or widen
b. run and find out
c. at a bungalow in india
d. a cat and a weaset
10. The birds and the frogs in the garden rejoice at the end of the story because they are
a. the hole might open up or widen, allowing the cobra to turn and strike
b. rikki tikki follows Nagaina into the hole
c. overjoyed that the snakes are dead
d. take action when their husbands falls
11. Which of the following events causes the war in the story?
a. the hole might open up or widen, allowing the cobra to turn and strike
b. the cobra’s want to kill rikki tikki before he kills them
c. overjoyed that the snakes are dead
d. take action when their husbands falls
12. Why is it unwise for a mongoose to follow a cobra in a hole?
a. the hole might open up or widen, allowing the cobra to turn and strike
b. the cobra’s want to kill rikki tikki before he kills them
c. overjoyed that the snakes are dead
d. take action when their husbands falls
13. Which event directly leads up to rikki tikki’s living in the house with Teddy and his parents?
a. rikki’s battle cry or Onomatopoeia
b. he instinctively knows how to fight them
c. a summer flood washes rikki out of his burrow
d. he warned rikki that nagaina was attacking
14. Why is rikki tikki not afraid of fighting snakes?
a. rikki’s battle cry or Onomatopoeia
b. he instinctively knows how to fight them
c. a summer flood washes rikki out of his burrow
d. he warned rikki that nagaina was attacking
15. Who is the writer of the story?
a. ernest hemingway
b. stephen king
c. charles dickens
none of the above

TRUE OF FALSE: write true if the statement is correct and write false if the statement is

_______16. What is Rikki Tikki in the story? ---- Rikki battle cry or Onomatopoeia
_______17. Darzees wife and Nagaina are simli because they both------ take action when their
husbands fail.
_______18. The climax of the story occurs when ------ take action when their husbands fail.
_______19. Where is Rikki Takki Tavi set? -------- at a bungalow in india
_______20. According to the story, what to animals is a mangoose like? ------ run and find out
_______21. Teddy is an animal
_______22. Rikki is a fighter and wiling to give up his life for teddyand her family.

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