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Day 1:

Derendil the Elf: As the group delves into the Underdark, Prince Derendil speaks
of his great elven kingdom. His story has some inconsistent elements. He claims the
elf king has a great curly mustache.

Stool Bonding: Stool is scared and sticks to his favorite PC very closely. The
group finds some Tongues of Madness (page 23) growing on a wall.

Rockfall: Toward the end of the day, there's a rockfall. DC 12 DEX save, 10
damage on a fail. Those who are buried take d6 per turn until they are dug out. A
carrion crawler attacks, attracted by the commotion.

Day 2:

Gamblor’s Neon Claws: Jimjar bets a PC that he can find more food when
foraging on this day. He gambles rations of food and water.

Faerzress: The group enters tunnels suffused with faerzress, weird dim light
tainted by the demon lords. When a spell is cast, the caster has a 1 in 20 chance of
a wild surge. The faerzress distresses Shuushar greatly. Remember that because
the heroes are spending more than 8 hours in the faerzress, they will need to make
madness checks.

Mientras siguen en Faerzress encontrarán de frente en uno de los túneles a un

grupo de drow que vuelven hacia Velkynvelve desde Sloobludop

Los drow llevan cada uno raciones y agua para 2 días, además de sus armas y

Day 3:

Narrow Tunnel: The tunnel becomes so thin that the group must travel single file.
The walls are lined with Ormu (page 23), shedding dim green light.

Orc Bully: Ront the orc can't stand the close quarters and begins berating the
group leader for bringing them this way.
Sneaky Twins: During the night, a PC notices Topsy and Turvy nervously
whispering to each other.

Day 4:

Dwarf Heart A-Flutter: Eldeth flirts with a PC.

Silken Paths: The group comes upon The Silken Paths (page 31). It's a network
of spiderwebs crisscrossing a 500 feet deep chasm. The group is going to have to
cross it to continue on their journey.

There's a number of encounters:

1. Guides: Goblin webrunners Yuk Yuk and Spiderbait offer to be guides for 2

2. Large Arachnids: Giant spiders messing with a cocoon that has a

still-living halfling named Fargas Rumblefoot trapped inside.

3. Spectator: They meet a spectator who warns the group that 'demons are
rising in the dark'.

4. Loot Surprise: There's a chest stuck in the webbing! It turns out to be a

mimic. During the battle, a web strand breaks under a hero's feet. DC 15
DEX save fail = fall d10 x 10 feet and feet entangled in webs and

Day 5:

Sloping Tunnel: The tunnel the heroes are in clearly slopes downward, causing
great dismay. The tunnel is lined with patches of Nilhogg's nose (page 23).

Fish Evangelist: Shuushar speaks of pacifism and enlightenment. He rambles on

a bit about Sloobludop and someone named "Plooploopleen" (the archpriest the
heroes are likely to meet in chapter 3).
Day 6:

Dead Bandito: The path opens into a large cavern with massive stalactites. The
area is dotted with timmasks (page 23). They find an uprooted timmask and a dead
bandit neat it. He was stabbed to death (uprooting the mushroom created a cloud
which put the bandit under a confusion spell. He attacked his fellow bandits and was

Ambush: While the group is camped for the night, 4 bandits and their leader
attack. They are also surface dwellers who are now lost in The Underdark, trying to
find Blingdenstone - they heard there's an exit there. The leader has 70 gp in gems
and is touched by madness.

Day 7:

Oozing temple

Assassination Attempt: The group travels on a ledge. On one side, it drops off
into a void. Buppido becomes sweaty. If he can get a PC away from the group, he
will try to shove them over the side and claim it was an accident.

If you plan stuff out like this by rolling in advance, that lets you organize things so
they're more coherent. You can also foreshadow events and avoid weird hiccups -
many of the random encounters don't really work too well if they occur at night.

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