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VinaTeach English Free Talk

TOPIC: At the Supermarket

What comes to mind when you hear the word “supermarket”?

Do you like supermarkets?

Make a sentence using one of these words:

1. dairy /ˈdeə.ri/ n.
a place where milk, cheese, butter and cream are kept.
2. produce /ˈprɒdʒ.uːs/ n.
food that has been grown on a farm, especially to be sold.
3. deli /ˈdel.i/ n.
(delicatessen) a counter in a supermarket where you can get different types of cheese, cold
cooked meat, prepared salads.
4. aisle/aɪl/ n.
the long narrow space between the rows of shelves in a large store.
5. (shopping) cart /kɑːt/ n.
a small vehicle with two or four wheels that you push or pull to transport large or heavy objects

6. grocery /ˈɡrəʊ.sər.i/ n.
The food that you buy in a supermarket.

1. To shop lift
Meaning: To steal goods from a shop
Example in a sentence: The man was caught shop lifting.

2. Bread and butter

Meaning: person’s main source of income.
Example in a sentence: Selling used cars was actually his bread and butter.

Grammar structure:

“No sooner” + had + S + V3 + than + S + V(past tense)

Example: No sooner had she finished grocery shopping than the lights went out.

Make a sentence using the given structure.

Situation: Jane is shopping in the supermarket and bumps into her friend Lucy.
Jane: Hi Lucy.
Lucy: I didn't know you were coming to Tesco this afternoon.
Jane: I am going to buy some apples.
Lucy: I will come with you. I want to get some apples.
Jane: I like sweet red apples.
Lucy: I prefer the crisp green apples.
Jane: Bananas are my favorite fruit.
Lucy: Do you like pears?
Jane: Yes. I eat lots of fruit.
Lucy: The mushrooms look very good. I will buy carrots.
Jane: Yes. I will also buy some mushrooms.

Pair work: In 60 seconds, share your personal experience to the following questions:
✓ Which are better – big supermarkets, small grocery stores or outdoor markets?
✓ What do you think about when you are in a supermarket?
✓ Why do you think men hate supermarkets?
✓ Do you think supermarkets will disappear in the future and we’ll have Internet delivery of the
things we need?
✓ Have you ever had a bad or embarrassing experience in a supermarket?
✓ If you had 60 seconds to fill your supermarket trolley for free, what would you fill it with?
✓ What do you think it would be like to work in a supermarket?

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