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Coaching youth volleyball


Examens: 45%

- Examen 1:24/10 (22.5%)

- Examen 2:28/11 (22.5%)

Theory 1

Side tapes: a projection of site line. If a little part of the ball touches the line it’s in play.

Positions of the game and important related terms

1 Opposite, 2 Midle blocker, 2 outside hider


- Overhand pass: normally the second contact. Tecnical action.

- Set: tecnical action with a tactical purpose.
- Tip/Dump/Feint: attack at the last moment directly in the second contact.
- Call plays: do verbal instructions or signs.
- Ofensive actions.
- Communications.
- Speed, direction and attack tempo.

Opposite (Right sides):

- Attack.
- Backrow attack:
- Line attack: paralel attack.
- Cross-court attack: diagonal attack.
- Black out: utilitzar les mans del bloquejador per tocar el bloc i enviarla fora.
- To tip: fintar
- Serve, second tempo attack.

Libero player:

- To recive/pass: only after de service.

- To defend/dig: after all the other plays.
- Underhand pass
- Defensive position
- Floor defense
- Dive
- Roll
- Kneepad
Outside hitter:

- To receive/Pass
- Underhand pass
- Overhand pass
- Fronthrow attack
- Backrow attack
- Zone 4 attack
- Zone 6 attack/pipe

Middle blocker:

- To black
- Single block, double block and triple block
- First tempo attack
- Quick attack
- Armswing
- Footwork
- Slide steps
- Crossover steps



-Baseline: the minimum condition of a player to do this sport at first división (mínim necessari,
línea base).

-Battery: a group of tests that are interrelacionet between them. (radial graphic).

-Context: all things that are related with the live of the player out of the pitch.

-Genetic: genètica.

-Domain specific: domain at 1 specific thing of the game for example underpass.

-Excel: a person who is reaaly good doing something.

-Gifted individuals: a natural habyliti.

-Marker: tret diferencial.

-Predictive factors: predict talent.

-Talent: talent.

Activity: define talent.

- Have one ability more develop that the rest of the players. This hability can be
cognitive, fisiologic, genetic, an specific domain at the game or an IQ. Or a person who
can do all things at a high level of excel.
- Ability more develop than peers, many abilities at a good performance level,


a) It’s a difficult process predicting/ potentially vs reality.

b) Holistic approach is needed physical vs other qualities.
c) Windows of opportunity are needed.
d) Ability to stay healthy during your career matters.
e) We have some tools to predict talent, but althought useful, all of them are imperfect.

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