Crocheted Demogorgon Dog Outfit

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Crocheted Demogorgon Dog Outfit

by Hershey chocolate

For this project it was simply an experiment I thought it would be fun and cute to make the demogorgon from stranger
things into a dog out t. And it was really fun this was my rst time making it and I learned a lot of tips and tricks to it, in
which I will share with all of you to make your out t better and easier to make. And the main thing I learned is to use their
collar to make sure it ts. I de nitely learned this after I had nished which made my out t big on my smaller dog. With
the steps below I will be putting in hacks I used, and hacks I wish I would have used. Now let’s get our dog out t going…

For this dog out t your going to need…

Red yarn

White yarn

Crochet hook

Crochet needle


A darker color like a burgundy

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Step 1: Main Pieces

You are going to be needing 5 of these and with my small dog I made it a little too big so one way you can make sure it
will t your dog is to get their collar and after making the rst piece see if it’s too big for the collar and if it is you can
simply just chain less at the beginning

So the rst thing is to make a slip stitch and chain 16. Then you do a double crochet for 3 more rows. Then on the next
row you are going to do a double crochet decrease and the rst two stitches and the last two stitches and you are going
to continue doing this until you have 3 stitches left. I have attached a image of what the double crochet decrease should
look like so you can compare it to yours. Then you are going to nish it o and hide the strings.

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Step 2: Part Two of the Main Pieces

This is the easiest step to do. You are just going to get your white yarn and chain 3 then do a double crochet decrease
with those two stitches then nish it o and leave one string so you can attach it to the red pieces. You just make enough
of these for your red pieces and just place them at random and use your crochet hook to attach them on.

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Step 3: Part 3 of the Main Pieces

For this you are going to grab your burgundy color and go along each edge of the red pieces.

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Step 4: Finishing It Off

Now you are going to get your burgundy color yarn again and do a single crochet connecting across each of the red
pieces. And at the beginning you are going to want to leave a tail of yarn and at the end use a trail of yarn. This way you
will be able to tie it across your dogs neck. Or a simple way is you could get some Velcro to make it easier.

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Step 5: Done!!

Now you just tie it around your dog and see how they like it.

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This is so cute!

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