Narrative Report Group 1

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The Global Economy: Theories of Global Stratification Walt Rostow’s of


Wednesday May 25, 2022, exactly at 1:00 pm Ma’am Kimberly Joyce message
us on our group chat remind that the Group 1 start to prefer for the reporting of Week
12 topic about the Theories of Global Stratification Walt Rostow’s of Modernization
that will held through Google classroom. Me and my group mates are scheduled to
report for this week which is no longer be followed by our Professor discussion. Our
leader Marco assigned me to do a Script in reporting and a Narrative Report, and he
also assigned Erika and Ana Lizel to do activities, Rogelene for the examples, and
Marco, Adelaine, and Noreen for the reporting. While we are waiting for the class to
start, me and my group mates are nervous for the aftermath of our report for this week.

Time of 2:04 pm our group start presenting the PowerPoint presentation to my

professor and my classmates. Marco the first reporter didn’t open his cam for the
reason that he is the one presenting the PowerPoint. In Marco’s reporting I observe
that he is very confident and professional, the only problem is he did not ask a
questions about in his report and his camera is off . On the other hand, Adelaine
reporting is clear also and her camera is open, while she is reporting I observe that
there are death airs and trembling oh her voice that similar to the reporting of Noreen.
But all of these has a reason. Instead of me and Lyra for the reporting, Adelaine and
Noreen took our place so the reporting was not that clear on their part. In overall it is
was a excellent reporting even though with a short of time. After our reporting, we
proceed to the activity, to this part Ma’am Kimberly Joyce suggest just ask the
activity instead to write it, because in the reporting earlier has no question and answer.
While Adelaine presenting the activity, there was a problem with the connection of
where the PowerPoint presentation was lost almost 1 minutes. In this part we were a
little bit nervous, because it seems Ma’am Kimberly Joyce is already bored but it
didn’t take long and went well until we finished the activity.

When we are done to our Presentation for the week 12, Ma’am Kimberly gave
us a very satisfying feedback. She mentioned all the problem that she observed to our
reporting and also to the PowerPoint presentation. She sorted out all the problem and
explain to us very clearly. She also suggested that all the members must have a
participation for the reporting and to this part we all shocked as a group 1. But Ma’am
made it more clearly, briefly and precisely so we are now understand. In overall
Ma’am gave us a very good feedback about to our reporting even thought it is not
perfect, she also said that it is beautiful presentation. And I as a listener and part of
group 1, I also amazed to Marco, Adelaine, and Noreen because they finished the
report very well in a short time. My conclusion is, I am very happy for the feedback
of Ma’am to our group and also satisfied because we are now finished to our task.

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