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Ethnicity- which refers to the ethnic group who

Reviewer for UCSP have common culture,

language and history.
(Understanding, culture, Race – which refers to the group of people who
shared inherited
society, and politics) physical characteristics such as skin color, facial
features and body
Social change - refers to any significant
Culture – refers to that complex whole which alteration over time in behavior
include knowledge, beliefs, arts, patterns and cultural values and norms. This
morals, laws, customs, and any other change is brought about by
capabilities and habits acquired by man modernization and the impact of globalization
as member of a society. (Edward H. Taylor) that resulted to cultural change
- is a composite or multifarious areas that among Filipino people.
comprise beliefs, practices, Political Identities - refers to political position
values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, based on the
symbols, knowledge, and interests and perspective of social groups with
everything that a person learns and shares as a which people identify.
member of society Anthropology – is a branch of knowledge which
Two types of Culture: deals with the
scientific study of man, his works, his body, his
1. Material culture - composed of tangible things behavior and values in time
like and space (Palispis, 2007).
food, tools, dress, Political Science – is a systematic study of a
accessories and others. state and its government,
2 .Non-material culture – composed of intangible with the relationships of men in the community,
things such as with relations to groups,
habits, ideas, religion, language and behavior to the state itself and to other sovereign
Cultural Variation – refers to the differences in counties.
social behaviors that cultures Sociology – is the scientific study of patterned,
exhibit around the world. In the Philippines shared human behavior,
differences in social behaviors are it analysis human interaction which is essential
influence with cultures in a specific places and in understanding man’s
tribes. So with the different people in different cultural make-up.
countries they have also different norms and Society – refers to a group of people sharing a
values that common culture within a defined territorial
exists within their groups. boundaries.
Social Differences – refers to the situation where Types of Society
people are Primitive-it means belonging to a
discriminated based on economic status, social society in which people
characteristics and qualities. live in a very simple
These may include race, ethnicity, gender, and way, usually without
professions. industries.
In spite of these differences people continue to Rural-a society in which there is a
do their responsibilities low ratio of inhabitants to
as members of society. open land and in which the
Gender – refers to the biological characteristics most important economic
that distinguish a activities are the production of
male from a female. foodstuff, fibres, and raw
Gender Roles -refers to attitudes and behaviors materials.
that the society Urban-a society that is typical of
expect a person based on his/her sex modern industrial
Socio-economic class- the high income, the civilization and heterogeneous in
middle income and the culturaltradition, that emphasizes
low income class. secular values, and that is
individualized rather than improvised tools such as axes and knives,  and
integrated contrasted with were the first to produce fire.
folk society The Homo Sapiens-The species name means
Politics- any activity involving human beings “Wise Man” that appeared form 200,000 years
associated together in relationship ago. The  present human race belongs to this
of power and authority where conflicts occurs species.
(Robert Dahl, 1984 p. 13). The Homo Sapiens Sapiens-Subspecies
Beliefs – the perception of accepted reality known as Cro-Magnon characterized to be
Knowledge – refers to any information received anatomically modern  humans and lived in the
and perceived to be true last Ice age of Europe 40,000 to 10,000 years
Politics - any activity involving human beings ago. They were the  first to produce art in in
associated together in relationship cave paintings and crafting decorated tools and
of power and authority where conflicts occurs accessories.
means compromises, but these compromises “ PALEOLITHIC AGE 
must in some sense be ∙ Unpolished stone implements 
creative of future benefits --- that each exists for ∙ Hunting and gathering 
a future purpose.” Or ∙ Nomadic way of living 
at least, some purpose, like “ enabling orderly NEOLITHIC AGE 
government to be ∙ Polished stone tools 
carried on at all.” ∙ Domestication of plants and animals 
Reality - refers to the existence of things ∙ Living in permanent places 
whether material or non-material Evolution - is a natural process of biological
Social Norms – these are established changes occurring in a population across 
expectations of society as to how a person is successive generations. 
supposed to act depending on the requirements Bipedal - refers to using two feet in moving. 
of the time, Paleolithic Age – old stone age 
place, or situation. Neolithic Age - new stone age 
The Hominids-According to (Ember of 2002) Cradles of Civilization - refers to civilization that
that one of the most controversial aspects of emerged independently
Darwin’s  theory, suggest that one species could Tigris-Euphrates River Civilization of
evolve into another species. It is one of the Mesopotamia- The most known ancient 
earliest  members of the primate family hominid, civilization was in Mesopotamia, in a region
containing humans, their immediate ancestors,  which lies in modern Iraq.
close extinct relatives. The Nile Valley Civilization of Egypt - Egypt was
Australopithecus-The first definite Hominid, known as the Gift of the Nile because  the
their teeth share basic hominid characteristic of annual flooding of the Nile made possible for
small  canine, flat and thickly enameled molars agriculture on which Egyptian civilizations  was
and a parabolic dental arch, and there is  based. 
ambiguous evidence that even the earliest The Yellow River Civilization of China - In 3000
australopithecines were bipedal. Bipedal refers  B.C. the Yellow River Valley was settled  by
to using two feet in moving. farmers. Chinese legends holds that Xia dynasty
The Homo Habilis-Is known from Tanzania, arose and flourished during the  prehistoric
Kenya and South Africa. Species with a brain period. 
broca’s area  which is associated with speech in Indus Valley Civilization of India - The ancient
modern humans and was the first to make stone civilization of the Indus Valley, located in 
tools.  The ability to make and use tools is modern Pakistan, is unique because unlike the
unique quality to humans such that the species continuously existing civilization of 
is  recognized to be the first true human. The Mesopotamia, Egypt and China it rose and fell,
specie names mean “Handy Man”. Lived about  leaving only mysterious ruins to testify to  its
2.4 to 1.4 million years ago scavenging for food. existence 
The Homo Erectus-The species names Democracy - comes from the Greek word
“Upright Man” with body proportion similar to that demokratia: demos meaning “people” and  kratia
modern  humans. Lived 1.89 to 143,000 years meaning “government”. Therefore, democracy is
ago; adapted to hot climates and most spread in  “government of the people” 
Africa and Asia. They were the first hunters with Conformity is an action in accordance with some
specified standard or
authority. position, but simply a label that implies certain
Enculturation is the process by which an roles that must be performed
individual learns the traditional Values are collective conceptions of what is
content of a culture and assimilates its practices considered good, desirable, and
and values. proper- or bad, undesirable and improper.
Folkways are customary patterns that specify
what is socially correct
and proper in everyday life.
Human rights are inalienable rights that protect
people’s dignity as human
beings. These give them the rights to choose, to
live, to love, to property,
to make their living, to practice one’s profession,
to vote and to be voted,
among others.
Human Dignity refers to an individual or group's
sense of self-respect and
self-worth, physical and psychological integrity
and empowerment.
Innovation means accepting the goal of success
but eliminating the use of
socially accepted means of achieving it.
Laws regulate and control the people’s behavior
and conduct.
Mores is defined what is morally right and morally
Norms are those culturally determined rules that
guide people regarding what
is “right”, “wrong”, “proper”, “improper”.
Rebellion occurs when people reject and attempt
to change both the goals
and the means approved by society.
Retreatism means the withdrawal from society
since both the cultural goals
and the institutionalized means are rejected.
Ritualism occurs when people deemphasize or
reject the cultural goals but
accept the institutionalized means.
Role involves the pattern of expected behavior in
a social relationship with one
or more persons occupying other statuses.
Socialization is a continuing process whereby an
individual acquires a
personal identity and learns the norms, values,
behavior, and social skills
appropriate to his or her social position.
Social control refers to the rules and standards of
society that circumscribe
individual action through the inculcation of
conventional sanctions and the
imposition of formalized mechanisms.
Social deviance refers to any behavior that differs
or diverges from
established social norms.
Status is any position that an individual can
occupy in society. It is not a ranked

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