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Konkuk University

Course Registration

1. Registration Guidelines

2. Automatic Registration

3. Course Registration (Important!)

4. Common Problems During Registration

5. Summary: What’s Next?

Part 1: Registration

Registration Guidelines
Prior to Registration
• Due to limited space, most Konkuk University students are not able to register for all the
courses they want. It is important to make a “Plan B” list with backup choices for courses
you want to take if you are unable to register for certain courses.

• After reading this document carefully it is important to do the following things:

1. Remember to allow all pop-ups for your browser.

2. Go into the course registration site beforehand and acclimate yourself. Although the
general structure will be similar, the actual screen might look different from the one in
this registration guideline.
3. Find the course numbers for your courses. Every course has a corresponding 4-digit
number, these can be used to register your course during the registration period.

Please note:
Course lists will be available below in early August (Fall semester) and early February (Spring semester):

How to search for your course online

1. Type in the 4-digit course number in “과목번호”

2. Click “검색"

3. Click the course name for the syllabus

** The second right section (비고) states if there are any restrictions on your course such as majors, year grade
and etc.(please ask your ISV for translation)

Registration Guidelines

You can register for your courses online during the following periods:
1. Automatic Course Registration: open twice
2. (Manual) Course Registration: open twice
1) Designated date for each grade year
*all exchange/visiting students are considered 4th year students
2) Course registration date open to all students (grade 1~4)

3. Follow the steps explained in the following slides on how to register for
courses online using Konkuk’s portal. (
4. You can login to the portal using your Konkuk ID and password.

Please note:
(!): Konkuk University’s portal is compatible with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer

Part 2: Automatic Course

Konkuk Portal Login Guide
Konkuk portal login link:
(!): Please make sure your Internet Explorer browser/Chrome allows pop-ups!

Make sure to tick “Single ID”

1. Type in your ID and password.

2. Click “로그인 (Login)”

(!): If there’s pop-up after login, close it by click on the x at the top right corner or by clicking “확인(confirm)”

Automatic Registration Guide

2. Enter the 4-digit course number

3. Click Save

4. If registered successfully, each tab will

change from “신청중” to “신청완료”
during the confirmation period
1. Click this tab

• Courses cannot have overlapping time schedules.
• Courses that exceeded the quota will show “신청중” instead of “신청완료” during
the confirmation period. To register for the courses you will have to try again
during the 2nd period or during the manual Course Registration period. 9
Backup List guide
(!): Courses put in this basket will NOT be automatically registered!

2. Enter the 4-digit course number

3. Click Save

1. Click this tab

• Can put courses with overlapping time schedule
• Maximum of 30 credits
• Cannot have the same course as the ones in “수강바구니 (자동신청) Course Basket (Automatic Registration) ”
• Courses in this basket will automatically appear during the course registration period 10
Part 3:
Course Registration

Konkuk Portal Login Guide

Konkuk portal login link:

(!): Please make sure your Edge browser/Chrome allows pop-ups!

Make sure to tick “Single ID”

1. Type in your ID and password.

2. Click “로그인 (Login)”

(!): If there’s pop-up after login, close it by click on the x at the top right corner or by clicking “확인(confirm)”

How to Register for Courses
• Courses successfully registered during the Automatic Registration period will appear on
“수강신청내역(registered courses)” list
• Courses that were not successfully registered during the Automatic Registration period +
courses in the Backup List will appear in the “수강바구니 과목“ list on the bottom

Courses successfully registered

during the Automatic Registration
period will appear here

Course that were not successfully

registered during the Automatic
Registration period + courses in
the Backup List will appear here
How to Register for Courses (continued)
• There are two method to sign up for courses

Quickly enter in the course

number and click save !!!


Quickly click “신청(register)”

to sign up for each class !!!!!

Registered courses will appear with the pop-up

“저장에 성공하였습니다”

(!): Unlike Automatic Registration, Manual course registration is a first-come, first-served basis.
How to Register for Courses (continued)

Even if you failed to register for the course you want on the first
day of the manual Course Registration Period, you can check the
portal until the last day to see if other students have given up their

How to remove courses
(!): Be careful not to accidently cancel classes you need!!

3. Click
“확인(Confirm)” to
finalize the

1. Tick the box for the class you 2. Click save

want to remove

How to check your course schedule

Click “개인강의 시간표 조회

(Personal Course Schedule)

Part 4: Common Problems
During Registration

5. Common problems, troubleshooting

Message: 수강인원 초과과목입니다.

(“The course you have just selected is full”)

Issue: You will not be able to register for this course online. You may attend
the first lecture and register for the course during the Add & Drop period.

5. Common problems, troubleshooting (Continued)

Message: 과목이 존재하지

(“The course does not exist”)

Issue: You have entered an incorrect course number.

5. Common problems, troubleshooting (Continued)

Message: 한도 학점을 초과 했습니다.

(“You have exceeded the maximum
number of credits you can register for.”)

Issue: You are allowed to register for a maximum of 17 credits.

Delete other courses first and try again.

5. Common problems, troubleshooting (Continued)

Message: 시간표 중복입니다.

(“The course you have just selected
conflicts with the course you already
registered for.”)

Issue: Delete the course with a schedule conflict and try again.
5. Common problems, troubleshooting (Continued)

Message: 수강학과 제한과목입니다.

(“The course you have just selected is
restricted to the students of your major.”)

Issue: You are not allowed to register for the course because there are
restrictions on certain majors.
Select another course to register.
Part 5: Summary: What’s Next?

Adding a Course after the Course Registration Period

If you have failed to sign up for course during the Course Registration
period, you can make up for it during the add and drop period

If there are seats remaining for a course, register online at:

If the course has reached its enrollment quota:

1. Fill out the “Request for Registration of Course with Exceeded
Enrollment” form
2. Attend the first class, meet with the instructor and politely ask if
you are able to submit the form and register for the course.
3. If instructors are able to take additional students, they enter the
students’ course registration information in Konkuk’s portal. Image: Request for Registration of
Course with Exceeded Enrollment
4. Students must verify whether the courses were registered properly form
before the end of the Add&Drop period and contact the (Source:
instructor if needed.

College Department/Major Year: 4

Student Num Name Phone Num.

Reason for request

Time of Signature of the

4-digit num Course name Credit
lecture lecturer

Date: yy/mm/dd
Requester’s name
& signature

Lecturer’s name

Removing a Course after the Registration Period
Removing a course:
• To remove a course, please visit:
• Follow instruction on slide number 15 of this document.

Checking for Cancelled Classes after Course Registration

You are responsible to check for any cancelled classes.

• A course may be cancelled if there are not enough students who registered after the
Course Registration period
• Visit to check for cancel
led classes
- If your course is on the list of Cancelled Classes, you may add new courses through:
- The portal ( during the Add and Drop Period (first
week of semester) and the Final Adjustment Period (2nd week of semester)


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