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Unit 1 - Фразы www.testverbal.


1. нестерпимая боль 2. ощутимые улучшения

(A) sordid pain (A) excruciating improvements
(B) infamous pain (B) replete improvements
(C) excruciating pain (C) tangible improvements
(D) adverse pain (D) sordid improvements
(E) furtive pain (E) precocious improvements

3. хитрая улыбка 4. запугать угрозами

(A) furtive smile (A) to admonish by threats
(B) adverse smile (B) to obsess by threats
(C) tangible smile (C) to intimidate by threats
(D) excruciating smile (D) to ascend by threats
(E) sordid smile (E) to implore by threats

5. коварный взгляд 6. сурово предупреждать

(A) a replete glance (A) to intimidate sternly
(B) a furtive glance (B) to admonish sternly
(C) an excruciating glance (C) to expound sternly
(D) an infamous glance (D) to obsess sternly
(E) an inchoate glance (E) to ascend sternly

7. запугивать свидетеля 8. бесславный персонаж

(A) to ascend a witness (A) the tangible character
(B) to intimidate a witness (B) the precocious character
(C) to implore a witness (C) the inchoate character
(D) to obsess a witness (D) the sordid character
(E) to admonish a witness (E) the infamous character

9. просить защиты 10. организация в стадии формирования

(A) to admonish protection (A) a replete organization
(B) to implore protection (B) a tangible organization
(C) to expound protection (C) a precocious organization
(D) to intimidate protection (D) an inchoate organization
(E) to ascend protection (E) a furtive organization

11. молить о прощении 12. материальные объекты

(A) to admonish forgiveness (A) adverse objects
(B) to expound forgiveness (B) replete objects
(C) to implore forgiveness (C) tangible objects
(D) to intimidate forgiveness (D) precocious objects
(E) to ascend forgiveness (E) infamous objects
Unit 1 - Фразы

13. мучительный выбор 14. не по гадам развитой молодой человек

(A) infamous dilemma (A) a sordid young person
(B) furtive dilemma (B) a precocious young person
(C) excruciating dilemma (C) an inchoate young person
(D) inchoate dilemma (D) a tangible young person
(E) tangible dilemma (E) a replete young person

15. зациклиться на проблеме 16. изобилующий деталями

(A) to be ascended with a problem (A) precocious with details
(B) to be obsessed with a problem (B) adverse with details
(C) to be intimidated with a problem (C) infamous with details
(D) to be implored with a problem (D) replete with details
(E) to be expounded with a problem (E) inchoate with details

17. быть одержимым идеей 18. низкое преступление

(A) to be implored with an idea (A) a furtive crime
(B) to be admonished with an idea (B) an inchoate crime
(C) to be expounded with an idea (C) an excruciating crime
(D) to be ascended with an idea (D) a replete crime
(E) to be obsessed with an idea (E) an infamous crime

19. гнусные мысли 20. подниматься по лестнице

(A) sordid thoughts (A) to obsess a staircase
(B) furtive thoughts (B) to intimidate a staircase
(C) precocious thoughts (C) to ascend a staircase
(D) excruciating thoughts (D) to implore a staircase
(E) infamous thoughts (E) to admonish a staircase

21. мучительный процесс 22. погрязнуть в мелочах

(A) furtive process (A) to be intimidated by details
(B) tangible process (B) to be expounded by details
(C) replete process (C) to be obsessed by details
(D) precocious process (D) to be admonished by details
(E) excruciating process (E) to be ascended by details

23. низменные желания 24. полный мудрости

(A) furtive desires (A) excruciating with wisdom
(B) tangible desires (B) precocious with wisdom
(C) adverse desires (C) replete with wisdom
(D) sordid desires (D) inchoate with wisdom
(E) precocious desires (E) adverse with wisdom
Unit 1 - Фразы

1. C 2. C
3. A 4. C
5. B 6. B
7. B 8. E
9. B 10. D
11. C 12. C
13. C 14. B
15. B 16. D
17. E 18. E
19. A 20. C
21. E 22. C
23. D 24. C

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