Antibiotics Edited

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Antibiotics-Know the Facts

Speak Up: Antibiotics


The title of the brochure is ‘Speak Up: Antibiotics’. It is written by professionals for the help of
patients and advocates. It states that antibiotics should be used with extensive care because we
have to make sure that they do not kill good bacteria in our body. It is necessary as the overuse
of antibiotics causes more problems. The body may become resistant to antibiotics.

Know the facts

Antibiotics are life-saving drugs when they are used properly. The antibiotics can be used for the
treatment of infection caused due to the bacteria. But, remember that antibiotics do not work on
viruses causing colds and flu. In the United States, many individuals are infected with bacteria
that can not be cured with antibiotics because these bacteria do not respond to antibiotics. So,
almost twenty three thousand individuals die every year due to these infections. Antibiotics may
kill good bacteria in the body (Ventola, 2015). It may take to other issues such as yeast infections
and diarrhea.

When antibiotic is needed?

The antibiotics do not work for all the sicknesses. They are required to treat specific infections
caused by bacteria. They are needed for the treatment of severe and life threatening situations
like sepsis and pneumonia, the intense response of body towards an infection (Staa, 2020). The
people who are at high risk for developed infections need effective antibiotics including surgery,
kidney disease, and therapy.

Antibiotics are not effective for viruses causing bronchitis, cold, and cough. They should not be
used for sinus and ear infections.

Do’s and don’ts of antibiotics

Do ✓

Use the antibiotic according to the advice of the healthcare. Use the drug that is suggested for
you. Wash your hands and get vaccinated to prevent infection.

Don’t ⨉
Never skip doses. Do not share the drug with anyone else. Do not insist on the antibiotic if the
healthcare provider does not suggest it for you.

Taking of antibiotics without need does not make any sense!

Your usage of the antibiotic today will impact the effectiveness of the drugs tomorrow for
everyone. Development of the new antibiotic takes many years. So, there is a need to improve
the usage of drugs that are currently available (Ground, 2016). The biggest health threat from the
world is from bacterial infection that does not respond to antibiotics. So, all the people have to
work together for the wise usage of antibiotics.


The information about the antibiotics is provided well in the brochure. The facts about the
antibiotics are very helpful for the patients and advocates. This topic interests me a lot because
there is a need to know the correct usage of antibiotics which is described well under this topic.
The information provided in the brochure is true and it can be used for the help of the patients
with the purpose of creating an awareness regarding the usage of antibiotics. But, there should be
discussion about the development of antibiotic resistance and side effects.

All the facts and information is described clearly in the brochure. The information provided in
the brochure is supported by the recent researches about the nursing and healthcare. The
information is very helpful for the common people who are not having any knowledge about the
usage of antibiotics and use them unnecessary. The advocates can also use this information for
their purposes and betterment of the patients.

The safety of the patients could be extended to a great extent with the information provided in
this brochure. It is described well when antibiotics is required and the affects on the patients. The
patients may know that they have to avoid the overuse of antibiotics to avoid its harmful effects
(Rolain, 2016). It teaches the correct usage of the drugs that makes them life-saving drugs. The
patients may know that they should use the antibiotic only when it is recommended by the doctor
in accordance with the disease. So, the safety of the patients will definitely extend when they
have information that is provided in the brochure for their betterment.


We should use the antibiotics properly because they are life-saving drugs. The doctor can tell us
well if the antibiotic will help us (Wall, 2019). There is a need to speak up against the overuse of
antibiotics. The unnecessary use of the antibiotics can be stopped by creating awareness among
the people regarding the proper usage of drugs. They people have to realize that they should use
antibiotics according to the advice of doctor when it is recommended.

The target of the brochure is to help the patients and advocates regarding the health care. A
person at risk can follow the advice given in the brochure to avoid negative consequences. In this
way, he will get the benefits of antibiotics without any harmful effects. The benefits of
antibiotics outweigh their risks and resistance.


 Ventola, CL. (2015). The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis. Retrieved from:
 Staa, TP van. (2020). The effectiveness of frequent antibiotic use. Retrieved from:
 Ground, K. (2016). Antibiotics: from prehistory to the present day. Retrieved from:
 Rolain, JM. (2016). Do we need antibiotics? Retrieved from
 Wall, S. (2019). Prevention of antibiotic resistance. Retrieved from:

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