Q1 G12 Hope 3 Law 1 and 2

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Name: ___________________________ Date: _________ Rating/Score_________

Learning Activity Worksheets 1

GRADE 12 – P.E. and Health 3
Physical Fitness Components
Activity 1: “IBA ANG MAY ALAM”
Directions: Answer these questions in a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is/are the importance of knowing your BMI?

2. How to improve your BMI?

3. What are the risks of poor health behaviors?

Activity 2: BMI monitoring

A. Get your BMI.

WEIGHT [in Kilograms]

HEIGHT [in Meters]²

BODY COMPOSITION – is the body’s relative amount of fat to fat-free mass.


Below 18.5 -Underweight

18.5 – 24.9 -Normal
25 – 29.9 -Overweight
30.0 – Above -Obese

Weight = 30 = 30
Height = (1.20)² 1.44

= 20.83 (NORMAL)

B. Accomplish the Physical Fitness Test Activity. Use a separate sheet of paper.

Q1-WEEK 1: Learning Activity Worksheet

Target Competency: Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF). status, barriers to
physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet.

Page 1
Name: ___________________________ Date: _________ Rating/Score_________
Learning Activity Worksheets 1
GRADE 12 – P.E. and Health 3
Physical Fitness Components
Activity 3: Iba ang may alam 2.0

Directions: Do the test and fill out this Physical Fitness Test Score Card.
Make a video vlog while doing this activity or document yourself in each
exercise with captions. Submit this form together with your pictures as


NAME: ____________________________________ SEX:_______AGE:________

Part 1: Health Related Fitness Body Mass Index (BMI)

Tests BMI_____________________
A. BODY COPOSISTION Classification____________


ENDURANCE Before____________ After___________

C. STRENGHT Push up: Number of Push Basic Plank

up.__________ Time:________
D. FLEXIBILITY Zipper Test CM (-,+) Sit and ReachCM)
Right________ 1st Try_________
Left_________ 2nd try_________
Part 2: Skill-Related Fitness Juggling Jump (Sec.)
Test Score.___________ Clockwise: ___________
C. SPEED: 40 m sprint D. POWER E. BALANCE
Standing Long jump(cm) Stork stand test
Secs.___________________ Time:
1st try_________
2nd try_________ Right Foot:__________
Left Foot:___________
F. REACTION TIME:Stick drop test (Cm)
1st Try _________ 2nd Try___________ 3rd try_________ Miffle

Q1-WEEK 2: Learning Activity Worksheet

Target Competency: Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on
training principles to achieve and/or maintain health related fitness
(HRF). PEH12FH-Ii-j-7

Page 2

Name: ___________________________ Date: _________ Rating/Score_________
Learning Activity Worksheets 2
GRADE 12 – P.E. and Health 3
Physical Fitness Components

Activity 4: My Personal FITT Home workout through Photo or Video Presentation

Directions: Create a modified 8-minute low to moderate impact workout with the
application of health and skill related fitness components. Document
yourself while doing the activity. For picture put a caption for each
Example: (Youtube: Full body workout no equipment by Pamela Reif)

Q1-WEEK 3: Learning Activity Worksheet

Target Competency: Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on
training principles to achieve and/or maintain health related fitness
(HRF). PEH12FH-Ii-j-7

Page 1

Activity 3: Quiz: Matching type.
Directions: Match the descriptions from Column A with the year and dance style in
Column B. Write your answer in the space provided before each

1795 Classical Persian

______________________ 1. From the Dance History it
is believed that Archaeologists discovered paintings of
dancing figures in rock shelters and caves.
______________________2. It involves doing smooth
and flexible movements, and lots of back bending and
______________________3. This dancing involved 1950 Contemporary
intricate costuming and stage designing that also Dance
incorporated singing and acting as well as dancing. It was
often used as a court entertainment.
3,300 First dancing
___________________4. This dance is a style that
Masque Dancing
combines jazz, ballet, and modern dance. It’s said that the
first ever contemporary choreographer was Merce

_____________________5. Ballet is believed to be the 1990

main core of every single dance style. Jazz and Acro

Activity 4: Quiz: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each sentence carefully and encircle the letter of your best answer.
1. It is the underlying pulse of a rhythm.
a. Beat c. Intensity
b. Count d. Meter
2. It refers to the movement or movements done for each of the dance steps.
a. Step c. Dance
b. Step pattern d. Choreography
3. Movement expression is attained through the elements of time, force and space.
a. Rhythm c. Movement space
b. Elements of movement d. Movement quality
4. The regular recurrence of beats which divides a musical design into measure.
a. Beat c. Intensity
b. Count d. Meter
5. The movement through space that maybe done at a high, low, or
medium level.
a. Range c. Level
b. Direction d. Floor pattern

Q1-WEEK 4: Learning Activity Worksheet

Target Competency: Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on
training principles to achieve and/or maintain health related fitness
(HRF). PEH12FH-Ii-j-7
Page 2


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