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" Revision "

1-The plane (reached / reaches / will reach / is reaching) London at 9p.m.

2-I was walking peacefully when I realized that a man (was following / following / is following / follows) me
along the street.

3-She had already called the waiter twice before he (has brought / brought / had brought / brings) the bill.

4-He (is sitting / sits / was sitting / has sat) on the bank fishing when he saw a man’s hat floating down the

5-The house was dirty. They (wouldn’t clean / don’t clean / haven’t cleaned / hadn’t cleaned) it for weeks.

6-Everyone was reading quietly when suddenly the door burst open & a stranger (has rushed / rushed / was
rushing / rushes) in.

7- He (has broken / breaks / had broken / was breaking) his leg so he couldn’t walk.

8-When I arrived, the lesson (have started / started / had started / had been starting) so I didn’t find it easy
to follow.

9-While I (having / was having / had / had had) lunch, someone knocked on the front door.

10-I was sorry to sell my car. I (am having / was having / have had / had had) it since college.

11-When I was a child, I (lived / have lived / live / am living) in the village for 5 years.

12-I was enjoying the party but my wife (wanted / had wanted / was wanting / didn’t want) to go home.

13-Just as we (were leaving / left / had left / leaving) the meeting, we heard a loud cry.

14- Having (finished / had finished / finishing / finish) the housework, she had some rest.

15-After (had finished / finished / finish / finishing) his work, he went for a walk.

16- While (doing / have done / was doing / did) the shopping, I ran into an old friend.

17- We couldn’t get enough sleep last night because the people next door (had had / had / were having /
have) a noisy party.

18-I (have never seen / never see / have ever seen / just saw) anyone taller than Tarek in my whole life.

19-I (hadn’t had / didn’t have / wasn’t having / haven’t had) a good night’s sleep for two weeks.

20-He (didn’t eat / hasn’t eaten / won’t eat / isn’t eating) fish since he was in Port Said.

21-I (have eaten / haven’t eaten / had eaten / ate) sushi for the first time yesterday.

22-Mohammed Salah (scored / has scored / had scored / was scoring) a lot of goals with Liverpool so far.

23-Don’t come here! I’ve (always / already / just / just now) cleaned the floor.

24-It’s five years (since / for / until / ago) I last saw Mohamed.

" Revision "
25-I haven’t written to my English pen friend (until / in / for / since) the last year.

26-It’s a month since I last (had gone / have gone / go / went) shopping.

27-It’s the first time I have (ever / never / since / so far) seen a tiger.

28-My brother isn’t here. He (has been / has gone / had gone / was going) into town to buy some new shoes.

29-Omar (had been / has gone / has been / will be) to the market. Let’s see what he has bought.

30-I’m tired of walking. I (would take / am going to take / am taking / will take) a taxi.

31- Samir is driving too fast. I think he (is having / is going to have / will have / has) an accident.

32-Everythin is arranged now, we (will have left / will leave / are leaving / shall leave) for Luxor tomorrow.

33- I’m sure I (am winning / will have won / will be winning / will win) the race tomorrow because I’ve been
training all month.

34-My uncle is saving up because he (will have bought / bought / is going to buy / will buy) a car.

35-The bank (will ask / ask / will be asking / will have asked) you for your password when you phone them.

36- We (aren’t going to travel / travel / won’t travel / will travel) abroad this year. This is our last decision.

37-As soon as I pick up from the station, we (will have gone / will be going / will go / are going) to the

38-She has made up her mind to study medicine at university, so she (will be applied / will have applied / will
be applying / is going to apply) next week.

39-She has promised that she (would pay / will have paid / will be playing / will pay) a visit to us next week.

40- I will lend you my calculator after I (finished / had finished / have finished / will finish) my homework.

41- By the time Hany leaves the office, he (will make / will be making / will have made / is making) 30 calls.

42-I returned the book to the library when I (will read / had read / was reading / have read) it.

43- I no longer play tennis as I (am used / am used to / used to / used).

44-Marwa hasn’t bought the new clothes (yet / already / ago / since).

45- Someone is at the door. I (am going to see / will see / am seeing / would see) who it is.

46-The dog (whose / which / who / that) name was Alair, was waiting for its owner until he came.

47-The drugs (who / whom / where / which) were hidden in the cakes, made the king unconscious before the

48-Sameh’s hobby is photography, (which / that / on which / where) he spends most of his money.

49-Have you spent all the money (that / who / where / whose) I gave you yesterday?

50-The students (whose / which / when / who) failed the exam can take it again in August.

51-A laboratory is a place (where / which / when / who) students do Science experiments.

" Revision "
52-My home town, (where / that / whose / which) is near Assuit, is very small.

53-His uncle, (who / which / where / when) is a millionaire, owns a villa in Cairo.

54-Eman (who / that / which / whose) sister is an actress, is going on holiday to Paris.

55-I really love the new Chinese restaurant (which / where / that / when) we went to last night.

56- Doaa doesn’t like action films. Yara doesn’t like action films (too / both / neither / either)

57- You can take (both / either / each / all) the apple or the orange. You can’t have them both.

58-The manager with (whose / that / whom / who) I work is very friendly.

59- No, I didn’t flow (nowhere / somewhere / anywhere / everywhere) for this holiday! I was stuck in bed with
the flue.

60-“Really, Mom, (nobody / anybody / somebody / everybody) understood what the teacher had said!

61-“At the cinema, I couldn’t see (something / nothing / everything / anything) because a huge man was
sitting right in front of me.

62-My friend Paula doesn’t speak French, she doesn’t speak English (neither / too / either / also).

63- My sister hasn’t written to me but she hasn’t written to our mother (too / also / either / neither).

64-Sandy can’t drive a car & she can’t ride a bicycle (too / neither / either / also).

65-What’s (a / an / no article / the) capital of your country?

66-( A / An / No article / The) doctor earns more than (a / an / no article / the) teacher.

67-Is (a / an / no article / the) Nile of the Amazon is (a / an / no article / the) longest river on (a / an / no
article / the) earth.

68-Is this the first time you have stayed at (a / an / no article / the) Hilton?

69-The car speed past at 100 miles (a / an / no article / the) hour.

70-She lives in (a / an / no article / the) England, which is part of (a / an / no article / the) UK.

71- I visited grandmother in (a / an / no article / the) hospital.

72-Theeducation I got at (a / an / no article / the) school was excellent.

73- (A / An / No article / The) modern life is stressful.

74- ( A / An / No article / The) mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

75- Julie is studying (a / an / no article / the) Japanese.

76- (So / Because / Although / But) I like him I don’t want to spend every evening with him.

77-I often go to movies (so / because / but / although) I find it relaxing.

78-She was short of money (so / because / but / although) she couldn’t buy the ticket.

79-The last bus had gone (so / because / but / although) we had to walk home.

" Revision "
80-She wanted to go on holiday (so / because / but / although) she was short of money.

81- He said nothing (so / because / but / although) he was upset.

82- John didn’t get the promotion (so / because / but / although) he had more years of experience than Peter.

83- She loved him (so / because / but / although) she didn’t want to marry him.

84- I always support him (so / because / but / although) I love him.

85-He is a foreigner (so / because / but / although) he can not find a job easily.

86-I’m giving my speech on adult illiteracy at 2pm, (won’t I / am I / aren’t I / amn’t I)?

87-Let’s hold a bake sale to rise money for charity, (will we / shall we / will you / do you)?

88- You have got the food for the homeless shelter in your car, (haven’t you / don’t you / have you / do you)?

89-This is the highest rate of unemployment we’ve seen in years, (isn’t it / isn’t this /is it / is this)?

90-Don’t get into any trouble, (will you / won’t you / do you / don’t you)?

91-Sign the petition now, (don’t you / won’t you / will we / do you)?

92- Everyone has posted pictures of the charity concert on social media, (haven’t we / haven’t they / hasn’t he
/ have they)?

93-Emma has a van, (has she / does she / doesn’t she / hasn’t she)?

94-No one came to the therapy session, (did we / didn’t we / did they / didn’t they)?

95-I’ll pass my exams. (so would he / so will he / neither will he / he won’t either).

96-I’ve worked hard this term. (so does she / neither does she / so has she / neither has she).

97-I can’t play the violin, (They can’t either / So can they / Neither do they / they don’t either)?

98-Sally hasn’t been to America. (So have her parents / her parents don’t either / neither have her parents /
nor do her parents).

99-I’m feeling fine. (so is he / he isn’t either / neither is he / nor is he)

100-I wasn’t late for school today. (so were my friends / neither are my friends / my friends were either / nor
were my friends).

101-We shouldn’t waste our time. (so should you / neither shouldn’t you / you shouldn’t either / nor shouldn’t

102-The students are exhausted. (their teacher is either / so is their teacher / neither is their teacher / nor is
their teacher).

" Revision "

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