21 Sac 3 Prep Sheetvce Health and Human Development

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Unit 1 Outcome 3
SAC Preparation Handout

SAC 3: Data Analysis

Date: May
Time: 50 minutes
Marks: 40 marks

Outcome 3: Interpret data to identify key areas for improving youth health and
wellbeing, and plan for action by analysing one particular area in detail.

Key knowledge

This knowledge includes

 aspects of youth health and wellbeing requiring health action, as indicated by health data on burden of
disease and health inequalities, and research on the concerns of young people
 government and non-government programs relating to youth health and wellbeing
 community values and expectations that influence the development and implementation of programs
for youth
 key features of one health and wellbeing focus relating to Australia’s youth including:
– impact on different dimensions of health and wellbeing
– data on incidence, prevalence and trends
– risk and protective factors
– community values and expectations
– healthcare services and support
– government and community programs and personal strategies to reduce negative impact
– direct, indirect and intangible costs to individuals and/or communities
– opportunities for youth advocacy and action to improve outcomes in terms of health and
Key skills

These skills include the ability to

 use research and data to identify social inequality and priority areas for action and improvement in
youth health and wellbeing
 describe and analyse factors that contribute to inequalities in the health status of Australia’s youth
 analyse the role and influence of community values and expectations in the development and
implementation of health and wellbeing programs for youth
 research and collect data on one particular health and wellbeing focus relating to youth, with critical
analysis of its impact, management and costs
 plan advocacy and/or action based on identification and evaluation of opportunities for promoting
youth health and wellbeing.
Refer to:
 Text Book – topic 5 & 6
 Edrolo – lectures and practice questions relating to topic 5 & 6
 Short answer tests for topic 5 &6

Key Areas to focus on:

 Be able to discuss a range of factors that could contribute to health issues for youth when assessing their
health as excellent or very good (e.g. education, smoking, body weight, discrimination).

 Describe one government or non-government designed to promote youth health and wellbeing. ( brochure)

 Choose one health and wellbeing focus for youth in Australia and be able to: ( Mental health poster)

- Quote data on incidence, prevalence and trends

- Explain how the focus impacts physical, social and spiritual dimension of health and wellbeing

- Outline a community program implemented to address the selected issue

- Identify and explain 2 personal strategies that can reduce the negative impact of the selected issue

 Explain two values (Confidentiality, Accessibility, Respect) and the community expectations (Effectiveness,
Strength based) that arise from them that drive the development of health and wellbeing programs to
meet youth needs.

 Advocacy: be able to discuss two ways that youth can advocate or take action to improve youth health

 healthcare services and support available

 direct, indirect and intangible costs to individuals and communities

Command terms to focus on:

 Outline: give an overview, a general summary
 Describe: give a general description
 Explain: show an understanding, provide reasons
 Identify: list , recognise
 Discuss: look at both sides of, give an account

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