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Prototype of the Objective-Based

National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Public Consultation 2003

Table of Contents [This prototype contains only sample sections.]

Preface [NPC 1995]

Committee Members [NPC 1995]

Relationship between the Code and Provincial/Territorial

Guide to Enforcement [NPC 1995]

Relationship between the NPC and the NBC1

A Guide to the Use of the Code1
Introduction of Objective-Based Codes1
This material will be developed for the NPC 2005.

Division A
Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements

Part 1 Compliance 5
1.1. General 5
1.1.1. Application of this Code 5
1.2. Compliance 5
1.2.1. Compliance with this Code 5
1.2.2. Materials, Systems and Equipment 5
1.3. Divisions A, B and C of this Code 6
1.3.1. General 6
1.3.2. Application of Division A 6
1.3.3. Application of Division B 6
1.3.4. Application of Division C 6
1.4. Terms and Abbreviations 7
1.4.1. Definitions of Words and Phrases 7
1.4.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations 7
1.5. Referenced Documents and Organizations 7
1.5.1. Referenced Documents 7
1.5.2. Organizations 8

Part 2 Objectives 9
2.1. Application 9
2.1.1. Application 9
2.2. Objectives 9
2.2.1. Objectives 9

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Part 3 Functional Statements 12
3.1. Application 12
3.1.1. Application 12
3.2. Functional Statements 12
3.2.1. Functional Statements 12

Appendix A Explanatory Material 14

Division B
Acceptable Solutions

Part 1 General 16
1.1. General 16
1.1.1. Application 16
1.1.2. Objectives and Functional Statements 16
1.2. Terms and Abbreviations 16
1.2.1. Definitions of Words and Phrases 16
1.2.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations 17
1.3. Referenced Documents and Organizations 17
1.3.1. Referenced Documents 17
1.3.2. Organizations 17

Part 2 Plumbing Systems 18

2.2. Materials and Equipment 18
2.2.1. General 18
2.2.2. Fixtures 19
2.3. Piping 20
2.3.6. Testing of Drainage or Venting Systems 20
2.4. Drainage Systems 21
2.4.4. Treatment of Sewage and Waste 21
2.5. Venting Systems 22
2.5.1. Vent Pipes for Traps 22
2.5.2. Single Storey Wet Venting 23

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2.6. Potable Water Systems 24
2.6.2. Protection from Contamination 24
2.7. Non-Potable Water Systems
2.8. Objectives and Functional Statements 26
2.8.1. Objectives and Functional Statements 26

Appendix A Explanatory Material 30



Division C
Administrative Provisions

Part 1 General 31
1.1. Application 31
1.1.1. Application 31
1.2. Terms and Abbreviations 31
1.2.1. Definitions of Words and Phrases 31
1.2.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations 31

Part 2 Administrative Provisions 32

2.1. Application 32
2.1.1. Application 32
2.2. Administration 32
2.2.1. Administration 32
2.2.2. Plumbing Drawings and Related Documents 32
2.3. Alternative Solutions 32
2.3.1. Documentation of Alternative Solutions 32

Appendix A Explanatory Material


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National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Division A
Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements

Part 1 Compliance

Section 1.1. General

1.1.1. Application of this Code [Subsections 1.1. and 1.2. of NPC 1995] Application of this Code [Articles 1.1.1. and 1.2.1. of NPC 1995]

1) This Code applies to the design, construction, extension, alteration, renewal or repair of plumbing
2) This Code specifies the minimum requirements for
a) drainage systems for water-borne wastes and storm water for buildings to the point of
connection with public services,
b) venting systems,
c) water service pipes, and
d) water distribution systems.

Section 1.2. Compliance

1.2.1. Compliance with this Code Compliance with this Code

1) Compliance with this Code shall be achieved by
a) complying with the applicable acceptable solutions in Division B (see Appendix A), or
b) using alternative solutions that will achieve at least the minimum level of performance
required by Division B in the areas defined by the objectives and functional statements
attributed to the applicable acceptable solutions (see Appendix A).
2) For the purposes of compliance with this Code as required in Clause, the objectives
and functional statements attributed to the acceptable solutions in Division B shall be the objectives and
functional statements referred to in Subsection 1.1.2. of Division B.

1.2.2. Materials, Systems and Equipment

[Subsection 2.1. of NPC 1995 and Section 2.4. of NBC 1995] Characteristics of Materials, Systems and Equipment

[Sentence 2.1.1.(1) of NPC 1995]

1) All materials, systems and equipment installed to meet the requirements of this Code shall be free
from defects and possess the necessary characteristics to perform their intended functions when installed.

Public Consultation 2003 – National Plumbing Code Page 5 of 33 Used Materials and Equipment [Sentence 2.1.3.(1) of NPC 1995]

1) Used materials and equipment, including fixtures, shall not be reused unless they meet the
requirements of this Code for new materials and equipment and are otherwise satisfactory for their
intended use.

Section 1.3. Divisions A, B and C of this Code

1.3.1. General Scope of Division A

1) Division A contains the compliance and application provisions, objectives and functional statements
of this Code. Scope of Division B

1) Division B contains the acceptable solutions of this Code. Scope of Division C

1) Division C contains the administrative provisions of this Code. Internal Cross-references

1) Where the Division of a referenced provision is not specified in this Code, it shall mean that the
referenced provision is in the same Division as the referencing provision.

1.3.2. Application of Division A Application of Parts 1, 2 and 3

1) Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Division A apply to all plumbing systems covered in this Code. (See

1.3.3. Application of Division B Application of Parts 1 and 2

1) Parts 1 and 2 of Division B apply to all plumbing systems covered in this Code. (See

1.3.4. Application of Division C Application of Parts 1 and 2

1) Parts 1 and 2 of Division C apply to all plumbing systems covered in this Code. (See

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Section 1.4. Terms and Abbreviations

1.4.1. Definitions of Words and Phrases [Subsection 1.3. of NPC 1995] Non-defined Terms

1) Definitions of words and phrases used in this Code that are not included in the list of definitions in
Article shall have the meanings which are commonly assigned to them in the context in which
they are used, taking into account the specialized use of terms by the various trades and professions to
which the terminology applies.
2) Where objectives and functional statements are referred to in this Code, they shall be the objectives
and functional statements described in Parts 2 and 3.
3) Where acceptable solutions are referred to in this Code, they shall be the requirements stated in
Part 2 of Division B.
4) Where alternative solutions are referred to in this Code, they shall be the alternative solutions
mentioned in Clause Defined Terms

1) The words and terms in italics in this Code shall have the following meanings:


1.4.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations [Article 1.3.4. of NPC 1995] Symbols and Other Abbreviations

1) The symbols and other abbreviations in this Code shall have the meanings assigned to them in this


Section 1.5 Referenced Documents and Organizations

1.5.1. Referenced Documents [Subsection 1.9. of NPC 1995] Application of Referenced Documents

1) The provisions of a referenced document in this Code apply only to the extent that they relate to
a) plumbing systems, and
b) the objectives and functional statements attributed to the applicable acceptable solutions in
Division B where the document is referenced. Conflicting Requirements

1) In the case of conflict between the provisions of this Code and those of a referenced document, the
provisions of this Code shall govern.

Public Consultation 2003 – National Plumbing Code Page 7 of 33 Administrative Provisions
1) Administrative provisions in referenced documents, such as requirements for labeling of products,
certification of products or issuing of permits, shall not be considered mandatory requirements of this
Code. Applicable Editions

1) Where documents are referenced in this Code, they shall be the editions designated in
Subsection 1.3.1. of Division B.

1.5.2. Organizations [Article 1.3.3. of NPC 1995] Abbreviations of Proper Names

1) The abbreviations of proper names in this Code shall have the meanings assigned to them in
Article of Division B.

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National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Division A
Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements

Part 2 Objectives

Section 2.1. Application

2.1.1. Application Application
1) This Part applies to all plumbing systems covered in this Code. (See Article Application of Objectives

1) The objectives described in this Part apply
a) to all plumbing systems covered in this Code (see Article, and
b) only to the extent that they relate to compliance with this Code as required in

Section 2.2. Objectives

2.2.1. Objectives Objectives
1) The objectives of this Code are as follows (see Appendix A):

OS Safety
An objective of this Code is to limit the probability that, as a result of the design or installation of the
plumbing system, a person in or adjacent to the building or facility will be exposed to an unacceptable
risk of injury.

OS1 Fire Safety

An objective of this Code is to limit the probability that, as a result of the design or installation of
the plumbing system, a person in or adjacent to the building or facility will be exposed to an
unacceptable risk of injury due to fire. The risks of injury due to fire addressed in this Code are
those caused by—
OS1.1 fire or explosion occurring

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OS2 Structural Safety
An objective of this Code is to limit the probability that, as a result of the design or installation of
the plumbing system, a person in or adjacent to the building will be exposed to an unacceptable risk
of injury due to structural failure. The risks of injury due to structural failure addressed in this Code
are those caused by—
OS2.1 loads bearing on the building elements that exceed their load-bearing capacity

OS3 Safety in Use

An objective of this Code is to limit the probability that, as a result of the design or installation of
the plumbing system, a person in or adjacent to the building or facility will be exposed to an
unacceptable risk of injury due to hazards. The risks of injury due to hazards addressed in this Code
are those caused by—
OS3.1 tripping, slipping, falling, contact, drowning or collision
OS3.2 contact with hot surfaces or substances
OS3.4 exposure to hazardous substances

OH Health
An objective of this Code is to limit the probability that, as a result of the design or installation of the
plumbing system, a person will be exposed to an unacceptable risk of illness.

OH1 Indoor Conditions

An objective of this Code is to limit the probability that, as a result of the design or installation of
the plumbing system, a person in the building or facility will be exposed to an unacceptable risk of
illness due to indoor conditions. The risks of illness due to indoor conditions addressed in this Code
are those caused by—
OH1.1 inadequate indoor air quality

OH2 Sanitation
An objective of this Code is to limit the probability that, as a result of the design or installation of
the plumbing system, a person in the building or facility will be exposed to an unacceptable risk of
illness due to unsanitary conditions. The risks of illness due to unsanitary conditions addressed in
this Code are those caused by—
OH2.1 exposure to human or domestic waste
OH2.2 consumption of contaminated water
OH2.3 inadequate facilities for personal hygiene
OH2.4 contact with contaminated surfaces

OH5 Hazardous Substances Containment

An objective of this Code is to limit the probability that, as a result of the design or installation of
the plumbing system, the public will be exposed to an unacceptable risk of illness due to the release
of hazardous substances from the building or facility.

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OP Protection of the Building or Facility from Water and Sewage

OP5 Protection of the Building or Facility from Water and Sewage Damage
An objective of this Code is to limit the probability that, as a result of the design or installation of
the plumbing system, the building or facility will be exposed to an unacceptable risk of damage due
to leakage of service water or sewage.

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National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Division A
Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements

Part 3 Functional Statements

Section 3.1. Application

3.1.1. Application Application
1) This Part applies to all plumbing systems covered in this Code. (See Article Application of Functional Statements

1) The functional statements described in this Part apply
a) to all plumbing systems covered in this Code (see Article, and
b) only to the extent that they relate to compliance with this Code as required in

Section 3.2. Functional Statements

3.2.1. Functional Statements Functional Statements

1) The objectives of this Code are achieved by measures, such as those described in the acceptable
solutions in Division B, that are intended to allow the plumbing system to perform the following
functions (see Appendix A):

F01 To minimize the risk of accidental ignition.

F02 To limit the severity and effects of fire or explosions.

F20 To support and withstand expected loads and forces.

F21 To limit or accommodate dimensional change.

F30 To minimize the risk of injury to persons as a result of tripping, slipping, falling, contact,
drowning or collision.
F31 To minimize the risk of injury to persons as a result of contact with hot surfaces or

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F40 To limit the level of contaminants.
F41 To minimize the risk of generation of contaminants.
F43 To minimize the risk of release of hazardous substances.
F45 To minimize the risk of the spread of disease through communal shower facilities.
F46 To minimize the risk of contamination of potable water.

F62 To facilitate the dissipation of water and moisture from within the building.

F70 To provide potable water.

F71 To provide facilities for personal hygiene.
F72 To provide facilities for the sanitary disposal of human and domestic wastes.

F80 To resist deterioration resulting from expected service conditions.

F81 To minimize the risk of malfunction, interference, damage, tampering, lack of use or

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National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Division A
Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements

Appendix A Explanatory Material

A- Code Compliance via Acceptable Solutions. If a plumbing system
design (e.g. material, component, assembly or system) can be shown to meet all provisions of the
applicable acceptable solutions in Division B (e.g. it complies with the applicable provisions of a
referenced standard), it is deemed to have satisfied the objectives and functional statements linked to
those provisions and thus to have complied with that part of the Code. In fact, if a design can be
determined to meet all the applicable acceptable solutions in Division B, there is no need to consult the
objectives and functional statements in Division A to determine its compliance.
A- Code Compliance via Alternative Solutions. Where a design differs
from the acceptable solutions in Division B, then it should be treated as an “alternative solution.” A
proponent of an alternative solution must demonstrate that the alternative solution addresses the same
issues as the applicable acceptable solutions in Division B and their attributed objectives and functional
statements. However, because the objectives and functional statements are entirely qualitative,
demonstrating compliance with them in isolation is not possible. Therefore, Clause
identifies the principle that Division B establishes the quantitative performance targets that alternative
solutions must meet. In many cases, these targets are not defined very precisely by the acceptable
solutions—certainly far less precisely than would be the case with a true performance code which would
have quantitative performance targets and prescribed methods of performance measurement for all
aspects of building performance. Nevertheless, Clause makes it clear that an effort must be
made to demonstrate that an alternative solution will perform as well as a design that would satisfy the
applicable acceptable solutions in Division B—not “well enough” but “as well as.”
In this sense, it is Division B that defines the boundaries between acceptable risks and the
“unacceptable” risks referred to in the statements of the Code’s objectives, i.e. the risk remaining once
the applicable acceptable solutions in Division B have been implemented represents the residual level of
risk deemed to be acceptable by the broad base of Canadians who have taken part in the consensus
process used to develop the Code.

Level of Performance
Where Division B offers a choice between several possible designs, it is likely that these designs may not
all provide exactly the same level of performance. Among a number of possible designs satisfying
acceptable solutions in Division B, the design providing the lowest level of performance should
generally be considered to establish the minimum acceptable level of performance to be used in
evaluating alternative solutions for compliance with the Code.
Sometimes a single design will be used as an alternative solution to several sets of acceptable solutions
in Division B. In this case, the level of performance required of the alternative solution should be at least
equivalent to the overall level of performance established by all the applicable sets of acceptable
solutions taken as a whole.
Each provision in Division B has been analyzed to determine to what it applies and what it is intended to
achieve. The resultant application and intent statements clarify what undesirable results each provision
seeks to preclude. These statements are not a legal component of the Code, but are advisory in nature,
and can help Code users establish performance targets for alternative solutions. They are published as a

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separate document entitled “User’s Guide – NPC 1995, Application and Intent Statements” which is only
available on CD-ROM.

Areas of Performance
A subset of the acceptable solutions in Division B may establish criteria for particular types of designs
(e.g. certain types of materials, components, assemblies, or systems). Often such subsets of acceptable
solutions are all attributed to the same objective, Sanitation for example. In some cases, the designs that
are normally used to satisfy this subset of acceptable solutions might also provide some benefits that
could be related to some other objective, Protection of the Building or Facility from Water and Sewage
Damage for example. However, if none of the applicable acceptable solutions are linked to Objective
OP, Protection of the Building or Facility from Water and Sewage Damage, it is not necessary that
alternative solutions proposed to replace these acceptable solutions provide a similar benefit related to
Protection of the Building or Facility from Water and Sewage Damage. In other words, the acceptable
solutions in Division B establish acceptable levels of performance for compliance with the Code only in
those areas defined by the objectives and functional statements attributed to the acceptable solutions.

Applicable Acceptable Solutions

In demonstrating that an alternative solution will perform as well as a design that would satisfy the
applicable acceptable solutions in Division B, its evaluation should not be limited to comparison with the
acceptable solutions to which an alternative is proposed. It is possible that acceptable solutions
elsewhere in the Code also apply. The proposed alternative solution may be shown to perform as well as
the most apparent acceptable solution which it is replacing but may not perform as well as other relevant
acceptable solutions. All applicable acceptable solutions should be taken into consideration in
demonstrating the compliance of an alternative solution.
A- Listing of Objectives. Any gaps in the numbering sequence of the
objectives are due to the fact that there is a master list of objectives covering the three principal National
Code Documents—the National Building Code, the National Fire Code and the National Plumbing
Code—but not all objectives are pertinent to all codes.
A- Listing of Functional Statements. The numbered functional
statements are grouped according to functions that deal with closely related subjects. For example, the
first group deals with fire risks, the second group deals with the structural properties of piping materials,
etc. There may be gaps in the numbering sequence for the following reasons:
• Each group has unused numbers which allows for the possible future creation of additional
functional statements within any one group.
• There is a master list of functional statements covering the three principal National Code
Documents—the National Building Code, the National Fire Code and the National Plumbing
Code—but not all functional statements are pertinent to all codes.

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National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Division B
Acceptable Solutions

Part 1 General

Section 1.1. General

1.1.1. Application Application
1) This Part applies to all plumbing systems covered in this Code. (See Article of Division A.)

1.1.2. Objectives and Functional Statements Attribution to Acceptable Solutions

1) For the purposes of compliance with this Code as required in Clause of Division A,
the objectives and functional statements attributed to the acceptable solutions in Division B shall be the
objectives and functional statements identified in Section 2.8. (See Appendix A.)

Section 1.2. Terms and Abbreviations

1.2.1. Definitions of Words and Phrases [Subsection 1.3. of NPC 1995] Non-defined Terms

1) Definitions of words and phrases used in Division B that are not included in the list of definitions in
Article of Division A shall have the meanings which are commonly assigned to them in the
context in which they are used, taking into account the specialized use of terms by the various trades and
professions to which the terminology applies.
2) Where objectives and functional statements are referred to in Division B, they shall be the
objectives and functional statements described in Parts 2 and 3 of Division A.
3) Where acceptable solutions are referred to in Division B, they shall be the requirements stated in
Part 2. Defined Terms

1) The words and terms in italics in Division B shall have the meanings assigned to them in
Article of Division A.

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1.2.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations [Article 1.3.4. of NPC 1995] Symbols and Other Abbreviations

1) The symbols and other abbreviations in Division B shall have the meanings assigned to them in
Article of Division A.

Section 1.3. Referenced Documents and Organizations

1.3.1. Referenced Documents [Subsection 1.9. of NPC 1995] Effective Date

1) Unless otherwise specified herein, the documents referenced in this Code shall include all
amendments, revisions and supplements effective to 31 October 2001. Applicable Editions

1) Where documents are referenced in this Code, they shall be the editions designated in Table

Table [Table 1.9.3. of NPC 1995]

Documents Referenced in the National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

1.3.2. Organizations [Article 1.3.3. of NPC 1995] Abbreviations of Proper Names

1) The abbreviations of proper names in this Code shall have the meanings assigned to them in this
Article. The appropriate addresses of organizations are shown in brackets following the name.


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National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Division B
Acceptable Solutions

Part 2 Plumbing Systems

2.2. Materials and Equipment
2.2.1. General
2.2.2. Fixtures
2.3. Piping
2.3.6. Testing of Drainage or Venting Systems
2.4. Drainage Systems
2.4.4. Treatment of Sewage and Waste
2.5. Venting Systems
2.5.1. Vent Pipes for Traps
2.5.2. Single Storey Wet Venting
2.6. Potable Water Systems
2.6.2. Protection from Contamination
2.8. Objectives and Functional Statements
2.8.1. Objectives and Functional Statements

Section 2.2. Materials and Equipment

[Section 2 of NPC 1995]

2.2.1. General [Subsection 2.1. of NPC 1995 (Note that Article 2.1.1. and Sentence 2.1.3.(1) of
NPC 1995 have been moved to Subsection 1.2.2. of Division A.)]

[…] Exposure of Materials [Article 2.1.2. of NPC 1995]

1) Where unusual conditions exist, such as excessively corrosive soil or water, only F80
materials suited for use in such locations shall be used.
2) Materials and equipment used in a drainage system where excessively corrosive
wastes are present shall be suitable for the purpose.

Page 18 of 33 Public Consultation 2003 – National Plumbing Code Restrictions on Re-use [Article 2.1.3. of NPC 1995]

2) Materials and equipment that have been used for a purpose other than the F70
distribution of potable water shall not be subsequently used in a potable water system. Identification [Article 2.1.4. of NPC 1995]

1) Every length of pipe and every fitting shall

a) have cast, stamped or indelibly marked on it the maker's name or mark and
the weight or class or quality of the product, or
b) be marked in accordance with the relevant standard.
2) Markings required in Sentence (1) shall be visible after installation. Pipe or Piping [Article 2.1.5. of NPC 1995]

1) Where the term pipe or piping is used, it shall also apply to tube or tubing unless
otherwise stated. Withstanding Pressure [Article 2.1.6. of NPC 1995]

1) Piping, fittings and joints used in pressure sewer, force main or sump pump
discharge applications shall be capable of withstanding at least one and one-half times
the maximum potential pressure.

2.2.2. Fixtures [Subsection 2.2. of NPC 1995] Surface Requirements [Article 2.2.1. of NPC 1995]

1) Every fixture shall have a smooth, hard, corrosion-resistant surface, free from flaws F41
and blemishes that may interfere with cleaning. Conformance to Standards [Article 2.2.2. of NPC 1995]

1) Every fixture shall conform to CSA B45, “Plumbing Fixtures,” as applicable. F80

2) Every vitreous china fixture shall conform to CSA B45.1, “Ceramic Plumbing F80
3) Every enamelled cast iron fixture shall conform to CSA B45.2, “Enamelled Cast F80
Iron Plumbing Fixtures.”
4) Every porcelain enamelled steel fixture shall conform to CSA B45.3, “Porcelain- F80
Enamelled Steel Plumbing Fixtures.”
5) Every stainless steel fixture shall conform to CSA B45.4, “Stainless Steel Plumbing F80
6) Every plastic fixture shall conform to CSA B45.5, “Plastic Plumbing Fixtures.” F80

7) Every hydromassage bathtub shall conform to CSA B45.10, “Hydromassage F41, F71,
Bathtubs.” F80


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Section 2.3. Piping [Section 3 of NPC 1995]


2.3.6. Testing of Drainage or Venting Systems

[Subsection 3.6. of NPC 1995] Tests and Inspection of Drainage or Venting Systems

[Article 3.6.1. of NPC 1995]

1) Except in the case of an external leader, after a section of a drainage system or a F81
venting system has been roughed in, and before any fixture is installed or piping is
covered, a water or an air test shall be conducted.
2) After every fixture is installed and before any part of the drainage system or venting F81
system is placed in operation, a final test shall be carried out when requested.
3) Where a prefabricated system is assembled off the building site in such a manner F81
that it cannot be inspected and tested on site, off-site inspections and tests shall be
4) Where a prefabricated system is installed as part of a drainage system or venting F81
system, all other plumbing work shall be tested and inspected and a final test shall be
carried out on the complete system when requested.
5) When requested, a ball test shall be made to any pipe in a drainage system. F81 Tests of Pipes in Drainage Systems [Article 3.6.2. of NPC 1995]

1) Every pipe in a drainage system, except an external leader or fixture outlet pipe, F81
shall be capable of withstanding without leakage a water test, air test and final test.
2) Every pipe in a drainage system shall be capable of meeting a ball test. F81 Tests of Venting Systems [Article 3.6.3. of NPC 1995]

1) Every venting system shall be capable of withstanding without leakage a water test, F81
air test and final test. Water Tests [Article 3.6.4. of NPC 1995]

1) Where a water test is made it shall be applied to F81

a) the system as a whole, or
b) sections of the system, each of which is not less than 3 m high and includes
not less than 1.5 m of the section below.
2) In making a water test F81
a) every opening except the highest shall be tightly closed with a testing plug
or a screw cap, and
b) the system or the section shall be kept filled with water for 15 min.

Page 20 of 33 Public Consultation 2003 – National Plumbing Code Air Tests [Article 3.6.5. of NPC 1995]

1) Where an air test is made F81

a) every opening in the system shall be closed,
b) air shall be forced into the system until a pressure of 35 kPa is created, and
c) this pressure shall be maintained for 15 min without the addition of more
air. Final Tests [Article 3.6.6. of NPC 1995]

1) Where a final test is made F81

a) every trap shall be filled with water,
b) the bottom of the system being tested shall terminate at a building trap, test
plug or cap,
c) except as provided in Sentence (2), smoke from smoke-generating machines
shall be forced into the system,
d) when the smoke appears from all roof terminals they shall be closed, and
e) a pressure equivalent to a 25 mm water column shall be maintained for
15 min without the addition of more smoke.
2) The smoke referred to in Clauses and (d) may be omitted provided the F81
roof terminals are closed and the system is subjected to an air pressure equivalent to a
25 mm water column maintained for 15 min without the addition of more air. Ball Tests [Article 3.6.7. of NPC 1995]

1) Where a ball test is made, a hard ball dense enough not to float shall be rolled F81
through the pipe.
2) The diameter of the ball shall be not less than F81
a) 50 mm where the size of the pipe is 3 in. or more, or
b) 25 mm where the size of the pipe is less than 3 in.


Section 2.4. Drainage Systems [Section 4 of NPC 1995]


2.4.4. Treatment of Sewage and Wastes

[Subsection 4.4. of NPC 1995] Sewage Treatment [Article 4.4.1. of NPC 1995]

1) Where a fixture or equipment discharges sewage or waste that may damage or F81
impair the sanitary drainage system or the functioning of a public or private sewage
disposal system, provision shall be made for treatment of the sewage or waste before it is
discharged to the sanitary drainage system. Cooling of Hot Water or Sewage [Article 4.4.2. of NPC 1995]

1) Where a fixture discharges sewage or clear-water waste that is at a temperature F81

above 75ºC, provision shall be made for cooling of the waste to 75ºC or less before it is
discharged to the drainage system.

Public Consultation 2003 – National Plumbing Code Page 21 of 33 Interceptors [Article 4.4.3. of NPC 1995]

1) Where a fixture discharging sewage that includes grease is located in a public F81
kitchen or restaurant or in an institution, a grease interceptor shall be installed when
required. (See Appendix A.)
2) Where the discharge from a fixture may contain oil or gasoline, an oil interceptor F43, F81
shall be installed.
3) Where a fixture discharges sand, grit or similar materials, an interceptor designed F81
for the purpose of trapping such discharges shall be installed.
4) Every interceptor shall have sufficient capacity to perform the service for which it F81
is provided. (See Article for venting requirements for oil interceptors.) Neutralizing and Dilution Tanks [Article 4.4.4. of NPC 1995]

1) Where a fixture or equipment discharges corrosive or acid waste it shall discharge F43, F80
into a neutralizing or diluting tank which shall be connected to the sanitary drainage
system through
a) a trap, or
b) indirect connection.
2) Each neutralizing or diluting tank shall have a method for neutralizing the liquid. F43, F80


Section 2.5. Venting Systems [Section 5 of NPC 1995]

2.5.1. Vent Pipes for Traps [Subsection 5.1. of NPC 1995] Venting for Traps [Article 5.1.1. of NPC 1995]

1) Except as provided in Sentences (3) and (4), every trap shall be protected by F81
a) an individual vent,
b) a dual vent,
c) a single storey wet vent extended as
i) a continuous vent, or
ii) a stack vent, or
d) a multi-storey wet vent.
2) In addition to the protection required in Sentence (1), plumbing drainage systems F81
may require additional protection as provided in Subsections 2.5.4. and 2.5.5. by the
installation of
a) branch vents,
b) vent stacks,
c) stack vents,
d) headers,
e) fresh air inlets, or
f) relief vents.
3) A trap that serves a floor drain need not be protected where
a) the size of the trap is not less than 3 in.,
b) the length of the fixture drain is not less than 450 mm, and
c) the fall on the fixture drain does not exceed its size.
(See Appendix A.)

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4) A trap need not be protected by a vent pipe
a) where it serves
i) a subsoil drainage pipe, or
ii) a storm drainage system, or
b) where it forms part of an indirect drainage system.
(See Appendix A.)

2.5.2. Single Storey Wet Venting [Subsection 5.2. of NPC 1995] Single Storey Wet Venting [Subsection 5.2.1. of NPC 1995]

(See Appendix A.)
1) A section of soil-or-waste pipe may serve as a single storey wet vent provided that F40, F81
a) it is extended as a stack vent or as a continuous vent,
b) all of the fixtures are in the same storey,
c) no soil-or-waste stack is connected to it upstream of a wet vented fixture,
d) except as provided in Sentence (2), trap arms are connected separately and
directly to the soil-or-waste pipe, and
e) where a water closet trap arm is connected to a vertical pipe, it is connected
downstream of all other fixtures.

2) A branch or a fixture drain not exceeding 2 in. in size may discharge into the wet F40, F81
vent downstream of the continuous vent provided its load is included when sizing the wet
vent portion. Relief Vents [Article 5.2.2. of NPC 1995]

1) When more than 4 fixtures are wet vented, a relief vent shall be connected to the F40, F81
horizontal soil-or-waste pipe that forms part of a wet vented system
a) downstream of the connection for the wet vented fixture that is farthest
downstream, when the soil-or-waste pipe to which the wet vented system is
connected receives a hydraulic load of more than 6 fixture units upstream of
that connection,
b) so that the cumulative horizontal change in direction in the branch or
building drain between vent pipes does not exceed 45º, and
c) so that not more than 8 wet vented fixtures are connected to the branch or
building drain between vent pipe connections.
(See Appendix A.)

2) A soil-or-waste pipe that is extended as an individual, dual or continuous vent may F40, F81
serve as a relief vent provided
a) the soil-or-waste pipe is sized as a wet vent in conformance with
Articles and, and
b) the vent pipe is sized in accordance with Sentence
(See Appendix A.)

3) A relief vent may serve as a combined relief vent for two or more wet vented F40, F81
branches providing that not more than 8 wet vented fixtures are connected between the
combined relief vent and the continuous vents or soil-or-waste stack. (See Appendix A.)


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Section 2.6. Potable Water Systems [Section 6 of NPC 1995]


2.6.2. Protection from Contamination [Subsection 6.2. of NPC 1995] Connection of Systems [Article 6.2.1. of NPC 1995]

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), connections to potable water systems shall be F46, F70,
designed and installed so that non-potable water or substances that may render the water F81
non-potable cannot enter the system.
2) A water treatment device or apparatus shall not be installed unless it can be F46, F70,
demonstrated that the device or apparatus will not introduce substances into the system F81
that may endanger health. Back-Siphonage [Article 6.2.2. of NPC 1995]

1) Potable water connections to fixtures, tanks, vats or other devices not subject to F46, F70,
pressure above atmospheric and containing other than potable water shall be installed so F81
as to prevent back-siphonage in conformance with Sentence (2).
2) Except as provided in Sentence, back-siphonage shall be prevented by F46, F70,
the installation of F81
a) an air gap,
b) an atmospheric vacuum breaker,
c) a pressure vacuum breaker,
d) a hose connection vacuum breaker,
e) a dual check valve backflow preventer with atmospheric port,
f) a double check valve assembly,
g) a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer,
h) a dual check valve backflow preventer,
i) a laboratory faucet type vacuum breaker, or
j) a dual check valve backflow preventer with vent. Backflow Caused by Back Pressure [Article 6.2.3. of NPC 1995]

1) Potable water connections to fixtures, tanks, vats, boilers or other devices F46, F70,
containing other than potable water and subject to pressure above atmospheric shall be F81
arranged to prevent backflow caused by back pressure in conformance with
Sentences (2) and (3).
2) Except as provided in Article, backflow caused by back pressure of non- F46, F70,
toxic substances into a potable water system shall be prevented by the installation of F81
a) an air gap,
b) a dual check valve backflow preventer with atmospheric port,
c) a dual check valve backflow preventer,
d) a dual check valve backflow preventer with vent,
e) a double check valve assembly, or
f) a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer.
3) Backflow caused by back pressure of toxic substances into a potable water system F46, F70,
shall be prevented by the installation of F81
a) an air gap, or
b) a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer.

Page 24 of 33 Public Consultation 2003 – National Plumbing Code Backflow from Fire Protection Systems [Article 6.2.4. of NPC 1995]
(See Appendix A.)
1) Backflow caused by back-siphonage or back pressure from fire sprinkler systems F46, F70,
where water treatment is not added is permitted to be prevented by an alarm check valve F81
installed in conformance with NFPA 13, “Installation of Sprinkler Systems.”
2) Backflow caused by back-siphonage or back pressure from standpipe systems F46, F70,
where water treatment is not added is permitted to be prevented by the installation of a F81
detector check valve with a resilient-seated check valve on the metered bypass. Separation of Water Supply Systems [Article 6.2.5. of NPC 1995]

1) No private water supply system shall be interconnected with a public water supply F46, F70,
system. F81 Premise or Zone Isolation [Article 6.2.6. of NPC 1995]

1) In addition to a backflow preventer required by this Subsection for buildings or F46, F70,
facilities where potentially severe health hazard may be caused by backflow, a potable F81
water system shall be provided with premise or zone isolation by the installation of a
reduced pressure principle backflow preventer. (See Appendix A.) Hose Bibb [Article 6.2.7. of NPC 1995]

1) Where a hose bibb is installed outside a building, inside a garage or in an area F46, F70,
where there is an identifiable risk of contamination, the potable water system shall be F81
protected against backflow through the hose bibb. Cleaning of Systems [Article 6.2.8. of NPC 1995]

1) A newly installed part of a potable water system shall be cleaned before the system F46, F70,
is put into operation. F81 Air Gap [Article 6.2.9. of NPC 1995]

(See Appendix A.)
1) An air gap shall not be located in a noxious environment. F46, F70,

2) Every air gap shall be not less than 25 mm high and at least twice the diameter of F46, F70,
the opening of the water supply outlet in height. F81 Vacuum Breakers [Article 6.2.10. of NPC 1995]

1) Where the critical level is not marked on an atmospheric vacuum breaker or

pressure vacuum breaker, the critical level shall be taken as the lowest point on the
2) Where an atmospheric vacuum breaker is installed, it shall be located on the F46, F70,
downstream side of the fixture control valve or faucet so that it will be subject to water F81
supply pressure
a) only when the valve or faucet is open and
b) for periods of use not to exceed 12 h continuous. (See Appendix A.)

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3) An atmospheric vacuum breaker shall be installed so that the critical level is at least F46, F70,
the distance specified by the manufacturer at which the device will operate safely but not F81
less than 25 mm above
a) the flood level rim of a fixture or tank, or
b) the highest point open to atmosphere in an irrigation system.
4) A pressure vacuum breaker shall be installed so that the critical level is not less F46, F70,
than 300 mm above F81
a) the flood level rim of a fixture or tank, or
b) the highest point open to atmosphere in an irrigation system. Tank Type Water Closets [Article 6.2.11. of NPC 1995]

1) Tank type water closets shall be provided with a back-siphonage preventer in F46, F70,
conformance with Sentence F81 Backflow Preventers [Article 6.2.12. of NPC 1995]

1) No bypass piping or other device capable of reducing the effectiveness of a F46, F70,
backflow preventer shall be installed in a water supply system. F81

2) Backflow preventers shall be selected, installed, maintained and field tested in F46, F70,
conformance with CAN/CSA-B64.10-M, “Backflow Prevention Devices – Selection, F81
Installation, Maintenance, and Field Testing.”


Section 2.8. Objectives and Functional Statements

2.8.1. Objectives and Functional Statements Attribution to Acceptable Solutions

1) For the purposes of compliance with this Code as required in Clause of Division A,
the objectives and functional statements attributed to the acceptable solutions in this Part shall be the
objectives and functional statements listed in Table (See Appendix Note A-

Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed to the Acceptable Solutions in Part 2
Forming Part of Sentence

Objectives and Functional Statements(1)
Solutions Exposure of Materials
(1) [F80-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3,OH2.4] [F80-OP5] Restrictions on Re-Use
(2) [F70-OH2.2] Surface Requirements
(1) [F41-OH2.4]

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Table (Continued)

Objectives and Functional Statements(1)
Solutions Conformance to Standards
(1) [F80-OH2.1,OH2.4] [F80-OS3.1]
(2) [F80-OH2.1,OH2.4] [F80-OS3.1]
(3) [F80-OH2.1,OH2.4] [F80-OS3.1]
(4) [F80-OH2.1,OH2.4] [F80-OS3.1]
(5) [F80-OH2.1,OH2.4] [F80-OS3.1]
(6) [F80-OH2.1,OH2.4] [F80-OS3.1]
(7) [F80,F41-OH2.1,OH2.4] [F71-OS3.1] Tests and Inspection of Drainage or Venting Systems

[F81-OH1.1] Applies to venting systems.
[F81-OH2.1,OH2.3] Applies to drainage systems.
[F81-OH1.1] Applies to venting systems.
[F81-OH2.1,OH2.3] Applies to drainage systems.
(3) [F81-OH1.1] [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3]
[F81-OH1.1] Applies to venting systems.
[F81-OH2.1,OH2.3] Applies to drainage systems.
(5) [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3] Tests of Pipes in Drainage Systems
(1) [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3]
(2) [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3] Tests of Venting Systems
(1) [F81-OH1.1] Water Tests
(1) [F81-OH1.1] [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3]
(2) [F81-OH1.1] [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3] Air Tests
(1) [F81-OH1.1] [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3] Final Tests
(1) [F81-OH1.1] [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3]
(2) [F81-OH1.1] [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3] Ball Tests
(1) [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3]
(2) [F81-OH2.1,OH2.3] Sewage Treatment

(1) [F81-OH2.1] Cooling of Hot Water or Sewage
(1) [F81-OH2.1]

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Table (Continued)

Objectives and Functional Statements(1)
Solutions Interceptors
(1) [F81-OH2.1]
(2) [F81-OS1.1] [F43-OH5]
(3) [F81-OH2.1]
(4) [F81-OH2.1] Neutralizing and Dilution Tanks
[F80-OS3.4] [F80-OH2.1] Applies to portion of Code text: “... be connected to the sanitary
drainage system” through (a) or (b).
[F43-OH5] Applies to portion of Code text: “… discharge into a neutralizing or diluting tank
... ”
(2) [F43-OH5] [F80-OH2.1] Venting for Traps

(1) [F81-OH1.1]
(2) [F81-OH1.1] Single Storey Wet Venting
(1) [F40,F81-OH1.1]
(2) [F40,F81-OH1.1] Relief Vents
(1) [F40,F81-OH1.1]
(2) [F40,F81-OH1.1]
(3) [F40,F81-OH1.1] Connection of Systems

(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]
(2) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Back-Siphonage
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]
(2) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Backflow Caused by Back Pressure
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]
(2) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]
(3) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Backflow from Fire Protection Systems
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]
(2) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Separation of Water Supply Systems
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Premise or Zone Isolation
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]

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Table (Continued)

Objectives and Functional Statements(1)
Solutions Hose Bibb
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Cleaning of Systems
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Air Gap
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]
(2) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Vacuum Breakers
(2) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]
(3) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]
(4) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Tank Type Water Closets
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3] Backflow Preventers
(1) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]
(2) [F70,F81,F46-OH2.1,OH2.2,OH2.3]

Note to Table

See Parts 2 and 3 of Division A.

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National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Division B
Acceptable Solutions

Appendix A Explanatory Material

A- Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed to
Acceptable Solutions.

Functional Statements Only

In Division B, only the functional statements, and not the objectives, appear beside the provisions. There
are two reasons for this:
• The attributed functional statements will usually provide sufficient information to the Code user
who seeks only to better understand the provisions.
• Even in cases where a Code user is contemplating an alternative solution, the functional
statements are often all the alternative solution needs to satisfy because the objectives usually
end up being satisfied in that process.
However, in some cases, it is also necessary to consult the objectives to determine what an alternative
solution must achieve to comply with the Code. To this end, a complete listing of applicable objectives
and functional statements is presented in Section 2.8.
No Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed
Many provisions in Division B serve as pointers to other relevant provisions or serve other clarification
or explanatory purposes. In most cases, no objectives and functional statements have been attributed to
such provisions, and thus they do not appear beside the provisions or in the above-mentioned listings.
For provisions that serve as pointers to other referenced provisions and that have not been attributed any
objectives and functional statements, the objectives and functional statements that should be used are
those attributed to the provisions they reference.


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National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Division C
Administrative Provisions

Part 1 General

Section 1.1. Application

1.1.1. Application Application
1) This Part applies to all plumbing systems covered in this Code. (See Article of Division A.)

Section 1.2. Terms and Abbreviations

1.2.1. Definitions of Words and Phrases [Subsection 1.3. of NPC 1995] Non-defined Terms

1) Definitions of words and phrases used in Division C that are not included in the list of definitions in
Article of Division A shall have the meanings which are commonly assigned to them in the
context in which they are used, taking into account the specialized use of terms by the various trades and
professions to which the terminology applies.
2) Where objectives and functional statements are referred to in Division C, they shall be the
objectives and functional statements described in Parts 2 and 3 of Division A.
3) Where acceptable solutions are referred to in Division C, they shall be the requirements stated in
Part 2 of Division B.
4) Where alternative solutions are referred to in Division C, they shall be the alternative solutions
mentioned in Clause of Division A. Defined Terms

1) The words and terms in italics in Division C shall have the meanings assigned to them in
Article of Division A.

1.2.2. Symbols and Other Abbreviations [Article 1.3.4. of NPC 1995] Symbols and Other Abbreviations

1) The symbols and other abbreviations in Division C shall have the meanings assigned to them in
Article of Division A.

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National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995

Division C
Administrative Provisions

Part 2 Administrative Provisions

Section 2.1. Application

2.1.1. Application Application
1) This Part applies to all plumbing systems covered in this Code. (See Article of Division A.)

Section 2.2. Administration

2.2.1. Administration Administrative Requirements [Article 1.1.2. of NPC 1995]

1) The appropriate requirements in the Administrative Requirements for Use with the National
Building Code 1985 shall apply to this Code.

2.2.2. Plumbing Drawings and Related Documents

[Subsection 1.8. of NPC 1995] Contents [Article 1.8.1. of NPC 1995]

1) Plumbing drawings and related documents submitted with the application for a plumbing permit
shall show
a) the location and size of every building drain and of every trap and cleanout fitting that is on
a building drain,
b) the size and location of every soil-or-waste pipe, trap and vent pipe, and
c) a layout of the potable water distribution system, including pipe sizes and valves.

Section 2.3. Alternative Solutions

2.3.1. Documentation of Alternative Solutions Documentation
1) Documentation complying with this Subsection shall be provided to demonstrate that the proposed
alternative solutions conform to the requirements of this Code. (See Appendix A.)

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This Section will be expanded based on the discussion paper, “Recommended Documentation
Requirements for Projects Using Alternative Solutions in the Context of Objective-Based Codes” (to
read, go to, dated November 1998, which
was prepared by the Task Group on Implementation of Objective-Based Codes.


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