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Jurisdiction: RA 7691 Lupong Tagapamayapa

Regional Trial Court Metropolitan Trial Court Prior recourse to barangay conciliation is a pre-requisite in
PENALTY: Penalty of PENALTY:Penalty of the filing of a complaint in court or any governmental
imprisonment exceeding six Imprisonment not office except:
years regardless of fine exceeding six years 1. Where one party is a government or any
regardless of Fine subdivision
2. When one party is a public officer or employee
PURELY FINE: If the Purely Fine: If the penalty and the dispute relates to official function
penalty of the crime of the crime does not 3. Where the dispute involves real property located
exceeds P4,000 exceed P4,000 in different cities and municipalities
Jurisdictional 4. When the offense exceeds the maximum penalty
of imprisonment of one year or a fine of P5,000.
1. The criminal action is instituted and tried in the 5. Urgent Legal action is necessary to prevent
court or municipality or territory where the injustice from being committed in the following
offense was committed or where any of its cases
essential elements of the crime occurred. a. Criminal cases where the accused is
Examples: under police detention
1. The motorcycle was stolen in Bulacan the case b. Petition for habeas corpus
must be filed in Bulacan. c. Action coupled with provisional
2. The person was robbed in Manila the case is to be remedies such as preliminary
filed in Manila injunction, attachment, delivery or a
3. If the offense is committed in airplane, or other person illegally deprived
public or private vehicles while in the course of d. Action that is barred with statute of
the trip the criminal action is to be tried in the 1. limitation.
Court of any municipality or territory where such Hold Departure Order
train vehicle or aircraft passed during its trip
including the place of departure and arrival. 1. Only the RTC , in criminal cases can issue a hold
4. If the offense is committed on board a vessel in departure order
the course of its voyage, the criminal action is to
be tried in the first port of entry of any Remedy: The accused can file a petition in court allowing
municipality or territory where the vessel passed him to post a bond in order to leave the country.
during such voyage subject to the generally
accepted principle of international law Who files?

Airplane. Public or Vessel at sea 1. Fiscal: The penalty is at least six years one day
private moving vehicle the application is filed in the RTC where the
crime was committed or where the essential
The case is to be filed in The case is to be filed in the elements of the crime occurred
any place or departure and first port of entry of any 2. NBI: can file it in any of the ff courts: RTC of
arrival or where any vehicle municipality or territory Manila, Cebu , Iloilo, Davao, Cagayan de Oro
or aircraft had passed where the vessel passed
during the trip through such voyage. known provided that the RTC of Manila, Cebu, Quezon
City, Iloilo Davao, Cagayan De Oro applied by the NBI.

5. RA 9262. Infidelity committed by the husband Q: Can the DOJ be allowed to hold a hold departure
against the wife is a continuing offense on the order?
part of the wife. Even if the person is not present
in the Philippines you can still file the case. A: No. Only the RTC can issue a hold departure order.
6. BP22 . The case is to be filed where any of the Sandiganbayan
elements occur 1. Where the check was drawn, The Sandiganbayan can motu proprio issue a hold
bounced etc. departure order as this is inherent to its power. There is no
Summary Procedure need for a case to be filed.
a. Precautionary Hold- Departure
1. Offenses not exceeding 6 months or a fine not
exceeding P1,000
2. Damage to property through Criminal Negligence
the fine does not exceed P10,000
3. Violation of traffic law, rules and regulation
4. Violation of rental law
5. Violation of municipal or city ordinance.
There must be an order in writing issued by the Court 1. Manila and chartered city
commanding the Bureau of Immigration to prevent any a. Office of the Ombudsman
attempt on the person suspected of the crime to depart the b. National and regional state prosecutor
c. Other officers as authorized by law
Philippines in cases that involves crimes with the minimum
penalty does not exceed six years and that the case is just in Note: Judges can no longer conduct a preliminary
the prosecutor level. No case was filed yet. investigation
2. Outside of Metro Manila
Jurisdiction: a. Provincial Prosecutor.
Motion to quash: Lack of authority on the part of the filing
1. Salary Grade 27 or higher
officer prevents the court from acquiring jurisdiction over
2. Crime committed is in violation of Act the case. An infirmity in the information such as lack of
3019( Bribery, direct or indirect bribery) authority cannot be cured and may be subject to motion to
3. The act committed in relation to his office. quash.

4. City Treasurer, engineer even though they are not Procedure:
in the level of Salary Grade 27. 1. A complaint makes an affidavit under oath it
5. Directors, trustee of president state universities, must be subscribed before any prosecutor or
the government owned and controlled corporation government official authorized to administer oath
even though there is no salary grade 27. and in case of inability to the notary public each
6. RTC has jurisdiction when there is no damage to of who must certify to have personally examined
the government or alleges from crime not the affiant and is satisfied that the affidavit is
exceeding P1.000,000 it will still fall within the voluntarily executed.
jurisdiction of the RTC. 2. After ten days of the filing of complaint the
 Note the case of conspiracy. investigating officer shall either
a. Dismiss it if he finds no ground to
continue with the investigation
More examples b. Issue a subpoena attaching the
complaint and affidavit( in order to
1. Mayor Sanchez argued that the crime must be submit a counter affidavit)
filed in Sandiganbayan Mayor Sanchez was i. If the respondent cannot be
accused of the crime of rape and murder. The subpoena or did not submit
court ruled that Murder would have been any counter-affidavit the
committed regardless of the position of Mayor investigating officer shall
Sanchez resolve the complaint based
2. Serana falls within the Category of Officer, on evidence presented
trustee of state university that is why the case is 3. If needed, a clarificatory hearing is to be
to be filed in the Sandiganbayan regardless of the conducted. The hearing is for a period of ten days
salary grade from submission of counter affidavit and other
document or from the expiration of the period of
submission. It is terminated within five days.
4. After five days the assistant prosecutor shall
Has jurisdiction over any offense of any misfeasance and
determine whether there is sufficient ground to
malfeasance of the public officer. It is not necessary that hold the respondent for trial/ The assistant
the crime is related to the office. Note that the ombudsman prosecutor creates an information or a resolution
is not a court. as to the recommendation which the City
Prosecutor can either
The Office of the Ombudsman can also conduct a a. Approve (Information +resolution)
preliminary investigation, administrative investigation to b. Reject ( Probable cause)
determine if probable cause exist for the filing of the i. The City prosecutor can file
the case himself
information to the proper court. ii. Or ask another prosecutor to
do the same
Rule 112: Preliminary Investigation
Remedies: The aggrieved party can file a petition for
Definition: This is an inquiry or proceeding to determine review with the DOJ: A verified petition for review to the
whether there is sufficient ground to engender a well Secretary of justice and furnishing thereto the appealed
founded belief that a crime has been committed and the resolution. The Petition for review with the DOJ shall be
accused is probably guilty of the crime committed thereto. taken within fifteen days from the receipt of resolution or
Who can conduct? denial of the MR or reinvestigation if one has been filed
within 15 days from the receipt of resolution.
DOJ level: c. When the person arrested is a prisoner
that escaped from a penal establishment
1. No case filed in court: DOJ can order the
or place where he serves final judgment
prosecutor to either file or refrain from the filing
or is temporarily confined while the
of the case
case is pending or has escaped from
2. If the case is in court. The DOJ orders the
one confinement to another brought to
prosecutor to file a petition to dismiss the same in
the nearest police station or detention
court. Which the court has discretion to do so.
 Note the filing of the petition for review with the
2. Brought to the inquest prosecutors . An inquest is
DOJ will not interrupt the filing of the case in
an informal and summary investigation that is
conducted by a public prosecutor in a criminal
When is Preliminary Investigation necessary? When there case involving a person arrested and detained
is a penalty prescribed by law is at least four years , two without the benefit of the warrant of arrest.
months and one day without regard to a fine.
Manila or Outside a. Determination
any Manila or i. Release: Preliminary
chartered any investigation
City chartered ii. Detain: Filing of the criminal
city information because probable
cause exist. This is to be
1. Preliminary Office of Office of approved by city prosecutor
Investigation the the 3. Option of detained suspect
prosecutor prosecutor a. Ask for preliminary investigation:
( 4 years two months and
one day without regard to a Waiver of article 125 as there are
fine) certain periods only as to how long the
person is to be detained
2. No preliminary Office of Office of
investigation but the the Article 125
the case is filed in Prosecutor Prosecutor ( 1. Crime punished by correctional penalty within 18 hours
Prosecutor Direct
filing) 2. Crime punishably by light penalty with 12 hours
3. Crime punishable by afflictive or capital punishment
3. Summary Prosecutor Office of
within 36 hours.
Procedure : No the
preliminary prosecutor
investigation direct filing
with the b. Allow the filing of the information and
MTC then ask for the preliminary
investigation within five days from the
Prescription of Offenses: knowledge of the filing of the
1. Ordinary offenses: Interrupted by the filing of the
complaint in the Fiscal
2. Special law: Interrupted by the filing of the When warrant of arrest may issue
complaint with the prosecutor ( Securities and
BP22) RULE 113
3. Ordinance: Interrupted only as to filing of the
case in court
There is no warrant of arrest in
Rule 113: Arrest 1. Fine
1. Warrantless arrest 2. Summary procedure except if the accused failed to attend
a. When in his presence the person to be trial
arrested is committed, is actually Arrest
committing or is attempting to commit
an offense. Brought to the nearest Definition of arrest. — Arrest is the taking of a person into
police station custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the
b. When an offense had just be committed commission of an offense. (1)
and he has probable cause to believe Warrant of arrest “There is no expiration date this is valid
based on personal knowledge of facts until the accused is arrested. An arrest may be implemented
and circumstance that the person at any time.
arrested has committed it brought to the
nearest police station How is an arrest made
1. Actual restraint of a person to be arrested
2. Submission to the custody of the person making the
Exception: This rule does not apply when
1. Flees 2. Forcibly resist 3. Giving of the information will
Note: It is enough that there be an intention on the part of imperil the arrest.
one of the parties to arrest the other and that there be an
Authority to issue summons
intent on the part of the other to submit under the
impression that the submission is necessary. Therefore, In cases when the officer cannot on his own make the
application of actual force, manual touching of the body arrest, he has the authority to orally summon as many
and physical restraint nor formal declaration of arrest is not person that would aid him to effect the arrest. Therefore,
required for the arrest to exist. every person summoned by an officer is required to give
the assistance requested provided that he can do so without
detriment to himself.
Persons not entitled to arrest
1. Senators, and members of the House of Cases when the Officer is inside the building
Representative: Provided that the offense is punishable by
not more than six years imprisonment. The officer can break into the building or enclosure if he is
refused admittance thereto after announcing his authority
2. Sovereign, and other chief of state: Those which are and purpose. After entering he may break out from the
accepted by the principles of international law are immune same place if necessary to liberate himself form the same
for criminal jurisdiction of the country of their assignment place.
and are therefore immune for arrest.
Arrest Without Warrant
3. Duly accredited ambassador: Their duly registered
domestic subject to reciprocity General Rule:A warrant is needed to validly effect the
same in cases of arrest.

Requisite for the issuance of warrant of arrest

1.It is mandated that a warrant of arrest shall issue only
upon the finding of probable cause determined
personally by the judge. 2. Arrest by a private person

A private person must state the intention to arrest and the
1. Probable cause : Such facts and circumstances that cause of arrest. This information need not be given
would lead a reasonable and prudent man to believe that a under the same conditions as when it is an officer who
crime is committed and that the accused is guilty of the said makes the arrest. The right to break into the building is
crime. merely the right of the officer and not the individual
2. Personal determination by the judge: Conducting a
personal examination of the complaint and the witness is Where a warrantless arrest is made under the in flagrante
not required prior to the issuance of warrant of arrest. delicto and hot pursuit the person arrested without a
warrant is delivered to the nearest police staton.

Method of Arrest Time of Making an arrest: An arrest may be made on any

It shall be the duty of the officer executing the warrant to day and at any time of the day or night .
arrest the accused and deliver him to the nearest police
station. Rights of a person arrested:
1. When a warrant is issued by the judge, it is to be
delivered to proper law enforcement agency for execution. a. The rights to be assisted by counsel at all times
a. The heard of the office shall cause the warrant b. The right to remain silent
to be executed within ten days from the receipt c. The right to be informed of the above rights
thereof.Within ten days, the officer makes a report stating d. The right to be visited by the immediate members of the
the grounds thereof. In case his failure to execute the family , by his counsel or by any non-governmental
warrant he must provide the causes thereto. organization, national or international

2. When making an arrest, the officer shall inform the Probable cause: It has been defined as such facts and
person to be arrested circumstances which would reasonably discreet and
prudent man to believe that an offense has been committed
1. The cause of his arrest by the person sought to be arrest.
2. The fact that warrant was issued. a. Warrant of arrest: A hearing is not necessary to
determine probable cause in a warrant of arrest. The
judge’s personal examination of the complaint and the Summary Procedure:
witness is not mandatory and indispensable to determine 1. No warrant of arrest is issued except when
the aptness of the warrant of arrest. there is a repeated notice to appear but the
same was not headed.
Vs: Search warrant: There is a requirement that the judge
personally examine the complaint and the witness Sufficiency of Complaint or information
Whether the indictment contains elements of the offense
intended to sufficiently appraise the defendant as to the
It is enough that the judge personally evaluates the charge.
prosecutor’s report and supporting document that shows the
existence of probable cause for the indictment and on the 1. If it states the name of the accused
basis thereof based on the evaluation of the arrest issues a 2. Designation of the offense given by the statute
warrant of arrest. 3. Act or omission complained of as constituting the
- If the judge finds probable cause he shall issue a 4. Name of the offended party
warrant of arrest or a commitment order I the 5. Approximate date of the commission of the
accused had already been arrested by a warrant offense
issued by the judge who conducted the 6. Where the offense is committed.
preliminary investigation or when the complaint 7. Aggravating circumstance and other qualifying
or information was filed pursuant to Section 6: circumstance must state the ultimate fact or
When the accused lawfully arrested without a reference to the resolution that finds probable
warrant : cause.
Ex: The allegation of the qualifying circumstance alleging
Right to bail in Preliminary investigation treachery must include or have reference to the
circumstance to the pertinent portion of the resolution
finding probable cause ( Ultimate facts)
1. Bail may still be applied notwistanding the
waiver under article 125 of the revised penal code People vs Solar: An information filed in court shall be
and even if there Is no information yet to be filed supported by affidavit, counter affidavit of parties and their
against him. The bail must however be filed in witness along with supporting evidence of the resolution on
the province, city or municipality where the the case ( Rule 8 a)
person arrested is to be held. Notes:
1. If the information is insufficient: File a bill of
Rule 110: Prosecution of the Offense: Once the particulars
information reaches the court. 2. If the information does not charge: Motion to
quash ( Rule 117).
Prosecutor : Section 5: Who must prosecute criminal action
All criminal action are to be prosecuted under the discretion
1. Public Prosecutor: Interest of the state and control of the prosecutor. The private prosecutor
2. Private Prosecutor: Concern of the offended party however cannot impose his opinion to the trial court as
as to the Civil Aspect of the case. They are still ultimately it is the court who decides.
under the control and supervision of the public Private Crimes: the case cannot be prosecuted except
prosecutor. upon a complaint filed by the offended party.
RTC LEVEL 1. Chastity, concubinage, adultery, seduction and
1. Once the information reaches the court abduction
a. Dismiss the case when there is absence 2. Defamation
of probable cause (Judicial 1. Concubinage and adultery: Only the offended
determination) spouse can prosecute. The offended party cannot
b. Issue warrant of arrest( Rule 112 institute a criminal prosecution without including
Section 5) the judge has the duty to both the guilty parties if they are both alive nor in
determine probable cause in the any case have pardoned the offender.
issuance of the warrant of arrest or 2. Seduction, abduction acts of lasciviousness:
c. Conduct a hearing to determine its a. By the offended party even if the later is a
presence minor
MTC level b. By parents, grandparents or legal judicial
1. Dismiss the case due to absence of probable guardian
cause c. By the state pursuant to parens patriae
2. Warrant of arrest or in lieu thereto conduct
hearing to issue summons.
Warrant of arrest
1. As a matter of right
a. In all cases in the MTC, MUTC
Intervention of the offended party in criminal action
b. In the RTC before conviction if
General Rule: where the civil action for recovery of civil the penalty is not death, life
liability is instituted in the criminal action the offended reclusion perpetua
party may intervene by counsel in the prosecution of the 2. As a matter of discretion
offense a. Upon conviction by the Regional
Trial Court of an offense not
punishable by death, reclusion
Exception: The offended party may not intervene when
perpetua, life imprisonment
1. Where from the nature of the crime and the law defining
admission to bail is discretionary.
or punishing it no civil liability arises in favor of offended
b. If the penalty imposed by the trial
court exceeds six years the
2. Where the offended party has waived his right to civil
accused is to be denied bail or his
bail is cancelled upon showing
3. Where the offended party has reserved his right to
that :
institute a separate offense
1. He is a recidivist, quasi recidivist and habitual
4. Where the offended party has already instituted said
delinquent or has committed the crime
aggravated by the circumstance of reiteration
2. That he has previously escaped from legal
Rule 111: Prosecution Of Civil Action: confinement evaded sentence, or violated the
provision of bail
Institution of Criminal and Civil Action 3. That the circumstance of the offense while under
probation, parole or conditional pardon
When the criminal action is instituted the civil action for 4. That the circumstance indicate flight risk
the recovery of civil liability shall be deemed to be 5. Undue risk that he may commit another crime
instituted with the criminal action unless there is 1. Waiver during the pendency of the appeal
2. Reserves the right to institute it separately 3. Institute
civil action prior to criminal action. Q: If the decision of the trial court convicting the
Instances where reservation to File Civil Action accused changed the nature of the offense from
separately not allowed non-bailable to bailable the application of bail
1. BP 22 can only be resolved where?
2. Cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan
Filing Fees: No payment of docket fee, actual damages When the offense is punishable by
there can only be payment of moral and exemplary damage.
If this is not specified in the complaint there is no need to a. Death
amend the complaint as it will only constitute a lien on the b. Reclusion perpetua
judgment. c. Life imprisonment
BP22: The party shall pay docket fee for all damages *When the evidence of guilt is strong proven by the
whether 1. Actual 2. Moral 3. Exemplary 4. Temperate prosecution
damage. There is no counterclaim, cross claim and third Procedure:
party complaint
1. Surrender
Elements of the prejudicial question(Crim give way to 2. File a petition for bail
Civil) 3. Arraignment
1. The Civil action instituted prior to the criminal 4. Pre-trial
action 5. Summary hearing
2. It involves an issue that is similar to or intimately 6. Burden is on the prosecution to prove that the
related to the subsequent criminal action. evidence against the accused is strong
3. The resolution of issue determines whether the 7. A petition for bail is resolved within 30 calendar
criminal action proceed days from the date of its hearing except in drug
4. The Jurisdiction to try said question must be cases where it is only twenty calendar days.
lodged in another tribunal.
Affidavit of undertaking :
Note: Prohibited motion: Petition to suspend the criminal Definition: The security given from the release of a person
action on the ground of prejudicial question when no civil in custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman to
case has been filed pursuant to Rule 111 Section 11
guarantee his appearance before any court as required The bondsman shall surrender the accused to the court for
under certain specified condition. execution of the final judgment. The bonds man may arrest
him or upon written authority endorsed on a certified copy
a. Since bail is the security for the release of the person
cause him to be arrested
under the custody of the law. It is evident that it is not
intended to cover the civil liability of the accused in the An accused released on bail may be re-arrested without
same criminal case. The money deposited as bail may necessity of a warrant if he attempts to depart from the
however be applied to the payment of fines and cost while Philippines without permission of the court where the case
the excess must be returned to the accused or to whoever is pending.
made the deposit.
Bail To Guarantee appearance of the Witness
As a general rule, bail does not apply to a person
8. Section 2. Conditions of the bail; requirements.
who is not in custody of the law
— All kinds of bail are subject to the following
9. (a) The undertaking shall be effective upon
1. Bail to secure the appearance of a material
approval, and unless cancelled, shall remain in
witness does not require prior custody of the law.
force at all stages of the case until promulgation
The witness may be ordered to post bail even if
of the judgment of the Regional Trial Court,
he is not under detention.
irrespective of whether the case was originally
2. The court may require the witness to post bail
filed in or appealed to it;
when there is a substitution of criminal
10. (b) The accused shall appear before the proper
court whenever required by the court of these
11. (c) The failure of the accused to appear at the trial
Bail for those Not yet charged
without justification and despite due notice shall
be deemed a waiver of his right to be present What entitles a person to bail is his being under the custody
thereat. In such case, the trial may proceed of law - This includes those which are not yet charged
in absentia; and with the court in the province, city or municipality where
(d) The bondsman shall surrender the accused to he is held. ( As long as one is already deprived of his
the court for execution of the final judgment. liberty)
Effect of FAILURE TO Appear at the trial
The failure of the accused to appear at the trial without
1. Bail In Military: The right to bail is not recognized or justification despite due notice is deemed as a waiver of his
available in the military, as an exception to the general rule right to be present and the trial may proceed in absentia.
embodied in the bill of rights. The right to speedy
Q: Can bail be granted before arraignment?
disposition is given more emphasis in the military
No. The bail must not be conditioned upon prior
arraignment of the accused. In cases where bail is
2. Bail in extradition proceeding: bail is not a mater of right authorized bail must be granted before arraignment or else
in extradition cases. However, the judiciary has the the accused is precluded to file a motion to quash which is
constitutional duty to curb grave abuse of discretion to done before a n arangmnet,.
protect the constitutional right. ( Consti right prevails)

Forms of Bail
Exception to “ No bail rule” 1, Corporate Surety A domestic or foreign
1. That once granted bail the applicant will not be a flight corporation which is
risk. licensed as a surety and is
authorized may provide bail
2. That there exist special humanitarian, and compelling by bond subscribed jointly
circumstance including the matter of reciprocity those cited by the accused and an
by the highest court in the requesting state when it grants officer of the corporation
the provisional libery in extradition cases. that is authorized by the
board of directors
This issue can also be treated as a modern trend in treaty 2. Property Bond A property bond is an
obligation of the Philippines concerning respect for the undertaking that is
promotion and protection of human right constituted as a lien on real
property given as security
Bondsman for the amount of bail.
The bail may be furnished y the bail applicant himself or by Within ten days form
a bondsman. theapproval thereof, the
filed with he RTC of the said place. If there is no
accused shall cause the
judge then with the Metcc or Mutc
annotation on the certificate
of titile on file with the 3. If the bail is filed with the court other than where
Registry of deeds the case is pending, the judge who accepted the bail
forwards it together with the order of release and other
3. Cash Deposit Bail may alsobe in the form supporting papers to the court where the case isp
of cash deposit. The pending
accused or any person
acting in his behalf may Increase or reduction of bail
deposit in cash with the Even after the accused is admitted to bail the amount
nearest collector of internal of bail may be increased or reduced by the court upon
revenue or provincial city or good cause. The increased amount must be given
municpal treasurer or clerk within a reasonable period if the accused wants to
of court. avoid being take to custody ( Section 20 Rule 114).
4. Recognizance The obligation of record Upon filing of the complaint or information the
entered into before some accused is released without bail, he may later be
court of magistrate duly required to give bail in the amount fixed by the court,
authorized with the whenever at any subsequent stage of the proceeding a
condition to do some strong showing of guilt is shown.
particular act the most usual
condition tis to appear in Forfeiture of Bail
trial One of the conditions in granting of the bail is for the
accused to appear before court. Hence, when he is
required to be present in court, the bondsman shall be
Guidelines in fixing the amount of bail notified to produce him before the court before any
1. The basic rule in fixing the amount of bail is that given date or time.
excessive bail is not required. In fixing bail it is
enough that the same is high enough to assure the
presence of the accused but not higher than is Hence if he fails to appear in a person as required, his
reasonably calculated to fulfill such purpose. bail shall be declared forfeited. The bondsman shall b
given thirty days within which to produce their
Grounds: principal and show cause as to why no judgment must
Financial ability of the accused to give bail. be rendered against them for the amount of bail.
Nature and circumstance of the offense
Penalty for the offense charged
Character or reputation of the accused The bondsman must within the period :
Age and health of the accused
Weight and evidence against the accused 1. Produce the body of the principal or give the reason
Probability in appearing in trial for non-production
2. Explain why the accused did not appear in court
when first required to do so. Failing in these two
Forfeiture of other bail requirement a judgment is rendered against the
The fact that the accused is a fugivitive bondsman jointly and severally for the amount of bail.
Pendency of the other cases where the accused is on
NB: If the accused cannot pay the bail , he or she may
move for the reduction submitting for that purpose The application of Bail is a bar to the objection of the
such document and affidavit as may warrant the arrest
reduction it may seek.Note : The order fixing the
Section 26 Rule 114: An application for bail or
amount of bail is not appealble
admission thereof y the accused shall be considered as
a waiver of his right to assail the warrant issued for his
Where the application for bail may be filed arrest on the legalities and irregularities thereof.

GENERAL Rule: The application for bail may be filed

with the court where the case is pending Notes:
1. If the accused had already served his maximum
Exception: Where the accused is arrested in the sentence: He will have to be released
province, city or municipality OTHER than where immediately without prejudice to continue the
ethe case is pending, the application for bail may be case
2. If personal service minimum is served: Reduced Effect of Death:
bail and recognizance
1. Before plea
Forfeiture of the Case Cancellation a. Criminal case is terminated but the civil
aspect f the case proceeds
If the accused fails to 1. The bail may be 2. After plea
appear in person as required cancelled upon a. The case is terminated and the civil
his bail is to be declared as surrender of the aspect arising thereto is terminated as
forfeited and his bondsman accused and proof well. Except those arising from other
is given thirty days to of his death source of obligation
produce and sho cause why 2. Acquittal of the 1. Law
no judgment is to be accused 2. Contract
rendered against him. 3. Dismissal of the 3. Quasi-delict
action 4. Quasi Contract
The bondsman must
4. Execution of
produce: REDOKETED :The ff may be continued against the estate
judgment and
1. The body of the conviction or legal representative of the accused upon proper
principal and give substitution or against the said estate as the case may be .
reason for non The heirs may be substituted for the deceased without
production requiring the appointment of the executor and substituted.
2. Explain why the Right of the Accused
accused did not
appear Scope: What may be waived . 1. The right to remain silent
Failing to do so the and the right to counsel, but not the right to be informed of
judgment is rendered the nature of the offense against him.
against the bondsmen
jointly and severally for the 1. To be presumed innocent until the contrary is proven
amount of bail. The court
shall not reduce or mitigate 2. To be informed of the nature and causes of the
the liability of the latter accusation against him
3. To be present and defend n person and by counsel at
every stage of the proceeding, from arraignment to the
Accused out on Bail: The bondsman can arrest ,him upon promulgation of judgment.
written authority endorsed on a certified copy of the
undertaking and cause him to be arrested by a police officer 4. To testify as a witness in his own behalf but subject to
or any person of suitable age. cross examination over matters that are covered by direct
examination. His silence does not prejudice him.
Bail after final judgment
5. To be exempt from being compelled to be a witness
1. No bail after judgment of conviction has been against himself
final is allowed. If before the finality the accused
applies for probation he may be allowed 6. To confront or cross examine the witness against him at
temporary liberty under his bail When no bail is trial.
filed the accused is incapable of filing the court 7. To have a compulsory process issued to secure the
allows his release on recognizance to the custody attendance of the witness and production of other evidence
of a responsible member of community. Note that in his behalf
no bail is granted when the accused is serving
sentence. 8. To have a compulsory process issued to secure the
attendance of the witness and production of other evidence
Amendment or substitution on his behalf
*It is the prosecutor office that will amend the information 9. To have a speedy, impartial and public trial
1. Before plea 10. To appeal in all cases allowed and in any manner
a. Form prescribed by law.
b. Matters of substance  New
Preliminary investigation.
2. After plea Presumption of Innocence
a. Only as to the matters of form as long
as it will not prejudice the right of the Under the Constitution, the accused enjoys presumption of
accused ( With leave of court) Eg: Date innocence and this presumption prevails over the
of comisison of the crime of rape. presumption of regularity in the official duties. Therefore,
1. Exclusions and downgrading: 1. Motion by the as a general rule, the testimony of the police officer who
prosecutor with notice to the offended party and apprehended the accused is accorded full faith and
with leave of court credit because there is a presumption that they
performed their duties regularly. However, if the 5. To sufficiently allege that the crime was committed or
performance is tainted with irregularities, such presumption its essential ingredients occurred at some place within
of effectively destroyed. the jurisdiction of the court.

Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt 6. To allege the date of commission of the offense, such
acts or omission constituting the offense which date may
Every criminal proceeding conviction requires the ff
be one as near as possible to the actual date of the
1. The fact of the crime ( all elements are present commission except when the precise date is material
ingredient to the offense
2. That the accused is perpetrator of crime
Proof beyond reasonable doubt: does not mean such a
degree of proof as excluding possibility of error produces There is also a violation of the constitutional right of the
absolute certainty. Moral certainty is only required or accused to be informed of the nature of the offense charged
degree of proof sufficient to produce conviction of an when there is a variance between the dates of the check an
unprejudiced mind. alleged in the information. ( Date is only material when it is
an essential ingredient to the crime which in this case is
Effect of Plea of Self-Defense
GENERAL Rule : The burden lies upon the prosecution to
prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt
rather than upon the accused that he was in fact innocent. 7. In offense against property, if the name of the
offended party is unknown the property must be
Exception: 1. The burden of evidence shifts to the
described with particularity.
accused when there is an allegation of self defense this
must be proven by clear, satisfactory and convincing
evidence that excludes any vestige of criminal aggression.
Estoppel: When the accused actively participated in the
Right to be informed of the nature and causes of proceeding indicates that the accused was fully aware of
accusation the charges against him otherwise his counsel would
have objected and informed the court of the same .
1. Must state the name , surname of the accused, or any
appellation or nickname by which he has been known and
if his name cannot be ascertained to describe him under a
Right to Counsel
fictitious name.
2. To state the name , surname of the offended party or any
appellation or nickname by which such person has been or There is no need to be an accused to enjoy this presumption
is known and if there is no other way to describe him, a ,e very person under the custody of law enjoys the right.
fictitious name , or a judicial person it is sufficient to state Any person arrested, detained or under custodial
its name, or any name designated . investigation shall at all times be assisted with a counsel.

3. To state with sufficient clarity the acts or omission A. When is there a custodial investigation? When the
constituting the offense to enable the accused to know the investigation ceased to be a general inquiry into a
offense he is being charged with. unsolved crime and begins to focus on a particular
suspect the suspect is taken into custody and the police
The terms constituting the offense need not be stated in the
carries out a process of interrogation that lend itself to elicit
same manner constituting the ones provided for in the
incriminating statement.
statute, it is sufficient to enable a person of common
understanding to know what the offense being charged
and the attendant qualifying and aggravating
No custodial Investigation
1. When a person is placed in a police line up “The right to
counsel may not be claimed yet. Because in a police line
4. To state also in ordinary and concise language the up, the process has not yet shifted from investigatory to
qualifying and aggravating circumstance the accusatory and it is usually the complainant who is
interrogated and who gives a statement during the line up.
The accused must be informed of the nature and causes of
accusation against them: ( element of the crime +
qualifying and aggravating). Hence, circumstances not
BUT: the police line up no longer is a general inquiry if it
specifically alleged cannot be appreciated
begins to focus on a particular suspect taken into custody
by the police who starts the interrogation and propounds
question to the person to elicit incriminating statement.
WAIVER : The right to counsel may be waived, but to Remedy where the accused is not brought to trial within
insure that the waiver is voluntary and intelligent the the time limit
waiver must be in writing and in the presence of the
1. If the accused is not brought to trial within the time limit
counsel and the accused.
prescribed under the Rules, the information may be
dismissed on the motion of the accused on the ground of
denial of his right to speedy trial.
Competent and independent counsel
a. The accused has the burden of proving the
The lawyer must be competent and independent and must
motion but the prosecution has the burden of proving the
be engaged from the beginning to an end at all stages.
evidence to establish the exclusion of time under Rule 119
An extrajudicial confession executed by a suspect assisted
Section 3. If fhe accused failed to move for the dismissal
by a counsel who failed to meet the existing standards of an
it constitutes as a waiver
independent and competent counsel is deed as uncounseled
confession Continuance :
1. Whether the failure to grant such continuance in the
proceeding would likely to make a continuation of such
Q: What is the consequence if the confession or admission
proceeding impossible, or result in a miscarriage of justice
was obtained in violation of the foregoing rights of the
person under custodial investigation
2. Whether the case taken as a whole is so novel or unusual
and so complex due to the number of accused or the nature
A: Any confession or admission obtained in violation of
of the prosecution or otherwise that it is unreasonable to
foregoing rights of the person under custodial investigation
expect adequate preparation within the time prescribed.
is inadmissible as evidence

Right to speedy disposition: All cases

Right to Counsel In administrative case : Not required
The right to speedy disposition applies to all cases
There is no such requirement in administrative proceeding
whether judicial, quasi judicial or administrative bodies.
for a counsel. A party in an administrative proceeding may
The right to speedy disposition of cases is not limited to the
or may not be assisted by counsel. The administrative body
accused in criminal proceeding but extends to all parties in
is under no duty to provide the person with a counsel.
all cases, be it civil administrative in nature as well as all
Right to a speedy trial : ( Criminal cases)* Acquittal for proceeding either judicial or quasi judicial .
A Judge illness should not be an excuse for his failure to
The right to a speedy trial is the right of an accused in a render the corresponding decision or resolution within the
criminal case it cannot be invoked by someone who is not prescribed period. The demands of public service cannot
an accused. abide by his illness. Therefore, in case of poor health, the
judge needs to ask the SC for an extension of time to decide
When is a right to speedy trial deemed violated ?
The right to a speedy trial is deemed violated only when the
proceedings are attended by vexatious, capricious and
oppressive delays or when unjustified postponement of Effect of violation of speedy disposition: A criminal case
the trial are asked for and secured or when without just case may be dismissed for violation of the right of a person to
a long period of time is allowed to elapse speedy disposition of cases ( it violates the constitutional
right to due process and speedy disposition of cases is
1. Duration of the delay
Right to Speedy Trial Speedy disposition
2. Reason therefore
1.Duty of the court to see to
3. Assertion of the right or failure to assert it it that the case is concluded
4 . Prejudice caused with specific time
a. Arraignment to pre-trial
( 30 days)
Effect of violation of speedy trial
b. Pre-trial prosecution has
The dismissal based on a violation of speedy trial is the right to present evidence
equivalent to an acquittal and double jeopardy may within 30 days
attach even if the dismissal is with the consent of the
accused c. Accused present evidence
within 30 days
d. The case is to be
2. The right to self incrimination is a prohibition for the use
submitted for decision for a
of physical and moral compulsion to extort
period of 90 days
communication from him and not the exclusion of his
Total of 180 days body as evidence.
Note rule 119 ( Section 3 2. This can be involved in any proceeding ,civil or
exclusion from the time) criminal administrative or judicial. Investigatory
The following period resulting to delay is excluded from 3. The taking of the witness stand of the accused waives the
the computation privilege of the right to self incrimination
1. Any period of delay resulting from other
proceeding concerning the accused ( due to the Q: The rule is that the right against self -incrimination is a
fault of accused) prohibition against testimonial compulsion. Cases where
a. Delay resulting from examination of the physical non-testimonial compulsion has been allowed reveal,
and mental condition of the accused however, that the pieces of evidence obtained were all
b. Delay resulting from proceeding with respect to material to the principal causes of the arrest.
criminal charge against the accused
c. Delay resulting to extraordinary remedies against
interlocutory order TO testify as a witness in his own behalf but subject to
d. Delay resulting from pre-trial proceeding cross examination on matters covered by direct
provided that it does not exceed 30 days examination ( If kunwari may denial ) . His silence does
e. Delay resulting from the order of inhibition or not prejudice him
proceeding relating to the change in venue or
transfer from other court Q: An accused who testifies in a direct examination is
f. Delay reasonably attributable to any period not subject to cross examination an accused on the subject to
exceeding 30 days during which any proceeding direct examination.
concerning the accused is under advisement A: Here the question was on the matter not covered by
g. The delay attributable to the absence of the direct examination which dealt only with Simple denial.
essential witness
h. Any period of delay resulting to mental Q: Raulo accused of falsification of public document
competence or incompetence of the accused to testified on his own behalf . On cross examination, he was
stand trial asked to take the diction in his own writing
Privilege against self incrimination : a. If Raulo denied falsifying the public document, then he
can be compelled to take the dictation. An accused who
No person shall be compelled to witness against himself takes the witness stand is subject to cross examination on
Compulsion : Pressure that operates to overbear his will matters covered by direct examination and to such extent
disable him from making a free and rational choice or is deemed to have waived the privilege of self
impair his capacity to make rational judgment would be incrimination
sufficient to constitute as compulsion. b. If Raulo had not denied the falsification of public
document : Then he cannot e compelled to take the
Accused Ordinary Witness
The accused may An ordinary witness may be
altogether refuse to take compelled to take witness Incriminatory Nature of force re-enactment
the witness stand and stand and claim the Force re-enactment like uncounseled and coerced
refuse to answer all privilege as each question confession come within the ban against self- incrimination .
question requiring incriminating Thus all evidence based on such re-enactment are deemed
answer is shot at him. to be a violation of the Constitution and hence incompetent
The right to self incrimination only pertains to those
statements that are incriminatory in character it cannot be Incriminatory nature of writing exemplars or samples
claimed at some other time. IT does not give a witness the
right to disregard a subpoena and decline appearance n Writing is something more than moving of the body of the
court. hands or the fingers writing is not a purely mechanical act
because it requires the application of intelligence and
attention and I the case at bar, writing means that the
Scope: petitioner herein is to furnish a means to determine whether
or not he is clearly the falsifier .
1. only pertains to those testimonial compulsion or
compelled testimony of communicative in nature.
Claim by the Witness :
The right against self -incrimination is not self executing or
automatically operational , It must be claimed . If not
Suspension of arraignment
claimed by or in behalf of the witness the protection
does not come to play 1. When the accused is of unsound mind
2. When there is a prejudicial question
3. Petition for review pending with the DOJ
Waiver 4. Accused do not follow the consequences of the
1. This may be waived. If the accused refused to testify , if
he testifies in his own behalf he may be cross examined in Note: Motion to suspend arraignment based on the ground
cross examination not stated under Section 11 Rule 116 shall be considered as
unmeritorious and denied outright.
2. To be effective the waiver must be 1. Unequivocal 2.
Intelligent 3. Understandably 3. Willingly made.
i. Transactional Immunity Duty of the Court before arraignment
1. Inform the accused of his right to counsel
Definition. In short, Transactional Immunity ,protects the 2. Ask him if he desires to have one.
witness from future prosecution for crimes that relate to his 3. Must assign a counsel de oficio to defend him unless the
or her testimony. ( complete immunity) accused
ii. Use and fruit immunity i. Allow to defend himself in person
The prosecution is prevented only from using the witness ii. Employed counsel of his own choice
own testimony or any evidence derived from the testimony  This rule is mandatory the only instance when
against the witness. However, if the prosecutor acquires counsel is not mandatory is when he waives the
evidence substantiating the crime, independent from the right in court.
testimony of the witness, the witness may be prosecuted.
( independent evidence) Options of the Accused BEFORE arraignment
Right of the accused to defend himself : right to be
a. Bill of Particulars:
present at trial ; right to be heard.
This is filed to make the allegation more specific. Move for
1. An accused is accorded the right to defend himself either bill of particulars to enable him to properly plead and
in person or by counsel. As a consequence of suc right he prepare for trial. The motion shall specify 1. The alleged
has the right to be present at every stage of the proceeding defects of the complaint or information 2. Specify the
form arraignment to the promulgation of judgment details desired.
2. The waiver of the right of the accused to be present may c. Motion to Quash: The accused may move to quash the
be inferred from his absence without justifiable cause complaint or information on any of the grounds provided
provided under Rule 117.
d. Challenge the validity of arrest or legality of the
1. The absence of the accused without justifiable cause at warrant:An objection against an arrest or the procedure in
the trial of which he had notice shall be considered a waiver the acquisition by the court of jurisdiction over the person
of his right to be present thereat. of an accused must be made at or before arraignment. The
arraignment of the accused constitutes as a waiver of the
2. When an accused under custody escapes, he shall be
right to preliminary investigation or reinvestigation.
deemed to have waived his right to be present in all
subsequent trial ate until custody over him is regained.
*the arraignment of the accused is a waiver to the right of
- Upon motion the accused may be allowed to preliminary investigation.
defend himself in person when it sufficiently appears to the
Arraignment under Amended Information
court that he can properly protect his right without
assistance of counsel.
General Rule: If the information was substantially amended
an arraignment on the amended information is mandatory
ARRAIGNMENT AND PLEA because the accused has the constitutional right to be
informed of the nature and causes of accusation against
1. Arraignment : Is the formal mode and manner of
implementing the constitutional right of the accused to be him.
informed of the nature and cause of accusation against him.
Q: What is the effect of absence of arraignment? Exception: There is no need for another preliminary
A: Nullity of the proceeding before the trial court. investigation and the retaking of the plea is the amendment
Here, it is required that the accused himself personally is only as to form.
appear in the proceeding. The rules of court prohibits the
counsel form entering a plea on behalf of the accused
How Arraignment and Plea are Made
1. The arraignment is made in open court ( where the
complaint or information is filed) by the judge or clerk by
furnishing the accused with a copy of the complaint or 1. Arraignment before trial: As to when the counsel of the
information reading the same in the language or dialect accused failed to object lack of arraignment during trial 2.
kwon to him and asking him whether one is guilty or not. Counsel of the accused had full opportunity to cross
examine the witness but did not do so.

2. The arraignment is to be made 30 days after the time the Here, there is no need for arraignment, the at of the
court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the accused accused of participating in the trial implies that he
unless a law provides otherwise. understood the nature and cause of accusation against
Other Instance where arraignment is held within a shorter
2. Arraignment after trial: The appellant was arraigned after
the case was submitted for decision, The argument of the
1. Where the complainant is about to depart from the appellant that he was not arraigned cannot prosper. The
Philippines with no definite date of return.
defect was cured when the counsel participated in th trial
2. Cases of child abuse, the trial must be commencedwithin without raising clear objections thereto.
three days from arraignment
3. Cases under the Dangerous Drugs act * the participation in the trial means that the arraignment
issues are waived : He is deemed to have understood the
4. When the accused is a child in conflict with the law
under Section 27. The arraignment shall be scheduled cause or accusation against him
within seven days from the date of the filing of the
complaint or information within the Family Court. Conditional Arraignment before the Sandiganbayan

Conditional or provisional arraignment does not give rise to

* Jurisdiction over the Person of the accused- Acquired double jeopardy where as the precondition to being allowed
form arrest or voluntary appearance. to travel abroad, the petitioner agreed to waive his right
* note : Active participation of the counsel without raising against double jeopardy in case as substantial amendment is
objection that his client had yet to be arraigned is a waiver, necessary

3. If the accused pleads not guilty: He shall state whether Plea Bargaining
he impleads and affirmative or negative defense. A
negative defense shall require the prosecution to prove his Is a process whereby the accused and the prosecution work
guilt beyond reasonable dubt. A affirmative defense out a mutually and satisfactorily disposition of the case
modifies the order as the accused needs to prove such subject to court approval. It usually involves the defendant
evidence though clear and convincing evidence ( Ex: Self - pleading guilty to a lesser offense or only one or some of
Defense). the court of a multi-court indictment in return for a lighter
sentence than that of a grave charge

When the accused is under preventive detention , his case Requisite:

shall be raffled and its records transmitted to the judge to 1. Consent of the offended party
whom the case was raffled within three days from the filing 2. Consent of the prosecutor
of the information or complaint. The accused shall be 3. Plea to a lessor offense which is necessary included in
arraigned within ten days from the date of the raffle and the the offense charged
pre-trial conference shall be held 10 days after arraignment. 4. Approval of the court must be obtained.

Presence OF THE Accused : The accused must be present

at arraignment and must personally enter his plea.
When arraignment shall be made? Arraignment and pre-
trail shall be set within 10 calendar days from the date of Requirement: Offended party must appear
the receipt of the court of the case for a detained person 1. Plea bargaining.
and within 30 calendar days from the date the court 2. Determination of civil liability
3. Other matters requiring his presence.
acquires jurisdiction over a non-detained person,
If the offended party does not appear, the court allows the
General Rule: The arraignment must be held before trial accused to enter his plea of not guilty which is necessarily
included in the offense charged.
When the plea of not guilty shall be entered
The rule allows a guilty plea to a lesser offense not only at
1. If the accused refuse to plead
arraignment but also after arraignment and after his prior
2. Makes a conditional plea
plea of not guilty Is withdrawn provided that the same be
When the accused pleads guilty provided he is given a made before trial.
lesser penalty, it is not a plea to plea to lesser offense. It is a
plea tha\t made condition on the penalty to be imposed. A
plea of guilty subject to the proviso that a certain penalty be Consent of the Prosecutor:
imposed upon him is equivalent to a plea of not guilty and
When the penalty imposable for offense charged is prison
therefore would require a full blown trial before judgment
mayor or higher or a fine exceeding P12,000 the trial
may be rendered. Being a conditional plea, the trial court
prosecutor must secure the consent in writing of the city
must have vacated such a plea and entered a plea of not
prosecutor or chief state prosecutor.
If the accused enters a plea to a lesser offense without the
3. Pleads guilty but presents exculpatory evidence which
consent of another party and the prosecutor and he was
case the guilty plea shall
convicted his subsequent conviction does not place him in deemed withdrawn and a plea of not guilty must be DJ.
Plea of Guilty Capital Offense
5. When the plea is ambiguous.
When the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense it is not
Plea of Guilty as judicial Confession: proper for the court to immediately render judgment on the
basis of the guilty plea. Instead:
A Plea of guilt is a judicial confession of guilt. It is an
admission f all the material facts alleged in the information a. The court conducts a searching inquiry to
including the aggravating circumstance ( PLEA includes
1. Ascertain the voluntariness of plea
2. To ascertain whether the accused has full
comprehension of plea
1. When the plea of guilty was compelled by violence and
3. To ask the accused if he wishes to present
evidence in his behalf and be allowed to do so if he
2. When the accused did not fully understand the meaning desires.
and consequences of his plea
 Here the searching inquiry to determine whether
3. Where the information is not sufficient to sustain the or not the plea was voluntary and that the
conviction of the offense charge accused has full comprehension of the
4. Where the information does not charge an offense any consequences of the plea .
conviction thereunder being void  The reception of evidence is mandatory however
5. Where the court has no jurisdiction. the defendant after pleading guilty may not
present evidence as would exonerate him
completely from criminal liability such as proof
Plea of Guilty to a lesser Offense of self defense
A plea bargaining in a criminal case is a process whereby
an accuse and the prosecution works mutually satisfactory Plea of Guilt Non Capital Offense
disposition of the case subject to the court approval. It
When the accused pleads guilty to a non-capital offense the
involves the defendant pleading guilty to a lesser offense or
court receives evidence from the parties to determine the
to only one or some of a multi-indictment in return to a
penalty to be imposed. The court may upon motion allow
lighter sentence than that for a graver charge
the presentation of evidence to prove the mitigating or
aggravating circumstance.
Requisites: - In the case of Non-capital offense the reception
1. The lesser offense is included in the offense charged. of evidence is discretionary to the court,

2. The plea must be with the consent of both the offended Improvident Plea of Guilt
party and the prosecutor. The consent of the offended partyi
s not required if the said party despite due notice fails to
appear during trial. A plea of guilt to a capital offense without the benefit of a
searching inquiry or an ineffectual inquiry oas required
under Rule 116. It has been held that if the court failed to
3. The acceptance of an offer to plead guilty to a lesser inquire as to whether the accused knowns the crime to
offense is not demandable by the accused as a matter of which he is charged and to fully explain to him the
right but as a sound discretion of the court.
elements of the crime constitute a violation of the right of Production of material Evidence
accused to due process.
Upon motion of the accused, showing good cause and with
the notice to the parties, the court in order to prevent
surprise, suppression or alteration may order the
Effect of Improvident Plea:
prosecution to produce and permit the inspection and
The improvement plea does not mean that the case must be copying or photographing of
remanded to the trial court. This will only happen when the
plea of guilt is the sole basis for the conviction. If the trial
court has other evidence aside from the plea of guilt the 1, Any written statement give by the complaint and other
judgment is sustained. witness in any investigation of the offense conducted by the
prosecution or other investigating officer as well as
Duty of the Court to inform Accused of his right to counsel 2. Any material evidence which constitute and contain
1. It must inform the defendant that it is his right to have an evidence to any matter involved in the case under the
attorney before being arraigned control of the ff :
2. After giving him such information, the court may ask
a. Prosecution
him if he desires to have an aid of an attorney
3. If he desires or is unable to employ one, the court must b. Police
assign the attorney de officio to defend him
c. Other law investigating agency
4. If the accused desires to have one the court gives him
reasonable time therefore. Rule 116 allows a mode of discovery aside from those
allowed in other parts of rules of court. Section 10
authorizes the court to issue an order to prosecution to
Bill of Particulars
produce and permit the inspection and copying or
The accused ma before arraignment move for the bill of photographing any written statement given by the
particulars to enable him to prepare and plead for trial. The complainant and other witness in any investigation of the
purpose of the bill of particulars is to supply vague facts or offense conducted by the prosecuting or other investigating
allegation in the complaint or information to enable the officer.
accused to properly plead or prepare for trial. It
presupposes that a valid information was filed but it is on
vague terms. PP vs Pada
The motion for bill of particulars shall specify a. Plea of Guilt in a capital offense: Since death
penalty cannot be imposed there is a presumption
1. The alleged defects in the complaint or information
that the plea of guilt must not be based on the
2. Details desired by the accused procedure under Rule 116 Section 3. The court
ruled that No.
The Prosecution has the duty to present evidence to
Note: Motion for bill of particulars that do not confirm to
determine the culpability of the accused:
the prescribed manner shall be considered unmeritorious
shall be denied outright 1. Upon the plea of guilt the prosecution conducts a
searching inquiry as to whether the accused
knowns the consequences of the plea.
Bill of Particulars ( Criminal vs. Civil) a. If the plea is SUPPORTED BY
Criminal Case Civil Case
by conviction beyond reasonable doubt
1. Enter a valid plea and to 1. To file a responsive b. If the plea is not supported by strong
prepare for trial pleading not necessarily to evidence: There is an acquittal.
prepare for trial as the c. If the prosecution did not present
respondent can opt for the evidence the court ask the prosecution
modes of discovery within ten days as to why he or she did
not present evidence . This rule is to
2, Only the accused and not Either of the parties that determine collusion.
the offended party can file a will file responsive pleading
bill of particulars shall ask for bill of Appeal from Conviction
particulars. 1. Convicted plea of guilt and proof beyond
reasonable doubt: Sustained
2. If there is an improvident plea and the
The Specification of the bill of particulars may supply are prosecution presents evidence  remand the case
only formal amendments to the complaint or information. 3. Basis solely on capital offense not proven guilt
Where the facts charged are not only vague but lacking as Acquitted.
that they do not produce an offense the proper remedy is
motion to quash.
Motion to Quash
Definition: It is the mode by which an accused assails the
1. That the facts charged to not constitute an offense
validity of a criminal complaint or information against him
2. That the court trying the case do not have jurisdiction
for insufficiency on its face in point or law or defects which
over the offense charged
are apparent in the face of information.
3.The criminal action or liability has been extinguished
Test: Whether the facts alleged therein hypothetically 4. That the accused was previously convicted by an offense
admitted will establish the essential elements of the crime charged and the case against him was dismissed without his
charged consent.
General Rule: Evidence aliunde or other matters extrinsic t
o their face of the information are not to be considered Grounds. — The accused may move to quash the
complaint or information on any of the following
Exception: grounds:
1. A motion to quash based on double jeopardy
2. Additional facts not alleged in the information but (a) That the facts charged do not constitute an
admitted or not denied by the prosecution may be invoked offense;
to support a motion to quash.
The test to determine if the facts constitute an
offense is whether he essential elements of the
When: This is made before the accused enters his plea crime had been alleged.
Who: This is made by the accused and not the prosecution.
* as a rule from the determination of the court
General Rule: The accused may move to quash anytime that the facts do not constitute an offense, the
before entering his plea prosecution shall be given by the court an
Exception: opportunity to correct the defect by amendment.
1. That the facts charged do not constitute an offense The motion shall be granted if the prosecution
2. That the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the fails to make the amendment or the complaint or
crime charged information suffers from the same defect despite
3. That the criminal action or liability has been the amendment
4. The defendant is place on double jeopardy (b) That the court trying the case has no
5. The officer who filed the information has no authority to jurisdiction over the offense charged;
do so.
Venue in a criminal case is an essential element
of jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a court over a
Filing of Motion to quash results in the submission of the criminal case is determined by the allegation of
person of the accused to the Jurisdiction of the court the complaint or information and the offense
must have committed or any one of its essential
elements took place within the territorial
General Rule: Filing of pleadings that seek the affirmative jurisdiction over the court.
relief such as motion to quash, required the voluntary
appearance of one’s person to the jurisdiction of the court.
(c) That the court trying the case has no
jurisdiction over the person of the accused;
Exception: ( One need not submit his person to the court )
1. Motion to quash a complaint or information on the Jurisdiction over the person of the accused is
ground of lack of jurisdiction over the person of the acquired upon either his apprehension with or
accused without a warrant or his submission to the
jurisdiction of the court. The jurisdiction over the
2. Motion to quash a warrant of arrest. person may be waived expressly or impliedly

(d) That the officer who filed the information

Form and Contents
had no authority to do so;
A motion to quash must be in writing ,it must be signed by
the accused or his counsel and shall specify distinctly the No information may be filed by an investigating
factual and legal grounds therefore. prosecutor without the prior written authority or
General Rule: The court shall consider no other ground approval of the provincial or city prosecutor or
other than those stated in the motion except lack of chief state prosecutor or ombudsman or his
jurisdiction deputy.
(e) That it does not conform substantially to 2. Granted: Motion to quash is granted the order to the
the prescribed form; effect is a final order not merely interlocutory and is
therefore appealable at once.
Mere formal defects may be cured by amendment
at any stage of the trial . An information filed not Double Jeopardy:
in the name of the PP but in the name of private
person is a mere defect in the form. Hence the 1. A complaint or information filed before a court of
prosecution is given by the court an opportunity competent jurisdiction
to correct such defect by amendment and if the 2. Arraignment and plea
prosecution fails to correct the same despite 3. Acquitted or convicted without the consent of the
amendment the motion to quash prosper. accused

(f) That more than one offense is charged DJ cannot be invoked when:
except when a single punishment for various
offenses is prescribed by law;
1. The graver offense resulted from a supervening
A complaint or information must only charge ne 2. Facts constituting graver offense was discovered
offense except when the law prescribes a single after the plea
penalty for various offense 3. Plea of guilt without the consent of the prosecutor
and the offended party
(g) That the criminal action or liability has a. Exception
been extinguished; i. When the offended party is
ii. When the prosecution is
iii. No appearance
(h) That it contains averments which, if true,
would constitute a legal excuse or justification;
and Provisional Dismissal:
In provisional dismissal, the prosecution the defense and
(i) That the accused has been previously the offended party in effect enter to an agreement for a
convicted or acquitted of the offense charged, temporary cessation of hostilities. The express consent of
or the case against him was dismissed or accused to provisional dismissal of a criminal case is a bar
otherwise terminated without his express subsequently asserting that the revival of the criminal case
consent. (3a) place him on double jeopardy/
Time bar Rule:
Amendment or complaint or information Upon the lapse of the period for reinstatement the state is
presumed to have abandoned or waived his right to revive
1. If the motion to quash is based on the alleged defect of the case and prosecute the accused. He can no longer be
the complaint or that the facts do not constitute an offense charged anew for the same crime or another crime that is
the prosecution is given by the court the opportunity to necessary included therein. The state may thereby revive
correct the defect through amendment. If the prosecution a criminal case beyond the one year or two year period
fails to do so, a motion to quash is granted provided that there is justifiable necessity for the delay.
Conditions sine quo non to application of time bar rule
* Note that the amendment must be made before
arraignment. After arraignment, the defect that the court 1. The prosecution with the express conformity of the
fail to establish court has jurisdiction are impermissible accused or the accused moves for a provision dismissal of
the case or both the prosecution and the accused move for a
provisional dismissal of the case
Motion to Quash
2. The offended party is notified of the motion for a
provisional dismissal of the case
1. Denied: The denied of the motion to quash is
interlocutory order and therefore not appealable. The denial 3. The court issues an order granting the motion and
of the motion to quash means that the criminal information dismissal the case provisionally and
remains pending with the curt which must proceed with the
4. The public prosecution is served with a copy of an order
trial to determine whether the accused is guilty of the crime
of provisional dismissal of the case.

Period of Reinstatement
1. Offenses punishable by imprisonment not exceeding 6
years or a fine of any amount or both: 1 Year after the
issuance of the order of provisional dismissal.
2. Offense punishable by imprisonment of more than 6
years: 2 years after issuance of the order of provisional

Note: The order of dismissal shall become permanent one

year after service of order of dismissal on public prosecutor
who has control of the prosecution without the criminal
case having been revived. The public prosecutor cannot be
expected to comply with the timeline unless he is served
with a copy of the order of dismissal.

How to revive a case:

1. The re-filing of the information
2. The filing of a new information for the same offense or
one necessarily included in the original offense.

Failure to Move to Quash

The failure to assert any ground of a motion to quash before

he pleads either because he did not file a motion to quash or
failed to allege the same in said motion shall be deemed as
a waiver :
Exception: Non waivable offense
1. That the facts do not constitute an offense
2. That the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the
offense charged
3. That the criminal liability has been extinguished
4. That the defendant will be placed in double jeopardy
5. That the officer who filed the information has no
authority to do so.
Waiver of illegality of the arrest and inadmissibility of
When a person fails to make a timely objection to an illegal
arrest, only the right to assail the arrest is waived. He does
not want to waive the right to question the admissibility of
the evidence seized by virtue of the arrest.


1. A search warrant is an order in writing issued by the
name of the People of the Philippines signed by the Judge
and directed to a peace officer, commanding him to search
for the personal property described therin and bring the
same to the court.

2. A search warrant is not a criminal action, or prosecution

but a special and peculiar remedy drastic in nature and
made necessarily because of public necessity. It resembles
John Doe proceedings.
a. Since it is not a criminal procedure: Any
aggrieved party can question the same without the need
for conformity with the public prosecutor.
Arrest v. Search and Seizure

Arrest Searches and Seizure

1.This pertains to the 1. A search is confined with
seizure of a person so he the seizure of personal
may be made to answer for property subject to the
the commission of the offense, stolen, or
offense. It involves the embezzled property , fruits
taking of a person into of the offense or those
custody intended to commit the
Effect of Illegal Arrest to the Jurisdiction of the Court
The Judge must shave Probable cause to search
The legality of the arrest affects only the jurisdiction of the sufficient facts in his hand requires the facts to show
court over the person of the accused. The illegality of the that would show that the that a particular things
arrest cannot in itself be the basis for acquittal. The crime has been committed. connected with a crime are
illegality of the warrantless arrest cannot deprive the state found to be in specific
of its right to prosecute the guilty when all other facts on location.
record point to their culpability. ( If the trial is free from
error and a judgment is rendered thereto despite the illegal This must be made on any Served in the day time ,
arrest the same is not valid). day at any time of the day unless there be a direction
or night in the warrant that it may be
served at any time of the
Waiver of illegality of arrest: Effect of Illegal arrest. day or night
1. Any objection involving a warrant of arrest or a There must be existing No pending case
procedure by which the court acquired jurisdiction of the pending case
person of the accused must be made before the accused
This may be imposed Only in the particular place
enters his plea otherwise the objection is deemed as
anywhere in the Philippines to be searched and indicated
where the accused might be in the search warrant.

Nb: This rule only applies if the accused voluntarily enters

his plea and participates during the trial without previously Ex-Parte Application
invoking his objections thereto. An application for a search warrant is heard ex parte it is
neither a trial nor a part of the trial. Action on these
application must be expedited for time is of the essence.
Great reliance has to be accorded by the judge to 1. For compelling reason it can be filed with the court
testimonies under oath of the complainant and the witness within whose jurisdiction region the crime was committed
or where the warrant shall be enforced.
2. But if the criminal action have already been filed the
Application Of Search Warrant
application for search warrant can only be filed where the
criminal action is pending
As a rule, an application for a search warrant is made 3. Application may be made with the executive judges
before the court within whose territorial jurisdiction of a whenever they are on official leave of absence or are not
crime was committed. physically present in the station, the Vice Executive Judges
of the RTC Manila and Quezon City who shall have the
Exceptions :
authority to an application filed by the NBI. PNP ACTAF,
1. The application may e made before any court within the PDEA and the BOC.
judicial region where the crime was committed if the place
of the commission was known
2. The application may also be filed within the region
where the warrant is imposed . Requisites of SEARCH WARRANT
1. Probable Cause
Requirement: The filing of the court requires compelling Definition: The facts available to the officer that would
reason stated in the application . The rule requiring a warrant a man of reasonable caution and belief that a
statement of compelling reason is mandatory. certain item may be a contraband or a stolen property of the
3. in case the criminal action is already filed, the crime.
application must only e made where the criminal action is 2. The probable cause must be determined by the judge
pending if the criminal action has already filed. himself and not by the applicant or any person
3. In the determination of probable cause the judge
Nature of a Search warrant: An application for a search must examine under oath or affirmation the complaint
warrant is heard ex parte . It is neither a trial nor a part of and such witness he may produce
the trial. 1. The examination must be personally conducted by the
judge .

Property Subject to search warrant : 2. The examination must be in the form of question and
The property that is subject of a search warrant is
personal property and not real property. A search 3. The complainant and the witness shall be examined on
warrant may be issued not only for the search but also the those facts personally known to them
seizure of the following : The facts , data or information personally known to the
a. Personal Property subject to offense applicant and the witness he may present. The applicant or
his witness must have personally known of the
b.Personal Property stolen or embezzled circumstance surrounding the commission of the offense
c.Personal property used or intended to be used as complained of.
a means to commit the crime 4. The statement must be in writing and under oath
People vs. Nunez: Where a statute describes things of 3. The sworn statement of the complainant and the
particular class or kind accompanied by the words of witness together with the affidavit must be attached to
generic character, the generic words will usually be limited the record.
to a things of similar nature with those particularly
Orgayon vs PP: There was no transcript of stenographic
notes of the proceeding in which the issuing judge had
allegedly propounded the required searching question and
Court where the application for search warrant is to be answer. The court ruled that the failure to attach the record
filed : does not by itself nullify the warrant as it is sufficient that a
judge examinate the witness under oath.
General Rule: An application for search warrant must be
filed with the court within whose territorial jurisdiction a 4. The warrant must particularly describe the place to
crime was committed be searched and person or things to be searched.

Particular Knowledge of a Particular description of a

b. He must deliver the property also deliver a true
place or person thing
inventory of the property seized.
It is sufficient if the officer The particular description of c. A violation of the above rules shall constitute
with the warrant can with the things to be searched is contempt of court.
reasonable effort ascertain to limit things to be seize to
and identify the place those described under a
intended and distinguish it general warrant and leave 4. Duty of the Judge : Return and other proceeding
form the other places in the officers of law no
the community discretion regarding what 1. The judge ascertain if the return has been
articles they shall seize made, He shall do so ten days after the issuance
of the search warrant.
The search warrant need not
describe the items to be
seized in the precise and 2. If no return has been made, the judge shall
minute detail. The warrant summon the person to whom the warrant was
is valid when it enables issued and require him to explain why no return
the police officer to was made.
readily identify the
properties to be seized and
leaves them with no 3. If the return has been made, the judge shall
discretion regarding the ascertain whether Section 11 of Rule 126 was
same complied with and shall require that the property
seized be delivered to him.
The law does not require that the property to be seized
should be owned by the person against whom the search
warrant is directed . It is sufficient that the person against
whom the warrant is directed has control and OBJECTION TO ISSAUNCE OF SERVICE OF
possession of the property to be seized WARRANT
1. Any objection concerning the issuance of service of
warrant must be made before he enters the plea otherwise
Manner of Making the search the objection is deemed as waived.
A .Person’s present
1. The lawful occupant of the house , room or any other 2. A motion to quash a search warrant and or the suppress
premises or any member of the lawful occupant’s family. evidence obtained by virtue of the warrant may be filed and
acted only by the court where the action is instituted.
A. If the ff is absent : 2 witness within the same locality
Who may assail the Issuance of Search warrant
2. The officer seizing the property must give a detailed 1. The seizure may only be contested by a party whose
receipt for the same to the lawful occupant of the premises rights have been impaired thereby and the objection to an
in whose presence the search and seizure were made, or in unlawful search and seizure is purely personal and cannot
the absence of such ocicpant must in the presence of at least be availed by third parties.
two witness leave a receipt.

WWW vs PP: The CA ruled that the conformity of the

In case the Officer is refused entrace : public prosecutor is not necessary before an aggrieved
party moves for the reconsideration of an order granting a
1. The officer gives notice of his purpose and authority. motion to quash a search warrant.
2. He is refused admittance to the place of directed search
despite notice
4. An application for a search warrant is judicial process
3. The purpose of breaking is to execute the warrant or to either as an incident in a main criminal case already filed in
liberate himself court or in anticipation of one yet to be filed.

3. Duties of the officer after the search and seizure : Two Instances
Delivery and inventory
1. Where the search warrant is issued as an incident in a
a. must deliver the property seized to the judge pending criminal case, the quashal of the search warrant is
who issued the warrant merely interlocutory. ( There is something yet to be done)
2. Where the search warrant is applied for and issued in General Rule: The arrest must precede the search, the
anticipation of criminal case to be filed ad order quashing process cannot be reversed. Nevertheless, a search
the warrant ends the judicial process . There is nothing substantially contemporaneous with an arrest cannot
more to be done thereafter. When the arch warrant issued precede the arrest if the police have probable cause to make
were subsequently quashed by the RTC , there was nothing the arrest at the onset of the search.
left to be done by the trial court. Thus the quashal of the
sarch warrant were final order not interlocutory - An Exemption: A warrantless search and seizure can be made
appeal is to be taken without necessarily being preceded by an arrest provided
that the said search is effected through probable cause.

Example  PP v Malsmtedt when the soldiers manning the

checkpoint set up because of the report that their vehicles
EXCEPTION TO SEARCH WARRANT carrying drugs noticed a bulge on the waist of the
employer.- This was allowed because there is probable
People of the Philippines vs Renante Comprado cause that the accused right there and then is committing a
Bronoloa crime

. The Bill of Rights requires that a search and seizure must iv. Search of vessel and aircraft
be carried out with a judicial warrant; otherwise, any
evidence obtained from such warrantless search is Purpose: When the search is made in a store, dwelling,,
inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding. 14 This house or other immobile structure. It is impracticable to
proscription, however, admits of exceptions, namely: 1) obtain a warrant when the search is conducted on a mobile
Warrantless search incidental to a lawful arrest; 2) ship or aircraft since they can be quickly moved in or out of
Search of evidence in plain view; 3) Search of a moving the locality.
vehicle; 4) Consented warrantless search; 5) Customs
v. Search of a moving vehicle
search; 6) Stop and Frisk; and 7) Exigent and
emergency circumstances. Checkpoints
A stop and frisk search is often confused in cases 1. Mere routine inspection
of search incidental to a lawful  arrest. However, this is
different in search incidental to a lawful arrest, the Scope: Mere routine inspection or visual search
precedent arrest determines the incidental search. This where the occupants are not subject to physical or
means that there must first be a lawful arrest before the body search.( limited to a mere visual search)
search can be made. The process cannot be reversed.
2 Extensive search
Stop and Frisk is a limited protective search of
the outer clothing for weapons. The police officer Scope: Only when the officer conducting the search had
observes unusual conduct which leads him to reasonable and probable cause to believe that before the
reasonably conclude in light of the experience that search either the motorist is a law offender or they will
crime is about to be committed and that the person with find the instrumentality or evidence pertaining to a
whom he is dealing may be armed and presently crime in the vehicle to be searched.( Ex : Probable cause
dangerous. A mere hunch and suspicion will not validate a due to a surveillance operation)
stop and frisk . A genuine reason must exist, in light of the
police officer’s experience and surrounding condition to vi. Plainview Doctrine
warrant the belief that the person detained has weapons Definition  Objects are in the “ plain view “ of an officer
with him. who has the right to be in a position to have that view are
A stop and frisk serve two interests 1. The subject to seizure and may be presented as evidence. The
general interest of effective crime prevention and detection plain view doctrine is usually applied where the police are
2. The more pressing interest of safety and self preservation NOT searching for evidence but nevertheless inadvertently
which permit the police officer to take steps to assure comes upon an incriminating object.
himself that the person whom he is dealing with is not
armed with a deadly weapon. Requisite:

iii. Search incidental to a lawful arrest 1. The law enforcement officer in the search of evidence
has prior justification for an intrusion or is in a position
Scope: Permissible search: The warrantless search and from which he can view the particular area
seizure as an incident to a lawful arrest may be extended
beyond the person of the one arrested to include the
2. The discovery of evidence in plain view is inadvertent
premises or surroundings under his immediate control (
Ex : The accused was arrested in the street selling
Marijuana, however when asked if he still had at home the 3. It is immediately apparent to the officer that the item he
accused said Yes hence seized. ) observes may be evidence of a crime, contraband, or
otherwise subject to seizure. Hence, there must be an initial
directed , the placed to be searched and the specfici things
intrusion on the property in a position from which he can to be seized.
particularly view the area.

viii. Exigency and emergency Section 7: Right to break door or window to effect search
The officer when refused admittance to the place of
Ex: The raid during the existence of a coup de tat was held directed search after giving notice of his purpose and
to ve valid considering the exigent and emergency authority may break open any other outer or inner door or
situation obtaining. window in the house or any part of the house or anything
theretin to execute the warrant or liberate himself or any
IX: Conduct of aerial target zoning or saturation drive
person lawfully aiding him
Guazon v. De Vila : A valid exercise of the military
powers of the President the conduct of aerial target zoning
or saturation driver. General Rule: Knock and announce principle
1. Announce their presence
Mustang Lumber vs ca
A search warrant has a lifetime of 10 days, it can be served 2. Identify themselves to the accused and person who
at anytime within 10 days. If its object or purpose cannot be rightfully have possession of the premises to be searched
accomplished in one day, the same may be continued the 3. Show them the search warrant
following day or days until completed provided that it is
within the ten (10) day period. 4. Explain the warrant in a language or dialect known and
understood by them.

Effect of an illegal search and seizure : Fruit of the 1. When officers have an honest belief that there is a
poisonous tree doctrine imminent danger to the life or limb
2. When those in the premises aware of the presence of
Section 3: Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the someone outside are then engaged in activities which
proceeding section shall be inadmissible for any purpose in justifies the officers belief that the escape or destruction of
any proceeding. evidence is imminent
3. Person in premises refuses to open it upon demand
A search warrant illegally obtained or secured or which is
4. Person in premises already knew of the identity and
issued in violation of the Constitution or the rules may be authority of the officer.
quashed throughout the proper motion as in a motion to
quash the search warrant. Also, when evidence is illegally
obtained a motion to suppress the evidence is obtained. Validity of the search warrant
Ten days after the date thereafter it may be void a search
Civil Damage: Criminal Liability warrant can be used only once thereafter it becomes as
functus officio. The search warrant only has a life of ten
1. There is civil liability based on the concept of an days
independent civil action in violation of the person’s right to
e secure in his person, place houses and effects This
liability is separate and distinct from that of the RPC like a. Waiver of illegality of search and admissibility of Evidence
Violation of domicile b. Search warrant maliciously 1. The right against unreasonable searches and seizure and
obtained and abuse in service of those legally obtained c. the exclusionary rule is deemed waived when there is no
Searching domicile without witness objection of the search warrant was raised during the trial
neither of the case nor to the admissibility of the evidence
Section 6: Issuance and Form of search warrant was obtained through the said warrant

No search warrant shall issue except upon probable cause

to be determined personally by the judge after examination Section 14: Motion to quash search warrant or to
under oath or affirmation of the complaint and the witness suppress evidence
he may procedure particularly describing the place to be
searched. 1. A motion to quash a search warrant may be filed an acted
upon only by the court where the action has been instituted
2. If no criminal action is instituted it may be filed and
The search warrant must be in writing and must contain resolved by the court that issued the search warrant
such particulars aas the name of the person to whom it is
Parties who may question the validity of the search and 3. With respect to the civil action of the action whatever the
seizure: penalty involved.
1. An application for a search warrant is not a criminal
action hence any aggrieved party may question the order of
Judicial Affidavit Judicial Affidavit by
the same without the need for the conformity of the public
prosecution accused
prosecutor .
1. The prosecution submits 1. The accused has the
the judicial affidavit of its option to submit his judicial
Requisite for the issuance of the search warrant: witness not later than five affidavit as well as those of
1. Probable cause is present days before the pre-trial his witness to the court
serving copies of the same within ten days from the
2. Probable cause must be determined personally by the upon the accused receipt of such affidavit and
judge serve a copy of each on the
3. The judge must examine in writing and under oath or public and private
affirmation the complaint and the witness he or she may prosecutor including his
produce document and object
evidence marked exhibit 1,
4. The applicant and the witness testify on the facts 2 and 3. These affidavit
personally known to them serves as direct testimonies
5. The warrant specifically describes the places to be of the accused and his
searched and the things to be seized. witness when they appear
before the court to testify.

A motion to quash a search warrant may be based on:

Pre trial civil case Pre Trial in Criminal case
1. The place searched or the property seized are not those
specified or described in the search warrant The presence of the The accused is merely
defendant is required unless required to sign the written
2. There is no probable cause in the issuance of the search he is duly represented at the agreement arrived in the
warrant. pre-trial conference by his pre-trial conference if he is
* The search warrant shall only be quashed when any of its counsel with the requisite in conformity therewith
elements in its issuance is wanting. authority to enter into a unless required by the court.
compromise agreement
failing in either of which the
case shall proceed as if the
defendant is declared as
The presence of the plaintiff The presence of the private
is required at the pre-trial party is not required at pre-
unless excused therefrom trial. Instead he is required
for valid cause or if he is to appear at the arraignment
represented therein by a of the accused or purpose of
person fully authorized in the plea bargaining
writing to perform determination of civil
thespecific act under Rule liability and other matters
18 requiring his presence.
Absent such justification the
case may be dismissed with
or without prejudice Should he fail to appear for
arraignment and the accused
offers to plead guilty to a
lesser offense necessarily
included in the offense
charged he may be allowd
Pre-Trial to d oso with the conformity
of the trial prosecutor alone
Criminal Action
A pre-trial brief is required The rule do not require the
1. Where the maximum of the imposable penalty does not with the particular sanction filing of a pretrial brief in
exceed six years criminal case but only
2. Where the accused agrees to use the judicial affidavit require the attendance at
irrespective of the penalty involvedor pretrial ot consider the
2. When the delays are due to the absence of the essential
matters related to section 2.
witness whose presence cannot be obtained by due
When to conduct pre-trial: Arraignment and pretrial are set
10 calendar days from the date of the receipt of the case for Continuous Trial until Terminated
detained accused and within 30 days from the date the court
acquires jurisdiction over the non-detained accused Trial once commenced continue from day to day as far as
practicable until terminated but it may be postponed for a
reasonable period of time for good cause.
1. Absence of the parties: The court proceeds with the pre-
trial despite the absence of the accused and the complainat
provided that they were duly notified of the same and the Limitation: In no case shall the trial exceed 180 days from
counsel for the accused as well as the public prosecutor is the first day of trial except otherwise provided by the SC.
present Thel imitation does not apply when the SC provides for a
shorter period of time,
2. Stipulation: This is done with active participation of the
court itself and not left with the counsel
- Pretrial agreement: Must be signed by both the accused Postponements: A motion for postponement is prohibited
and his counsel. except if it is based on acts of God, force majure, or
physical inability of the witness to testify in any case the
3. Marking of evidence: The documentary evidence of the presentation of the witness must still be finished on dates
accused shall be marked agreed upon.
4. Pretrial : Pretrial order must be immediately served upon
the parties and counsel on the sme day after the termination
of the pretrial Exclusions : In the counting of delay
* Note the accused and the offended party can be absent 1. Any period of delay resulting from other proceeding
during the pretrial provided that the counsel of the accused concerning the accused
or the prosecution appears. 2. Any period of delay from the absence or unavailability of
an essential witness
3. Any period of delay resulting from mental incompetence
or physical inability of the accused to stand on trial
4. If the information is dismissed upon the motion of the
Definition: The examination before a competent tribunal prosecutor and thereafter a charge is feld against the
according to the laws of the land of the facts put into issue accused for the same offense any period f delay form the
for purpose of determining the issue. date the charge was dismissed to the date the time
limitation would commence to run as to subsequent charge
has there be no previous charge
Time to Prepare: The trial court shall have 30 days from
the receipt of the pre-trial order to commence the trial, the 5. A reasonable period of delay when the accused is joined
accused shall have at least 15 days to prepare for the trial for trial with a co -accuser
6. Any period of delay resulting form a continuance granted
by court motu proprio on motion either the accused or his
Presence: The accused shall be entitled to be present and counsel or the prosecution if the court granted the
defend in person and by counsel at every stage of coniitnuace on the basis of the findings set forth in the
proceeding from the arraignment or promulgation of order that the ends of justice be served by taking such
judgment . action outweigh the best interest of public and accused in
speedy trial
* Testimonial witness: One whose testimony dwells on the Conditional EXAMINATION
presence of some or al of the elements of the crime and 1. Witness is so sick to afford reasonable ground to believe
whose testimony is indispensable to the conviction of the that he will not be able to attend the trial
2. Resides more than 100 kilometers and has no other mean
1. When the delays are due to the absence of an essential to attend the same
witness whose whereabouts are unknown or cannot be
determined. The court provisionally dismiss the action with 3. Other similar circumstance exist that would prevent him
the express consent of the detained accused . from attending trial
An offense charged is necessarily included in the offense
Defense Witness Prosecution witness
proved when the essential ingredients of the former
1. Witness is sick 1. The witness is sick constitute or form a part of those constituting the latter
inform to appear in trial and
2. Witness resides 100 km
form the place of trial and 2. Witness has to leave the Variance in the Commisison of the Crime : Where the
country with no definite mode of commission alleged is at variance with the mode
3. Other similar
date to return of commission proved conviction is possible of the
circumstances that would
make him unavailable or variance does not change the crime and the accused fails to
prevent hi from attending object thereto. The offense charged is still included in the
trial offense proved
The judge of the proper Before the court where the
court member of the bar and case Is pending Mode Constitute as Different Crime: Where there are
inferior court material difference and substantial distinction between two
modes of commission as when the first mode is not
necessarily included in the second mode and vice versa
Joint Trial: there can be no conviction
General Rule: Joint Trial is proper where the action arise
from the same act event or transaction involve the same or
like issues and depend largely or substantially on the same Promulgation of Judgment
evidence General Rule: The judgment is promulgated by reading it in
Exception: The court in its discretion and upon motion of the presence of the accused and any judge of the court
the fiscal or any of the accused orders a separate trial for which rendered the same
one or more of the accused.

If the separate trial is granted the testimony of one accused 1. Judgment in light offense
imputing the crime to his co-acussed is not admissible
against the latter who has no opportunity to cross examine a. May be pronounced in the presence of the
the former. counsel or representative
b. May be promulgated by the clerk of court
State Witness: 2. Judgment if accused is confined or detained in another
province or city
1. Absolute necessity for the testimony of the accused
whose discharge is requested. a. May be promulgated by the executive judge of
the Regional trial court having jurisdiction over
2. No other direct evidence available for the prosecution the place of confinement or detention
except the testimony of the accused
b. Upon the request of the court which rendered
3. Testimony can be substantially corroborate in material judgment
Rule on the Validity of Promulgation of Judgment
4. Accused does not appear to be most guilty
1. Judgment must have been rendered in the proper forum
5. Accused has never been convicted of an offense and not merely orally
involving moral turpitude.
2. Judgment must have been rendered by the judge and
promulgated during his incumbency
3, The judgment must be read in its entirety for jeopardy to
Judgment validly terminate

When there is a variance between the offense charged in General Rule: The accused is required to be present in the
the complaint or information and that proved and the promulgation of judgment
offense as charged is included or necessarily incudes the
offense prived the accused shall be convicted of the offense
proved which necessary includes the offense charged or of Exception:
the offense charged which is included in the offense proved 1. When the judgment is for a light offense in which case
the accused counsel or representative may stand in for him
Offense charged necessarily included in the offense proved 2. When the judgment is for acquittal the presence of the
accused is not necessary
New, Material evidence has been discovered which the
accused could not have been with reasonable diligence
Effect when the accused is not present
discovered and if produced will change the judgment
1. Accused is deemed as fugitive: The accused fails to
appear and whose arrest is ordered is considered a fugitive
of justice., He looses his legal standing in court and is Requisite:
deemed to have waived his right to seek any relief from
1. Error is committed during the trial
court unless he surrenders to the jurisdiction of the court
and files a motion for leave. 2. Irregular prejudicial to the right of the accused
3. Material evidence: Evidence discovered
2.Accused forfeits the post conviction remedies: Newly Discovered Evidence
a. Filing of the motion for new trial a. Discovered after trial
b. Appeal on the judgment of the merits b. Could not have been discovered and produced in trial
despite reasonable diligence
- Within 15 days from the promulgation of the judgment
however the accused surrenders and file a motion for leave c. Material and not merely corroborative
of court to avail of these remedies. He shall state the reason
d. It is of such weight that will probably change the
for his absence at the scheduled promulgation and proves
that his absence was for a justifiable cause he shall be
allowed to avail the said remedies within 15 days from
notice thereof. Reconsideration
1. Error of Law: Which requires no further proceeding
2. Error of fact: Require no other proceeding
Before a Judgment becomes final and executory: * hearing is required when the motion for new trial calls for
The judgment may be modified or set aside by the court the resolution of question of fact. The court may hear
before it has become final and executory or before an evidence on the motion or affidavit otherwise.
appeal has been perfected

Doctrine of Immutability of Judgment: A decision that has 1. With the RTC

acquired finality may no longer be modified in any respect
even if the modification is to correct and erroneous A. Motion for New Trial or Reconsideration
conclusion of fact and law and whether it be made by that New Trial:
rendered it by the highest court of the land any act that
violate the immutability of judgment are to be struck down The rehearing of the case already decided but before the
judgment of conviction wherein has become final , whereby
errors of law or irregularities are expunged from the record
Post Conviction Remedies or new evidence is introduced or both steps are taken.
Before the Conviction becomes final
1. Modification of Judgment At any time before the judgment of conviction becamoes
final the court may on motion of the accused or at its own
2. Re-opening of the proceeding instance but with the consent of the accused grant a new
3. Motion For New Trial triak
4. Motion for reconsideration .
Except death penalty:
Modification of Judgment: The judgment may be modified
based on the motion of the accused alone. Grounds:
Re-Opening of Judgment : The judge by Motion of the
accused or Motu Proprio open the proceeding to avoid the 1. Errors of law or irregularities prejudicial to the
miscarriage of justice. The proceeding terminates within 30 substantial rights of the accused committed during the trial
days from the time it was granted 2. New and material evidence has been discovered which
the accused could not with reasonable diligence have
discovered after trial and produced at the trial and which if
Motion for New Trial ( Affidavit of Witness) introduced will probably changed the judgment
RULE 122
Effects of Granting A motion for New Trial or
reconsideration Appeal: Throws the case wide open for review, the tribunal
can correct errors, though unassigned in the appealed
judgment , or even reverse the trial court’s decision based
In all cases when a new trial or reconsideration is granted on the grounds other than those that the parties raised as
the original judgment shall be set aside and vacated and a errors.
new judgment is rendered accordingly
Assignment of Error as Compared to Civil Case
1. New Trial based on errors of law: All the proceedings in
evidence affected shall be set aside and taken anew and the Civil Case Criminal Case
court may allow the introduction of other evidence
1. No error will be An appeal throws the case
considered by the appellant wide open for review and
2. New Trial based on Newly discovered evidence: The court unless stated in the the reviewing tribunal can
evidence already adduced shall stand and the newly assignment of error except correct error and even
discovered evidence together with other evidence which the reverse the decision of the
1. The error affects the
court may allow in the interest of justice shall be trial court on the ground
jurisdiction of the court
considered thereto. other than those that th
2. The error affects the parties raise in the errors.
judgment appealed from or
Motion for New Trial Reopening of the proceedings therein
RECONSIDERATION the Case 3. The error is closely
After judgment is After After both related or dependent on the
rendered prior to the judgment is parties have assigned error and properly
finality thereof rendered and rested their argued in the brief
prior to case even 4. The error is a plain error
finality before or a clerical error
judgment is
rendered but 4. The appellate court finds
before that the consideration of
finality of error not assigned on
judgment appeal is necessary in
arriving at a complete and
By motion of the accused By motion of By motion of just resolution of the case
or by the court motu the accused or either party
prorprio with the consent by the court of the court
of the accused motu proprio motu proprio
but with the Who may appeal
consent of the
accused General Rule: Any party may appeal from the judgment or
final order
To ask the court to To permit the To permit
reconsider its findings f reception of the reception
“ Party”: This refers not only to the government and the
law so as to conform to new evidence of new
accused but other persons as well such as the complainant
the law applicable to the and extend evidence and
who may be affected by the judgment rendered in a
case the extend the
criminal proceeding
proceedings proceeding

accordingly Exception:

1. A party may not appeal if the accused would be placed

Neyphes: The period for appeal is not only within fifteen on double jeopardy.
days from the notice of judgment but also within fifteen
days from the notice of the final order appealed from. If a 2. The judgment is for conviction and the accused fails to
motion for reconsideration or motion for new trial the appear without justifiable cause
denial is presumed to be the final order.

Participation of Offended party:

1. As a rule, the participation of the offended party is not
b. Appeal from the RTC appellate jurisdiction: The appeal
needed. However, if the SOLGEN recommends the
is with the Court of appeals by the filing of the petition for
acquittal of the accused on appeal he or she has the right to
review with the said court under Rule 42.
be heard on the question of indemnity and damage arising
on the interest of justice. c. If the penalty is reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment: Notice of appeal with the CA
2. The offended party has the right to appeal the Civil
Aspect of the case. d. Death Penalty: No notice of appeal is necessary in cases
where the RTC imposed the death penalty. The CA
automatically reviews the judgment as provided.
Finality of Acquittal Doctrine
e. If the appeal is from the decision of the CA: Appeal is
As a rule a judgment of acquittal is final and unappealable. generally made by the filing a petition for review on
Therefore, the prosecution in a criminal case is not allowed certiorari under Rule 45 with the Supreme Court.
to appeal the same if the defendant will be placed in double
d. If the appeal imposes reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment: The judgment of the CA may be appealed
to the SC by notice of appeal filed with the CA.
1. Petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of When is appeal to be taken: Appeal is to be taken within
Court upon a clear showing by the petitioner that the lower fifteen days from a. Promulgation of judgment 2. From
court in acquitting the accused committed grave abuse of notice or final order appealed from. The period for
discretion amounting to lack of excess jurisdiction. perfecting the appeal is suspended from the time a motion
for new trial or reconsideration is fuled until the notice of
the order overruling the motion has been served upon the
Instances when double jeopardy does not exist accused or his counsel at which time the balance of the
1, Dismissal is made on motion or with the express consent period starts to run
of the defendant.
2. The dismissal is not acquittal or based on the Appeals : When Perfected
consideration of evidence or on the merits of the case.
3. The question to be passed upon by the appellate court is Appeals in a criminal case do not take place and are not
purely legal question and if the dismissal is found to be considered perfected until after the interested party has
incorrect would have to be remanded to the court of origin. personally or through his attorney filed with the clerk of
court a written notice expressly stating the appeal.

Where to Appeal
Effect: Once an appeal is perfected , whether civil or
1. Metc, mtcc. Mctc: Regional trial court criminal the court looses jurisdiction over the case both
2. RTC: SC or CA over the record and over the subject.
3. CA : SC
Residual Jurisdiction of the trial court: Authority of the
trial court to issue orders for the protection and the
How is appeal taken preservation of the rights of the parties which do not
1. Ordinary Appeal: Rule 122. involve any matter litigated on appeal provided these are
done prior to the transmittal of the original record or the
2. Petition for review : Rule 42 record of appeal even if the appeal is already perfected .
3. Petition for review on certiorari : Rul 45
4. Automatic Appeal: Rule 122.
When is appeal to be taken

1. Judgment is appealed from the MuTC and the RTC: An appeal must be filed within 15 days from the
By notice of appeal filed with the court that rendered promulgation or notice of final order appealed from .
judgment or final order appealed from and by serving a The period for appeal is interrupted from the time a motion
copy thereof upon the adverse party. for new trial or reconsideration is filed.
2. Judgment is appealed from the RTC
a. Appeal from the RTC original jurisdiction: The appeal Effect Of appeal by Several Accused
shall be with the CA by notice of appeal filed with the
1. An appeal taken by one or more of several accused shall
court that rendered the judgment and final order appealed
not affect those who did not appeal except insofar as the
from and by serving thereof upon the adverse party.
judgment of the appellate court is favorable and applicable
Acquittal Certiorari under Gen Rule:
to the latter.
2. The appeal of the offended party from the civil aspect APPEALS
shall not affect the criminal aspect of the judgment or order
appealed from 1.MTC: Certiorari
3. Upon the perfection of an appeal the execution of the with the RTC filed Exception:
judgment or final order appealed from shall be stayed as to by the prosecutor.
1. When the order
the appealing party. 2. RTC Judgment: affects the
Certiorari with the interest of the
CA filed by the sate and the
Withdrawal of appeal SOLGEN people
2. The case
1. Before the record forwarded to appellate court: The involved a novel
appellant may withdraw an appeal before the record has issue
been forwarded by the clerk of court to the proper appellate 3. The ends of
court as provided by Rule 122 Section 8. justice would be
defeated if all
those who come
2. before the rendition of judgment ( the record has or where brought
already been forwarded to the court) The court may in its to court were not
discretion allow the appellant to withdraw his appeal brought to present
provided a motion to that effect is filed prior to the their side.
rendition of judgment.

Grounds for Dismissal of an appeal: RULE 120, S. 6

1. Fails to file his brief within time prescribed by the rule Section 6. Promulgation of judgment. — The judgment
except when the appellant is represented by a counsel de is promulgated by reading it in the presence of the
oficio accused and any judge of the court in which it was
rendered. However, if the conviction is for a light
2. Escape form prison or confinement during the offense, the judgment may be pronounced in the
pendency of an appeal presence of his counsel or representative. When the
3. Jumps bail during the pendency of an appeal judge is absent or outside of the province or city, the
judgment may be promulgated by the clerk of court.
4. Flees to a foreign country during the pendency of an
If the accused is confined or detained in another
province or city, the judgment may be promulgated by
Summary of Post Judgment Remedies ( Appeal) the executive judge of the Regional Trial Court having
jurisdiction over the place of confinement or detention
JUDGMENT REMEDIES Notes upon request of the court which rendered the judgment.
The court promulgating the judgment shall have
Conviction Motion for Provided that
authority to accept the notice of appeal and to approve
reconsideration there is no
the bail bond pending appeal; provided, that if the
motion for new trial waiver.
decision of the trial court convicting the accused
changed the nature of the offense from non-bailable to
bailable, the application for bail can only be filed and
The Motion for resolved by the appellate court.
reconsideration is
not indispensable
and may go The proper clerk of court shall give notice to the accused
straight to appeal personally or through his bondsman or warden and
counsel, requiring him to be present at the promulgation
of the decision. If the accused tried in absentia because
Period: within 15 he jumped bail or escaped from prison, the notice to him
days from the shall be served at his last known address.
promulgation of
order granting the In case the accused fails to appear at the scheduled date
leave to appeal of promulgation of judgment despite notice, the
file a motion for promulgation shall be made by recording the judgment
reconsideration in the criminal docket and serving him a copy thereof at
2. Permanent Absence: If the judge whose decision was
his last known address or thru his counsel. promulgated had prior to its promulgation died, resigned
retired been dismissed promoted to higher court or
appointed to another office with inconsistent function then
If the judgment is for conviction and the failure of the he would not longer be an incumbent member of the court
accused to appear was without justifiable cause, he shall his decision are invalid.
lose the remedies available in these rules against the
judgment and the court shall order his arrest. Within
fifteen (15) days from promulgation of judgment,
however, the accused may surrender and file a motion TRIAL IN ABSENTIA
for leave of court to avail of these remedies. He shall
state the reasons for his absence at the scheduled 1. The judgment is recorded in the criminal docket
promulgation and if he proves that his absence was for a
2. A copy thereof is served upon the accused in his last
justifiable cause, he shall be allowed to avail of said
known address or to his counsel
remedies within fifteen (15) days from notice. (6a


General Rule : The judgment is promulgated by reading it ACCUSED IS DISPENSED WITH
in the presence of the accused and any judge of the court in
which it was rendered. 1. When the judgment is for a light offense in which case
the accused counsel or representative may stand for him
Exceptions: 2. When the judgment is for acquittal and the presence of
the accused is not necessary.
1. Judgment in light offenses:
a. May be pronounced in the presence of his
counsel or representative When is the presence of the accused required and he
fails to appear
b. May be promulgated by the clerk of court
when the judge is absent or outside the province If the judgment is for conviction other than a light offense
or the City. 1. Accused is deemed as a fugitive: Fails to appear and
whose arrest is ordered. He looses his legal standing in
court and is deemed to have waived his right to seek any
CONFINED OR DETAINED IN ANOTHER relief from the court unless he surrenders to the jurisdiction
PROVINCE OR CITY. of the court and files a motion for leave.
a. May be promulgated by the executive judge of
the RTC having jurisdiction over the place of 2. Accused forfeits Post Conviction remedies:
confinement or detention
b. Upon the request of the court which rendered
the judgment The accused who fails to appear at the promulgation of
judgment of conviction loses the remedies available under
the Rules of court against the judgment
Rules on Validity of Promulgation of judgment 1. The filing for a motion for new trial or reconsideration
1. Judgment must be rendered in the proper form and not 2. An appeal from the judgment or final order.
merely orally promulgated
2. The judgment must have been rendered by the judge
promulgated during his incumbency. Within fifteen days from the promulgation of judgment ,
however the accused may surrender and file a motion for
3. The Judgment must be read in its entirety. leave of court to avail these remedies again. He shall state
the reason for his absence and prove that the absence was
for a justifiable cause.

Permanent and Temporary Absence

Surrender : It is the physical and voluntary submission to
1. Temporary Absence: The decision of a judge may be the court to suffer any consequences of the verdict against
promulgated so long as he is still a judge of the court. The him . Mere filing of his counsel of the motion for leave will
term absent or outside the province or city refers only to not suffice.
temporary physical absence of the judge and his inability to
be represented during the promulgation
Guidelines In the imposition of Penalty in lieu of 5. In ethe event the court denies the application for
Imprisonment community service the period to appeal has not yet lapsed
the accused may still choose to appeal suc h judgment or
Arresto Mayor: The duration of the penalty of arresto
apply for probation.
mayor shall be one month and one day to six months
Arresto Menor: The penalty of arrest menor is one to
thirty days. LIMITS
1. RA 11362: Promotes restorative justice by imposing
community service in lieu of service in jail for offense Must not be given more than once . Also for the period of
punishable by arresto menor and arresto mayor. community service to be rendered should not be more than
the maximum sentence imposed by law but not less than
1/3 thereof
1. After the promulgation of judgment if the impossible On appeal penalty is reduced
penalty for a crime or offense by the accused is arresto
menor or arresto mayor, it is the duty of the court to inform If the accused is sentenced with a penalty higher than
the accused in open court within fifteen days to: arresto menor or arresto mayor and appeal the penalty was
1. File an appeal lower to arresto menor or arresto mayor which become
final and executory the accused may on written application
If this is chosen any other resort bars the
application for community service with the court of origin seek community service in lieu of
2. File a probation
3. Apply the penalty served by rendering
community service in place where crime is Provisional Remedies
2. If the accused opts to apply for community service the The provisional remedies in civil action , insofar as they are
application must be filed within the period to perfect the applicable may be availed in connection with the civil
appeal. Likewise the application must be resolved within action deemed instituted with the criminal case
five calendar days from the filing thereof. For this purpose
the court sets a hearing to render or promulgate the ruling.
Note however that when a criminal action is instituted the
civil action for recovery of civil liability arising from the
offense charged shall be deemed instituted with the
4. After the receipt of the application for community
criminal action except of course when the offended party
service the court notifies the ff :
waives the civil action, reserve the right to institute it
a. Barangay Chairperson separately or institute a civil action prior to the criminal
Directed to submit a proposed community service program
for the accused on or before the scheduled hearing on the
application. Therefor, to avail of the provisional remedy in a criminal
action it must be one with the corresponding civil liability
b. Representative of the provincial and city
if there is a civil liability the civil action must be arising
probation office form the offense charged and which is instituted in the said
c. Local government unit SWDO ( social criminal action. Hence if the civil action has been waived,
welfare dev office) instituted a provisional remedy may not be availed in the
criminal action and must be applied to the separate civil
Directed to recommend a rehabilitative counseling
program and schedule for the accused that shall be
incorporated in the proposal of the barangay.
When is it available:

In exercising discretion to allow service of penalty though 1. When the accused is about to abscond form the
community service Philippines
.1 Gravity of offense
2. Circumstance of case 2. When the criminal action is based on a claim for money
property embezzled or fraudulently misapplied or
3. Welfare of society converted to the sue of the Accused who is a public officer,
4. reasonable probability accused will not violate corporation , attorney factor or broker, agent clerk in the
the law again course of his employment as such or by any other person in
a fiduciary capacity or willful violation of the duty
- Preliminary attachment may be availed without the need
of showing that the accused has concealed, removed or
disposed of his property or is about to do so , what needs to
be shown is

1. The criminal case is founded upon claim that money or

property was embezzled fraudulently misapplied or
converted to the use of the accused

2. That the accused occupies any of the position mentioned

in Section 2 Rule 127 he committed a wilfful violation of
the duty under Rule 127

3. When the accused has concealed removed or disposed of

his property and about to do so

4. When the accused resides outside the PH.

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