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1. Entrepreneurs desire a commercial space in a mall, even if the cost is too high, because the mall is
surrounded by ready-made traffic and thousands of shoppers every day. Larger malls offer a wider
range of businesses, including some significant anchors (such as Walmart), making them destination
locations. In other words, they are the primary source of customers for businesses that rely on
transient traffic, such as food courts. An entrepreneur's well-thought-out business strategy includes
the selection of a business site. Smaller community malls featuring laundromats, convenience stores,
gyms, restaurants, and veterinarians may be ideal locations for businesses like dentists, attorneys, and
2. Personal income taxes, value-added taxes, estate and donor's taxes, other percentage taxes, excise
taxes, and documentary stamp taxes are among the taxes collected by the government. These
charges are levied on all sources of revenue, unless the Bureau of Internal Revenue has specifically
exempted them. It is your obligation to understand which taxes you must pay and to calculate them
accurately. It is a criminal to fail to file and pay your taxes, whether intentionally or
unintentionally.Similarly, failing to declare the exact amount might result in significant penalties,
which you should avoid. As a result, you should treat your tax obligations seriously. Taxes fund
government assistance for the poorest of the poor. Taxes on alcohol and tobacco, for instance, have
been used to fund PhilHealth, the state health insurance fund. Taxes also fund the Conditional Cash
Transfer program, which give poor families a monthly allowance as long as they keep their children in
school. When government services suffer, the poorest of the poor are hardest hit because they do not
have options.
3. Of course, as an entrepreneur, you should pay your employees fairly because you were the one
who invited/hired them, but you take advantage of their efforts by underpaying them. Of course,
entrepreneurs must pay their employees. If you're a small-business owner hoping the uproar would
subside after November, you're mistaken. The issue is no longer "what if," but rather "how high." I
feel that raising salaries is beneficial to our economy, but it must be done with consideration for small


1. Oil Price The spot price of a barrel (159 litres) of

benchmark crude oil is often referred to as the oil
2. Unemployment The term unemployment refers to a situation
when a person who is actively searching for
employment is unable to find work.
Unemployment is considered to be a key
measure of the health of the economy.
3. Exhange Rate Exchange rates are defined as the price that one
nation or economic zone’s currency can be
exchanged for another currency.
4. Migration Migration is defined as the movement of people
over some distance (or at least from one
"migration-defining. area" to another) and from
one "usual place of residence" to another.
5. Peace and order Maintaining economic prosperity, social order,
and political stability all require peace and order.
A peaceful and orderly environment encourages
investment, creates more job possibilities, and
draws more tourists.


You may already be aware of the microeconomic repercussions of increasing oil

prices as a customer. When we see increasing oil prices, most of us are inclined to
consider the price of gasoline as well, because most homes require fuel purchases.
When fuel costs rise, a bigger portion of household budgets are likely to be spent on
it, leaving less money to spend on other goods and services. The same is true for
businesses that must ship items from one location to another or that rely heavily on
gasoline (such as the airline industry). Higher oil prices tend to make company
output more expensive, just as they make routine household activities more
expensive. People's purchasing power is always affected in a community by modern
challenges such as migration, unemployment, and so on. Situations are continuously
changing, sometimes for the better, but sometimes for the worse, especially for the
masses. People with means of subsistence frequently engage in panic buying,
stockpiling products they will never use. People with limited financial resources will
also change their spending. They will welcome any opportunity for assistance from
others, limiting their purchasing power as never before. Finally, persons with no
means will become more hostile as they constantly feel bullied and denied future
options in life.Unemployed people are more vulnerable to a variety of issues,
including trouble finding future job and lower income. Unemployment has a broader
impact on society and the economy. The longer a person is out of work, the more
likely they are to suffer negative consequences and contribute to the community's
multiplier impact. In this post, we will look at what it means to be unemployed and
how it affects an individual, society, and the economy.

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. C
15. A

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