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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Bacnotan District
School ID: 500351


SY: 2022 – 2023
Grade 11 – Earth
September 15, 2022

Name: _____________________________Score: _____/25 Parent’s Signature: _______________

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided before each number.
_____1. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information as by speech, signals, writing or behavior.
A. communication B. feedback C. language D. message
_____2. It is the content of the communication.
A. jargon B. media C. message D. noise
_____3. It is known when the receiver gives a verbal or non-verbal message.
A. answer B. feedback C. reply D. response
_____4. Which model shows a one-way communication where the source of information does not know whether the
message is understood or not?
A. interactive B. linear C. transactional D. a and b
_____5. Which of the following is an example of a one-way communication?
A. A church leader giving a homily to a crowd of people
B. Classmates talking about how to accomplish their assignments
C. A teacher encouraging students to give their thoughts on a relevant issue
D. All the above
_____6. Which model of communication shows the interchange of ideas among different individuals and shows
progress in the process?
A. interactive B. linear C. transactional D. none of the above
_____7. Angie works for a fast food company as a cashier. A customer comes in to order sandwich and drinks. What
model of communication is described in the given situation?
A. conversational B. interactive C. linear D. transactional
_____8. Which of the following elements affects the flow of any communication process?
A. barrier B. channel C. feedback D. source
_____9. Which element is NOT found in Shannon-Weaver model?
A. barrier B. channel C. feedback D. receiver
_____10. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of communication?
A. It fosters good relationship among people.
B. It gears towards the solution to a problem.
C. It creates blunder that worsens an existing issue or concern.
D. It gives an overview of a national issue for public understanding.
_____11. Which of the following is an example of an interactive communication?
A. A social media influencer gets million views from her debut video.
B. A TV anchor interviews lawmakers about the MECQ in the metro.
C. A vendor starts a small talk with his customer and the latter gives in to it.
D. A barker persuades the commuters to take jeepney going to Pacita Complex.
_____12. Which communication model is dynamic where the process does not stop after one has given a feedback
and continues to progress as topics and persons involved may change overtime, too?
A. interactive B. linear c. transactional d. A and C
_____13. On your way home, you dropped by a convenient store. Queuing to pay for some essentials, you heard a
customer arguing with the cashier. The customer talked on top of his voice complaining for something you
could not clearly hear. The buyer next to him interrupted the one complaining. The others in the line could
not help but gave their own sides of the story. Finally, the manager came in. What model of communication
is presented in the entire scenario?
A. interactive B. linear C. occasional D. transactional
_____14. Is when an idea or information is translated into words and expressed to others.
A. Analyzing B. Creating C. Decoding D. Encoding
_____15. It is when this idea or information is understood and interpreted by the receiver.
A. Analyzing B. Creating C. Decoding D. Encoding
_____16. Which of the following is an example of a one-way communication model?
A. A group of teenagers planning for a big event
B. The Philippine President delivering his SONA
C. The committee finding ways to reach for the less fortunate in their barangay
D. A and B
_____17. A strong wind struck as Arnold and his father took turns in pulling the fishing boat to the shore. Arnold
couldn’t hear his father’s voice. Which affects the flow of the communication process?
A. Boat B. father C. wind D. Arnold’s voice
_____18. It refers to the natural or environmental conditions that hinder a successful communication transaction.
A. cultural barrier B. external noise C. physical barrier D. psychological barrier
_____19. These are issues like trauma, lack of confidence, fear, anger, frustration, and depression that may affect the
communication process.
A. external noise B. linguistic barrier C. psychological barrier D. semantic noise
_____20. It refers to the way a person responds in a communication situation affected by personal norms and
A. cultural barrier B. linguistic barrier C. physical barrier D. psychological barrier
_____21. “Mrs. Erlinda was invited as a speaker during the National Women’s Month. She talked about Gender
Equality. She delivered her speech for almost 1 hour with more than 50 slides. The audience appeared uneasy
seemed uninterested after 20 minutes.” What barrier of communication is evident in this situation?
A. cultural barrier B. linguistic barrier C. physiological barrier D. psychological barrier
_____22. Which communication situation displays physiological barrier?
A. The General Parents and Teachers Association (GPTA) president felt nervous when he started to speak in front
of all the parents and guardians.
B. The Municipal Agriculture officer is discussing certain agricultural crops management procedure in a community
that is not very familiar with the topic.
C. The newly-designated general manager of the restaurant was a bit hesitant to talk with the guests.
D. The research teacher was discussing with his students about the problem when a song was played loudly from
the other classroom.
_____23. It is an example of semantic noise that hampers or impedes effective communication.
A. horn of the taxi C. noise from the construction site
B. chitchat of people D. use of excessive technical jargon
_____24. Which does NOT belong to the group?
A. external noise B. internal noise C. semantic noise D. verbal noise
_____25. It happens when the sender fails to communicate his/her message properly or when the intended message
is not clearly understood by the receiver.
A. communication C. process of communication
B. communication barrier D. strategies to avoid communication barriers

Subject Teacher Principal III

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