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Narrative Report

In preparatory to our research study, our adviser decided to choose

leaders among our class and let them pick their group members. Barry Aoanan,

one of the leaders chose Jennifer Bautista, Marjorie Fernandez, Jasmine Kadir,

Crystal Jedrie Tarampi and Nicole Toledanes as his groupmates.

Before we started researching our topic, we took time to plan for our

schedules to ensure that we do not end up being overwhelmed by all the work

we have to do. After arranging plans on when will be the scheduled days where

we are all available, we decided to plan an overnight so we won’t have to rush

and can carefully think of what we put through on our study.

After meeting, we began our research by searching information about the topic

that was given to us and we came up with our title “Learn-It-Yourself (LIY) An

Approach in the New Normal Education” relating to the current mode of

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San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

education, indicatively, the modular learning that the teachers currently used due

to the pandemic.

We had gather information on why this is a relevant topic for the future

generations and how it will benefit students and teachers. After this, we

defended our title through google meeting with our adviser, Mr. Ryan Delos

Reyes who is with Mrs. May Rhea Lopez and Mr. Alexander Julio.

They rectified our errors and suggests to change some of our content specifically

the title to, “Learn-It-Yourself (LIY) Challenges Encountered by the HUMSS

Students in Modular Learning”.

Your bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

Subsequently, we rework our Statement of the Problem and formally changed

our title. As we proceed thoroughly on creating our study, chapter 1 and 2, we

searched for different websites where we can find sources that were related to

our topic such as books, articles, and journals. We made careful notes about our

discoveries and evaluated the reliability of each source we found. After

thoughtfully constructing our research study, we decided to let Ms. Arlene Jugal,

our critique reader to analyze and evaluate what we finished.

Shortly, we organized a plan in meeting with our research adviser Mr. Alexander

Julio in the school where he works, specifically at Nantangalan National

Highschool to ask for his feedback and comments in our research study.

Your bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

After examining meticulously, he corrected some of the contents of our research

for it to become better and rectify mistakes and errors.

As the proposal defense day approaches, we started to prepare the requirements

including the PowerPoint presentation and materials such as the hard copies of

our research study and our formal attires but before doing the proposal defense,

we agreed to visit once again our research adviser to seek help on how to

defend our study and what suggestions he can give us.

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San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

Fortunately, he had help us in various of ways. Suggested what color and

fonts do we use in making our PowerPoint presentation readable and minimalist.

What color of attire do we use and importantly, how we present and answer the

questions that will be given to us.

Two days before the actual proposal

defense occur, we decided to go to

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San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

school and find our panel list and chairperson for their signage of our


The day before the proposal defense, we settled on staying at Roxanne’s

house in Urdaneta City by reason of difficulty in boarding at a vehicle early in the

morning heading to Urdaneta because all of us are from Pozorrubio. In staying at

Roxanne’s house, we memorized and read cautiously all of our study so we can

answer the questions and give a well-organized presentation.

Your bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

The day of the defense, we woke up early in preparation for the upcoming

battle. We waited at the school with nervousness surrounding us until the

defense had officially started. We presented our study in the best way we

possibly can. After that, the questioning and recommendation begun by the

panel lists, Mr. Ryan Delos Reyes, Mrs. May Rhea Lopez and also the Chairperson

Mr. Noel Guevara with Mr. Alexander Julio guiding us. We answered it based on

the knowledge we know that is according to our study. When the proposal

defense ended, we looked out for all the parts where we committed errors that

had been corrected by the panels and chairperson, and noted them in the matrix

of correction.

Your bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

After that, we decided to arrange plans again on revising the study. As taking the

suggestion of one of our panel list, Mr. Ryan Delos Reyes on changing our

research title to “Learn-It-Yourself (LIY) A Lived-Experience of HUMSS Students

in Modular Learning”. We also settle the following recommended revision of the

panels such as the Statement of the Problem, Background of the Study and etc.

After revising the Chapter 1 and 2 as our panel lists suggested, we

submitted the revised manuscript. The picture was taken at Urdaneta City

University where we are compiling and organizing the manuscripts.

Your bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

This day where we researchers had visited our content validators to

authenticate our questionnaire. Our content validators are Mr. William Tarampi,

MALT, Dr. Edmund Custodio, PhD and Dr. Kenneth Romero, PhD from Benigno

V. Aldana National High School.

Your bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

After authenticating the questionnaire with our content validators, we

proceeded to ask our respondents for the survey of questionnaires following the

health protocols and social distancing.

After this, we continued to develop the Chapter 3 and 4 of our study.

Your bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

Following the next step, because of the pandemic the society is

experiencing. The defense was decided to be an online defense and we were

required to pass a video where we discussed the Chapter 3 and 4 or our study.

Your bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.



Your bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangas | univpresidentofficial@gmail.

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