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The Kwangya



One sunny day in the city of Seoul, birds are chirping happily celebrating the arrival of
spring. Flowers bloomed and the warm air hit the skin of a handsome boy . This is Na Jaemin .

Na Jaemin is a handsome boy with milky white skin, as soft as silk, beautiful eyes and not
forgetting his blonde hair which makes him even more perfect . Na Jaemin , a person who has a high
curiosity makes him walk towards an old building with an ancient interior, magnificent and charming
but contains various kinds of knowledge.

Yes , here he is, the feet that led him to walk to a library with an ancient interior that still
stands proudly storing various knowledge from various parts of the world. Na Jaemin kept walking
through the bookshelves until he found one of the books he thought was interesting. The book is
entitled "The Kwangya "

"This book is interesting and I have never read it, it seems this book is outdated but that's okay I'm
curious about this book." Then Jaemin chose the book and read page by page, until he reached a page
that had his kwangya secret written on it .

Kwangya in Korean itself means desert but Kwangya is a place where there will be freedom
and prosperity in life. Kwangnya also means that it is the wild nature of the valley forest and is still
beautiful and its natural preservation is maintained. That's where the avatars reside. Kwangya is
described as an irregular place and outside FLAT. To reach Kwangya supposedly can be done by
opening a portal.

" Hmm interesting whether Kwangya really exist? Or is it just a fiction?” said Jaemin who was busy
reading his book.
Jaemin kept reading and reading until he stopped at a page where he knew how to open a
portal to his kwangya which made him even more curious about what his real Kwangya was. Is it
according to what this book says or not. Jaemin began to note down the ingredients that must be
needed to open his Kwangya portal, one of which he had to find NAVIS, because he was the one who
could open the portal to his Kwangya . In the book it is not explained who the figure of a Navis is,
there is only a small explanation that Navis is a mysterious and unknown person its existence .

Time passed second by second, did not feel the time has shown that the library will be closed
soon. The visitors began to leave the library leaving a handsome boy who was still engrossed in his
book. Until a librarian came to him.
“ Hey why are you still here , it's about time we closed. Look at the people who have left, you are the
only one left here ."
" Ooh .. I'm sorry sir I don't know if I want to close I'm too busy with this book." Na Jaemin said .
"What book are you reading, kid ?"
“This sir about The Kwangya . Do you think that Kwangya really exists?” The guard was a little
surprised at the man's words .
"How did he find the book, why did it get here , it's not that the book has been stored elsewhere,"
thought the librarian.

The Kwangya
The Kwangya

"It's just an ordinary fiction book, son , so don't worry that the book doesn't match the reality. Now it's
late and we're closed now go home son ."
"Okay sir but hey can I borrow it I haven't finished reading it yet ." Na Jaemin said before leaving the
"No, there you go, it's getting late." The shopkeeper said leaving Jaemin .
Time changes not the sound of birds chirping but the sound of crickets chirping together
sautan . Decorated with moonlight shining brightly. Tonight, Sunday night, people are enjoying the
beautiful city of Seoul and the charming full moon at Haneul Park. Akam but not for Na Jaemin he
chose to be on his soft bed lying down while thinking back about the events of this afternoon.
"I have to try to find out about Kwangya, tomorrow I'll go there that uncle must know about Kwangya

Morning welcomes back Jaemin rushed to his destination, namely the library he will ask
about his Kwangya to the librarian uncle. Her imperceptible steps had brought her all the way to the
library. Na Jaemin immediately looked for the person he wanted to meet.
"Uncle Uncle sorry to interrupt the time I want to ask you something."
" Hmmm aren't you the kid from yesterday? What do you want here if you want to ask about
yesterday I didn't have time." As if knowing what Jaemin wanted to ask, he walked away leaving
Jaemin .
"Come on, uncle, help me, I 'm curious about the book, if you want to tell me something, I won't
bother you anymore." Na Jaemin said while chasing the librarian.
"No I said no. Don't worry , it's just a story."
"But uncle, uh .. that's the book. Uncle uncle I borrowed the book I didn't finish reading yesterday."
say na Jaemin while trying to ask for the book.
"Oh, this child is very troublesome, okay, I 'll tell you about your Kwangya . Come here and sit
quietly here . Don't cut me off when I tell you later."
"Oh ok uncle ." He said happy.
“Once upon a time there was a group called Aespa , Aespa was a group of people who traveled
around the world until he found someone called NAVIS. NAVIS is a person from another Univers
who will later help Aespa in adventure in Kwangya . Until one day when they were on an adventure
they met a monster there called the Black Mamba ."
“Whose uncle is that Black Mamba ?”
"I told you not to cut me off if you want me to continue the story."
"sorry uncle"
"Okay uncle, continue, so Black Mamba is a monster that can turn into a beautiful human figure.
Navis himself believed he sacrificed himself to aid Aespa in the fight against the Black Mamba . Until
the Black Mamba can be defeated and sealed somewhere. Meanwhile, NAVIS doesn't know where it
is now. Kwangya itself is a beautiful peaceful place that can be said to be heaven. There you will find
many people who can help you but you have to be careful there are also people who can harm you.”
" That 's all you know, for more details, you can look for yourself in the book you're reading"
The Kwangya
The Kwangya

" Thank you uncle, but before that we haven't met uncle, introduce me to Na Jaemin , who is your
" Hah , Na Jaemin , that name is familiar to me," thought the uncle
Are you okay uncle ? I was asking."
" Oh , yes , uncle Lee Soo Man's name. Then uncle go first ouh yes in the book there is a place that
indicates the whereabouts of NAVIS last time and don't forget to return the book on the shelf before."
Uncle Lee Soo Man went somewhere
"Okay uncle."
Na Jaemin went back to reading his book he then found one of the avatar groups in
Kwangya , namely Aespa , Exo , and Nct Dreams . Aespa a group of adventurers who managed to
defeat the Black Mamba with NAVIS and bring prosperity to Kwangya . Exo a group of avatars with
their respective elemental powers each unique. And NCT Dream is a group of avatars with their
dream world.
"It's very interesting I have to find out where Navis is ."
The book says “In Kwangya's world you have another self and to praise Kwannya you need
Navis who is still in the real world" " Navis' whereabouts are unknown but you can find him through
his characteristics , he is a mysterious person, sensitive to situations and often helps people who are
being attacked by criminals."
“Information about Navis is minimal how do I find him?” Jaemin went to look for the Navis. "I hope
you find what you are looking for son , because Kwangya is in danger." Uncle's prayer.
Here and there Jaemin has been through . He has visited all over the city of Seoul but he did
not find what he was looking for. Until when he was tired and began to give up he saw someone who
was surrounded by criminals. Na jaemin also approached the group of criminals but before he got
there he saw a figure in black robes coming nimbly and attacking the criminals in an instant. In the
end the criminals were defeated. Na Jaemin immediately approached him, his hunch was that he was
the Navis he had been looking for all this time.
" Hey wait don't go." Jaemin said while shouting.
him too stop "what do you want? And who are you."
" Hey calm down I just want to ask, are you really NAVIS? If so, I need your help right away."
"No, I'm not Navis."
"Then the mark on your robe is exactly the same as the Navis mark on that book."
" What book huh ? What do you know about NAVIS?” he said starting to advance towards Na Jaemin
" aaa I just read the book The Kwangya and I'm curious about it. And in the book it is also told that
the longer the seal used to seal the Black Mamba will fade after a thousand years and it has been
almost a thousand years since the sealing. I need you for you to return to his Kwang and seal the
Black Mamba back.”
" I, I can't because my partner is gone he is my avatar and because of that incident I lost him."
"So you're not Navis?"
"Yeah I'm not him but I miss him."
The Kwangya
The Kwangya

“exactly a thousand years ago I was Aespa and the Avatars adventure in Kwangya until we meet a
monster called the Black Mamba , we can't avoid the fight and we can't get rid of the wounds. Until
my partner My-karina sacrificed herself to defeat and seal the Black Mamba . I was so sad at that time
that I decided to return to the real world and didn't want to go back to Kwangya ." Said the Navis.
"I'm sorry to lose your partner . But as I recall in the book it was explained that we can resurrect your
partner , but…”
"but what? Hurry up I want to see him again.”
"but if he is resurrected then Black Mamba will also rise again" After considering and Jaemin
explaining there is another way to beat Black Mamba with the help of EXO and NCT Dream Karina
"It's okay, we'll go back to Kwangya and resurrect my partner even if we have to fight him back

Then they went to the Karina's house

“ Where is this? Wow, this place is really amazing,” said Na Jaemin , amazed by the view in that
"Welcome to my house, we go straight to the basement to go to Kwangya immediately ."
“Alright” they headed to the dungeon
They walked through the room until they stopped in front of an object covered in white cloth,
SREETT BRUGHH! After the cloth is opened, you see a tool like a pinti but made of various iron and
beside it there are buttons enath for what.
"This is the portal to Kwangya , I hope this tool still works."
Karina also started fiddling with the buttons on the side of the portal until BUMMM!! Wushh ...
Wush ... Nging .....a vortex appeared at the door. " Ahh finally it works. Let's go to Kwangya and save
everyone. And… Resurrecting my partner .” "Alright let's start this adventure." Say Karina with
Short story, they have arrived at Kwangya .
" Wow how beautiful." Na Jaemin said happily
"Yes this place is so beautiful, I haven't been here for a long time and haven't experienced any
changes. All right, let's go to my friends' place . "
Na Jaemin and Karina headed to the place where Karina 's friends and avatars were . There is a
beautiful city and various other advanced technology tools.
"Okay, let's get to this SMNC tower , where my friends and I live "
"This building is very tall and full of state-of-the-art equipment ."
Tap tap tap the sound of shoes rubbing against the floor, the people inside began to be wary of the
arrival of someone whether enemy or friend.

The Kwangya
The Kwangya

"Someone came, who is he ? Be careful, be prepared”

Their footsteps led to an iron door with an engraving of Aespa written on it .
"Okay , let's open it, behind this door they are inside."
kriekkk blam .
"Who are you?"
"What is your purpose here?"
“Drop your weapons or you are in danger!”
" Aaaa I'm afraid Karina how is this?" Jaemin said shaking while hiding behind Karina's robe.
"Calm down it's okay." Karina opened her cloak and how surprised they were that what came was
their friend who had been missing all this time.
“You.. you KARINA!!”
"You're back Karina, we really miss you . And you are here together
"He's Na Jaemin , he 's the one who sent me here because we have something to finish."
"Hello, I'm Na Jaemin , nice to meet you." Hi Jaemin ” they shouted.
"Well according to what I said earlier I will tell you the reason I came here."
Then Karina told her all the reasons why she came here.
"Okay then let's get up your partner and beat the Black Mamba again."
They all went to resurrect Karina 's partner . Before they left they asked the EXO members
for help to revive Karina 's partner with Lay 's healing powers . Here they arrive where there is
Karina's partner who has been sealed along with the Black Mamba . In this place there are also NCT
Dreams who use their powers to keep Black Mamba awake in their long dreams. Aespa and Lay
headed to where My-Karina was. Lay started to use his powers to revive My-Karina. You can see that
the seal that encloses the Black Mamba is starting to fade.
“ Hey we can't hold back too long to put the Black Mamba to sleep in her dreams, so hurry up.” said
Mark Lee, a member of NCT Dream . Yes they still use their power so that the Black Mamba does not
rise along with the rise of My-Karina.
Crack, crack , crack darrr The ice ctarr protecting My-Karina's body shattered white light emitted
from her direction.
" ummm uuhhh hah hah huh ." " Where am I?"
"My-Karina you're back" Karina shouted then ran and hugged her .
“ You are my partner Karina , how can I get back up? And isn't it if I rise up then the Black Mamba
will rise too." My-Karina said.
"That's right, we have resurrected you with Lay's help, and that boy was the one who told me how to
resurrect you."
"Who is she?"
"He's Na Jaemin who also told us to bring NCT Dream and EKO to standby because Black Mamba
will rise again and we won't be able to face Black Mamba alone."
The Kwangya
The Kwangya

was protecting his friends.
"Alright let's finish this together!" Karina interrupts aespa but My-Karina stopped and said something
to Karina.
"Wait I know we can't face it alone but he can." My-Karina said while pointing at Na Jaemin .
"I? Why can I." Jaemin was confused and wondered.
“Because you are the Dreamcatcher, you have the power to control unlimited dreams and you can
bring other people into those dreams. So only you can seal him back.”
“ B -but I don't .. ” “AWAAAASS! ” BRAKK DUARRRR.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm finally free hraaaaarrrghhhh sessst sessst ."
"No he's back on standby!" they were all in a position ready to fight. The EXO who are in the front
position of the middle Aespa and the NCT Dream behind to restore their strength.
“ Hmmm you guys have sealed me for hundreds of years now you have to pay for it”. The Black
Mamba wagged its tail and started attacking them. Bess bess ctarr Duarr
"Let's attack him from various directions so he doesn't attack the dreames, our key is in them to
weaken him for a moment. Then we attack him until he is weak after that Jaemin can seal him back."
"Good" everyone shouted.
The fight was unavoidable explosion everywhere . Cret Chen 's thunderbolt flashed along with
Chaenyeol's burst of fire .
“ Xuimin Suho Chaenyeol Chen, we combine our strength to form a formation, Tao reduces the
movement time of the Black Mamba ." The word Do instructs to carry out a combined attack.
Cling time is slowed so that the movement of the Black Mamba is not too difficult to attack. "Okay
now!" bruggubgrugh set ground power Do gripping the body of Black Mamba , Duar Duar Chaenyeol
's two fireballs intertwined with each other . "Tsunami waves hiaaa !" Suho shouted "freeze hahk "
Xiumin used his magic. “My turn, mega strike of Lightning hiyaaaaaa !” DUARRR
Black Mamba starts to relax but it's not over yet he still has more strength. But before he got
back up Aespa immediately attacked him . Sringg sringg stretch Duar . Aespa 's slashes and gunfire
make the Black Mamba begin to weaken. But suddenly DUARRRRR SESSSST SESSSST
“You won't be able to beat me anymore! Feel this !" wow Duarr “ARGHHHHHHH” They Aespa and
EXO bounced up against the walls in that place.
" Hahahahaha you humans are weak humans. " Clinggg "huh what?" " hiaa bug bug duar ” suddenly
came Kai and Baekhyun with the remaining strength they had Baekhyun and Kai could make the
Black Mamba thrown to the other side of the wall.
"Now put him to sleep Dream !" Chanyeol shouts
"Okay, let's dream , let 's make him fall asleep again."
"It's not that easy you guys won't make me go back to that dream hell Hrwaarrrrrrrrr !" " arghhhh hold

The Kwangya
The Kwangya

"Brother Mark, he's too strong, we need more power." In that chaos, Na Jaemin , he could see how
they fought against the Black Mamba . Black Mamba is so strong if it is he who can reseal the Black
Mamba but, how?
"I want to help but how I don't know , I just don't have any power like them." Jaemin said confused
and worried about their situation. When Jaemin was confused , he suddenly remembered a message
from his parents.
" Jaemin if you want to know your strength then look in your heart, the real strength lies in the
person's heart itself." "Yeah I have to get rid of my fear and do something with my heart."
" Arghhh how is this we can't hold it anymore, arghhhhhh " bughh the Dreams bounced back.
" Hahahahaha I told you you won't be able to beat me" echoed the screams of the Black Mamba filling
the room.
"It's not that easy Black Mamba !" someone shouted loudly towards the Black Mamba .
" Hahaha who are you kid. Do you want to have the same fate as them?”
"I am Na Jaemin the Dream Chaser, I will make you regret what you did and seal you back"
The fight between the two is inevitable chaos and destruction everywhere . Duar duar boom
" Jaemin get ready we will help you" shouted the EXO. DUARRR EXO's devastating combined
attack managed to cripple Black Mamba . Now it's DREAM and Na Jaemin's turn to reseal Black
Mamba into his dream.
"Okay I need your help to seal him so he can't get back up you guys ready!"
"Yes we are ready!" ting ting tinging light began to radiate from the DREAM they unite the power to
reseal the Black Mamba . "Go to your dreamland Black Mamba you can never come back." Colorful
rays of light strike towards the black mamba forms a very strong seal.
" ahhhhh no no no I don't want to go back to that dream hell . Akhggghhhh wait for me to come
backiiiiii " Black Mamba 's voice began to disappear along with the sealing of the Black Mamba back
into his dreamland.

After the fight was over they returned to the city and repaired the destroyed buildings. Aespa
returns to his university Exo returns to their planet and Dream returns to her world and keeps the
Black Mamba from being released again. And Jaemin returned to the real world. Finally they live
happily in their own world


Writer IKY
The Kwangya

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