KH Tabletop Game Manual 3.0

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Table of Contents 

Chapter 0: Introduction
Kingdom Hearts: What is it?
Tabletop Games: What Are They?
What do I need to play?

Chapter 1: The Basics of Play

The Core Mechanics

Chapter 2: Character Creation and Growth

Creating your Character’s Background
Setting up Combat Stats
Movement Stats
Commands, Spells, and Abilities
Starting Equipment
Light and Darkness; Strength of the Heart
Leveling Up
Plot Rewards
Level Reset

Chapter 3: Combat
Initiative Challenge and Preliminary Rounds
The Turn
Movement Action:
Battle Action:
Free Action:
Status Effects
Elemental Affinity
Breaking your Limits
Aftermath and Rewards for Victory

Chapter 4: Exploration
Movement Stats
Equipment and Synthesis

Chapter 5: Traveling the Worlds

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Gummi Ships and the Space Between
Combat in the Gummi Ship
Resting in the Gummi Ship


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Chapter 0: Introduction 
Kingdom Hearts: What is it? 

“You Never Know Who You’ll Run Into Next.”

~ Tagline for Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts is a series of popular video games masterminded by Square Enix,

known for their classic video games, and Disney, known for their memorable animation
works. In this series, a young boy goes out, aided by heroes of Square’s flagship series
and a motley crew of Disney’s finest characters, to do battle against evil that threatens
the worlds.

That’s right, ​worlds​; there are as many worlds as there are stars in the sky. Once, they
were one world, but darkness swallowed it, and though it was restored, it was broken
into many pieces. These are the worlds that the hero of this game explores.

Kingdom Hearts is a series with themes of friendship, teamwork, and the power of the
heart, and an intricate story that weaves through many, many games.

It is also notorious crossover material, among fans. Donald Duck and Goofy can meet
with the likes of Jack Sparrow, or Cloud Strife.

But sometimes, we want to go to places even beyond the scope of the video games,
and have our own sprawling adventures...

Tabletop Games: What Are They? 

“Maybe you didn’t hear me. This is MY story... and you’re not part of it!”
~ Auron, Kingdom Hearts 2

… And that’s where tabletop games come in. These are games of imagination, stories
told by the players, however they like. There is no script to read from, except for the
rough ideas held by the GM. They decide the trials you must overcome, and the
dangers that lie behind every corner, taking on the roles of every other cast member,
including the villains. They also interpret the results of your actions, following rules laid
out here, and describes what happens. But you and the other players are the heroes of
the tale created, deciding how to act in every situation. Together with the GM, you can
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tell your own story.

What do I need to play? 

Pretty much everything you need is in this document, or linked/distributed with it, except
some dice to roll and a coin to flip. This system uses eight-sided dice and a coin for
flipping. If you’re playing this online (via Skype, for instance), you can simply use an
online Dice Roller for all of the above. From here on, this doc will refer to the eight sided
dice and coins as d8s and d2s respectively.

You may want to have something to write notes with, just in case. A word Document, or
a scratch piece of paper... something like that. The KHT Character Sheet has a tab for
you to apply this.

Finally, you may want to have something to represent your character, as well as a
gridded piece of paper to serve as a map to represent the places you’re traveling
through. Playing online, you can instead use a digital tabletop for this purpose.

Included with this document is... (If you’re using Google Docs, the list below will link to
these docs)

For Players:
● The Kingdom Hearts Tabletop Game Character Sheet​ 3.0
● The Kingdom Hearts Tabletop Game Command, Spell, and Ability Index​ 3.0
● The Kingdom Hearts Tabletop Game Gummi Ship Sheet​ 3.0
● Item List​ 3.0
● Synthesis Guide​ 3.0

For GMs (Players, to avoid spoiling your surprises, you may want to avoid these):
● The Bestiaries
○ Pureblood Heartless
○ Emblem Heartless
○ Gummi Ship Enemies
○ To come: Nobodies, Unversed, Dream Eaters, Disney Villains, Final
Fantasy Villains, Xehanort Saga Villains, Xehanort Saga Heroes)
● Treasure Chest Loot Table

Additional sheets and data deemed helpful for this system will be added to this list as

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they come up.

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Chapter 1: The Basics of Play 
The Core Mechanics 
“Do you know the rules?”

The KHT resolves most, if not all, of its major conflicts via use of one of the two dice: d8, and d2
(AKA Coin). If you don’t have a coin, you can simply roll a die, and if the result is even, it’s tails,
and if not, it’s heads.

Here, we’ll sum up what Players would use each die for.

d8: Most Combat Rolls, Commands, Spells, Movement Challenges.

d2: Certain Commands.

Note: If a Command, Status, or other mechanic asks you to cut a roll or other number in half,
you round down, to a minimum of 1, unless otherwise stated. Any math that is done happens
after the Dice are rolled, except when within parenthesis. For example, 5d8*4 means you roll
five dice, and then multiply the result by four, or 59-5d8 means you subtract the result of five
dice from 59. Meanwhile, (ATK/10)d8 means you throw one tenth of your ATK in dice (so 100
ATK would result in 10 Dice).

Generally, if you’re doing something that requires effort, you’ll be asked to roll one of the above
dice by the GM, with a to-hit goal deciding whether you succeeded or not. When put in a given
situation, you can attempt any action that seems to make sense at the time, such as...
● Talking to an ally (or enemy, KH Villains generally like to talk.)
● Attempting to open a door
● Whacking that clock hand
● Spinning that merry-go-round
● Climbing that mountain
● Jumping out from behind that fence to surprise someone
● Untying Santa Claus
● Leaping off that plank
● Buying some salty-sweet ice cream

Some of these will call for dice rolls. Some won’t. It all depends on how hard it is to actually do
the thing described, and how important the consequences of success or failure are.

The GM, or ​Game Master​, is someone who handles narrating the story, playing most of the
characters other than the PCs, and ultimately the referee in combat. Note that the GM’s word is
considered above this Manual; if the GM says one thing regarding some rules, and the Manual

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says another, and the GM won’t budge, then the rules are as the GM says. It is recommended
that you record these rulings as they come, so that you can refer to them later.

Chapter 2: Character Creation and Growth 
“Okay, why not? I’ll go with you guys.” You smile as their laughter dies down.
“Donald Duck.” The duck stretches out his hand.
“Name’s Goofy.” The doglike guy puts his hand on Donald’s.
“I’m Sora.” Following their lead, you put your hand on theirs.
“All for one and one for all!” Goofy says.

Kingdom Hearts is a series that lives and dies on its characters. From the Disney
heroes and villains who comprise most of the series’ cast to the main hero whose
journey the series catalogues, and onwards, the characters are the most important part
of this story. Likewise, you should put some thought into who you’ll be playing this game

This person, the hero of your story, will be referred to here as your “Player Character,”
or PC for short. This chapter focuses on building your character up from scratch.

Some of these steps can be done in any order you like. For example, if you would prefer
deciding your PC’s Stats and Abilities before deciding what they look like, their name,
and other such things, you can do that. However, it is suggested that you DO develop
your name, appearance, motivations, and other such things. After all, this game is as
much about storytelling as it is about fighting, maybe even more about the former.
Creating your Character’s Background 
“Say, Kairi, what was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up?”
“I’ve told you before, I don’t remember.”
“Nothing at all?”
“... Nothing.”
~Sora and Kairi, Kingdom Hearts 1

Almost everything about your character will be recorded on your ​Character Sheet​, a
blank one of which comes with this Manual. This manual will describe each part of the
sheet in order.

Developmental Data​ is kept in the top left corner of the first Tab of the Sheet. You
should go over some of it with the GM, as the story may require you live in a certain
place, or at least be there when trouble comes, or require you to be friends with the

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other PCs.
They are as follows:
● Name: Your PC’s Name. You could also put a nickname next to it, too. Some
worlds have full names (like Alexander Shane Darling or Squall Leonhart) while
some may go without a last name (like Sora) or have some other naming
convention (Like Mickey Mouse).
● World of Origin: Not necessarily where you live, but where you were born. Every
world has a name, such as “Destiny Islands” or “Traverse Town” or “Deep
Jungle.” In some cases, the world you ultimately came from may not be known to
you. In fact, your PC could be in the process of trying to learn this when the story
starts. In that case, write in “???” or something like that.
● Age: How old your character is. While the main characters of the Kingdom Hearts
Series are usually in their teens, you can have your PC be almost any
conceivable age. It is suggested that you don’t play an infant, but in some
settings, a 4 year old may be the one who saves the world. Likewise, you may be
a grumpy old man, pushing 90 and wanting to explore the worlds before time
finally catches up with him.
● Preferred Weapon: What kind of weapon your character uses. Unlike in most
Tabletop RPGs, this is purely cosmetic in most cases; a person using a staff can
do just as much damage as someone carrying around a big honking sword, if
their stats are otherwise equal. The only thing you have to worry about is the
Range Type of the Weapon:
○ Melee: This group of Range Types primarily attacks foes within Melee
Range, and sometimes Close Range (at a -1 Penalty to their Attack Rolls).
Their base Combo Length is 3.
■ Speed Melee: a subgroup of Melee fighters focused on multiple
attacks per turn. They start with +1 Combo Length, but their Attack
Roll penalties are doubled when facing an opponent at Close
■ Reach Melee: a subgroup of Melee fighters focused on keeping
space between themselves and their targets. They can attack from
Close Range without penalty, and from Mid Range with a -1
Penalty. However, they start with -1 Combo Length.
■ Heavy Melee: a subgroup of Melee fighters focused on heavy hits.
Their ATK is doubled when attacking a foe who has used Guard in
the same Round, but they start with -1 Combo Length.
○ Ranged: This group of Range Types primarily attack foes within Close and
Far Range. They take a -2 penalty to their Attack Rolls when attacking
Melee Range foes, and take a -1 penalty for each space beyond Far

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Range away from their target they are. Their base Combo Length is 2.
■ Rapid Ranged: a subgroup of Ranged Fighters focused on a
massive number of hits. They start with +2 Combo Length, but their
Attack Roll penalties for Distant foes are doubled.
■ Snipe Ranged: a subgroup of Ranged Fighters focused on hitting
from as far away as possible. They may attack foes at a Distant
Range and beyond without penalty, but they start with -1 Combo
Length and simply cannot attack foes at Melee Range.
■ Precision Ranged: a subgroup of Ranged Fighters focused on
beating hard-to-hit moving targets. Their Attack Rolls are increased
by +2 when an opponent has used a Dodge Roll to evade attacks in
the same round, but they start with -1 Combo Length.
● Keyblade Wielder: This is a Yes/No question, and one that can be skipped for
now, unless the GM gives you an answer to it. Generally, obtaining a Keyblade is
a sign of a greater destiny, as will be discussed later.
● Light Dark Amount: This is a number between 0 and 10. All beings have
Darkness or Light inside them. What guides people one way or another may
depend on the GM. It could be as simple as “Light=Good, Dark=Evil” or more
complex, so be SURE to ask your GM. A possible template to base your
progression on can be found ​here​. Generally, your character will start anywhere
between 0 and 4 points in Light, Dark, or spread among both.

We’ll skip down a bit to the box with the words “Description” above it. This is where you
describe your character. What they look like, their personality, their that sort of thing.
Anything not already described above.

Character Points, Combat Stats, and Movement Stats 

Your primary currency for character creation is your Character Points - you start out with
45 of them, though that number can increase under certain conditions, shown below.
You’ll spend these points to improve your Combat Stats and Movement Stats.

Combat Stats 

The world of Kingdom Hearts is rife with enemies of many sorts. Creatures born from
the darkness of people’s hearts, villains seeking to abuse powers they might not
understand, and maybe the occasional do-gooder misguided by evil hands. To defend
yourself and others against these threats, you will often go into battle.

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Your combat capabilities in KHT is handled using a number of ​Combat Stats​, which are
very customizable. It is during character creation that you decide the baseline for your
stats. Below the Description of your PC, you’ll see a number of rows, with a different
stat listed on the far left. They are as follows:

Health Points (HP)​: How much damage you can take before you are Knocked Out. What
happens when you are KOed generally depends on the circumstances you’re in when KOed,
but generally, if you have a still-active ally nearby, or you’re in a situation where there aren’t any
threats, you usually wake up later after Getting Up (see the Combat Section) or after the end of
the fight, whichever comes first. Your Absolute HP is your combined HP Stat times ten. After a
rest, you restore a quarter of your HP.
Magic Points (MP)​: The energy used to cast magic. When you run out, you’re unable to cast
magic. Your Absolute MP is your MP Stat times five. After a rest, you restore half your MP.
Overdose Points (ODP)​: Healing items in KHT are useful, able to almost instantly recover
injuries as fast as any actual magic, but such powerful remedies can tend to have ill effects on
those who overuse them. Every day (after a good rest), your ODP starts at 0. Every healing item
fills at least 1 ODP, and if you hit your maximum, you become sick, and start taking 10% HP
damage per round. Every ODP you obtain after that increases the amount of damage you take
per turn by 10%. KO from ODP damage will usually leave you sick for several days, hopefully in
the care of a good doctor. Your ODP is determined by a mix of your LVL1 DEF and LVL1 HP
Stat, and notably can only be increased afterwards by Plot Rewards, Dispositions, and
Ability Points (AP)​: Commands and Abilities in KHT are assigned an AP cost to equip. Your
Absolute AP is twice your AP stat.
Attack (ATK)​: This represents your ability to attack with your weapon. Accuracy, power, and
speed of your strikes is represented by this Stat.
Defense (DEF)​: This represents your ability to defend yourself. Whether it’s by dodging or
blocking or simply tanking the blow with your armor, your ability to keep yourself from being hurt
is represented by this Stat.
Magic (MAG)​: This represents your ability to cast magic. You power your spells through
concentration, intelligence, or simply raw energy within you, which is represented by this stat.
Limit Points (LP)​: This is the latent potential for greatness resting within you. The ability to
push past all of your limitations is represented by this stat. This is used for Limits, which are
powerful boosts to your stats and extraordinary attacks that can turn the tides of battle. LP is
replenished fully after a good rest. You always start the game with 1 LP.

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Now, how do you determine how much of these stats you have? Quite simply, with
Character Points (CP). You spend your Character Points to boost stats, with the
following rules:

Every 3 boosts you apply to 1 Stat, the cost of the Stat goes up by 1, starting on the
next boost.
HP starts with a cost of 2 CP for 1 point in HP. You must obtain at least 1 point in HP.
MP starts with a cost of 2 CP for 1 point in MP.
AP starts with a cost of 2 CP for 1 point in AP.
ATK starts with a cost of 1 CP for 1 point in ATK.
DEF starts with a cost of 1 CP for 1 point in DEF.
MAG starts with a cost of 1 CP for 1 point in MAG.

Total Points for a Stat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

CP Investment (HP/MP/AP) 2 4 6 9 12 15 19 23 27 31 35

CP Investment (ATK/DEF/MAG] 1 2 3 5 7 9 12 15 18 22 26

Be aware that your 45 CP must be divided between your Combat Stats and Movement
Stats. It is generally suggested that you spend about 30 points on your LVL 1 Combat
Stats. However, there are certain bonuses that can be obtained through your Combat
Stat choices:

Bonus Conditions (if multiple conditions, each can be fulfilled to

receive an additional Bonus)

Balanced Bonus 1. LVL 1 ATK and DEF Equal and above 2.

(+1 CP) 2. LVL 1 DEF and MAG Equal and above 2.
3. LVL 1 ATK and MAG Equal and above 2.

Empowered AP ATK is your highest LVL 1 stat by 3 points or more.

(BaseAP=3 AP)

Empowered MP MAG is your highest LVL 1 stat by 3 points or more.

(Base MP=10 MP)

Empowered HP DEF is your highest LVL 1 stat by 3 points or more.

(Base HP=15 HP)

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Below are a number of possible builds. This is only scratching the tip of the iceberg, so
go out there, and try your own builds!

3 HP (6 CP)
2 MP (4 CP)
2 AP (4 CP)
5 ATK (7 CP)
5 DEF (7 CP)
2 MAG (2 CP)
This fairly balanced build will do relatively well, though it leans a bit away from Magic.

5 HP (12 CP)
0 MP (0 CP)
3 AP (6 CP)
3 ATK (3 CP)
6 DEF (9 CP)
0 MAG (0 CP)
A specialized build designed with defense in mind, but is still able to put up a fight.

2 HP (4 CP)
4 MP (9 CP)
2 AP (4 CP)
3 ATK (3 CP)
3 DEF (3 CP)
5 MAG (7 CP)
The build of someone relatively skilled at magic… Though they may want a bodyguard
to protect their squishy body.

2 HP (4 CP)
2 MP (4 CP)
6 AP (16 CP)
1 ATK (1 CP)
1 DEF (1 CP)
1 MAG (1 CP)
A bit wimpy overall, but a relative juggernaut of Abilities.

9 HP (27 CP)
0 MP
0 AP

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3 DEF (3 CP)
A very imbalanced set. Barely does damage as it stands, has no abilities. You may not
want to run this unless you are certain you’ll get an ATK-boosting piece of equipment,
and if you’re sure you’ll go through the Awakening either early on or before gameplay
even starts.

1 HP (2 CP)
0 MP
0 AP
11 ATK (26 CP)
This set leaves you with almost no HP to your name, but does maximum damage to
other builds… including itself...

Once you’ve decided your stats, enter them on the “LVL 1” Column in the Character

With that done, let’s talk about the columns to the left and right of the LVL 1 Column.
Starting with the ones on the right, which are factors that increase your stats:

LVL UP: ​This is where you put the points you gain during Level Up. You can boost HP,
MP, AP, ATK, DEF, or MAG upon level up.
Plot Rewards: ​Thon top of EXP for completion of story arcs, and the defeat of terrible
foes. For more information, view the Plot Rewards section of this Manual.
Awakening:​ This is the extra boost gained by going through an “Awakening,” which will
be discussed later. The official KHT Character sheet automatically fills this in.
Equipment: ​This is where the combined boosts from your Equipment are shown. In the
official KHT Character Sheet, by filling in your equipment’s stats in the Equipment tab,
this will show the total boosts from your gear automatically.
Disposition:​ This is the space where your chosen Dispositions’ boosts are shown. In
the official KHT Character Sheet, after you’ve obtained a Disposition from the GM and
input it on the Disposition tab, you’ll simply fill in the name of your disposition in the box
marked “Chosen Disposition,” and the sheet will do the rest.

Now, to the left of the LVL 1 Sheet are your “true” Stats, after taking in the factors listed

Base: This shows your Stats as they stand after LVL UP, Plot Rewards, and Awakening
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bonuses. In other words, this is what your stats look like without any factors that can be
constantly swapped out, such as armor or Dispositions.
Absolute: This shows your Stats as they are, after all factors are calculated.
We’ll come back to these other columns later, when discussing ​Dispositions​,
Equipment​, Plot Rewards, and ​The Awakening​.
Movement Stats 

In addition to battling, you’ll also be exploring a number of worlds, finding your way
through mountains, seeking hidden routes in dangerous areas, or simply conversing
with the natives to pick up information (or discounts on the things they’re selling). These
stats are used in Movement Challenges, where you’ll roll dice and, based on your stat,
have a more or less difficult time overcoming some obstacle.

The Movement Stats are as thus. You can learn more about each and the challenges
related to them in Chapter 4.

Mobility Running, traveling quickly.

Acrobatics Jumping, flying, parkour.
Poise Balance and grace, swimming.
Grasp Deftness and strength of hand, both to grab and to climb.
Resilience Endurance against physical threats.
Calm A still mind and silent step.
Investigate A keen eye and thorough search.
Communicate Words to change the heart.

Commands, Spells, and Abilities 

Next are the special skills that are used to give you an edge in battle. They are divided
into three schools: Commands, Spells and Abilities. After choosing your Combat and
Movement Stats, pick three of these total to start with.

Commands​ are usually physical arts that usually use Attack to power them. They have
a myriad of effects, from boosting your own power to making multiple attacks, but must
recharge a certain number of rounds after having been used once. Once learned, they
are equipped using AP, except for Commands gained from Dispositions or Equipment.
You may take a Command multiple times, and thus gain multiple instances of it, each
with their own cooldown time.
● Commands can be “chained” together, allowing Commands with “Link” effects to
modify Commands used as “Anchors.” Doing so forces both the Anchor

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Command and Link Command to require a recharge. One can only link a single
Command to a single Anchor Command at a time.
● Some Commands have Priority, allowing the user to use them either ahead of or
behind their Turn, depending on whether they have Negative or Positive Priority.
○ Commands with Positive Priority (1, 2, 3, or 4) allow you to use the Command a
number of turns before your turn, and allow you to attack during an opponent’s
turn, interrupting them. If they are not rendered unable to act by your attack (such
as being KOed or Stunned), however, they may continue their actions and turn
as normal. In using a Command this way, you forfeit either your next Battle
Action or next Movement Action.
○ Commands with Negative Priority (-1, -2, -3, or -4) may be used a certain number
of turns after your turn. These Commands cannot be used during an opponent’s
turn, and thus do not interrupt them. In performing a Negative Priority Command
this way, you must forfeit either your next Battle Action or Movement Action.
However, if you did not use a Battle Action during your previous turn, it may be
used when using a Negative Priority Command.

Calculations: Command Damage is equal to (ATK+Command’s Damage Bonus)*(LVL/10). Commands

that do 0 Damage are listed as “No Damage” in the ​Ultimate Command List​.

Magic ​Spells​ can have a wide variety of effects. Casting spells costs MP, and requires
a Magic Roll to either hit or to determine certain effects. Your Magic Stat determines the
Base Damage of the Spell. In addition, when the Magic Stat hits a certain point, it
becomes possible to cast stronger Ranks of the spell, such as upgrading from Fire Shot
to Fira Shot to Firaga Shot, adding half the base MP cost of the spell to the total cost of
the spell for each upgrade.

Spells are very versatile, being represented by a combination of an ​Element​ and a

Type​, which come together to decide the effects and power of the spell.
● Elements belong to Tiers: Beginner, Scholar, Sage, Master, Grandmaster, and
Ultimate. You require certain Abilities to wield spells above the Beginner Tier.
● When obtaining a spell, you decide their Element and their Type.
○ Elements such as Fire, Cure, Glacier, Sleep, and Ultima define the
element(s) of the spell, and many grant a flat damage bonus. Some
Elements, such as Cure and Sleep, can only be used with certain Spell
Types. The Tier of the element boosts the base MP cost and amount of
MAG needed to cast stronger versions of spells, as shown in the table
■ Higher Tier Magic requires that you have obtained the “Mastery”
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ability for the Spell Rank you are currently at: “Mastery: Beginner”
unlocks Scholar
○ Types such as Shot, Pillar, Restore, and Aura define the shape of the
spell - be it the element bursting from the ground below the target, a volley
of tiny bullets of the element, a singular burst of the element in all
directions, or something else. Some Types can only use certain Elements,
such as Restore and Rejuvenate only using the Cure and Charity
Elements. All Types have a base MP Cost and Rank Requirements noting
how much MAG is needed to cast stronger versions of the spell.

Spell Rank Rank Modifier MP Tier Modifier Required Ability

Beginner 1 1 None
Scholar 1.1 1.5 Mastery: Beginner
Sage 1.2 2 Mastery: Scholar
Master 1.3 2.5 Mastery: Sage
Grandmaster 1.5 3 Mastery: Master
Ultimate 2 4 Mastery: Master

Calculations: For each Spell...

Spell Damage is equal to (Spell Element’s Damage Bonus)+(Spell Type’s Damage Factor*MAG)
MP Cost is equal to (Spell Type’s MP Cost*Spell Element’s MP Tier Modifier)
Rank Requirements is equal to (Spell Type’s Rank Requirements*Spell Element’s Rank Modifier)

Abilities​ are usually supportive powers that grant you unique effects, from boosting the
power of your spells to granting immunity to status effects. Like Commands, these are
equipped using AP, except for Abilities gained from Dispositions or Equipment, and the
CP Cost for them is equal to their AP Cost.

Many powerful Spells, Commands, and Abilities are locked behind certain requirements.
The most common kind of requirements are “LVL,” which means they can only be
obtained once you have reached a certain level.

“Sora, you lazy bum! I knew I’d find you snoozing around here.”

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Dispositions are character specific titles, obtained over the course of the game, at the
GM’s discretion. Each comes with bonuses, such as stat boosts, or perhaps free
Commands, Abilities, or Spells. Stat Boosts are Ranked by number. Generally, a
Disposition’s stat boosts will be ranked from 0 (no bonus) to 3 (max usual bonus),
though a Disposition can have negative Ranks, reducing your stats when active. In
addition, the total stat boosts for any Disposition is 5 total.

The effect of your Disposition on your stats boosts at LVL 40 (from base to *2), LVL 60
(from *2 to *3), LVL 80 (from *3 to *4), and LVL 100 (from *4 to *5). The only exception
to the above is Limit Points: Dispositions can only grant 1 LP, and this bonus will not
increase as you Level Up.

The bonuses will often depend on the circumstances you obtain your Disposition in. You
can only have the bonuses of one Disposition active at a time.

Generally, after you’ve developed your character’s backstory, your GM will give you
your first Disposition (Which usually has two stats boosted by 1). This may take the form
of a nickname your character has (you can even supply this nickname to the GM), or
something that describes a trait related to your character. As you progress through the
game, you may do things that cause others to perceive you differently. This will
sometimes result in obtaining a new Disposition, or one of your older ones expanding.

When you obtain a Disposition, you can fill in the Disposition’s bonuses in the
Disposition Tab on the official Character Sheet. Then, when you’ve chosen to equip a
Disposition, simply type in the Disposition’s name in the empty space next to
“Disposition” on the Combat Stats Tab.

Some examples of Dispositions:

Sora’s Disposition, Lazy Bum

+1 HP, +1 ODP, +1 DEF (+4 Stats total), no Commands/Abilities/Spells. Starting Disposition.
Obtained at Destiny Islands, an oft-used and oft-apt title given by Kairi to Sora.

Aladdin’s Disposition, Prince Ali

+3 MP, +2 DEF (+5 Stats total), Gold Volley (Spell), Bribe (Command)
Obtained at Agrabah. Oh Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwa!

Sora’s Disposition, Junior Hero

+3 ATK, Sonic Blade (Command)

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Obtained at Olympus Coliseum. Given by Phil, following Sora’s performance in the Prelims, and his
victory against Cerberus.

Riku’s Disposition, The True Chosen

+1 ATK, Heart Break (Command), Quake Pillar (Spell)
Obtained at Hollow Bastion. You realized your destiny, and took back what’s yours.

Starting Equipment 

Over the course of the game, you’ll obtain powerful equipment with special abilities. But
for now, you’ll probably have to make do with a simple weapon. Exactly what kind of
weapon you start with will usually be up to the GM, but it’s recommended that the
weapon give a +1 Bonus to either Attack, Defense, or Magic.

You’ll also be given a Chain with a +1 in another of the stats.

When you obtain Equipment, you can fill in the Equipment’s bonuses in the Equipment
Tab, or simply put it all in the Item Tab’s description if you’re not equipping the
Equipment. If you fill in the bonuses, the Sheet will automatically add them to your
Combat Stats, Commands, Abilities, and/or Spells.

In addition, all characters start with 100 Munny, and as stated before you gain 20
Munny for each unredeemed CP. If you are starting above LVL 1, multiply this number
by half of your level.

Light and Darkness; Strength of the Heart 
“The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in... But I learned that deep down
there's a light that never goes out!”

(Note: Except in cases of mechanical benefits, all that is written here may be
contradicted by the world the GM has created.)

In the world of Kingdom Hearts, the greatest mysteries always revolve around the
Heart. How does the Heart grow and change over time? How does it become corrupt,
and how might it be redeemed? What becomes of the Body and Soul if the Heart is
lost? What makes it strong?

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In KHT, Hearts are aligned to Darkness and Light, in varying shares, and the exact
amounts awakened may grow over time. Please note that this is not a morality scale,
necessarily, though some in-story characters may believe otherwise. To those with
strong wills, Darkness and Light are just tools towards greater ends. It is entirely
possible for one to wield Darkness in the service of good, and for one to use Light in a
way that could very well be called evil.

When creating your character, there are a few possible ways to set up your Heart,
though which one is used is ultimately up to the GM. A simple way is to simply start your
character’s Heart at 0 Darkness and 0 Light, and evolve it over the course of a
campaign. The GM may also choose to give you a certain amount of points to distribute
to your Light and Darkness scores (We suggest up to around 4-6). If you wish a more
randomized method, try this one: roll 1d8 for each side - your roll becomes either your
Darkness or Light. You may state ahead of time which roll is for which, or decide which
value goes where after the fact.

As you gather more Light and Dark, your Heart’s strength goes up as well - at any given
moment, your Heart’s strength is equal to the combined amount of Light and Darkness
gathered. If you have 2 Light and 6 Darkness, your Heart stat is 8. Heart can be used in
many ways, depending on the campaign and GM. It can show the will the character has
to resist breaking under pressure, or how well they resist overwhelming forces against
the Heart, or something else entirely. That said, on its own there is little straight
mechanical benefit to the strength of your Heart.

The wider the gap between your Light and Darkness, the stronger your power over the
stronger element. You gain free spells and Abilities tied to the element you’ve sided
with. That said, there is also potential value in choosing to walk the middle road - taking
Light and Darkness in equal shares. You may not become the master of either, but you
can become a great wielder of both.

For a detailed table of the effects of Light and Dark, see below.

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Heart Strength
Combined Light/Dark Tier
0-3 Weak
4-6 Average
7-11 Strong
12-18 Heroic
19-20 Legendary

Light Affinity
Between Light
Light and Disposition Weakness Weakness Affinity Free Spell Free Spell
Darkness Name to Light to Dark Boost 1 2 Ability
1 Light 100.00% 100.00% 0
2 Light 100.00% 100.00% 0
3 Light 50.00% 200.00% 1 Pearl
4 Light 50.00% 200.00% 1 Pearl
5 Bright Light 50.00% 200.00% 1 Pearl
6 Bright Light 50.00% 200.00% 1 Pearl Lightform
7 Light 50.00% 200.00% 2 Pearl Lightform
8 Light 50.00% 200.00% 2 Pearl Faith Lightform
9 Light 0.00% 300.00% 2 Pearl Faith Lightform
10 Light -100.00% 300.00% 3 Faith Holy Lightform

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Dark Affinity
Between Dark
Darkness Disposition Weakness Weakness Affinity Free Spell Free Spell
and Light Name to Dark to Light Boost 1 2 Ability
1 Darkness 100.00% 100.00% 0
2 Darkness 100.00% 100.00% 0
3 Darkness 50.00% 200.00% 1 Dark
4 Darkness 50.00% 200.00% 1 Dark
5 Darkness 50.00% 200.00% 1 Dark
6 Darkness 50.00% 200.00% 1 Dark Darkform
7 Darkness 50.00% 200.00% 2 Dark Darkform
8 Darkness 50.00% 200.00% 2 Dark Noct Darkform
9 Darkness 0.00% 300.00% 2 Dark Noct Darkform
10 Darkness -100.00% 300.00% 3 Noct Abyss Darkform

No Affinity
Gap between Weakness to
Light and Disposition Light and Light/Dark
Darkness Name Dark Affinity Boost Free Spell 1 Free Spell 2 Ability
0 (Heart
Strength Undecided
0-11) Heart 100.00% 0
0 (Heart
Strength Unyielding
12-15) Uniter 100.00% 1 Pearl Dark
0 (Heart
Strength 16 Unfettered Two Become
or more) Marginwalker 100.00% 1 Faith Noct One

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“So much to do, so little time… Take your time. The Door is still shut.”

This final step in Character Creation can actually be skipped, or held off until a
plot-relevant point, as your GM desires. It is recommended that this sequence be
roleplayed, and done relatively early. However, once taken, the Awakening cannot be
retaken, and the stat bonuses it gives you are locked into place.

There comes a point in every KH Character’s life that they must decide the path they
wish to take, and what is most important to them. For Keyblade Wielders, this usually
occurs as a vague dream. For a more mundane character, it may be something else

The first (and only mandatory) stage of the Awakening always involves picking trinkets
from a set of three. These three trinkets always symbolize Attack, Defense, and Magic,
and at least from an out of play standpoint, it is always obvious which trinket represents
what stat. You begin by picking one trinket to keep close to you, which will grant a large
bonus to the stat connected to it once the Awakening is over, and this bonus grows as
you grow. Then you select a trinket to give up, which becomes the stat you gain the
lowest bonus to. Some examples of trinkets are:
● A Sword, Shield, and Staff are presented to you on pedestals. You pick one to keep, and
pick one to lose, which vanishes in flashes of light.
● Three different brooches, shaped like a Triangle, a Diamond, and a Star. You pick one to
wear to the party, and give one away to an NPC friend, never to see it again.
● You’re going to paint your room, and have found 3 colors of paint you like (Red, Green,
and Blue), but your allowance is only enough for 2. You’ve decided to use one as the
primary color, and one as the secondary color, but must choose one that you won’t buy.

The bonuses obtained by Awakening are as thus:

● ATK, MAG, and DEF all go up by 1 immediately.
● Your Chosen Stat goes up by 1 once more at the following levels - 20, 40, 60, 80, and
100. Your Chosen Stat will ultimately have gone up by 6.
● Your Neutral Stat goes up by 1 once more at the following levels - 29, 60, 87. Your
Neutral Stat will ultimately have gone up by 4.
● Your Lost Stat goes up by 1 once more at the following levels - 38, 78. Your Lost Stat
will ultimately have gone up by 3.
● All in all, Awakening obtains 13 Stat Points for your character.

The second stage is a test of character. Questions (usually three) are asked of the
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Character, or the Character is given scenarios to overcome. Depending on how they
proceed through these questions or scenarios, the Character’s Heart is refined, and
may gain a little extra Light or Darkness (Alternatively, this can be how your starting
Light and Darkness are calculated). A few examples of questions to be asked are:
● What do you want outta life?
● What are you afraid of?
● What is most important to you?
● Why did you become a knight/mage/whatever?
● What is the one thing you can’t stand for?
● What are you most proud of?
● What are you most ashamed of?
The final part of the Awakening is usually a revelation of destiny. This may involve
facing a paragon of the foes you are destined to do battle with, or a hint of what is to
come. Below are a few examples of a full Awakening...

In his dreams, Dart finds himself on a stained glass pedestal, and a mysterious voice beckons
him, having him select one of three weapons, saying that his choice will give the latent potential
inside him a form he can use. He chooses a Sword, which he is warned is a weapon of great
and terrible destruction. Dart is then made to decide which of the other weapons he will give up
completely on, and chooses the Shield, maintaining a tenuous connection with the Staff. He is
then guided to another glass pedestal, where he meets illusions of three of his closest friends.
They ask him questions, which they insist must be answered truthfully. His answers are a bit
selfish, and focus on power above all else, and this causes his heart to reveal taints of darkness
inside it. He ignores it, but is unable to ignore the terrible black dragon at the next pedestal,
spewing green flames. After a long battle, he manages to win, and finds a strange, key-like
weapon embedded in the center of the pedestal. He draws the blade, but doing so shatters the
pedestal, and he falls into darkness…

Today is the day that Desta goes to the Junior-Senior Prom. She has everything ready, but
needs to pick out a hair ornament that will bring her dress together perfectly. She eventually
chooses to wear a violet hairpin with a seashell motif that’s nice and snug. Knowing that her
best friend needs one, too, she puts her feisty green headband with a red rose embedded into it
in her bag, leaving behind the mysterious blue ribbon with white stars embroidered into it. On
the way, she and her friend come across a mugging victim, and help her to her feet. The thief
escapes, but dropped his loot, and though there is a chance to steal valuables from it, Desta
brings the bag back, intact, earning the woman’s blessings. Not too long after, the strange,
disappearing thief comes back, and exhibits strange abilities, though Desta is able to overcome
it and make it flee again, all without damaging her attire. Despite the distractions, Desta arrives
safely at the Prom, and finds herself crowned Princess of the Prom, citing her kindness and
seeming pure-heartedness over the school year. She nevertheless finds herself anxious,

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At the end of the Awakening, the Character obtains the bonuses from their choices, and
usually begins their adventure proper not long after. When you have completed your
Awakening, find the “Awakening Choice” field in your official Character Sheet, and enter
either “Sword”, “Shield”, or “Staff” into the box next to it, based on which one of the
three choices you made. Then enter the choice you made to leave behind in the “Lost”
entry field.

Below is a table of the boosts you gain through Awakening.

Level Chosen Neutral Lost
0-19 1 1 1
20-28 2 1 1
29-37 2 2 1
38-39 2 2 2
40-57 3 2 2
58-59 3 3 2
60-75 4 3 2
76-79 4 3 3
80-86 5 3 3
87-99 5 4 3
100 6 4 3

Leveling Up 

At the end of every battle, or subquest, or quest, you will gain EXP. You add this amount to the
hundred EXP you start the game with. Once you hit certain amounts of EXP (starting with every
100 EXP), you level up. The following is connected to Leveling Up:
● Every Level, you can boost HP, MP, AP, ATK, DEF, or MAG by 1 point. (Max 99)
● Every 5 Levels, you can boost one of your Movement Stats by 1.
● Every 20 Levels, you gain one LP.
● Your EXP Worth increases as you get stronger.
● At Levels 10, 20, 30, and 40, you gain additional Equipment Slots.

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In addition, every 5 Levels, you may obtain additional Commands, Spells, or Abilities.
Every 20 levels, the number of Commands, Spells, or Abilities you can take increases by 1, as
laid out below:

LVL Rewards LVL Rewards LVL Rewards

5 1 35 2 65 4

10 1 40 2 70 4

15 1 45 3 75 4

20 1 50 3 80 4

25 2 55 3 85 5

30 2 60 3 90 5

When resetting your character (See 95 5

“Level Reset”), you use your current
level to decide eligibility for Commands, 100 5
Spells, and Abilities.

You may hold off on obtaining Commands, Spells, or Abilities, but you may not redeem held-off
chances if you are in battle, or about to get into one, without GM permission.

It is usually a good idea to become as high-level as you can. Note that leveling gets harder the
higher your level gets. Every 20 Levels, the amount of EXP needed to get to the next level
increases, until you hit Level 100, the Maximum Level.

On the next page, you’ll find a list of LVLs and how much EXP is needed to get to them.

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To To To To To
Total next Total next Total next Total next Total next
100 100 1 2110 110 21 4320 120 41 6740 140 61 9580 180 81
200 100 2 2220 110 22 4440 120 42 6880 140 62 9760 180 82
300 100 3 2330 110 23 4560 120 43 7020 140 63 9940 180 83
400 100 4 2440 110 24 4680 120 44 7160 140 64 10120 180 84
500 100 5 2550 110 25 4800 120 45 7300 140 65 10300 180 85
600 100 6 2660 110 26 4920 120 46 7440 140 66 10480 180 86
700 100 7 2770 110 27 5040 120 47 7580 140 67 10660 180 87
800 100 8 2880 110 28 5160 120 48 7720 140 68 10840 180 88
900 100 9 2990 110 29 5280 120 49 7860 140 69 11020 180 89
1000 100 10 3100 110 30 5400 120 50 8000 140 70 11200 180 90
1100 100 11 3210 110 31 5520 120 51 8140 140 71 11380 180 91
1200 100 12 3320 110 32 5640 120 52 8280 140 72 11560 180 92
1300 100 13 3430 110 33 5760 120 53 8420 140 73 11740 180 93
1400 100 14 3540 110 34 5880 120 54 8560 140 74 11920 180 94
1500 100 15 3650 110 35 6000 120 55 8700 140 75 12100 180 95
1600 100 16 3760 110 36 6120 120 56 8840 140 76 12280 180 96
1700 100 17 3870 110 37 6240 120 57 8980 140 77 12460 180 97
1800 100 18 3980 110 38 6360 120 58 9120 140 78 12640 180 98
1900 100 19 4090 110 39 6480 120 59 9260 140 79 12820 180 99
2000 110 20 4200 120 40 6600 140 60 9400 180 80 13000 MAX 100

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Plot Rewards 
“Get Bonus!”

At critical points in your journey, after you’ve overcome a major problem, your GM may see fit to
give you a Plot Reward. In most cases, these come after boss fights, or at the end of a
questline. The GM decides whether this Plot Reward is spent in a specific way, such as to give
you a plot-related buff, or whether you can freely choose your reward’s benefits. When you
obtain a Plot Reward, there are several ways to redeem it:
● +1 to either HP, MP, ODP, or AP
● +2 to one of either ATK, DEF, or MAG
● 1 Command, Ability, or Spell

When a GM applies a Plot Reward’s benefit to you as a Command, Ability, or Spell, it bypasses
any requirements the Command, Ability, or Spell had. However, it does count towards Abilities
that change their requirements based on what Abilities you have.

When you obtain a Plot reward, find the “Plot Rewards” entry field on the Combat Stats Tab,
and boost it by one. Note that this also increases your EXP Worth.

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GM Note: Here is a list of good Abilities to give out as Plot Rewards when you’re at a loss but don’t want to give the players free
reign to pick a reward:
“Moogle” Abilities. Synthesis can get expensive, depending on how you price it, so giving your players the chance to make the
gear themselves allows them a valid but slightly more risky alternative.
“Cheer” and “Cheer +” really show the power of teamwork, a key theme of KH, so be sure to give these to your players at some
point if they don’t already have it.
A Combo Finisher allows the players to change up their basic combo in a big way, and makes that most generic of attacks a bit
more flavorful.
“Combo Plus” likewise makes your players’ base attacks a bit more powerful and useful. Some Commands even piggyback off
your Combo!

You can also give them a Command they already possess, allowing them a second use of that incredibly helpful Command they

Level Reset 
“Whatever! Happens all the time!”

Perhaps you’ve walked into a castle that strips you of your memories. Perhaps you’re casting off
everything you’ve learned so as to gain a new power. Perhaps you’ve taken a ghastly wound to
your Heart. Or perhaps you’re just at LVL 100 and want to keep leveling. In any case, there is
an option for you - the Level Reset. The process is quick and simple, and allows you to develop
further, and perhaps faster.

When a Level Reset happens, the player takes their character’s HP, MP, AP, ATK, DEF, and
MAG earned through Level Up, and cuts each in half, rounding down, before moving them to
the Plot Rewards section. After that, reset their EXP to 100.

Your Movement Stats are cut as well, but you get to choose what is cut and what is kept.

All Commands, Spells, and Abilities are kept as is, though the character might not have enough
AP or MP to use some of them the way they used to. Gear is retained, and Dispositions kept.

The low-level, high-stats nature of your character can sometimes result in stronger foes being
flung at you, and thus can result in more EXP and faster Leveling, causing some accelerated
growth. Of course, the low levels also reduce the number of Commands, Spells, and Abilities
obtained every five levels.
Chapter 3: Combat 

During Battle, time passes differently than normal, to allow a more strategic battle. Each
combatant takes a “Turn,” moving through the battlefield and either making an Attack (Possibly
using a Command) or casting a Spell. When everyone has had their turn, a “Round” has been

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completed, and it returns to the first person’s turn again. The process is repeated until the
conflict is resolved.

Initiative Challenge and Preliminary Rounds 

Battle usually starts with an Initiative Challenge to determine Turn Order. Each combatant’s
Level is added to a 3d8 roll, with the highest number going first, and the lowest number going
last. If two or more opposing combatants tie in their total, each tying combatant rolls another
Xd8 (X being how many combatants tie). The combatants are then set at an initiative between
the Initiative slot they rolled to tie and the next slot above them, with the winners being closer to
the next slot up. Ties exclusively between allied combatants may be resolved as the combatants

However, sometimes you or your enemy will have a unique advantage: the element of surprise.
If you manage to sneak up on your foe, and attack before they know you’re there (or that you’re
hostile), it begins a Preliminary Round, during which only you and your allies who are also
attacking roll the Initiative Challenge take your turns, while the enemies stumble about,
uncertain of what to do. Note that enemies can cause a Preliminary Round as well, especially if
you’re in their home turf. Popping out of secret passageways, sniping at you from a good
distance away, attacking you in your sleep… surprise attacks can come from anywhere, at any

Outside of a surprise attack (and ​only​ outside of a surprise attack), if one or more combatants
roll an 24 during the Initiative Challenge, this also triggers a Preliminary Round, in which only
those who rolled a 24 are participants.

Once all fighters in the Preliminary Round make their move, the remaining fighters roll their
Initiative Challenge as normal, though they cannot trigger another Preliminary Round with a 24.
There can thus only be one Preliminary Round per battle.

A few examples of an Initiative Challenge can be found on the next page:

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Sora (Lvl 4), Mickey (Level 10), and Xemnas (Level 9) are strolling down a street, when they
notice Seifer (Level 11), Ven (Level 2), and Kairi (Level 8), who have always been antagonistic
to the party, chilling next to the ice cream parlor. After a few heated words, everyone draws their
weapons. The Initiative Challenge begins, with the following rolls:
Sora: 24+4=28
Mickey: 6+10=16
Xemnas: 9+9=18
Seifer: 5+11=16
Ven: 24+2=26
Kairi: 20+8=28
Sora and Ven trigger a Preliminary Round and take their first turns. However, Kairi and Sora
tied, and roll 2d8:
Sora: 3
Kairi: 5
So Kairi’s Initiative Total becomes 28.5 while Sora’s becomes 28.3. Also, Mickey and Seifer
tied. They roll 2d8, and Mickey wins, so Mickey’s initiative becomes 16.8 and Seifer’s becomes
16.2. So once the Preliminary Round is over, the turn order will be:

Maleficent (Lvl 18), Sephiroth (Lvl 25), and Chaos(Lvl 27) walk into a bar, and Sephiroth and
Chaos, being incorrigible, start hitting on Maleficent, who only seems to be getting annoyed by
it. Jecht (Lvl 26), the barkeep, decides to show these two the door, and attacks them out of
nowhere. This triggers a Preliminary Round, and Jecht rolls his Initiative Challenge:
Jecht: 16+26=42
After he decks Chaos into a table, the Preliminary Round ends, and everyone else rolls their
Initiative Challenge:
Maleficent: 24+18=42
Sephiroth: 17+25=42
Chaos: 15+27=42
Now, everyone is tied at 42. Everyone rolls 4d8:
Jecht: 5
Maleficent: 6
Sephiroth: 5
Chaos: 5
Maleficent wins, so her Initiative becomes 42.8. They repeat the process, with Sephiroth
winning the next roll (becoming 42.7) and Jecht winning the final round (hitting 42.6 as Chaos
stays at 42). So the turn order is Maleficent, Sephiroth, Jecht, then Chaos. Note that despite
rolling an 24, Maleficent does not trigger a Preliminary Round, as Jecht’s ambush has already
triggered and resolved it.

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The Turn 

Each Round is made up of one turn for every combatant on the battlefield. When your turn
comes, you may make the following actions:

Movement Action:  
This is an action that involves a large amount of movement. Generally, these will use your
Movement Stats. As stated before, in a grid-based map, you may move 1 plus your Mobility Stat
in spaces to get around on solid ground (unless you have 0 in that stat, in which case you
cannot move at all). If you’re in the water, or underwater, you’d use your (Mobility+Poise)/2 in
place of your Mobility Stat. In other situations, the GM may determine a Movement stat to be
used. You may not start a Movement Action, perform a Battle Action, and then continue the
Movement Action, except with the aid of a Command.
● Note that if you start your turn KOed, you cannot move or act.
● In battle, there are various “Ranges” in which you can move or attack. They are as
○ Self Range: The target is… um… you. You can attack yourself, though this is ill-advised.
However, there are spells and commands with a range of “Self” which help you in various
ways. On a grid-based map, Self Range is 0 Spaces away from you.
○ Melee Range: The target is right next to you. Ranged Fighters attack at a -2 Penalty to
their Combos if their target is within this range. On a grid-based map, Melee Range is 1
Space away from you in any direction, including diagonally.
○ Close Range: The target is just out of normal melee range. Ranged Fighters suffer a -1
Penalty to their Combos if their target is within this range. On a grid-based map, Close
Range is 2 Spaces away from your current location.
○ Mid Range: The target is well away from you. Melee attacks can’t reach this far, usually,
but Ranged Fighters attack at a +1 Bonus to their Combos. On a grid-based map, Mid
Range is 3 Spaces away from your current position.
○ Far Range: The foe is a at the border of reasonable movement for your average fighter.
On a grid-based map, Far Range is 4 Spaces away from your current position.
○ Distant Range: The target is far away from you. On a grid-based map, Distant Range is
anything 5 or more spaces away from your current location. For every space beyond Far
Range a Ranged Fighter’s Target is, apply a -1 Penalty. When mentioned by Commands
and Abilities, Distant-1 is 5 spaces away, Distant-2 is 6 spaces, Distant-3 is 7 spaces,
and onwards.
You may also initiate a single Movement Challenge per turn. For example, if you encounter an
obstacle of some sort (such as a fallen tree) while moving, you may make an Acrobatics
Challenge (usually Rank 1 or 2 for the tree example) to parkour over it, and continue if you still
have remaining spaces to move. Or you can grab something and drag it with you (or grab
something and brace for an incoming attack) with a Grasp Challenge. GMs may force
Movement Challenges upon the player, but these will not take up their single self-initiated

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A figure of Ranges can be viewed below.

Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant

Distant Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Distant

Distant Far Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Far Distant

Distant Far Mid Close Close Close Close Close Mid Far Distant

Distant Far Mid Close Melee Melee Melee Close Mid Far Distant

Distant Far Mid Close Melee You Melee Close Mid Far Distant

Distant Far Mid Close Melee Melee Melee Close Mid Far Distant

Distant Far Mid Close Close Close Close Close Mid Far Distant

Distant Far Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Far Distant

Distant Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Distant

Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant Distant

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Battle Action: 
This is the most complex. In this action, you either make a normal Attack, use a Command, cast
a Spell, use an Item, or (if you are KOed) attempt to Get Up. Some Commands will have you
perform either of the other two actions.
● Combo: ​You perform a basic combo on your opponent. Most character’s combos
are 3 hits long, though this can be improved with the Ability “Combo Plus.” In
order to perform a combo, roll 1d8 Accuracy Check for each hit. When the first hit
rolls 2 or higher, it’s a success, and you move on to the next hit in the combo. If
you roll a 1 or lower, you miss, and the combo ends prematurely, regardless of
how many hits you had left.
○ For each hit in the combo, you deal (Your ATK minus Target’s DEF) in HP
Damage. This is referred to as Normal Damage. If your opponent’s
Defense is higher than your Attack, Normal Damage is 1.
○ Standard Melee Attacks and Commands suffer a -1 penalty to their
Accuracy Check if their target is in Close Range, and automatically miss if
the target is further away than that.
○ Flying targets are treated as one space further away from you, for the
purposes of using Standard Melee Attacks. An opposed Acrobatics
Challenge can be made to treat yourself as at your usual range.
○ Standard Ranged Attacks suffer a -2 penalty to their Accuracy Check if
the target is in Melee Range, and suffer a -1 Penalty for every space
beyond Far the target is (for example, at 5 spaces, there is a -1 penalty,
at 7 there is a -3 penalty).
○ All Ranged Attacks suffer a -1 penalty to their Accuracy Check if an
obstacle of some sort (including another ally or enemy) is between the
attacker and their target. They cannot attack at all if there’s an obstacle
that would require Acrobatics 3 or higher to jump over.
○ If you make it to the end of the combo without missing (that is, roll 2 or
higher for every roll in the Combo), the final hit is a Combo Finisher - you
double the Base Damage dealt by the final hit (before DEF) and inflict
Knockback1. If you have a Combo Finisher Ability, you may use it here

● Command: ​You perform a Command. The Command may make you move, or
deal a combo longer than you can usually perform, or something else. It may also
have “Priority.”
○ Some Commands have “Priority,” which allows you to use them outside of
your own turn. To determine your Command's true Priority, take the
Command’s Priority then double your Priority for every 10 combatants on
the battlefield.

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■ Commands with Positive Priority (1, 2, 3, or 4) allow you to use the
Command a number of turns before your turn, and allow you to
attack during an opponent’s turn, interrupting them. If they are not
rendered unable to act by your attack (such as being KOed or
Stunned), however, they may continue their actions and turn as
normal. In using a Command this way, you forfeit either your next
Battle Action or next Movement Action.
■ Commands with Negative Priority (-1, -2, -3, or -4) may be used a
certain number of turns after your turn. These Commands cannot
be used during an opponent’s turn, and thus do not interrupt them.
In performing a Negative Priority Command this way, you must
forfeit either your next Battle Action or Movement Action.
However, if you did not use a Battle Action during your previous
turn, it may be used when using a Negative Priority Command.
○ Some Commands can also be combined. This is called ​Chaining.​ In
Chaining, a Command can either be an ​Anchor​ or a ​Link​. Anchor
Commands form the base of the Chained Commands, and uses its usual
effects. Link Commands are then used to modify the effects of the
Anchor, and have a Link Effect. In the Command Tab of the KH Tabletop
Sheet, there is a “Command Chainer” in which you can input an Anchor
and Link Command, and see what effects come out. Note that some
Commands can only be an Anchor, or can only be a Link. Once the
Chained Command has been used, both Commands used in the Chain
become unavailable for the Cooldown Time of the Command with the
higher Cooldown Time.

● Spell:​ You cast a Spell. Casting spells costs MP, and requires a Magic Roll to
either hit or to determine certain effects. Your Magic Stat determines the Base
Damage of the Spell. In addition, when the Magic Stat hits a certain point, it
becomes possible to cast higher Ranked versions of your spells. The amount of
MP used to cast Spells at higher Ranks increases by half the base MP cost of the
spell. Ranks are, in ascending order, Base, Ra, Ga, Ja, and Za (with the Rank
Modifier for each being 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). Each Spell Type gains new effects
when the rank of the spell increases. Increasing the damage, expanding the
range of the spell, and extending the length of the spell’s effects are all examples
of boosts granted by increasing the Rank of a spell. Check the Spell’s Type
(Pillar, Drop, etc) to view exactly what upgrading the Rank of a spell does.
○ A Magic Roll is a d8 roll. The roll determines various things, based on the
Type of Spell cast.
○ All spells have a tier that affects the MP Cost of the spell.
○ To cast higher Ranked versions of spells, you must increase the MP Cost
of the spell by half for each additional Rank.

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○ Several Spell Elements have a Status Effect assigned to them. When
casting a Spell with a Status Effect, roll a d8. Double your Roll if the target
is Weak to the Element of the Spell, cut your Roll in half if they are
Resistant to it. Immune and Absorbent enemies are immune to the spell’s
statuses. If, after this, your roll is higher than your spell’s Status
Challenge, apply the Status Effect.
● Item:​ You use an item in your inventory, or switch what Weapon you’re using.
● Limit Break:​ Spend an LP to use a Limit Break. Note: Limit Drives and Limit
Calls are Free Actions and thus do not use up your Battle Action.

Free Action: 
These are actions that simply don’t take much time and/or effort by in-battle rules. These can be
descriptive actions, such as flourishing your weapon, winking at an ally, or talking (to a
reasonable extent). Notably, Limit Drives and Limit Calls are Free Actions. In addition, Free
Actions can also be taken during another combatant’s turn. You cannot make Free Actions
while KOed, save for the one below:

Get Up:​ When an allied Party Member is KOed, they are not entirely out of the battle, and may,
in time, pick themselves up. Attempting to Get Up is a Free Action that can be performed once
on each of your allies’ turns. With a roll of 20 on a 3d8 check, you pick yourself up, and regain
either 25% of your HP or 5 HP, whichever is higher. Each successive time you fail the check, its
difficulty is reduced by 4. So after 1 attempt to Get Up, you need a roll of 16, and after 4
successive attempts you need only roll 8. Note that most non-player characters cannot attempt
to Get Up, though some powerful exceptions may employ this tactic.


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Status Effects 

Over the course of battle, there are many ways that a character can be harmed or helped, other
than taking or healing HP Damage directly. Status Effects are special effects that affect the
afflicted in indirect ways. They, like Spells, have a Rank: the higher it is, generally, the better the
effects. Status Effects are generally named StatusRank (for example, Poison3) when referred to
in Commands, Spells, or Abilities.

There are items and other effects that can put a premature end to Status Effects, but the most
reliable method is to use the spell Esuna or Dispel (based on the type of Status Effect). In
addition, there are certain effects that can Counter Statuses. When one of these Counters are
applied to its opposite, both the Counter Status and the existing Status are negated. For
example, if you cast Slow on a target under the effects of Haste, the target loses Haste, but
does not receive Slow. Damage dealt to Counter a Status Effect is not negated.

Statuses can run out either over the course of Turns or Rounds. As this time passes, the Rank
of the Status Effect goes down. Effects that reduce over the course of Turns reduce Rank at the
beginning of each character’s turn, while those that reduce over the course of Rounds drop in
rank on the beginning of the afflicted character’s Turn. When the Rank of the Status Effect hits
0, it vanishes.

Statuses that force the afflicted character to skip their turn go into effect immediately, even if it is
currently the afflicted character’s turn. In addition, statuses cannot cause the character to have
more than one Turn per Round.

Statuses are tied to an Element, and those with elemental weaknesses and resistances, or
affinities for that Element, may be able to reduce or increase the rank of incoming Statuses as
200% or higher (Weak) +2 Ranks Neutral Affinity No change

101% - 199% (Weak) +1 Rank Focus Affinity +1 Rank

100% (Normal) No change

51%-99% (Resistant) -1 Rank Specialty Affinity +2 Ranks

1%-49% (Resistant) -2 Ranks

0% (Immune) -3 Ranks Mastery Affinity +3 Ranks

-1% or lower (Absorbent) -4 Ranks

Note that weakness and resistance do not apply when you are afflicting yourself with a Status or
using Beneficial Status Effects. The list of Statuses starts next page.

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Negative Statuses 
Status Duration Effect Countered By

KO Until Automatically active when your HP is 0. You lose Health

Countered consciousness. You are deprived of all Free Actions Restoration,
except for attempting to Get Up, and if you start your Getting Up
turn KOed, you forfeit your Movement Action and Battle
Actions. Non-Player Characters are usually also unable
to Get Up, rendering them entirely incapable of action.
Healing Magic and Items (such as Cure) have half the
usual effect on you.

Slow (Rank) Slow the foe down, reducing their location in the Turn Haste
(Magic) Rounds Order by 3 places.

Blind (Light) (Rank) Blind the foe. They must now roll 2d8, and hit 4 or
Rounds higher both times, for their Attack or Spell to hit.
Commands and Spells targeting the self, or which hit
automatically, are unaffected.

Guard (Rank) Break the victim’s guard, reducing their defense by half. Protect
Break Turns They may not make Guard Rolls while they have this
(Earth) Status. Negates Protect.

Poison (Rank) The victim is poisoned. Deal a tenth of the afflicted

(Biological) Rounds character’s HP in damage every Round.

Burn (Fire) (Rank) The target is on fire or has rather painful burns. Deals Damp, Freeze
Rounds (Rank*2) Fire Damage every Turn.

Damp (Rank) The Victim is soaked in water. Unless they are Burn,
(Water) Rounds Absorbent to Lightning and Ice, they are treated as Wind Damage
200% Weak to Lightning and Ice.

Suffering Until The target has a terrible wound that won’t stop hurting. HP Restoration,
(Dark) Countered Deal (Rank*5) Damage every Turn. Every Round, the Numb
Rank of this effect increases by 1.

Silence (Rank) The Victim has been rendered unable to speak. In

(Wind) Rounds addition, they must roll d2 on each of their Turns. On a
1(Tails), they cannot cast any Magic during this time.

Numb (Rank) The Victim is numbed, and is having difficulty with fine Suffering
(Lightning) Rounds motor skills. They must roll d2 on each of their Turns.
On a 1(Tails), they cannot use Attacks or Commands.

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However, a Numbed character can continue fighting

after they’ve hit 0 HP, not suffering KO until Numb ends.

Stun (Earth) (Rank) The Victim is dazed and confused, and is having trouble
Turns seeing straight. As such, they must skip their Turn.

Sleep (Rank) The Victim has fallen into a deep slumber right where Any Damage
(Dark) Rounds they stand. They stay asleep, snoozing through their

Freeze (Ice) (Rank) The Victim is frozen solid in ice. In this state, they must Fire Damage
Rounds skip their turn. When they thaw, they are afflicted with
Numb2. If a Fire Element Spell or Command is used
within Melee Range of the Victim, they are thawed
immediately, and do not suffer Numb2.

Petrify Until The foe is encased in stone. They are immune to HP Earth Damage
(Earth) Countered Damage, but must skip all their Turns, until they are
freed from the stone. Petrification inflicted by “Fossilize”
cannot be Countered - only Esuna may undo the

Enfeeble (Rank) The Victim’s muscles are weakened, and they have
(Biologicial) Rounds trouble doing damage. Their Attack Stat is cut by half.

Fog (Wind) (Rank) The Victim’s mind is rendered foggy, and they cannot
Rounds concentrate very well. Their Magic Stat is cut by half.

Berserk (Rank) The Victim is in an uncontrollable frenzy, and no longer

(Physical) Rounds thinks about anything except beating up something
nearby. They may not use Commands or Magic, cannot
use Abilities that allow you to attempt to avoid or deflect
damage, and cannot initiate Limits for (Rank) Rounds.
Their Attack Stat is doubled, but takes a -1 penalty to
the Attack Roll. They must also attack SOMETHING in
their range every turn.

Confusion (Rank) The Victim is in a haze, and cannot tell friend from foe. Physical
(Magic) Rounds They must roll above the Rank of this Effect on a d8 Damage
(Max Req: 5). If they fail, they attack either themselves
or an Ally within Range of their normal Combo (GM’s
Choice). If they make their roll twice in a row, then they
automatically break free of Confusion regardless of how
many Rounds of it remain.

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Gravity (Rank) The Victim is under the effects of increased gravity. The Float,
(Magic) Rounds target is returned to solid ground and unable to leave it. Anti-Gravity
Their Movement Speed is cut in half, and they cannot
make Dodge or Reversal Rolls. Victims who are in
Midair are no longer subject to the effects of being in
Midair, and take 10% of their HP in Damage for every
Space above ground level they are at. Being afflicted
with this Status counts as a “Spiker.”

Anti-Gravity (Rank) The Victim has been disconnected from gravity’s hold, Gravity
(Magic) Rounds and are now floating in the Air. They are treated as
though they are in Midair for all effects except those of
Gravity, and they may not make Move Actions, Guard
Rolls, Dodge Rolls, or Reversal Rolls.

Knockback N/A Not truly a Status Effect, this is still a side effect of certain actions. Upon
<None> suffering KnockbackX, the target is sent flying in a straight line, a number of
spaces equal to X, away from the launcher. If said target hits a solid object
due to Knockback, they instead stop moving and take damage equal to either
half the damage that inflicted Knockback (Before DEF), 5 damage minimum,
for every space they had left to travel via Knockback.

Juggle 5 Turns The foe has been knocked into the air by some means, usually being
<None> Knocked Back in an upwards direction. The Rank of the Effect determines the
heights to which the target has been sent flying. While Juggled, the foe can
only Attack with Ranged Attacks, use Items, or use certain Abilities, and their
Defense is reduced by 5 for each Rank of Juggle they’re suffering.

Certain Commands and Spells called “Launchers” automatically do this, but

Combo Finishers can also elect to use their Knockback for this effect. The
first Launcher induces Juggle1, and each time the target is targeted with an
additional Launcher, the Launcher must either roll their Accuracy Check at a
penalty equal to JuggleX, use an Aerial Command that is also a Launcher, or
be at the same height as their target by other means.

Every time a Launcher connects, the tier of Juggle goes up by 1 (so a foe
who has been hit by 3 launchers is at Juggle3). Juggle automatically ends 5
Turns after the last Launcher has been launched.

In addition, an attacker can elect to end a target’s Juggle prematurely by

using a Command or Spell with a “Spiker” effect, which doubles the attack’s
damage, returns the target to the ground, and inflicts ten times the
accumulated “Juggle” effect in damage (ignoring DEF). Airborne foes (such
as Flying foes) can also be Spiked, treating half their elevation as the Juggle

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 Positive Statuses

Status Duration Effect Countered By

Reflect (Rank) The bearer of this Status has a magical, mirror-like Guard Break
(Magic) Rounds barrier around them that reflects Magic back at their
caster. A spell can only bounce off of one Reflect, and
will bypass the second Reflect it comes into contact

Protect (Rank) A thick barrier surrounds the bearer, helping to deflect Guard Break
(Earth) Rounds attacks. Physical Damage dealt is cut in half after DEF.

Shell (Rank) A mystic barrier surrounds the bearer, helping to deflect Guard Break
(Ice) Rounds magic. Magical Damage dealt is cut in half.

Imbue (Rank) The bearer applies an Elemental Type to their Attacks

(Magic) Rounds for Rounds. The Element must be one that either the
bearer or the caster have access to, and is chosen by
the caster.

Bubble (Rank) The bearer’s Remaining HP is doubled. At the end of

(Light) Rounds the effect, cut their Remaining HP in half.

Regen (Rank) A healing aura surrounds the bearer. 1/10 of the target’s Poison, Burn,
(Light) Rounds HP is restored every Turn. Suffering

Haste (Rank) The bearer is sped up, and are pushed three places Slow
(Magic) Rounds ahead in the Turn Order. If the bearer has not yet had
their Turn this Round and are pushed ahead of the
caster, they have their Turn after the person who
applied Haste to them.

Float (Rank) The bearer is treated as being one space above the Gravity
(Wind) Rounds ground by default, and is immune to land based effects.

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 Elemental Affinity 

Elemental attacks are common enough in the KH Series, and so are ways to boost or reduce
the damage taken from them.

Elemental Defenses are portrayed as a percentage on the official sheet, starting at 100%.
Certain Abilities increase the percentage, increasing how much damage you take from the
attack. For example, A Fire Defense of 200% represents a weakness to fire, not a resistance -
you take 200% of the damage Fire attacks usually do. This is calculated after DEF reduces
damage dealt.

Elemental Offenses, on the other hand, are calculated before your opponent’s DEF comes into
play. This attribute boosts the damage dealt by the attack in question depending on your affinity
to the element. They come in four stages as you add to your affinity:
Neutral (0): This is the default. Nothing is added to the damage your Elemental Attacks deal.
Focus (1): Add half of your LVL to the damage done by your Elemental Attack.
Specialty (2): Add your full LVL to the damage done by your Elemental Attack.
Mastery (3 or more): Add twice your LVL to the damage done by your Elemental Attack.

Breaking your Limits 
“Light… give me POWER!”
~ Mickey Mouse, KH2

Almost all characters in KHT have a hidden power, a trump card to be used in the most
dire circumstances. Many will have MULTIPLE such skills. However, they all are
powered by Limit Points (LP). All players start with 1 LP, and gain one more every 20
levels, for a total of 6 LP. Some Dispositions may give you more.

LP can be used in two ways. The simplest method you can use LP for is to add 1d8 to
any Movement Challenge roll or Accuracy Roll you are attempting to make.

The other use of LP is as fuel for Limits. At some point in the campaign (or perhaps
during character creation), your GM will grant to you one of these Limit-based powers,
usually after discussion with you. They come in several forms:

Limit Drive: In which you enter a sort of super-mode, during which your powers are
increased. They usually last a certain number of Rounds, or Attacks, or have some
other requirement. Activating this counts as a Free Action.

Limit Break: In which you perform a single mighty attack. Activating this counts as your
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Combat Action.

Limit Call: In which you summon an ally of some sort. The Summon will back you up
with Commands and Magic, acting on the same initiative place as you. It is fueled by a
certain amount of SP, which drains by a set amount every Turn, in place of taking HP
Damage, and in place of any MP costs. If it is a creature that usually has HP and MP, its
HP and MP are combined to decide its SP. When it runs out of SP, it returns to
wherever it came from. Activating this counts as a Free Action.

Duo/Trinity Limit: A powerful Limit Drive or Limit Break that calls upon the aid of one or
two of your allies to aid you. It may drain LP from one (in which case ​any​ participant
may shoulder the LP cost) or ​all​ of the participants. Other than that, activation counts
the same way as the solo categories of Drive and Break.

Note that you can have multiple limits active during the same Turn, so long as they
aren’t the same Limit Type. For example, you may have a Limit Drive active at the same
time as you’re using a Limit Break. You may NOT have a Limit Drive active while being
a participant in a Duo or Trinity Limit Drive, nor can you use a Limit Break at the same
time as a Duo or Trinity Limit Break. Likewise, you cannot use a Limit Call while being a
participant in a Duo or Trinity Limit Call.

For a list of example Limits, view the ​Example Limits​.

Aftermath and Rewards for Victory 
“We’re the champs!”

When an enemy runs out of HP, they are defeated. Notably, when allies are run out of
HP, they are not entirely defeated - they may attempt to Wake Up, as per the actions
listed above. Only when all Player Characters are KOed is the Party considered
defeated (though the GM may add additional defeat conditions, such as an NPC ally (or
even a specific party member!) being KOed, and some enemies may share the ability to
Wake Up).

GM Note: The action “Get Up,” and the usual lack of a defeat condition outside of a Total Party KO, is included as a nod to
standard Kingdom Hearts gameplay, in which party members can be knocked out and reawoken nigh-endlessly without
repercussion, so long as the main character is not defeated. At your discretion, feel free to ignore or modify these mechanics to
suit your needs, but make sure your players know ahead of time.

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When all foes are defeated, made to flee, or otherwise incapacitated, the battle is over.
What kinds of rewards you can gain from battle vary, but the following details are
generally likely to happen.

First, every party member receives EXP equal to the combined EXP Worth of the
enemies defeated, made to flee the battle, captured, or otherwise incapacitated. A foe
that is in the presence of the battle, but does not participate themselves before they
leave, gives no EXP. For example…

If Maleficent summons a group of monsters to attack Sora and Cloud, and watches for a
while before leaving, gloating the whole time, upon the battle’s end she gives no
experience. This holds true even if Sora or Cloud manage to deal damage to her.

However, if she throws a fireball at Sora during that time, she is a combatant, and
should give EXP at the end of the battle, if Sora and Cloud are victorious.

The second constant event occurs when a NPC foe is defeated (not made to flee, not
captured). When they fall for good, the player that finished them (or a GM - Make SURE
this is clear before the roll is made) rolls a 3d8 Treasure Roll.

If the foe is from a Bestiary (either official or homemade), they may drop an item, based
on the Treasure Roll. Each enemy may have an Item Drop and/or a Rare Item Drop,
which drop if the Treasure Roll meets or beats their Treasure Check. Enemies may or
may not also drop a certain amount of HP and MP Orbs, which heal various amounts of
HP and MP, as well as Munny, the main currency of the game.

Though GMs are not obligated to give treasure from foes with their own full-fledged
Stat-Sheets, giving treasure from their inventory on a 10 or higher, or giving some
plot-related item regardless of the treasure roll is acceptable, if the GM wishes to give
such a reward.

Note that there are Abilities that grant multiple Treasure Rolls. This can allow Bestiary
foes to drop multiple treasures.

Chapter 4: Exploration 

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Movement Stats 

Outside of battle, you’ll do a lot of traveling and exploring. As mentioned in Chapter 2,

every character has a set of Movement Stats, used during Movement Challenges.
When Movement Challenges occur, the difficulty of the challenge is rated against your
Movement Stats. Depending on the relative level of the challenge compared to your
own, you must roll a 3d8, without adding any stats to it, to succeed.
If the challenge’s level is ​3 levels or more above​ yours, you must roll a 25 to succeed.
This is usually impossible.
If the challenge’s level is ​2 levels above​ yours, you must roll a 18 to succeed.
If the challenge’s level is ​1 level above​ yours, you must roll a 12 or better to succeed.
If the challenge’s level is ​the same​ as yours, you must roll 10 or better to succeed.
If the challenge’s level is ​1 level below​ yours, you must roll 5 or better to succeed.
If the challenge’s level is ​2 levels or more below​ yours, you automatically succeed.

Generally, Movement Challenge Ranks can go from 0 to 5, but exceptional

circumstances may call for higher ranks than even that. Living mountains that actively
try to throw you off, or a supernatural storm that eats away at your very soul… All sorts
of difficult challenges are out there.

Luckily, there are ways to turn the odds to your favor. You can spend LP to grant
yourself an extra d8 on your roll. Your allies can also use the Ability ​Cheer​ to bolster
your roll.

Most notably, however, is through the ​Movement Tech​, or ​Tech​ for short. By
describing and role-playing out what you're doing to overcome the Challenge, you can
obtain a ​Tech Bonus​ to your roll equal to your Movement Stat. In addition, if you
complete the Challenge successfully after a Tech is used, you (and the Party) obtain
Tech EXP​ equal to the amount you rolled above the Challenge’s success requirements
multiplied by the difficulty level of the Challenge. Techs can be used as often as you like
(though once per roll), so don’t be afraid to put yourself out on a limb and describe your
character’s actions, struggles, and awesome maneuvers to produce Techs!

When making a Movement Challenge that pits you against a Player Character (for
example, a footrace between two PCs causing a Mobility Challenge), each player
simply treats their opponent’s Movement Stat as the Challenge Rank. If both players
succeed or fail, both players’ Challenge Rank goes up by 1, and the process repeats
until only one of the players succeed (or until one Player’s Challenge Level becomes

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impossible), at which point the remaining player wins the Challenge.

Note: Players may not use the Communicate Skill to persuade each other or take control of the other Player
Character’s thoughts, feelings, or actions.

Below is a list of the different Movement Stats:

How mobile the character is. Their ability to travel great distances come from their
Mobility. If you’ve got a high Mobility, you’re going places.
Mobility In Grid-Based movement, your overland movement is Mobility+1
How acrobatic and flexible the character is. Their ability to dodge and leap about
comes from their Acrobatics. If you’ve got a high Acrobatics, you can reach for the
In Grid-Based movement, you can jump a number of units in the air equal to
Acrobatics (Mobility+Acrobatics)/2, plus 1.
How balanced and graceful the character is. Your ability to gently stay on your feet
comes from your Poise. If you’ve got a high Poise, you'll always stand tall.
Poise In Grid-Based Movement, your swimming speed is equal to (Mobility+Poise)/2+1.
How tightly the character can hold onto things. Their ability to climb and lift heavy
objects comes from their Grasp. If you’ve got a high Grasp, nothing will escape
Grasp In Grid-Based Movement, your climbing speed is equal to (Mobility+Grasp)/2+1.
The character’s will to persevere. The character’s endurance to overcome
challenges comes from their Resilience. If you’ve got a high Resilience, you can
survive the roughest weather.
Should a physical disaster (such as a landslide, whirlpool, tornado, or enemy
attack) seek to uproot you from your movement, Resilience is combined with other
Resilience Movement Stats as the situation demands to maintain your footing.
The character’s inner focus. Their ability to quiet the storm of their mind and the
trembling of their hands comes from their Calm. If you’ve got high Calm, your mind
will stand triumphant over matter.
Used in conjunction with other Movement Stats for stealth purposes, focusing on a
Calm precision task, and as defense against mental or emotional assaults.
The character’s sight and senses. Their perceptiveness and thoroughness comes
from their Investigate. If you’ve got high Investigate, the path ahead will always be
Investigate Used for searching, studying, and finding things.
The character’s charisma. Their ability to connect to others comes from their
Communicate. If you’ve got a high Communicate, your words will change hearts
and minds.
Communicate Used for bartering, negotiating, and convincing others.

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These stats may be combined with each other to form new ​Talent Stats​, with the
formula of (StatA+StatB)/2 to represent them. When building your character, speak with
your GM regarding your character’s backstory, and together decide how best to
represent your player’s skills and talents. Extraordinary doctors and world-renowned
thieves alike may use Investigate, Calm, and Grasp, but they obviously use each
differently, and cannot perform the same feats as their counterpart. It is also possible to
mix Talent Stats with Movement Stats (or even other Talent Stats) to make new Talent

Some examples of Talent Stats:

● Knowledge: Seafaring (Investigate+Resilience) - Knowledge of the seas and

stars. When it comes to moving from one island to another, you know the way.
● Lockpicking (Calm+Grasp) - The ability to manipulate locks of all types, be they
locks on front doors or treasure chests or prison cells.
● Ballroom Dancing (Poise+Poise) - Your ability to dance in the traditional style of
the court.
● Appraise (Investigate+Calm) - Your ability to figure out the worth of hidden
treasures put before you.
● Bartering (Communicate+Appraise (Talent)) - Your ability to convince someone
to let go of their wares for less than they usually would.
● Skateboarding (Poise+Acrobatics) - Your ability to ride a board with wheels, and
look sick and slick doing it.
● Driving (Poise+Grasp) - Your ability to pilot various vehicles.
● Alchemy (Investigate+Calm) - Your knowledge of herbs, minerals, and elements,
and how they come together for medicinal and poisonous purposes.

GM Advice: As you might notice, there is the possibility that Talents can have overlap, especially with
broader-reaching Talents. Theoretically, for instance, “Drive” and “Skateboarding” can both be used to
ride a skateboard. It could also turn out that a character could use their Acrobatics or Poise to ride a

In this and all instances, favor the most specific, best-fitting Talent. A character may have to take a
Rank 4 Acrobatics Challenge ​and​ a Rank 4 Poise Challenge to rock a skateboarding session, or a
Rank 4 Driving Challenge, ​or​ a Rank 2 Skateboarding Challenge, depending on what is available to
them. The Skateboarder is specifically trained in the art of boarding, and thus his challenge is
considered lower-rank and thus easier for them, even if their Skateboarding isn’t as high as another
character’s Driving, Acrobatics, or Poise.

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Equipment and Synthesis 

Over the course of your campaign, you’ll come across various kinds of items, either
dropped by foes or found in treasure chests or rooms or given as gifts. Some of these
items can be used to create other items using a process called Synthesis. These are
Synthesis Materials.

It takes a bit of peace, quiet, and time to perform Synthesis, not to mention some skill
and luck. Needless to say, you can’t usually perform Synthesis in battle. Upon starting a
synthesis attempt, you must roll a 3d8, and beat a Synthesis Threshold, based on the
difficulty of the Recipe you’re attempting:
● Amateur Recipes: The absolute easiest recipes. Requires a 2 or higher.
● Novice Recipes: Slightly more difficult recipes. Requires a 4 or higher.
● Junior Recipes: Recipes that require a bit of work to get right. Requires a 6 or higher.
● Skilled Recipes: Recipes that only skilled synthesists should attempt. Requires an 8 or
● Senior Recipes: Recipes that experts agree are far beyond the skill of average
synthesists. Requires a 12 or higher.
● Artisan Recipes: Painfully difficult recipes, created by genius synthesists, and which only
genius synthesists should attempt. Requires a 16 or higher.
● Master Recipes: The most difficult, but most rewarding recipes. Only managed by
masters of the craft. Requires a 24.

If you fail to meet the Threshold, you suffer a “Breakdown,” in which the item melts
down. You may manage to salvage half (if you only put in 1 of a type of material, you
lose the material) of each kind of material you invested, but the rest explodes violently,
dealing 1d8*4 damage per Rank of the Recipe (Amateur=1d8*4, Novice=2d8*4, and so
on) to you and anyone in Melee Range of the explosion. Note that outside of battle, this
explosion is not fatal.

Synthesis Recipes also come in two main varieties: Standard Recipes and Homebrew

Standard Recipes have already been refined to an art, and appear as a list. They make
all sorts of consumable items, ranging from Potions to Defense Draughts. Their recipes
and difficulties are set in stone (though the latter can be reduced with the use of
Serenity Materials), and all you have to do to make them is gather the needed materials

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and roll. The Standard Recipes for each craftable item can be found in the ​Item List​, at
the far right of any Item that can be crafted.

The more complex, but arguably more useful variety of Synthesis Recipe is the
Homebrew Recipe. Homebrew Recipes are custom-built by players, using a point-buy
system related to what Synthesis Materials you use. In Homebrew Synthesis, you start
with a “Base,” which decides the kind of items you can create. A piece of wood from a
tree might be used to create a pendant or knife that boosts MP, or a length of iron might
be the first step towards that ATK-Boosting sword or bracers you were thinking of. Each
Base Type is related to a Stat, and has a list of Equipment that can be made with that
Base Type. Each Base gives a boost to its related stat that grows based on how you
use the materials you put into the Recipe, adding to implemented stat boosts based on
whether it’s a Weak, Strong, or Ultimate Base. Below are each of the Base Types and
their associated Equipment.
● Attack: Weapons, Chains, Coats, and Wristwear.
● Defense: Weapons, Chains, Coats, Wristwear, Neckwear, Belts, Headgear, and
● Magic: Weapons, Chains, Rings, Headgear
● HP: Weapons, Chains, and Coats
● MP: Weapons, Chains, Headgear, and Neckwear
● AP: Weapons, Chains, Footgear, and Rings
● ODP: Weapons, Chains, and Belts

As you can see, Chains and Weapons can be associated with any stat type. However,
Strong Bases cannot be used to create Chains.

Weak Bases boost the related stat (which differs from Base to Base) by 1 for every 2
Materials used in the Recipe. Despite this, they are fairly versatile and easy to add to
your equipment, as they can be used to create Chains. The Cap for total stats boosted
by a single piece of gear created by a Weak Base is 10.

Strong Bases, meanwhile, boost the related stat by 1 for every Material used in the
Recipe. However, they're limited to Weapons and the Equipment Types that are
connected to the related Stat. The Cap for total stats boosted by a single piece of gear
created by a Strong Base is 20.

There is also the obscenely rare "Ultimate" base, which can be shaped into any kind of
Equipment type. Unlike other Bases, they are not limited to one Stat, and gain 1 point to
boost any stat with for every Material added to the recipie. That means an Ultimate

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Base with 10 Materials can boost HP by 3, ATK by 5, and AP by 2, individually from the
effects of other Materials, as an example. There is no cap for total stats boosted by gear
made with an Ultimate Base.

Below is a list of Equipment Types and various quirks about them:

● Weapons: ​The most important Equipment Type. Without a weapon, your ability to fight is heavily
impacted. You can only use one Weapon, unless you have the Synch Blade Ability, which allows
you to wield two weapons. Luckily, they can be aligned to ANY stat, and can be made from any
kind of Base. They can also contain 30 points’ worth of stat boosts.
● Chains:​ An extremely basic Equipment Type consisting of a single chain or string, possibly with
ornaments around it, worn practically anywhere you please. Chains may be aligned to any Stat
and you can equip as many of them as you like (so long as you have enough Equipment Slots),
but due to being limited to the wimpy Weak Bases and the impossibly rare Ultimate Bases,
Chains take a LOT of investment to create extraordinary gear. They have no Favored Stat.
● Coats: ​Coats, capes, sashes… stuff worn around the body. Can be aligned to HP, Defense, or
Attack, and can be used in any such aligned Base, but you can generally only equip ONE. HP is
their Favored Stat.
● Headgear: ​Glasses, helmets, hats, crystal crowns… stuff you put on your head. Can be aligned
to Defense, Magic, or MP, and can be used in any such aligned Base, but you can generally only
equip ONE. Magic is their Favored Stat.
● Wristwear: ​Watches, bracelets, gloves, wristbands, cuffs… stuff put on your hands and wrists.
Can be aligned to Attack or Defense. You can generally only equip ONE. Attack is their Favored
● Neckwear: ​Necklaces, scarves, chokers… equipment worn primarily around the neck. Can be
aligned to Defense or MP. You can generally only equip ONE. MP is their Favored Stat.
● Belts: ​Belts belts belts belts belts. Usually, but not always, worn around the waist. Can be
aligned to Defense, or ODP. You can generally only equip ONE. ODP is their Favored Stat.
● Footgear: ​Shoes, sandals, boots, socks, anklets… anything you put on your feet. Can be aligned
to AP and Defense. You can generally only equip ONE. Defense is their Favored Stat.
● Rings: ​Rings, earrings, piercings… pieces of jewelry on your finger and elsewhere. Can be
aligned to AP and Magic. You can generally only equip ONE. AP is their Favored Stat.

After you’ve selected your Base, you may start adding other Synthesis Materials to it.
Each Material has at least one “Property” type and a point value. Properties are used to
buy specific additions to whatever equipment you’re creating, boosting the Stats of the
item and adding up to one each of a Command, Spell, and Ability. However, you’re
limited to however many points the material is worth. For example, a pebble with the
“Light” Property, but with 1 point’s worth of value, doesn’t buy much compared to a
gemstone with the same Property and 3 point’s worth of value. For materials with two or
more Properties and a high Point Value, you can split the Point Value between the two

The higher the combined Point Value you place within the Recipe, the higher the
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Difficulty of the Recipe:
● Amateur Recipes: 1-3 Points
● Novice Recipes: 4-6 Points
● Junior Recipes: 7-9 Points
● Skilled Recipes: 10-12 Points
● Senior Recipes: 13-14 Points
● Artisan Recipes: 15-16 Points
● Master Recipes: 17 or more Points

The full list of properties and what you can buy with them can be found in the ​Synthesis
Data​. You can also find a list of ​Synthesis Materials​ in the Item Sheet.

We’ll use an example of what can be done within the system, let’s build a few different
items with the same materials….

Mogid has a Fire Crystal (Fire Property, 5 Points), Iron (Weak ATK Base, 0 Points), and
2 Blizzard Crystals (Ice and Water Properties, 5 Points Each). After some consideration
of the Properties and the Point Values, he draws up the following schematics for
different items...

Steam Spike (Weapon, Weak Atk Base, 15 Points. Artisan Recipe)

+ 7 Attack (Weak Atk Base’s effects)
“Fire Aura” Spell (5 Points from the Fire Crystal for Fire Property)
“Water Resistance” Ability (3 Points from Blizzard Crystal for Water Property)
+4 Defense (4 Points from Blizzard Crystal for Ice Property)
+3 HP (3 Points from Blizzard Crystal for Water Property)

Heatberg Bracer (Wristwear, Weak Atk Base, 15 Points. Artisan Recipe)

+7 Attack (Weak Atk Base’s Effects)
“Fire Aura” Spell (2 Points from the Fire Crystal for Fire Property)
“Fire Resistance” Ability (3 Points from the Fire Crystal for Fire Property)
Convert “Fire Aura” to “Glacia Aura” (9 Points from the Blizzard Crystals for either Water
or Ice Property)
+1 Defense (1 Points from the Blizzard Crystal for Ice Property)

Steam Shiv (Weapon, Weak Atk Base, 15 Points. Artisan Recipe)

+7 Attack (Weak Atk Base’s Effects)
+3 MP (3 Points from Fire Crystal for Fire Property)
“Fire Aura” Spell (2 Points from the Fire Crystal for Fire Property)

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Convert “Fire Aura” to “Boil Aura” (9 Points from the Blizzard Crystals for Water
+1 HP (1 Points from the Blizzard Crystal for Water Property)


Moggington III has, after much work, finally collected a Mystery Goo (Strong Base,
Magic)! He happily gets to work brainstorming what kind of amazing item he can make.
He has 3 Remembrance Stones (Knowledge Property, 2 Points each), 1 Thunder Stone
(Lightning Property, 2 Points), and 2 Spirit Gems (Magic Property, 3 Points each).
These are the ideas he has…

Magi Gun (Weapon, Strong Magic Base, 14 Points. Senior Recipe)

+14 Magic (Strong Mag Base’s Effects)
+8 Magic (6 Points from the Spirit Gems for Magic Property, 2 Points from the Thunder
Stone for the Lightning Property)
+2 MP (2 Points from a Remembrance Stone for Knowledge Property)
“MP Modulate” Ability (4 Points from the Remembrance Stones for Knowledge Property)

Thunder Fedora (Headgear, Strong Magic Base, 14 Points. Senior Recipe)

+14 Magic (Strong Mag Base’s Effects)
“Thunder Drop” Spell (2 Points from Thunder Stone for Lightning Property)
Convert “Thunder Drop” to “Thunder Shot” Spell (1 Point from Spirit Gem for Magic
“Magic Booster” Ability (4 Points from Spirit Gems for Magic Property)
+1 Magic (1 Point from Spirit Gem for Magic Property)
“Inducecast” Command (6 Points from Remembrance Stones for Knowledge Property)

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Chapter 5: Traveling the Worlds 
“No frowning, no sad faces, okay? This ship runs on happy faces!”
“Yeah, you gotta look funny, like us!”
~Donald and Goofy, KH1

Gummi Ships and the Space Between 

In the Kingdom Hearts Series, the universe is usually split apart into multiple
dimensions, or “worlds.” In most cases, there are walls between each world,
disconnecting them but for a few small “Lanes Between” or “Corridors of Darkness”
accessible by certain special individuals. During the first game of the series, however,
the walls were temporarily broken down by the forces of darkness, and for a while,
people were able to easily travel from world to world.

How much of this travel is role-played and what threats await during travel in a KHT
campaign may vary from Campaign to Campaign, as it has in the game series itself.
Below, however, is a system for the most common method of portrayal: The Gummi

Gummi Ships are vessels used to travel between worlds, and are generally said to run
on “happy faces.” In the Kingdom Hearts Canon, they’re made of a material that used to
be the walls that separated the worlds, blocks shaped in different ways that stick to
each other naturally. In KHT, Gummi Ships (as well as most things in the space
between worlds) have a the following stats that decides their combat capabilities:
● SHD​ is the ship’s defenses, and calculates the vessel’s HP (SHD times 12).
Once HP runs out, the ship is incapable of combat. This can mean several
things, as it does with characters. The ship may crash into a nearby world,
scattering the crew (and thus the party) across the world, possibly putting them
into danger, or the ship may simply shut down, making it an easy thing for the
enemy to board the vessel. Or perhaps the vessel is simply destroyed.
● PWR​ is the ship’s offenses. When attacking with the ship’s weapons, you roll a
number of d8 equal to your PWR, and this determines how much damage you do
with your attack. If you use an attack that hits multiple enemies, you still only roll
this once per turn, and the roll applies to all targets that turn.
● SPD​ is the ship’s movement capability, helping it reach the Goal faster, or move
around the battlefield easily. As with the Mobility Movement Stat, this also
determines how easily you can escape. View the “Combat in the Gummi Ship”

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section below for details.

When building or upgrading a Gummi Ship, each stat costs 1000 Munny to boost, if you
have no materials. Treasure Chests may give the players generic “Gummi Blocks” that
offset the cost of upgrading somewhat, or more specialized ones that allow the upgrade
for free, but are limited to a specific stat.

The Gummi Ship may also equip itself with Special Actions. In battle, you may only use
one Special Action each turn, and like Commands they must recharge (and can be
obtained multiple times for multiple uses), but each action can help turn the tide on the
battlefield. View the Gummi Ship Character Sheet for details on each Special Action.
They cost a varying amount to add to your ship, but Gummi Blocks may supplied in
treasure chests.

Beyond that, your vessel’s also likely got a name, and in some settings it may even
have a “class,” such as “Disney Royal Navy, Kingdom Class K5.” Fill in the blanks, and
give your ship a personality!

Combat in the Gummi Ship 

In ship combat, the “heroes” move first, unlike in normal combat. That is to say, the PCs
decide their ship’s actions first, followed by the enemy. Neither SPD or any character’s
LVL has influence on this.

Battles may take two forms: in the first, your vessel will most likely be constantly moving
towards its destination, or “Goal.” In this case, the GM sets a number indicating the
distance between the ship and the Goal. Every turn, you roll a number of d8 equal to
your SPD, and reduce the distance to the Goal by the roll. In most cases, the ship’s
encounter ends when they hit the Goal. Enemies usually keep pace with the PC’s
vessel in this format, regardless of their own SPD, and may be either in front or behind
the Gummi Ship, affecting how many of your enemies you can hit with some attacks.
The GM may also set up a situation in which the enemy is ALSO after the Goal, and it
becomes a race.

The alternative form is Grid Based, akin to normal KHT combat. In that case, SPD
decides how many spaces on the grid the ship can move. You may move this way every

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Every turn, you may make an attack roll, move, and use a Special Action. Using a
Special Action does not require sacrificing any other action, though it may modify your

Once all enemies are defeated or you reach the goal, the battle ends, and you gain 1
Generic Gummi Block, which is worth 100 Munny when used to buy Downtime Rooms
and Special Actions, or Upgrade the Gummi Ship’s stats. In especially important battles,
you may instead receive a full Upgrade Gummi Block, which grants you a specific
Downtime Room, Special Action, or Upgrade for the Gummi Ship’s stats. Your Gummi
Ship’s HP does not get restored, unless it lands on a World.

Depending on the setting, you may merely have a series of Gummi Ship Battles every
time you change worlds, or you’ll find yourself moving on a grid-based map of the
worlds with various encounters both hostile and not waiting along the way, or something
else entirely.

GM Tip: There is a special bestiary filled with enemies meant for Gummi Ship battles.
However, should you wish to pit normal foes against Gummi Ship-scale fighters,
we’ve devised a handy set of rules for Gummi Ship-vs-people combat:
● Damage to the Gummi Ship from normal-scale enemies is divided by 10.
However, the Gummi Ship has no DEF.
● Damage from the Gummi Ship is reduced by the foe’s DEF.
● Double the Gummi Ship’s SPD to determine its movement capabilities.
● Double the range of any given attack from the Gummi Ship.

Resting in the Gummi Ship 

In between all the fighting, sometimes you’re just having a peaceful voyage between
worlds. this is especially true in campaigns setting the Gummi Ship travel segment as a
grid-based world map. In these peaceful times, you may also use your time on the ship
to prepare for further adventures in various ways. To facilitate this, you can even equip
the Gummi Ship with special ​Downtime Rooms​ with varying purposes, turning your
vessel from just a vessel into a true home.

Downtime Rooms have two possible Activation types. “Use” rooms must be selected for
use by a Party Member to activate. Per peaceful trip, each Party Member may use one
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Downtime Room once to perform various tasks or even aid the entire party. “Static”
rooms are always active, and may upgrade other Rooms or give their own unique

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