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Academic Task -1

(Self-Exploration Study)


Student Name : Sambhav jain

Student Registration No 12219345

Table of Content

1. Identification of 3 Industry
2. Reasons for identifying these industries
3.My result of personality test
4.Matching the requirement of industry/ career pathways with
1. Identification of 3 Industry / Career Pathways

1.Higher studies

2.Corporate job


Reasons for identifying these industries / career pathways:

• I always felt that going for higher studies at a university allows me

to improve my communication, motivation and leadership skills. It
will also allow you to gain confidence, learn to manage my time
and solve problems. These are all skills that will improve my
career and life prospects.

• Corporate Job are very good not for salaries but also for the
learning purpose as well, because one can learn better with smart
people. I will do corporate job for gaining experience.

• I always wanted to create a product which can add value to the

people’s life and I well do this after taking good amount of
experience form industry.
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2. Identification of Personality Traits (List them with detail, why do you think
so? Attach result of personality test at the end of this column)


I always see things as they are because I am concrete and literal thinkers.
I always trust what is certain. Sensors value realism and common sense.
I especially like ideas with practical applications.


As per my observation I take the decisions rationally based on facts and objective
criteria, and use logical analysis to solve problems. I like to have very clear rules
about what is right and what is wrong and dislike fuzziness. Before taking any
decision I always ask “Is it practical”.

Sometime I use to form an opinion about someone or something based

on thoughts, feelings, and evidence. This often occurs within the first
few minutes of meeting someone. When I judge a person, I assess their
character in order to determine if they are safe.


I am an introvert person and this personality type feel more comfortable

focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what's happening
externally. I enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than
large groups or crowds

Copy Paste result of personality test
(Check your personality at Jung personality test #1 Free Myers & Briggs 16 personalities types style
test (

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3. Matching the requirement of industry/ career pathways with personality

S No Industry / Personality Traits Matching

Career Analysis

1. Higher Sensor and judger sensor


2. Corporate Thinker and observer Thinker and

jobs observer

3. startups introvert and judger introvert and


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