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Topic: Unisel food ordering system (mobile apps)

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SRI VASANTH A/L VASU (3212007101)




The online food ordering system is one of the latest servicers most fast foodrestaurants in the
western world are adopting. With this method, food is orderedonline and delivered to the customer.
This is made possible through the use ofelectronic payment system. Customers pay with their credit
cards, although creditcard customers can be served even before they make payment either through
cashor cheque. So, the system designed in this project will enable customers go onlineand place
order for their food.Due to the great increase in the awareness of internet and the
technologiesassociated with it, several opportunities are coming up on the web. So manybusinesses
and companies now venture into their business with ease because of theinternet. One of such
business that the internet introduced is an online food
This food ordering system using mobile application will help to improve the current food ordering
system. With this system, student can be notified when their order is completed. This eventually will
help to reduce the need to queue up at the counter to take their food. Furthermore, the restaurant
owner will be also be notified immediately whenever there is a new order placed by the studentThe
purpose of this project is to develop a mobile app food ordering system that can be used to
revolutionize the traditional ordering system that currently implemented in Unisel Café.The
traditional system that using by most of the food and beverage industry is the traditional manual
ordering system which means all works and procedures is recorded through manpower manual work
and it consist of a huge amount of paper work that is not effective and efficiency. This cause the
business to encounter trouble which regarding human error due to the huge amount of manpower
manual work that operating in each business routine. Thus, this computerized and mobilized food
ordering system is designed to assist the business routine in term of having better management as
well as easier to handle daily business operation.

This system is design to reserved table and order food at the Unisel Cafe. There are two function in
the system; booking system and ordering system. In booking system, there are two ways to register
the customer via online booking and walk in. For online booking, the customer can booking through
Internet. The system provide the identification when the user reserves a table through the system, a
unique ticket number be generated for the customer. The online booking system is develop by using


Narrative specification for use case for Unisel food ordering system (mobile apps)

Use Case Accept payment

Brief description This use case allows an Employee to accept payment from a Customer for an
order. The payment may be made in cash or by debit/credit card.

Actors Administrator, Customer, Employee

Preconditions This use case allows Customer order his/her food and direct to payment method
that may be made in cash or by debit/credit card

Main flow The use case begins when the Administrator register an account.

Customer can login, place an order and decide to pay for his/her order.

If the Customer offers cash payment, the Employee handles the cash, confirms
to the system that the payment has been received and asks the system to
record the payment as made.

If the Customer offers debit/credit card payment, the Employee swipes the
card, requests the Customer to enter the card’s PIN, select debit or credit
account and transmit the payment. Once the payment has been confirmed
electronically by the card provider, the system records the payment as made.

The use case ends

Alternative flows If the Customer does not have sufficient cash and does not offer card payment.
The Employee decides whether to cancel the order or not. Depending on the
decision, the Employee cancels the transaction (and use case terminates).

If the Customer’s card does not swipe properly. After three unsuccessful
attempts, the Employee enters the card number manually. The use case

Postconditions If the use case was successful, the payment is recorded in the system’s
database. Otherwise, the system’s state is unchanged

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