Ethics Reviewer

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Module 2 Discussion: Ethics

Human Existence and Ethics Ethical Pragmatism

 ETHICS is the moral code that guides
how an individual should behave. As a o Pragmatism is a philosophical approach
branch, of knowledge, it deals with or movement that began in 1870s. The
moral principles. Ethics is also term was coined by Charles Sanders
about the individual’s search for Peirce and further developed by William
meaning while dealing with human James.
problems which may o It is more of a theory on knowledge,
be logical(problems of truth, and meaning rather than morality.
reasoning), epistemological( problems of
the truth), cosmological (problems of
universe), ethical (problems of
morality), aesthetical (problems of art Ethical Utilitarianism
and beauty), or scientific
problems (problems of science). o Founded by Jeremy Bentham and John
Stuart Mill
School of Ethics o States that rightness or wrongness of
actions is determined by
 ETHICS deals with a diverse prescription of their consequences.
universal concepts and principles that
serves as foundation of moral beliefs. Moral Issues: Abortion
 It many cases, ethics can be connected to
morality.  Sometimes known as a termination of
pregnancy. The pregnancy is ended
either by taking medicines or having a
surgical procedure
 Can be direct, induced or even caused
Based on principle by natural cases or accidents.
practiced by a particular  In some instances, abortion becomes
community necessary when the life of the mother is
at stake.
 Fundamental
 The nature of the
convictions of human
agent Moral Issue: Euthanasia (Mercy
 The nature of Killing)
 Character of moral
human person
 Criteria of judgment
 Use of norms o Euthanasia is the practice of ending a
 Situational analysis life intentionally, usually in situations
when the individual is terminally ill, to
relieve his or her pain and suffering.
Ethical Relativism o Also known as Mercy Killing.
 Voluntary Euthanasia is when an
 ETHICAL RELATIVISM, also known individual gives consent to subject
as moral relativism, is a school of ethics himself or herself to painless death
anchored on the principle that morality is  Non-voluntary Euthanasia is
relative to the norms of a particular conducted when the permission of
culture or society. the patient to perform the process is
Module 2 Discussion: Ethics
 Involuntary Euthanasia is when
the individual does not give his or
her consent

Moral Issue: Genetic Engineering

 Genetic Engineering is a controversial

ethical issue because it involves genetic
manipulations that are perceived to be
against moral standards set by the
o Genetic Screening is a
procedure whose main purpose
is to screen, choose and select
the genes for proper
detection of any genetic
disease and chromosomal
malformations (Ciabal,2003).
Done for the early diagnosis of

 Genetic Interventions are techniques

such as genetic control, therapy and
o People can now “intervene” in the
biological process and “control”
bad or defective genes.
 Stem Cell Therapy
o is a form genetic engineering that
makes use of stem cell to treat or
prevent diseases.

Professional Ethics

o Professional Ethics covers the

morally accepted behavior of
individuals in the workplace.
o The code of ethics of a particular
profession serves as the guiding
principle in the ethical practice of

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