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Date ___________________ Final grade ________________ Unit 5

Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Total Points Written Test (80/100) ____________________ Total Points Speaking Test (20/100) ____________________

Listening Comprehension

A. You will hear three conversations. There is one question for each conversation. Choose the right answer
(A, B, or C). (3 points)

1. Why is Julie concerned about Kevin?


2. According to the conversation, what can yoga classes do for you?


3. Why is Henry coming to the gym?


B. What is the main topic of Mom and Dad’s conversation? (1 points)

C. Circle three pictures that show what the family is planning to do. (3 points)

D. Complete the sentences with a word or a missing phrase from the conversation. (6 points)

1. It’s great that you’re home early. .

2. while shaping up a little!

3. Andrea is going to love while breathing clean air and seeing the mountains!

4. I need to take some time .

5. What are you two up to? What’s this? Wow! This looks !

6. He’s the end of school! We all need a break!

E. Answer the following questions about the conversation. (10 points)

1. Who is Mom mostly talking to?

2. How many children does the couple have?

3. What does Mom suggest they do for their upcoming vacation?

4. What can Andrea do while on vacation?

5. What dancing classes can Dad join?

6. What do both Sam and Andrea like to do?

7. What’s the family having for dinner?

8. What does Andrea like to do as outdoor activity?

9. How long are they planning on being on vacation?

10. What does Andrea think of the family plan?

F. Read the article about a government program to keep people healthy.

(1) Local governments have had to take on a new responsibility; that of ensuring that people in their
communities stay fit and healthy. Birmingham Council is already hot on the case. For the past few years,
they have been encouraging local residents to enroll in the Be Active program, which allows them to use
local leisure services completely free of charge. The program is free and open to everyone in Birmingham,
but participants must register to obtain a membership card. They can then use the facilities in leisure
centers across the city at certain times of the day.

(2) 29 leisure centers are signed up to be a part of the program. Each leisure center must offer a minimum
of one hour of swimming time and an hour of gym time to Be Active members. In reality, in some
establishments in the more deprived areas, 70% of opening hours are reserved for Be Active members.
Exercise classes and badminton courts are also made available on top of the standard facilities. Be Active
classes are also being provided in schools and community centers. There are also guided bike rides,
which have inspired proposals to roll out more activities in public spaces. These include sports games in
parks, and walking with strollers for new mothers.

(3) Since it was launched in 2008, a third of the local population, a total of 360,000 people, has signed up
for the program. 60% of these are from minority groups, and the average age is 49, as opposed to 29, the
figure for private gyms. The majority were not previously members of a sports club of any kind, half were
overweight or obese, and a fifth considered themselves to be in poor health, indicating that the program
is reaching the people who need it most. Research also shows that since Be Active was set up, there has
been a rise in demand for information about reducing alcohol intake and quitting smoking.

(4) Statistics show that for every $1 spent on the Be Active program, $23 is saved in health services. Sadly, the
program has suffered from budget cuts, and lately it has had to reduce the hours available to members.
Nonetheless, other councils are interested in the great strides made by Birmingham Council, and officials
from Birmingham have been holding workshops with representatives from other councils to spread the
word about what can be achieved.

Source: Triggle, N. (2013) Can free leisure services get people fit? BBC News

G. What is the main topic of the article? (2 points)

H. Circle True or False. (10 points)

1. The Be Active program started up earlier this year. True False

2. Everyone in Birmingham is eligible for Be Active. True


3. Participants must pay a one-time fee to register. True False

4. Participants can use their Be Active membership cards at any sport center in Birmingham. True False

5. Participants can use the leisure facilities at any time of day. True False

6. Participants can only use the leisure facilities for two hours per week. True False

7. Some sport centers dedicate over half of their opening hours to Be Active members. True False

8. Some Be Active activities take place outside leisure centers. True False

9. The Be Active program was not as popular as the council hoped. True False

10. The majority of participants are wealthy, white Birmingham residents. True False
I. In which paragraph does the article mention the information in the phrases below? Write the paragraph
number on the line. (5 points)

1. Since the program started, researchers have noticed that people are asking for more
information about how to be healthy. 

2. Nearly 30 leisure centers are signed up to be part of the program. 

3. People can take fitness classes or play sports if they don’t want to just use the gym. 

4. Unfortunately, the Be Active program has been losing funding, and lately, it has had to
cut back on the hours available to members. 

5. Unlike private gym users, many Be Active members are from minority groups, are older,
and may suffer from health conditions such as obesity. 

J. Which sign (A, B, or C) has a similar meaning to the sentence (1 - 3)? Draw a line. (3 points)

1. This means a productive beginning.

A A stich in time saves nine.

2. This means to take action before matters get worse. B Sue, please give me a hand!

3. This means to help somebody.

Get a head start!
C Come, join the
group now!


K. Complete the sentences with a word from this unit’s vocabulary list. (6 points)

eggplant biological dairy junk food habit harmful

1. The child’s parents died shortly after he was born.

2. Too much salt can be for your health.

3. There are always new products in the section at the grocery store.

4. Having ice cream every day doesn’t seem to be a positive .

5. Vegetarians have many dishes prepared with .

6. Once you get used to having , it becomes habitual.

L. Match the vocabulary word to its meaning. (4 points)

1. gum ( ) suffer a dull, sustained pain

2. compulsory ( ) to grow or acquire

3. develop ( ) obligatory

4. ache ( ) connective tissue that supports teeth


M. In the blanks provided, complete the sentences by adding an adjective phrase to modify the noun. (5 points)

Example: The man ate an apple.

The man sitting next to me ate an apple.

1. I would like the cupcake .

2. The man is the King.

3. The stories are very exciting.

4. I was scared to set foot in the forest .

5. The little girl looked like she might be sick.

N. Rewrite the sentences using passive infinitives. (5 points)

1. The teacher expects you to prepare for the test.


2. They need to build more houses.

3. I am ready to print the final version of the document.

4. She didn't want them to choose her as the captain.

5. They need to empty the apartment by Friday.

Writing 1

O. Complete the following dialogue blocks. (4 points)

A: Hey, you should come with me to the new gym around the corner! It looks unbelievable.


A: Hello. How was your trip to the mountains? Did you go hiking?


Writing 2

P. In your blog, try to persuade people to get active and choose exercise and good habits instead of
giving excuses for being lazy. Remember to use the correct approach: warning, persuading, or expressing
consequences. Make sure to answer the following questions: Why should people care about getting healthy?
What are the first steps they can take? How can they stay motivated? (16 points)

Speaking Test
The Speaking portion of the test is divided in two parts. In the first part, you have 3 minutes to talk by yourself. In
the second part, you have 5 minutes to interact with a partner.

1. Independent speaking; 3 minutes: Share with the class information about your healthy habits.
Answer the following questions:

How do you spend your days?

Do you make sure you include some exercise routines every now and then?
What activities/sport do you usually enjoy doing with friends?
Are you a member of a club or gym?
How do you handle stress?
What kind of food you are more likely to choose?
Do you eat all sorts of food or are you a vegetarian?

2. Interaction with a partner; 5 minutes: Ask a partner to talk about his/her healthy habits by answering the
following questions:

How many times a week do you exercise?

Do you have a favorite sport that you enjoy practicing?
Do you enjoy exercising alone or with friends?
Do you visit the doctor regularly? Do you watch your weight?
What advantages does following healthy habits have?
Do you think exercise helps you be successful at school?


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