Educ 266-Asynchronous Task 1

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Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City


Name: Charlyn C. Andriano Date: September 25, 2022

Educ 266 7:00am – 12:00 nn


A. Compose a 5-stanza poem with 4 lines per stanza on

“My Journey as a 21st Century Educator.”

“My Journey as a 21st Century Educator”

“To teach effectively & practice love in a life of service”, is my motto,

learning by doing, meaningful engagement, and fun learning are also what I
want to do.
My journey as an educator is quite exciting in the 21st century
because I embrace educational technology.

I am a teacher yet also a facilitator,

my learners in this era are always the center.
In my first 2 years in this teaching world,
I let my learners cook, sell, experiment, and be bold.

I do believe that experience is the best teacher,

It molds, grows & develops the knowledge & wisdom of the learners.
Let them experience, explore, enjoy and be equipped,
in a globally competitive world where they fit.

Our world is evolving and innovations arise,

And so educational technology also rises.
TV, projector, lapel, speaker and multimedia are much needed,
In order to awake the interest of our learners.

As a teacher of the 21st century, we should be adapting,

And I know, you and me and all teachers are trying.
Different strategies and techniques we apply,
Because we are giving our best to aim for quality education to fly.
B. Explain:
1. Teaching must be multi-media.
Multimedia activities encourage students to work in groups,
express their knowledge in multiple ways, solve problems,
revise their own work, and construct knowledge. The
advantages of integrating multimedia in the classroom are
many. Through participation in multimedia activities, students
can learn real-world skills related to technology and the value
of teamwork. In addition there will be an effective collaboration
techniques and let the learners know how to present
information in compelling ways and techniques for synthesizing
and analyzing complex content.
2. The best visual aid is the teacher.
Teachers can be considered be considered the best
visual aid during the teaching-learning process because they
offer a wide range of knowledge. They not just facilitate
students’ learning but also integrate values for holistic
development. They can move, talk, and show emotions unlike
steady teaching materials. Things like disciplining the students,
clarifying ideas presented, and acknowledging students’
potentials are done by the teachers. That is why learning
materials without the teacher is lacking.

In addition, what made teachers the best visual

aid is that they are the ones who plan the instruction. They are
the ones who make use of it and thus, they have control over
it. They set objectives for the class to attain. They also are the
ones who will choose appropriate learning resources such that
they will fit students’ interests and capabilities. In other words,
they are the best visual aid because the effectiveness of their
teaching materials or other visual aids lies in their competence
as teachers.

3. Our task regarding creativity is to help children climb their

mountains as high as possible. No one can do more.

Creativity is the use of the imagination or original ideas,

especially in the production of artistic work. Our children have
their own creativity, it is us teachers can develop them by honing
the skill of our learners with their creativity. Our children can
reach greater heights with their creativity because they do so,
teachers are just facilitators, the ones that guide them. No one
but the child herself/himself that reach the mountain.
4. The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the
The natural curiosity of young minds for
satisfying it afterward.
Learners can, and should be, taught how to ask and answer their
questions. Naturally, when learners have unanswered questions, they
are driven to find answers and are curious about what they will discover.
When this becomes a regular part of classroom practice, learners will
regularly ask meaningful questions to support their learning across all
curricular areas. Rather than being passive observers, they become
active participants. It is also true that the more students learn and
reveal, the more questions they have.

5. Exploration is a favored approach in order to encourage

students to seek knowledge independently and manage
the pursuit of their goals.

In the 21st century, teachers are just facilitators in the learning cycle of
lessons. Learners are encouraged to explore and engage in the learning
process. Because it is best that they learn through their experience. Through
this, learners learn more and have fun learning.

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