Focus Group Guide and Survey Questions

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Consent Form

The students of BBA at the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi are conducting
a program assessment under the supervision of Dr. Nida Aslam. You are invited to
participate. The purpose of the study is to examine the usage and consumption of energy
drinks. Specifically, we want to understand what factors influence an average consumer
to purchase energy drinks like Redbull. We will use this information to develop
understanding for our final report to be submitted for our Brand Management class.

If you participate in this study, you will be in a group of approximately 6-10 people.
There will be a moderator who will ask questions and facilitate the discussion, and three
note-takers to write down the ideas expressed within the group. If you volunteer to
participate in this focus group, you will be asked some questions relating to your
experience with hair depilatory product. These questions will help us to better understand
the intentions a consumer undergoes when purchasing hair depilatory products. The
duration of the focus group will be 60-90 minutes and will take place inside the Main
Campus of Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi.

Your participation is voluntary. You may withdraw from this study at any time
without penalty.

Everyone will be asked to respect the privacy of the other group members. All
participants will be asked not to disclose anything said within the context of the
discussion, but it is important to understand that other people in the group with you may
not keep all information private and confidential.

Anonymous data from this study will be analyzed by our group members and by our
course instructor and will be submitted for our semester project. No individual participant
will be identified or linked to the results. Study records, including this consent form
signed by you, may be inspected by the administrators. The results of this study may be
presented to IBA representatives; however, your identity will not be disclosed. All
information obtained in this study will be kept strictly confidential.


By signing this consent form, you are indicating that you fully understand the
above information and agree to participate in this focus group.
Participant's signature:



If you have any questions or concerns about this study, please contact Sheena
Nasrullah, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Faizan Sajid, Meerub Rehan, or Tipu
Dawood, or feel free to contact our course instructor Dr. Farah Naz.

Focus Group Script Example

Focus Group Script

Welcome and thank you for being here today. The purpose of this gathering is to get your
feedback about how we can better understand the consumer intentions to purchase energy
drinks. Specifically, we want to understand what factors are critical which entices a
consumer to purchase energy drinks.

Let me introduce myself. I am , here are our group members by the

names of __________. I will be the moderator in today’s discussion. The format we are
using is a focus group. A focus group is a conversation that focuses on specific questions
in a safe and confidential environment. I will guide the conversation by asking questions
that each of you can respond to. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions.
Just be honest. If you wish, you can also respond to each other’s comments, like you
would in an ordinary conversation. It is my job to make sure that everyone here gets to
participate and that we stay on track. __________ are here to record your participation
and make further notes.

Before we get started, I want to let you know two things. First, the information we learn
today will be compiled into a final report. That report will include a summary of your
comments and some recommendations. Secondly, you do not have to answer any
questions that you do not feel comfortable with. This focus group today is anonymous
and confidential. “Anonymous” means that we will not be using your names and you
will not be identified as an individual in our report of this project. “Confidential” means
that what we say in this room should not be repeated outside of this room.
Obviously, I cannot control what you do when you leave, but I ask each of you to respect
each other’s privacy and not tell anyone what was said by others here today. Although
we hope everyone here honors this confidentiality, please remember that what you say
here today could be repeated by another focus group member. So please, do not say
anything that you absolutely need to keep private.

As you can see, we will be tape recording this focus group. The recording will only be
used to make sure our notes are correct and will not be heard by anyone outside of this
Respondent’s Introduction
1. Tell me about yourself, your name, age, qualification, are you married, do you have
kids, husband’s occupation etc.
2. What is your typical day like?
3. Tell me about your weekdays and weekends
4. How do you spend your leisure time?
5. What about your hobbies?
6. Do you have any time to do things that you like?
7. Do you have a self-care routine? What is it?
8. How often do you buy self-care items? What do they include?

Lifestyle and events

1. What instances make you want to have an energy drink?

2. How often do you play sports?
3. On days when you play sports, what drinks do you consume to stay hydrated?
4. Are there any instances or events when you consume energy drinks?

Section 2. Context For Energy Drinks

Moderator notes: This section will focus on understanding the situations and frequency where energy drinks
are consumed and the feeling that energy drinks bring about.
9. Habit of energy drinks- How often do you consume energy drinks? In what occasions?
How do you consume energy drinks? (Do you mix it with something?)
10. What attracts you towards energy drinks? What encourages you? Focus on factors such
as price, brand and familiarity.
11. What attracts you towards energy drinks? What encourages you? Focus on factors such
as price, brand and familiarity.
12. Deterrent factors for energy drinks; age, health concerns.
13. How do people perceive energy drinks? Perceived effects on health and energy?
14. Mention some of the energy drinks you know.
15. Mention some of the energy drinks you have consumed.
16. Why do you consume Red Bull? How frequently do you consume in a day?
17. Why do you consume other mentioned energy drinks?
18. What motivates them to try Red Bull in the first place? Peer pressure, word of mouth,
effective marketing strategies?
19. How frequently do you travel? Study? Go to gym? Involved in sports?

18. Which energy drink brand comes to your mind when I say the following phrases:

 Vitalizing

 Refreshing

 Non-conformist
 Authoritarian

Section 2 General Topic to Start the Discussion – Shopping

5. Have you heard about these brands – Redbull, Epic, Monster, Coke Zero

6. Which of these brands have you ever or currently use?

7. Which supermarkets or stores do you tend to purchase energy drinks from?

8. Why do you use your chosen brand?

9. What is your primary motivation behind purchasing your energy drink brand?

10. How does your chosen brand make you feel? What do you like about it?

11. Have any of you tried more than one of these brands? How do you compare


12. Why do you prefer one over the other?

13. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear these brands?

14. What one word would you like to associate to these brands? / What do you think
about these brands?

15. Are you aware of their prices? What do you think about these prices? Why do you
think they are priced that way.

16. Which energy drink product do you buy?

17. Why do you prefer (said brand)?
18. How do you feel about your preferred brand?

Section 3 - Brand Image: How Do Participants Perceive Redbull.

19. The energy drink brand you are inclined towards?
20. The exact product that you are currently using?
21. Why is this product & format suitable for you personally?
22. Since when: for how long have you been using it?
23. When was the first time you bought this product of the brand you mentioned?
What were you using before that?
24. How did you come to know about this product and started using it?
25. How did you start using your current brand? Moderator to note for influencers such as
personal advice from friends/family, TV ads, brand campaigns etc.
26. Why do you like it and use it vs any other product?
27. Is there anything you don’t like about your current brand?
28. What is missing or could be improved? Why is this important for you?
29. What do you think of this brand Redbull overall?
On what aspects would you trust Redbullfor?
On which aspects would you NOT trust Redbull for?
30. How do you compare Redbull to the brands that we discussed earlier? Moderator to
probe the relevant brands as mentioned above in the brand awareness section
31. Have you tried any Redbull products before?
32. If yes, please tell what made you try it, how you heard about it and how the experience
was. Why did you stop using it?

Section 4. Product Usage and Convenience

33. How often do you use these products?
34. What are the occasions when you use these products?
35. Which SKUs do you buy?
36. How do you feel after consuming this product
37. Are these products available at your nearby stores?
38. Where do you shop for these products?
39. During Pandemic did your shopping patterns change?
40. After Pandemic did they go back to normal?
41. How often do you see promotions/ discounts of these products?
42. Do these discounts promotions make you want to buy the product?
43. Do you use online channels to buy the product?
44. If yes, what online channels do you use?

Section 5 – Communication
Participants will be shown a similar communication for all brands and asked to
comment on them


45. Tell me what you think is being communicated in this ad? Probe in detail
46. What was the secondary message? Why do you say so?
47. What is that you like in this Ad? Why do you like it? Probe for all possible
positive associations
48. What is it that you dislike in this Ad? Probe for all possible negative
49. Did you find anything special and unique in this advertisement?
50. If yes, then ask what and why do they find it different? If no then ask why
51. What do you think of the theme/ story of this ad is? What makes you say
that? Moderator to understand if this theme connects with the consumers or
52. How do you find the theme? What do you like/dislike about it?
53. Do you think this ad is believable? If yes, why? If no why not?
54. What can be done to make it more believable?
55. Do you think it is made for people like yourselves? Why? Why not?
56 What kind of people would like to watch this advertisement?
57. Do you think this ad is made for our local market? How can you say that?
58. What do you think is the role of XYZ energy drink in this ad? What makes you
say that?
59. How convincing is this ad? What makes you say that?
60. What do you think is missing?
61. How can the advertisement be made more persuasive for people like you?
62. Do you think it is persuasive enough to make you want to buy it? What makes
it so persuasive?
63. What was the tagline? Do you recall hearing or seeing it?
64. How does it make you feel? It could be anything, a word, feeling, emotion,
any incidents, etc. Moderator to wait for spontaneous responses
65. What message is this tagline conveying to you? How do you like it?
Section 6 – Social Media Habits
66. Can you tell me how you keep yourself updated?
67. Where would you want to see this ad? Which platform? Why?
68 Do you watch TV? At what times?
69. Which channels do you watch most? Why these ones?
70. How often do you use internet and for what purposes? Moderator to probe in detail.

Last Comments
We’ve covered most of what we came here to ask. Do you have any questions, comments,
It’s been great meeting you all, thank you and have a pleasant day.

Survey Questions
1. Name
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Do you consume energy drinks?
5. Which of these energy drinks have you used most frequenty?
 Red Bull
 Monster
 Sting
 I prefer soft drinks (mention which)
6. Which brand of energy drinks do you prefer?
7. How frequently do you consume energy drinks?
 More than once a week
 Once a week
 1-3 times a month
 Less than once a month
8. What is the reason for consuming energy drinks?
 Price
 Availability
 For energy
 Taste
 Familiarity
9. Where do you buy energy drinks?
 Retail shops
 Petrol station
 Supermarkets
 Online platforms
10. On what occasion do you consume energy drinks?
 Parties
 Before exams/deadlines
 At work
 No need for special occasions
11. Energy drinks make me healthier (Likert Scale)
12. Energy drinks improve my endurance (Likert Scale)
13. Energy drinks are safe to use (Likert Scale)
14. Energy drinks provide me with energy (Likert Scale)
15. Energy drinks are refreshing (Likert Scale)
16. Energy drinks improve my concentration (Likert Scale)

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