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FOUR (4) Ps

1. PEOPLE - is important in an organization it is said to be that an organization as people look to

its customer as people not just a consumer who buys product. They must understand the value
marketing and how are they going to communicate to people.
2. PROCESSES – these are all the discipline that comes into a marketing management. They
way how they do and run a particular business to generate an income to people. They must
understand that every single process is an advantage to their competitors.
3. PROGRAMS – they must accomplish multiple objectives, what they did in the previous
planning including high tech and traditional program for marketing is very much important and
it must be incorporated into marketing techniques.
4. PERFORMANCE – these are all the impacts on the society, how you create your brand, your
style, and your service to people. The implication of being a quality producer makes your
company a well-known service or products provider to people.

- These are all channels on how you are going to transmit your messages to your end buyer.
Example of these are the following mails, magazines, newspaper, smartphone, posters etc.
DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS – these are the own who help display, sell of deliver your product to the
buyer or user. The internet, wholesalers, agents are example of this distribution channels.
PAID MEDIA – these are sponsorship, magazine, display ads an example of this is when we are
watching tv or on social media other advertisement immediately pop up after another as a paid
advertisement of some business.
OWNED MEDIA – example of these are the platforms like blog, facebook page and website and
many other. These are all use for an advertisement in many forms like posting videos, photos etc.
EARNED MEDIA - refers to publicity gained through promotional efforts other than advertising or
branding. EXAMPLE Twitter might revolve around trending topics worldwide, but there are also
countless smaller communities of Twitter users who broadcast their thoughts on issues related to
their industry. A tweet, therefore, is a tiny instance of earned media. But it depends on whom the
tweet comes from.
Impressions is just a view of a communication for example you just saw a product and you thought
you might like it but you did not interact to any other sales personnel. On the other hand, Engagement
is that when you thought you like the product you did ask the sales personnel and make a
communication about the prize, discount and etc meaning your thoughts of impressions converted
into engagement which possibly in return you might get sales.
The value are the characteristics that a product or services possess. Let say the product is in good
quality, it records as its tangible characteristics that will benefit the customer. It can raise the value of
the product depending upon on its characteristics. While Satisfaction is the comments, or feedbacks
we can get from the customer. It should be a reach expectations or disappointment.
It is a channel from raw materials delivering up to its final customer.
These are all your rivals in your business that offers the same of your business. You must recognize
all your rivals or else you will lost in the market. It is always to check your product, improve your
product and deliver it on your customer on time.
- These include the task and the broad environment. The task environment includes producing,
distributing, and offering.
- Supplier groups includes material supplier, service suppliers
- Distributors includes brokers, manufacturer and who facilitates finding and selling to customer.
- DEMOGRAPHIC – the size and the number of the people inside, how many are male, female
are example of this
- ECONOMIC – what is the statud of the economy in particular place whether it is reach or not
- SOCIAL – CULTURAL – it talks about the society the people, and the way of living in
particular place
- NATURAL – these are the natural environment itself
- TECHNOLOGICAL – how advance is the place in terms of technology
- POLITICAL – LEGAL – is it covered with political aspects as a place
TECHNOLOGY – massive information now is almost everywhere, and everything is available to
consumers and to market due to widely use of mobile phone and internet. The traditional way of
marketing where in giving liftets and flyers are now not important but posting and sharing it to a wide
environment in the internet world are the most vital in sharing your products and services.
- They take lessons from another country where in innovation take place to adapt the system in
the other country. Let say one country deliver their product in another country through the use
of internet and online access. Another country wants to received the same export but they are
not adapting the same technology use meaning they will not be able to received the item
because they don’t have the same system.
- They must know the ability and capability of the society to adapt and accept their product and
services. Meaning the marketing team will conduct a research base on the needs and wants of
the society.

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