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Q.1) What are the flavours of the Internet of Things?

=> flavours of internet are =

1. internet of flying stuff – they connected thing that move above the earth
surface e.g.- amazon prime air
2.internet of moving stuff - they connected thing that move on or below the
earth surface
3. internet of social stuff – it is that part of an IoT which is capable of
establishing social relationships with other objects with respect to humans.
4.internet of talking stuff- its connected to thing that communicate. it’s a
technique by which human can interact with machine via speech like Alexa

Q.2) Write an equation of “Internet of Things “And explain the purpose of IOT.
=> The Internet of things is defined as a concept in which objects equipped
with sensors actuators, and controller. communicate with each other to serve
a meaningful purpose.
Equation of Internet of Things: Physical Object + Controllers, Sensors and
Actuators + Internet = Internet of Things
--The main purpose of IoT is to create an ecosystem that connects everything.
An ecosystem where everything is connected to each other connecting and
exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet.

Q.3) Explain the technology of the Internet of Things.

=> There are five layers in technology that serves IOT=
--first layer is of gadgets in which device can connect to the internet like
mobile phone, laptop, satellite.
--second layer contains sensors and actuators like temperature sensor,
ultrasonic sensor sound sensors and many more
--third layer act as a controller it’s in form of microcontroller like Arduino UNO,
Raspberry pi they calculate data from sensors
--fourth layer is communication layer whether they can be wired or wireless
they helps in sending the data
--fifth layer is data aggregator where gateways act as main component
--sixth layer is computation layer here cloud services are for mapping the data
and display the result

Q.4)? What are enchanted objects

=> Enchanted Objects are simply smart objects with attitude. An enchanted
object can locate things, ensure virtual human interaction, and provide
mobility while being merged into our daily environment. They are the smart
physical object they are manufactured product by embedding electronic tag
Such as RFID and smart virtual object are created as software like Alexa
Q.5) Who is making the Internet of Things?
=> People making the Internet of things do not do individual work for devices.
They work together with mutual understanding to do the task
1. Artist works at the forefront of technology innovation and can bring a fresh
point of view on technology. They observe how people respond to these
experiments in advanced technologies can provide insights about what people
need and will accept, and this can feed into the design and development of
those technologies.
2. the Designer will design the structure of a device by using the idea of Artist.
3. Artists collaborate with traditional craftsperson for printmaking while
thinking about the idea of IoT device.
4. Engineer will implement this design of designer into actual
5.hackers have various technical and artistic interests and skills. They will
include new features into the device or will test the device properly so that the
device remains safe.
6. The IoT Architect leads the way through “the vision, strategy, architecture
and guide of IoT solutions from inception to deployment

Q.6) explain calm and ambient technology

=> calm - type of information technology where the interaction between the
technology and its user is designed to occur in the user's periphery rather than
constantly at the centre of attention.
This technology increases user use of his periphery this creates pleasant user
experience by not overburdening user with information

Ambient - This technology is human-centric, as it is highly responsive to the

presence of humans within its environment. Ambient intelligence is a
sophisticated AI system that detects and reacts to human presence. Like Siri
and Alexa responded to humans
It has ability to recognize individual identity and gives awareness of factor such
as weather, traffic, news also has ability to recognize different activities

Q.7) what do you mean by magic as metaphor?

=> 1. The apotheosis connectivity – A way to connect every object and thing
and the end of loneliness and isolation
2. The reality transducer – the IOT is the way to blend physical reality into
virtual or digital entity
way to blend physical reality and virtual reality into one single space
3. An omniscience engine – a way to make world more knowledgeable
through perfect data collection and analysis
4. A global neural network - A control system for reality made possible
through automated sensing, processing and acting
5. A hivemind platform – a way of creating hivemind society by incorporating
overselves into IOT

Q.8) explain term keeping secret

=> Don’t share more than you need to provide the service.
• “The best way to keep a secret is to never have it”.
• If you can avoid gathering and/or storing the data in the first place, you need
not worry about disclosing it accidentally.
• we could also consider applying the standard mechanisms for password
encryption, such as the one-way hash, to other pieces of data.
• One-way hashing is a cryptographic technique used to condense an
arbitrarily sized chunk of data into a fixed-sized piece, called the hash.
• It’s called one-way hashing because there isn’t an easy way, given the
resultant hash, to work out what the original data was.
• Hashing algorithms are so designed such that even a small difference in the
input data leads to a huge difference in the output hash.

Q.9) explain following terms

a. web thinking and connected devices
b. small pieces, loosely joined
c. first class citizen on internet
=> web thinking and connected devices –
we should aim to get into the mindset of the web and create devices which
are of the web rather than those which just exist on the web.
The Web of Things (WoT) is a computing concept that describes a future where
everyday objects are fully integrated with the Web. The prerequisite for WoT is
for the "things" to have embedded computer systems that enable
communication with the Web. Such smart devices would then be able to
communicate with each other using existing Web standards.

Small pieces, loosely joined –

Internet is a collection of services and machines following the maxim of small
pieces, loosely joined.
• each piece should be designed to do one thing well and not rely too
much on tight integration with the separate components it uses.
• make the components more generalised and able to serve other systems
which require a similar function.
• this will help to reuse and repurpose the components to
build new capabilities Where possible, use existing standards and protocols
rather than inventing your own.

-first class citizen on internet

First class thing on internet on internet have -
All things may have bounded basic rights
all thing may be particular parameter function
all thing may come back as result of function
all thing may be topic of assignment statements
all thing may be tested for quality

Q.10) What is manufactured normalcy field? Explain.

=> Venkatesh Rao a technology blogger came up with a term to explain how
new technology is adopted. He proposed that we don’t see the present, the
world that we live is now, as something that is changing. If we step back for a
second, we do know that it has changed, although the big advances quite
change on us over time, hidden in plain sight. This concept is called
Manufactured normalcy field.
2. For a technology to be adopted, it has to make its way inside the
Manufactured normalcy field. The successful user-experience the designer is
one who gives user experience which does not stretch the boundaries of their
particular normalcy field too far, even if the underlying technology is a huge
leap ahead of the norm.

Q.10) What is graceful degradation? Also explain affordance with

respect to technology.
=>Graceful degradation is the ability of a computer, machine, electronic
system or network to maintain limited functionality even when a large portion
of it has been destroyed or rendered inoperative.
The aim of graceful degradation is to stop ruinous failure even the synchronous
loss of multiple parts does not cause a period of time during a system with this
Graceful degradation is usually thought of resembling fault tolerance
This technique involves aiming to provide a fully featured experience if the
client is capable of it but then falling back—potentially in a number of
levels—to a less feature-rich experience on less capable clients.

Affordance –
Affordance Is a what a use cand do with the objects based on their capabilities
Affordance is not a property of an object instead an affordance is defined in
relation between user and objects. affordance is in essence an action
possibility in the relation between user and an object

Q.11) Describe use of following protocols: IP, TCP and UDP.

=> IP - It stands for internet protocol. every computer in the world has IP which
defines their address. As IP contains user address it helps to send the
requested data to the user before that it goes through many machines like
router and Ethernet
TCP – stands for the Transmission Control Protocol its simplest transport
protocol on the Internet, TCP is built on top of the basic IP protocol and adds
sequence numbers, acknowledgements, and retransmissions.
UDP – stands for user datagram protocol UDP useful for applications such as
streaming data, which can cope with minor errors but doesn’t like
retransmission udp provides continuous flow of packet which help in streaming
Q.12) Write a note on DNS
=> DNS stands for the domain name system, DNS helps us to navigate to
through the internet with defined name like this
helps us to remain website easily rather than knowing their IP. Each domain
name has a top-level domain (TLD), like .com, which further subdivides
into and, and so on. This top-level domain knows where to find
more information about the domains within it;
Q.13) Compare static and dynamic IP address assignment.
Static Dynamic
static IP address is assigned manually dynamic IP address is assigned by the
by the network administrator DHCP server automatically.

Static IP address does not get dynamic IP address get changed any
changed with time. time.
Static IP Address is less secured Dynamic IP address being changed so
it is less risky.
Static IP address is difficult to assign Dynamic IP address is easy to assign
and reassign
Q.14) Differentiate between TCP and UDP protocols.
Requires an established connection to Connectionless protocol with no
transmit data requirements for opening,
maintaining, or terminating a
Can guarantee delivery of data to the Cannot guarantee delivery of data to
destination route the destination
Slower than UDP and does not Faster than UDP and support
support broadcasting broadcasting
Used by HTTPS, HTTP, SMTP, POP, Video conferencing, streaming, DNS,
FTP, etc VoIP, etc

Q.15) What are the benefits of using IPV6 in IOT?

=> 1. IPv6 Is Capable of Sending Large Data Packets Simultaneously to
Conserve Bandwidth. With The Help of Fast Transmission of Data Due to
IPv6 In IoT
2. IPv6 Provides Far Better Security Than IPv4. This Security Given by IPv6 Is
of Utmost Importance to IoT Because Of Its High Dependency on Network.
3. IPv6 Provides Multiple Addresses to Devices. Its Routing Mechanism Is
Also Distributed in A Better Way Than IPv4.
4. IPv6 Is Capable of Giving Out Various IP Addresses to These IoT Devices So
That They Can Be Easily Recognized on The Internet and Can Work Efficiently
to Transfer Data from One IoT Device to Another.

Q.16) Write a note on MAC address.

=> mac address stands for media access control every network-connected
device also has a MAC address It is used to differentiate different machines on
the same physical network so that they can exchange packets. Though MAC
addresses are globally unique, they don’t typically get used outside of one
Ethernet network. It is a 48-bit number, usually written as six groups of
hexadecimal digits, separated by colons—for example: 01:23:49:67:89: ab

Q.17) Explain the use of TCP and UDP ports. Give examples.
=> when we send TCP/IP message over the Internet, you have to send it to the
right port. TCP ports, unlike entrances to the device, are referred to by
numbers (from 0 to 65535). where each service like http smtp ftp is running on
different ports. We have a total of 65,535 TCP Ports
and another 65,535 UDP ports. When a program on your computer sends or
receives data over the Internet it sends that data to an IP address and a
specific port on the remote computer and receives the data on a usually
random port on its own computer. If it uses the TCP protocol to send and
receive the data then it will connect and bind itself to a TCP port. If it uses the
UDP protocol to send and receive data, --# form example by own #--

Q.18) list and explain application layer protocols

=> 1. HTTP –
http stands for the hypertext transfer protocol. HTTP is, at its core, a
simple protocol. The client requests a resource by sending a command to a
URL, with some headers. Like HTTP is, at its core, a
simple protocol. The client requests a resource by sending a command to a
URL, with some headers.
2. HTTPS encrypted –
The HTTPS protocol is actually just a mix-up of plain old HTTP over the
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. An HTTPS server listens to a different port
(usually 443) and on connection sets up a secure, encrypted connection with
the client When that’s established, both sides just speak HTTP to each other as
3. SMTP (optional) –
SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is an application that is used to send,
receive, and relay outgoing emails between senders and receivers. When an
email is sent, it's transferred over the internet from one server to another
using SMTP.

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