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Advanced Excel – Internal Components

Power BI Economic Analysis – Marks 25

Power Bi File to be submitted
a) Inflation and GDP Analysis – Line Charts
b) FDI Analysis – Column Chart
c) GNI & Population – Column Chart
d) CO2 Emissions and GDP Growth Annual% - Line Chart Analysis
e) Scatter plot of CO2 and GDP Growth Annual %
f) Population and Population Growth Analysis Column with Line Chart
g) Imports and Exports Analysis – Area Chart
h) Merchandise % trade Waterfall chart
i) GDP per capita Cards and Column Chart
Analysis can be written in power charts text box or a separate word file or PPT can be
submitted. Analysis and Interpretation is must.

Power BI Covid Data Analysis – Marks 25

Power BI File to be submitted
a) Establishing Date format and Hierarchy
b) Creating date formats month, quarter, etc.
c) Analysis and Interpretation of Total Cases using line plots and other charts
d) Analysis and interpretation of Deaths using line plots and other charts
e) Analysis and Interpretation of Recoveries using line plots and other charts
f) Forecasting of covid scenario

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