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Paper Manufacturing: A Study on Food Waste as a Main Material on Producing Paper.

Aprecio, Kristhal Kaye T., Cohoy, Girlie May A., Fagcayang Alvie Joy S., Millan, Diana Isabel S., Ngawit, Ezra
Mae B., Orinion, Allyssa Meir B., Saboy, Jelly March B.

University of the Cordilleras, Senior High School

Keywords: Paper making process, Food waste management, Fruits and Vegetable residuals.

Paper was produce by beating cellulose
Food waste is made up of materials intended fibers which were extracted either from wood or non-
for human consumption that are subsequently wood plants. These fibers undergo varied chemical
discharged, lost, degraded or contaminated. The treatments that is not very environmentally friendly.
problem of food waste is currently on an increase, It is very necessary to make sure paper production
involving all sectors of sustainable solutions extends process and raw materials does not intent any harm
to all contributors to the food supply chains to environment. In addition, discharge of foul-
agricultural and industrial sectors as well as retailers smelling waste of vegetable and fruits from
and final consumers. A series of solution may be household pose, restaurants and farmers results to
implemented in the appropriate management of food various problems like foul smell, pollution, filthy
waste and priorities in a similar way to waste environment and garbage problems. To minimize
management hierarchy. such issues, a paper is produce from fruit and
vegetable residuals like cabbage, lime and orange
Paper has been a very important part of a pulp, spinach, guava, potatoes and radish leaves with
human life. It is the most versatile material with the inclusion of oriental lily leaves, natural binder,
diverse uses like writing, printing, packaging and anti-microbial agent and non-chlorinated bleaching
manufacturing cleaning. Paper is one of the most agent.
component materials which is technically produced This research mainly deals with making
by pressing moist fibers together. These fibers are nonchemical based, eco-friendly and cost effective
mainly the cellulose which is derived from wood, rags paper from food waste such as fruits and vegetable
or grasses and then dried into sheets. Bleaching residuals and replace the normally used paper in the
agents such as sodium hypochlorite, calcium future.
hypocrite and hydrogen peroxide are most commonly REFERENCES
Paper during the process go through Francesca G., Luca A., Raffaello C., (2015,
numerous chemical processes where chemicals like June 27). Food waste generation and industrial uses:
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for sizing, silicate of magnesia for high finish, and
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Manufacturing of Environmental Friendy Paper
From Domestic Residuals of Fruits Vegetable.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences and
Research Technology.

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