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NCM 119: Nursing Leadership and Management

Name: Ezekiel John S. Comidoy Yr. & Section: BSN4-B

1. In your own words, explain the difference between leadership and management. Do you know
someone who is more of a manager than a leader or more a leader than a manager?

The distinction between management and leadership is that; LEADERSHIP is guiding, inspiring, and
encouraging a group of individuals to complete a task, project, or objective. While the MANAGEMENT is
the process of effectively using the people, tools, and resources at your disposal to complete a task,
project, or goal. Within any leadership or management function, you must possess a solid mix of both
leadership and management skills to be effective. Both leaders and managers must be capable of
making good decisions and addressing problems. In making decisions and resolving issues, they both are
essential. Leaders and managers should collaborate during a crisis, just like they would while addressing
problems or making decisions. The company's speedy recovery will be aided by it.

In general, management and leadership are two distinct chapters in a book, but in some
organizations, they are frequently confused. These are two attributes that complement one another and
go together. Managers organize, plan, and collaborate to carry out the vision or goal set by their leaders.
From a military perspective, a manager is a field general, but a leader is a commander-in-chief. However,
in order to be a successful manager as well as a good leader, you must possess some managerial talents.

My mentor was an excellent example of a good leader back then, when I was in secondary school.
He was a staunch believer in faith in his colleagues. With his brilliant leadership skills, he made our
school's excellence performance the best in the whole province. I was helped to become a good leader
to my fellow scouters and students because I was promoted to become their scout leader without a
single experience. He taught me how to deal with a difficult unexpected situation through him. 

One more I was amazed and idolized the president of America when I saw a full documentary on
him. Abraham Lincoln was another notable leader. The most notable accomplishment was that he
abolished slavery in the US. He, as a result, gained a lot of foes. On the other hand, he had a lot of self-
assurance. His fight against slavery was undoubtedly a motivator. 

In conclusion, it is clear that leadership is important in every element of life. Success can be attained
through effective leadership. Ineffective leadership, on the other hand, guarantees failure. Effective
leaders are therefore vital to society.
2. Interview a hospital-based nurse educator. Does someone in this role function as both a leader
and a manager? Is one role more important than the other in order to be successful as an

Nurse Dennerie Chicklet Acuzar is a nurse educator as well as a staff nurse at the
Municipal Health Center in the Municipality of New Corella. She has worked as a nurse for four
years. She claimed that her motivation for choosing nursing was always a desire to assist

As a hospital-based nurse educator, they can be both a leader and a manager. Firstly, as
an educator, you must have the heart and deed as a leader since you are an advocate for all
patients you educate with the health teaching you’ve given. You must set an example for them
to understand and sincerely follow everything you have said to them. Let yourself, as a nurse,
lead them to be healthier. Lastly, you can also be a manager since you are the one who controls
the teachings of some patients whom you have educated about living a good health and
lifestyle. You are also accountable for how effective you are as a patient educator. Is one role
more important than the other in order to be successful as an educator? On the contrary, both
roles are important to becoming a successful nurse educator. It takes both functions to be
applied in order for the nurses’ health teaching to be as effective as it can be.

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