HILONGO - MIDTERM ACTIVITY # 2 Globalization of Religion

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Give some positive and negative effects of globalization on


Positive religious coping is where an individual has a close relationship with a

higher power, is spiritually connected with others, and has a benevolent world
view. Negative religious coping involves spiritual struggle with one's self, others,
and a higher power.

Negative it explains that as globalization does so, it also disrupts traditional

communities, causes economic marginalization, and brings individuals mental
stress, all of which create a backlash of religious parochialism.

2. How globalization affects religious practices and beliefs?

Religion, at its core, is tribal. It is used to unite and energize the adherents, against all
those poor, lost outsiders. As such, asking the question in its inverse form, “How have
religious practices and beliefs affected globalization?” is also important.

Religion is, in many ways, a key component of globalization. Most of the first European
settlements on the American continent where motivated by religious belief, or at the
very least were complicit in the formation or religious outposts. Even to this day, there
are almost half a million Christian missionaries are still stationed throughout the planet
attempting to convert people, “expand the tribe.”

So religion, and very specifically Christianity, has had a huge influence in globalization.
But the question was about the affect on globalization on religious practices and beliefs.
And it seems globalization is ironically slowing the growth of religion, and in fact may
even be retarding the practice of religion.

As people gain a broader perspective on the world, they begin to realize that there is an
enormous number of different religious practices and beliefs. And that people with
entirely different beliefs and entirely different deities, or even no deities at all, can still be
devout, moral, and compassionate. This leads first to a more, “live and let live”
approach. No need or benefit to proselytizing to people who are already inherently
decent and moral and devout in their own beliefs.

But there is another step after that, and I believe we are in the very early stages of that
next step. That is where people begin to see that religion is never going to unite us; that
it can always only separate us. And as such, we are, as a planet and a people, better off
without it.

3. What makes religion so important to people?

Religion can be a source of comfort and guidance. It can provide a basis for
moral beliefs and behaviors. It can also provide a sense of community and
connection to tradition. Some research even suggests that it may affect health.

4. Define Secularization?

A simple definition of secularization is the declining importance of religion in a


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