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Matricule: HP20A009
Level: 400
Course: ITE413
1. Consider the LCR electrical network shown in the figure below. Find the transfer
function G(s) = V0(s)/Vi(s).


2. In the mechanical system shown in the figure, m is the mass, k is the spring
constant, b is the friction constant, u(t) is an external applied force and y(t) is the
resulting displacement.
1) Find the differential equation of the system
2) Find the transfer function between the input U(s) and the output Y(s)

1) The differential equation of the system is given by;
∑ x = ma, where m= max and a= acceleration
= -Ky(t) – bV +u(t) = ma ; V = Velocity.
u(t) = ma(t) + bV(t) + Ky(t)

2) The transfer function is determined with the Laplace transformation (with zero as
initial condition).

u(t) = ma(t) + bV (t) + ky((t)

By laplace transformation,

u(s) = mS 2 y(s) + bSy(s) + ky(s)

H(s) = y(s) / u(s) = 1/mS2 + bs + ky

3. Find the closed-looped transfer function for the following block diagram

E(s) = R(s) – F(s) ; F(s) = Hs * Ys
=Rs – Hs*Ys ;
Ys = Es * Gs
Ys= {R(s)- Fs}*Gs
Transpose eqn
Ys * {1+Hs*Gs} = Rs*gs
Ys /Rs = Gs/1+Hs*Gs

4. A control system has a forward path of two elements with transfer functions K and
1/(s+1) as shown. If the feedback path has a transfer function s, what is the transfer
function of the closed loop system.

Since K and S are parallel, we add them to have k+s
We will be left with K+S in series with 1/s+1 so we multiply them to gain (K + S)*(1/s+1)
The transfer function Ys/Rs = KS + k + S 2 + S
5. Reduce the following block diagram and determine the transfer function.

Step 1;
G1 and G2 are in series so the net block is G1*G2
G3 and G4 are in parallel, so the net block is G3+G4
Step 2: Making G34 to be in series with G12

Step 3: solving the negative feedback for circuit H1

Let A be the negative feedback H1
A = Gs / 1+Hs where Gs = G12*G34
Hs = 1+ (H1/G34) * G12*G34
=G 12 *G 34 / 1 +( H1/G 34) )*G12*G34
This will break down our circuit to;

Step 4;
The complete negative feedback will be ;
Gs/1+Hs in this case it is ;
A/ 1+ H2*A = {=G 12 *G 34 / 1 +( H1/G 34) )*G12*G34 } / { 1+ H2 * (=G 12 *G 34 / 1 +( H1/G
34) )*G12*G34 )

= 1/1+H2
Transfer function Y/R = 1/1+H2

6. Reduce the following block diagram and determine the transfer function.

Step 1;
Let’s start with H1,
Gs/1+Hs = G/1+H1*G
Step 2;
Transfer function Y/R = G/1+H1*G / 1 + G/1+H1*G * Hs
= H2*G*H1+1/G*H1+1

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