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Legal English –Mason 1

Legal Concepts 10. File a Claim / Sue:

1. ________________ 1) To petition a court for redress of grievances
(1) A legal system of “codes” developed from or a remedy for the violation of a right;
Roman law based primarily on statutes and 2) To begin court proceedings
laws enacted by legislatures; General Vocabulary
(2) The area of the law concerned with non- 11. Allegation/To Allege:
criminal matters, rights and remedies a statement that has not (yet) been proven to
2. ________________ be true (and which may not be proven to be
A legal system developed in England and in use true in the future) claiming that someone has
in most former English colonies based on done something wrong or illegal; A formal
customs, usage and court decisions (also case declaration of facts
law, judge-made law) in addition to statutes Consider: accusation/to accuse
3. ________________ 12. Assets:
The area of the law related to government ________________
punishment, including fines and/or 13. Breach:
imprisonment, of people who violate laws for (1) v. To break a legal obligation;
the protection with property, health, safety, (2) n. The violation or infraction of a law or
and moral welfare of people (also penal law) legal obligation
14. ________________
Legal Profession Loss or harm to person or property
4. The Bar: 15. Damages:
The association of lawyers as an institution, said Money claimed by, or ordered to be paid to, a
especially of lawyers who primarily appear in claimant as compensation for loss or injury
court caused by a defendant;
5. ________________ compensation sought from a defendant
In England, a lawyer who consults with clients 16. Debts:
and prepares legal documents but is not ________________
generally heard in court. Solicitors now have 17. Drafting/To Draft:
limited rights of audience in the lower courts The act of writing of a document
6. ________________ 18. Fixed:
In England, a lawyer with advanced training and Something that is certain and cannot be
experience whose primary function is to be an changed
advocate, both orally and in writing, for parties 19. ________________
engaged in formal legal disputes in courts or One that owns real property and rents or leases
tribunals. Barristers are “admitted to the Bar” the property to a tenant
and have the right of audience in all courts. 20. Litigation/Litigate/Litigator:
1. “Litigation” n.: The process of pursuing or
Starting a Claim defending a claim in court; a lawsuit
7. ________________ (UK)/________________ (US): 2. “Litigate” v.: To pursue or defend a claim in
The person/party who starts a claim/civil case court;
by filing a formal notice of dispute in court; one 3. “Litigator” n.: A lawyer who advocates for
who asserts a right or demand in court clients in court.
8. Defendant/Respondent: 21. To Merge/Merger
The person/party who is identified as When two or more separate companies join
responsible for injuring a claimant/plaintiff and together to form one company
is called on to defending against the claim/civil 22. Procedure:
case filed by the claimant/plaintiff A decided or fixed way of doing something
9. Complaint: 23. ________________
In civil law, the document filed by the One that pays rent to use or occupy land, a
claimant/plaintiff setting forth the facts which building, or other real property.
give rise to his/her dispute with the 24. A Will
defendant/respondent on which the claim is A legal document in which a person gives
based details of what they want to happen to their
assets after their death
Legal English –Mason 2

Bank Terms 16. Withdraw

1. Accrue: _______________________________________
To grow or accumulate (e.g., interest)
2. Arrears: Loan Terms
The amount of money that a debtor has failed to 17. _______________
repay within the time specified in the loan Obtain or receive something on loan with the
document promise of returning it or its equivalent
3. Balance: 18. _______________
The amount of money in a bank account Someone who obtains or receives something
4. Bank Branch: with the promise of returning it in the future
_______________________________________ 19. Installment loan
5. Bank Transfer: A loan that is repaid over time with a number of
Money moved from one account to another; regularly scheduled payments. A mortgage is a
The process of moving money between accounts type of installment loan.
6. __________ Card 20. _______________
A plastic payment card that allows a person at a (1) The amount of money that a bank charges
point of purchase to electronically borrow for a loan;
money from a bank pay for goods or services (2) The amount of money a bank pays a
with the promise to repay the money with customer for use of money deposited in an
interest account
7. __________ Card: 21. Interest rate
A plastic payment card that can be used at a The percentage of an amount of money that a
point of purchase to electronically transfer lender charges a borrower to use the money for a
money directly from the user’s bank account to period of time (often a year, called the Annual
the seller for goods or services; the money Percentage Rate - APR)
comes directly from the user’s bank account and 22. _______________
is similar to paying with cash Someone who provides another with temporarily
8. Default: use of something (e.g., money) on condition that
The omission or failure to perform a legal or it be returned, usually with an interest fee
contractual duty, particularly, the failure to pay a 23. Loan/Lend:
debt when due v.: To grant or allow someone the temporary use
9. Deposit: of something
_______________________________________ 24. Loan
10. Disclose/Disclosure: n.: A borrowed sum of money
(1) v. To reveal or make known information; 25. Purchase: acquire (something) by paying for it; buy
(2) n. The information revealed or made known. 26. Secured Loan
11. Eligible/Eligibility: A loan agreement in which the borrower agrees
To be fit and proper to be selected or to receive to give the lender (i.e., pledges) a valuable asset
a benefit; legally qualified for an office, (e.g., a car or land) if the borrower fails to repay
privilege, or status; the money as agreed. The pledged asset is
12. Fee: called the “security” or “collateral” for the loan
Money paid for professional services 27. Security (for a loan):
13. Marital status: An asset a borrower pledges to guarantee the
_______________________________________ repayment of a loan, satisfaction of an
_______________________________________ obligation, or compliance with an agreement;
14. Notify/Notice/Notification collateral
(1) To inform a person or group of an event,
either, orally or in writing; Property
(2) Notice/Notification - information given to a 28. Real property:
person or group; Land and anything fixed, immovable, or
(3) “Put on notice” means to give a person or permanently attached to it
group a formal warning 29. Personal property:
15. Owe: Any movable or intangible thing that is subject
To have an obligation to repay or provide to ownership and not classified as real property
something; N.B. do not confuse with Own,
which means to possess something
Legal English –Mason 3

Contract Terms agreement, or other transaction but who is

Elements of a contract: somehow implicated in or stands to benefit
1. ____________________ or injured by the results
2. ____________________ 16. Valid
3. ____________________ Legally sufficient and binding (e.g., “a valid
4. ____________________ contract”)
17. _______________
5. Acceptance: Having no present legal effect; invalid; not
An unconditional agreement to what has binding
been proposed by the other party: Litigation Terms
6. ____________________ 18. Appeal
Something of value given by one party to a n.: a procedure by which an appellant seeks
contract to the other party to the contract. review of a lower court’s decision by a
Consideration may be money, an act, a higher court.
promise to act, or a promise not to act (i.e., v.: to ask a higher court to reverse the decision
forbearance). To form a valid contract, each of a trial court
party must give consideration to the other 19. Appellant
party. Once they have exchanged The party who applies to a higher court to
consideration the parties are bound to review a decision made by a lower court
perform the contract. 20. Appellee – the respondent in an appeal
7. Duress: 21. Trial Court
A threat of harm made to compel a person to A court of original jurisdiction where the
do something against his or her will or evidence is first received and considered and
judgment. (E.g., “The contract was invalid facts are found; Court of First Instance.
because he signed it under duress.”) 22. Trial:
8. Enforceable A formal adversarial proceeding over which
Something (e.g., a promise) to which the a judge presides for the receipt and
law will give effect or support examination of evidence and determination
9. Intention/Intent/Intentional of legal claims; in a jury trial a panel of
Willingness to bring about something citizens makes the determinations; in a
planned or foreseen; purpose; not accidental; bench trial a judge(s) makes the
the state of mind of one who desires to bring determinations.
about a particular consequence 23. Binding:
10. Liability/Liable Having legal force; requiring obedience
Legal responsibility for injury to another or 24. Dispute:
to society, enforceable by civil remedy or A conflict or controversy, (especially a
criminal punishment conflict that has given rise to a lawsuit)
11. _____________________ 25. Distinguishable / To distinguish
A proposal to enter into a contract on In common law, said of a case or precedent
specified terms made in a way that would that is different from, and therefore not
lead a reasonable person to understand that applicable to, another case or precedent
an acceptance, having been sought, will 26. Jurisdiction:
result in a binding contract. A subject matter or a geographic area over
12. Offeree: which political or judicial authority may be
___________________________________ exercised. (E.g., “The court has jurisdiction
13. Offeror: over civil claims in Tbilisi.”)
___________________________________ 27. _____________________
14. Promise / Promisee / Promisor A decided case that furnishes a basis for
An undertaking given by one person (the determining later cases involving similar
promisor) to another (the promisee) to do or facts or issues
refrain from doing something
15. __________________________
A person who is not a party to a lawsuit,
Legal English –Mason 4

General Employment Terms

1. Annual: 15. Payroll:
__________________________ A list of employees (i.e., a roll) to be paid
2. ____________ for work performed and the amount due to
Once every two weeks each
3. Confidentiality: 16. ______________ Employee:
Keeping certain information secret An employee whose employment
4. Contract Term (2 meanings): relationship does not have a fixed end date
(1) n. the duration of a contract; 17. Resign/Resignation
(2) n. a provision in a contract When an employee decides to leave an
5. Discrimination (illegal): office or position; an employee’s decision to
Treating one or more members of a formally end the employment relationship
specified group unfairly as compared with 18. Retire / Retirement
other people, (E.g., “Many countries Termination of employment based on
prohibit employment discrimination based attaining a certain age or a certain number of
on race, age, sex, nationality, religion, or years of service; usually associated with the
disability.” right to draw a pension
6. Dismissal: 19. ______________ Employee:
An employer’s decision to remove an An employee whose term of employment
employee from an office or position; has a fixed start and end date
termination of employment 20. Termination:
7. Employer The act of ending something; an employer’s
A person who engages another (the decision to end the employment relationship
employee) to work under her direction and
control in return for a wage or salary Employee benefits
8. Employee 21. Pension:
A person who contracts to work for and A sum of money paid regularly after an
under the direction another in exchange for a employee has ceased to work because she
wage or salary has attained a certain age or number of years
9. Fixed-term Contract: of service; a retirement benefit
A contract with a set duration, usually with 22. Sick Pay:
a fixed start and end date ___________________________________
10. ______________ Employee: ___________________________________
An employee who works a standard full 23. _______________
work week Compensation paid an employee for all
11. Harassment/To harass services rendered during a specified, regular
Words or actions, usually repeated, that are period (e.g. monthly) as distinguished from
intended to and do cause a person an hourly wage
significant distress; illegal harassment are 24. ________________
such words or actions related to a legally Compensation paid an employee based on
protected status (e.g., race, sex, national time worked or output of production, as
origin, religion) distinguished from a monthly salary
12. Misconduct: 25. Vacation Pay:
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
13. Non-Competition Clause / Non-Compete: ___________________________________
A clause in an agreement whereby the
employee agrees not to engage in a business
similar to his or her current employer’s
14. Part-time Employee:
An employee who works less than a
standard full work week
Legal English –Mason 5

Torts: care to avoid causing damage. (E.g., “There

1. Law of Tort: is no liability in tort for negligence unless
Those laws based on the principle that the act or omission that causes damage is a
everyone has a civil duty to be careful and breach of a duty of care owed to the
not to hurt or harm another person claimant.”
2. Heads of Tort: 15. Foreseeable:
___________________________________ Something that can be reasonably
___________________________________ anticipated;
3. Tortfeasor: (Contrast unforeseeable which means
___________________________________ something that cannot be seen ahead of
___________________________________ time; unanticipated.)
4. Trespass: 16. Harm:
Wrongful entry on another's land ___________________________________
5. _______________ ___________________________________
The threat or use of force on another that 17. Negligence / Negligent
causes a person to reasonably fear that they The tort that results when a breach of the
will be subjected to harmful or offensive general duty of care causes injury to another
contact (I.e., The claim that permits one to recover
6. _______________ damages for injury resulting from another’s
The use of force against another, resulting in failure to exercise the degree of care that a
harmful or offensive contact reasonably prudent person would have
7. _______________ exercised in a similar situation)
Interference with another’s use or enjoyment 18. Omission / Omit
of their property (1) n., The failure to do something;
8. _______________ (2) n., The act of leaving something out;
Restraining a person without justification or (3) v., To fail to do something or to leave
consent something out
9. _______________ 19. Proof:
Injuring the reputation of another by making Evidence that determines the judgment of a
a false statement to a third person court; evidence that establishes an element
of a legal claim (E.g., “The threat was proof
General Vocabulary of intent to murder.”)
10. Actionable: 20. Remedy:
Furnishing the legal grounds for a lawsuit or (1) Anything a court can do to compensate a
other legal action party for or protect them from a wrongful
11. Cite (v) / Citation (n) injury
To make reference to a legal authority, such (2) Any of the methods available to a court
as a case, statute, treatise of law for the enforcement, protection, or
12. Compensate / Compensation: recovery of rights or for providing redress
(1) v. To pay for services rendered; for their infringement
(2) v. To pay for injuries or a loss inflicted 21. Remote:
on another ___________________________________
(3) n. The amount paid for services or injury ___________________________________
13. Conduct
(1) The manner in which a person behaves;
(Compare/Contrast misconduct which
means “bad behavior.”)
14. Duty of Care:
(1) The civil duty to be careful and not to
hurt or harm another person.
2) The legal obligation to take reasonable
Legal English –Mason 6

Drafting a contract (E.g., “The bloody glove was evidence of

1. Clause: the defendant’s involvement in the
A distinct section or provision of a legal murder.”) (Compare/Contrast proof)
document or instrument 14. Admissible evidence
2. Parties to a contract; Evidence may be presented to the court as
___________________________________ proof of a fact at issue in a trial
___________________________________ 15. Inadmissible evidence
3. Punctuation Evidence that cannot legally be presented in
Marks used to divide writing into different court as proof of a fact at issue in a trial
sections or assist with understanding (e.g.
periods (.), commas (,), question marks (?), Merchant terms
quotation marks (“ ”), ellipses (. . .)) 16. Defective:
4. _______________ section of a contract: ___________________________________
That part of an agreement that contains ___________________________________
background information and explains why 17. Distributor:
the parties want to enter into the agreement A person or company that supplies of
5. _______________ section of a contract: another company to retailers in a particular
A list of words and specific meanings that area
the parties attach to those words as used in 18. _______________
the contact. The parties and courts can rely A list of goods or services that have
on these definitions when interpreting the delivered to a person or company as of a
contract. particular date, showing the number of items
6. A contract precedent: delivered, the price per item and the total
A model contract that already exists; a due for the items delivered
template; a “go by.” Lawyers frequently use 19. Manufacture:
a contact precedent when drafting a similar To make goods for sale
contract. 20. Outlet:
7. “From scratch”: A shop through which goods are sold to the
___________________________________ public
___________________________________ 21. Retailer:
A person or company that sells goods to the
General Vocabulary 22. Supplier
8. Arbitration: A person or company that provides a
The process in which parties to a dispute particular product or service to other
give a third party, outside the judicial companies on a regular basis
system, the authority to issue a binding
resolution of their dispute or legal problem; Obligation Terms
a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution 23. Obligation:
9. Exception: A duty to do or not to do something; a legal
Something that is not included in a general obligation can be enforced through the
rule judicial system (Contrast moral obligation
10. A Right: which can only be enforced through social
Legal entitlement to do or to have pressures)
something 24. Key obligation:
11. In Effect An important component of a party’s duties
In operation or in force; valid under a contract (e.g., timely payment of
12. Non-negotiable: rent is a key obligation in a lease.)
Cannot be changed, fixed 25. Meet (met) an obligation:
13. Evidence: To fulfil one’s duty; to do what one
Something, such as testimony, documents, promised to do
objects or observations, that tends to prove
or disprove the existence of an alleged fact
Legal English –Mason 7

Business organizations: 17. Register (a business organization):

1. Sole Trader ___________________________________
2. Partnership ___________________________________
3. Limited Liability Partnership ___________________________________
4. Private limited company 18. To run a business:
5. Public limited company To have control of the operation of a
company: to manage a company
Accounting Terms 19. Set up:
6. _________________ To start something (E.g., “The sisters set up
(1) Money or assets invested in a business; a dental practice.”)
(Contrast labor); 20. To submit:
(2) The total assets of a business; To present or provide something (usually a
(3) The total market value of a corporation's document or information) to another person
stock; or entity
(4) The initial shareholders’ cash
contribution to a corporation in return for General Vocabulary
their shares. 21. Essential
7. Expenses: ___________________________________
Costs a business incurs through its ___________________________________
operations to earn revenue, including 22. Incorporated business
supplies, interest, taxes, depreciation A company that has registered with the
8. Income tax: government to create new legal entity with
The amount of one’s income that one is its own name
legally obligated pay to the government 23. _________________________ Liability:
9. Investment (to invest): (1) To be completely liable or responsible
Money that someone puts into a business both as a group (jointly) and individually
with the hope of getting more money back (severally) such that a creditor or injured
when the business earns profits or is sold party can legally require the group or any
10. _______________ individual in the group to pay the entire
The amount by which expenses exceed obligation;
revenue produced over a given period; (2) One of the distinguishing characteristics
(Contrast profit) of a partnership.
11. Personal Assets: 24. Legal Entity:
owned by the individual (not the company); A person, organization or group which can
(Contrast: personal property which are legally: own assets, incur debt, sue, be sued,
those personal assets which are not real contract etc.
property) 25. Members
12. _______________ Another name for owners of a company or
The amount by which revenue exceeds partners in a partnership or limited liability
expenses over given period; (Contrast loss) partnership
26. Partnership agreement:
Action Terms A contract defining the partners' rights and
13. _______________ duties toward one another but not the
Stop or break off (a meeting, court hearing) partners' relationship with third parties
with the intention of resuming it later 27. Risky:
14. Appoint: To be dangerous or possibly fail; (Compare
To formally assign a job or role to a person; at risk)
place a person in an official position 28. Shareholders:
15. To draw up: Owners of an incorporated company
16. Expel a partner:
Legal English –Mason 9

Restructuring / Insolvency 13. _______________ meeting:

1. Debtor: Official gathering of company directors for the
_______________________________________ purpose of conducting company business
_______________________________________ 14. Company meeting:
2. Insolvency (also see: Insolvent / Solvent) Official gathering of company shareholders for
The condition of being unable to pay debts as the purpose of voting on company appointments
they fall due (mature) or policies. Compare annual general meeting;
3. Insolvency proceedings: extraordinary general meeting
A legal proceeding to liquidate or rehabilitate a 15. _______________general meeting:
person’s or company’s debts (e.g., bankruptcy) Once a year, official gathering of company
4. _______________ shareholders; usually required by law
A project in which two or more companies agree 16. _______________general meeting:
to work together for a limited period of time Official gathering of company shareholders
5. Liquidation: called by the directors for a specified purpose
The process of formally closing a company by General Vocabulary
selling and distributing its assets to the owners 17. Anonymous:
or creditors _______________________________________
6. Secured loan: 18. Convene:
A loan that is backed by pledged property (1) To call a meeting;
(collateral) such that if the debtor defaults the (2) To gather for a meeting
creditor can take (seize) and sell the collateral to 19. Minutes:
satisfy the debt. (E.g., “A mortgage is a secured The official, written record of the meeting of an
loan for which real property is the collateral.”) organization or company
7. Unsecured Creditor: 20. Motion (to move)
A lender who does not has not contracted for the A formal proposal (to make a formal proposal)
right to take (seize) any of the debtor’s assets as 21. Proxy:
collateral. An unsecured creditor is at greater _______________________________________
risk of losing money because it has only the _______________________________________
debtor’s promise to pay and, in the case of 22. Quorum:
default, it has no right to take (seize) and sell The minimum number of people who must be at
any of the debtor’s property. (Contrast: secured a meeting (in attendance) in order to take action
creditor) or make a decision for an organization or
People company (absent a quorum, then no official
8. Accountant: decisions can be made)
A person who creates and reviews the financial 23. Resolution (to resolve)
documents of the company (e.g., payrolls, A formal decision at a meeting; to make a
budgets, receipts, expenditures, bank accounts) formal decision
9. Board of Directors: 24. Unanimous:
The group of individuals elected to represent the _______________________________________
interests of stockholders in a company; they
appoint company officers, establish corporate 25. Conflict of Interest:
policies and make decisions on major issues A situation in which a person, who has authority
10. Director to make or influence a company decision, will
(1) One of a group of persons entrusted with the derive a personal benefit from the decision
overall direction of a corporate enterprise 26. Fiduciary duty:
(2) The head of an organized group or The highest standard of care when acting for another;
administrative unit (such as a bureau or school) the obligation to put another person’s or entity’s
(e.g., communications director) financial interests above or ahead of one’s own
11. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) interest. If an individual breaches a fiduciary duty, he
the person with the most important position in a or she is legally obligated to transfer any benefits
company and who has overall responsibility for acquired from transaction to the other person (the
beneficiary or principal)
the way that the company is run
27. Good faith:
12. Company Secretary:
(1) The honest intent to avoid taking unfair
The officer of the company responsible for
advantage of another person in a transaction or
fulfilling the legal and financial obligations of
to fulfill a promise to act; (2) honesty and
the company
sincerity; (3) loyalty
(Contrast dishonest, deceitful, devious)
Legal English – Criminal Law

1. Act of God: IP Terms

a type of force majeure such as a natural 16. Intellectual Property:
disaster (e.g., flood, hurricane, earthquakes) “refers to creations of the mind, such as
2. Assign: inventions; literary and artistic works;
to transfer ownership/rights designs; and symbols, names and images
3. Assignee used in commerce”
___________________________________ 17. Intellectual Property Rights
___________________________________ Rights in something that they have invented
4. Assignor or created. No one else has the right to
___________________________________ make, sell, copy or exploit the invention or
___________________________________ creation without permission
5. Budget-: 18. Copyright
An estimate of revenue and expenses over a ___________________________________
period of time (e.g., the annual budget) ___________________________________
6. Cease ___________________________________
To stop, forfeit, suspend, or bring to an end ___________________________________
7. Confidential 19. Patent:
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
8. Creditors ___________________________________
People to whom the company owes money ___________________________________
9. Exceed 20. Trademark
To go above the amount that is allowed ___________________________________
10. Force majeure ___________________________________
an unforeseeable event that affects one ___________________________________
party’s ability to fulfil his or her contractual ___________________________________
obligations 21. Invention:
11. Infringement (to infringe) “A new device, method, or process
“An act that interferes with one of the developed from study and experimentation”
exclusive rights of a patent, copyright, or
trademark owner” 22. A License-:
12. Non-disclosure agreement: permission to commit some act that would
A contract clause that obligates the otherwise be unlawful
advertising company not to tell or disclose 23. Licensee
certain information to any third party ___________________________________
13. Unforeseeable 24. Licensor
Something which cannot be predicted in __________________________________
14. Warehouse-
a large building where a business stores
goods for a period of time before selling
15. Warranty
“(in contract law) A term or promise in a
contract, breach of which will entitle the
innocent party to damages but not to treat
the contract as discharged by breach”
Legal English – Criminal Law

1. The Accused / Defendant 16. Arrest
Person charged with committing a crime ______________________________________
2. Defense Attorney / Defense Counsel 17. Bail / Bond
The lawyer who represents the defendant an order of a court allowing a criminal
3. Jury / Jurors - citizens who act as ‘finders of defendant to be freed pending trial
fact’ and determine if the defendant is guilty or 18. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
not guilty ______________________________________
4. Prosecute (v) also: prosecution (n) ______________________________________
To institute and pursue a criminal action ______________________________________
against a person 19. Burden of Proof
5. Prosecutor (n) duty placed upon a party to prove or
The lawyer who represents the government disprove a disputed fact. In criminal cases,
in a criminal case the burden of proof is placed on the
6. Public defender prosecution, who must demonstrate that the
A defense attorney who is paid by the defendant is guilty before a jury may convict
government to represent a defendant 20. _______________ Law
7. Victim body of law defining offenses against the
___________________________________ community at large, regulating how suspects
___________________________________ are investigated, charged, and tried, and
punishment for convicted offenders
Criminal Offenses 21. Incarceration - Confinement in a jail or prison;
8. Crimes / Offenses imprisonment.
a violation of a law in which there is injury a. Jail - used for the confinement of
to the public or a member of the public and individuals who are sentenced for minor
a term in jail or prison, and/or a fine as crimes or who are unable to gain release
possible penalties on bail and are in custody awaiting trial.
9. Felony b. Prison - used for the confinement of
Serious crimes with a possible punishment people convicted of serious crimes
of over one year 22. Probable Cause
10. Misdemeanor -a standard used in justifying certain police
Minor offenses with possible punishment of actions (e.g., to make an arrest or obtain a
less than one year warrant). It is more than mere suspicion but
less than the amount of evidence required
Court Appearances for conviction.
11. ______________ -reasonable grounds to believe: 1) a crime
First court appearance; first time an accused has been committed and 2) it was committed
person sees a judge by this person
12. Arraignment / Plea (plead) / Guilty / Not Guilty 23. Reasonable Suspicion
At arraignment, the defendant is formally A particularized and objective basis,
told of the charges and is asked to enter a supported by specific and articulable facts,
plea – either guilty or not guilty for suspecting a person of criminal activity.•
13. Pre-trial Conference A police officer must have a reasonable
A court appearance before the trial suspicion to stop a person in a public place
14. Motion hearing 24. Restitution
A court appearance where the judge will The money that a convicted defendant has to
hear legal arguments and may consider pay to the court, who will then give the
evidence to determine a motion made by one money to the victim, to pay for the losses
party (e.g., defense motion to suppress they have suffered
evidence) 25. Unconstitutional
15. Trial - Evidentiary hearing on the merits of the case Contrary to or in conflict with a constitution
a. _______ Trial – determined by a judge
b. _______ Trial – determined by a jury

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