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Nama Elmosta Azzam

Nim : 1195030061
Class :6A

MidTerm Research Methods

1. The discovery of non-scientific truth can be obtained through discovery by chance,

trial and error, authority, speculative, common sense, prejudice and intuition.The
discovery of truth obtained by chance, is a discovery under uncertain circumstances,
the arrival of which cannot be calculated in a planned and directed manner.The
discovery of the truth by trial and error has similarities with the discovery of
speculative, which contains an element of chance in seeking the truth. Through these
two ways does not provide a guarantee to arrive at the discovery of truth that can
develop science systematically. The discovery of truth based on authority is usually
based on logical writing which is more colored by the subjectivity of the person who
expresses the opinion. The discovery of truth through common sense is widely used
by ordinary people, while through prejudice is the achievement of common sense
knowledge which is colored by the interests of the person who does it. Intuitive
discovery is discovery based on direct knowledge or obtained quickly through an
unthinkable process. The way to find the truth that is considered scientific is through
research methods. The reflection thinking process according to John Dewey is: (a) the
felt need, namely the existence of a need, (b) the problem, namely determining the
problem, (c) the hypothesis, which is formulating a hypothesis, (d) collection of data
as avidance, namely recording data for proof, (e) concluding belief, namely making
conclusions that are believed to be true, (f) general value of the conclusion, namely
formulating general conclusions. Knowledge acquired with a scientific approach is
acquired through scientific research and is built on certain theories. Through a
scientific approach, someone will try to obtain scientific truth, namely true knowledge
whose truth is open to be tested by anyone who wants to test it.
2. A ways to find a problem can start from what we do actually everyday, from a
simple things we found in a daily activity. But here the most common things is that
we can actually find a problem coming from what we read about the term that we
learn. And also we can look for the things from watching a television or listen to the
radio. That we can always find a problem that we want to research, we can find the
problem from the discussion that we held everyday.
3. Objective methods is always come from an empiric thing, systematic, and critics.
This methods based on objects, behaviors, that exist in “some” world and can reach
with five senses and can be quantified. Subjective methods based on what human cant
reach such believes, feels, intention, and means.
4. Data collection define into two terms, its questionnaire and interview and it can be
use will it be qualitative or quantitative. Questionnaire define into two close and open.
Close one is reach the sample of population from the research and open just use only
the population. This methods use the reliability and validity. Interview use an open
ended and close ended, which the one using the answer against your research and the
other one just use a yes or no answer. You also can use the two methods depends on
what I said before.
5. To solve the problem that we should make sure about the corresponded problem
like if we ask about people who didn’t know a lot we ask about a small question and
the understandable question to general people. And also we should make the right
question that the answer yes or no will be easily answer.

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