Lesson Plan 4.7 Wright Tech)

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Lesson Plan Outline Introduction

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Lesson Topic: Language Arts_ Writing Lesson Length (estimated): 45-55 minutes

Virginia Standards of Learning 4.7 (e): The student will write effective narratives, poems, and explanations. e) Utilize elements of style, including word choice and sentence variation. g) Use available technology Cognitive Objectives Students will: y Use specific vocabulary and vivid word choice y Use available technology to convey their message y Demonstrate proficiency in audio editing Materials and Advanced Preparation y Crouch, Tom, D., First Flight: The Wright Brothers and the Invention of the Airplane, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, (Handbook;159). y Students prior knowledge of how to gear their writing to a specific audience, using appropriate tone and language. y Students prior exposure to the Wright Brothers is social studies and science instruction. y Students prior knowledge of how to use Audacity and Garageband. y Sample podcast to model lesson activity. Teaching and Learning Sequence Introduction/Anticipatory Set y Use the following questions to lead into a discussion: Hypothetically, you find a lantern on the beach, rub it and find a Genie who now is indebted to you for 3 wishes. Knowing that Genies, much like Leprechauns, are deceptive so you need to choose your words wisely when making your wishes. What can you do to ensure that you get what you wish for? y List the students responses on the blackboard. Lesson Development y Set the stage by telling the students: Imagine that you are the PR for the Wright Brothers and your job is to write a letter of invitation to the unveiling of the Wright Flyer and the first attempt of flight. Who would you imagine to be present at the event and what would you write to entice them to attend? y Write the students responses on the blackboard.

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Next, the teacher will model an introduction to a letter invitation using precise, descriptive vocabulary to persuade invitees to attend. Have the students write a letter of persuasion:  A mailing to certain key spectators  A column in the Kitty Hawk Gazette announcing the event Once the students complete their writing, use pair groupings where the students will review each others writing, offering feedback and suggestions. Have the students revise their work using the feedback to further improve the piece. Instruct the students to use Audacity or GarageBand to record their writing in the form of a podcast.

Closure y Close the lesson by asking the students how what they learned about using vivid vocabulary might serve them to better their own creative writing. Homework y None. Assessment y Formative Teacher will observe students during the various exercises, paying close attention to concept awareness. Peer review worksheets. Gather struggling students into small group discussion and modeling. y Summative Include a rubric for both written and audio activities. Completed audio works will be kept in portfolio. References Crouch, Tom, D., First Flight: The Wright Brothers and the Invention of the Airplane, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, (Handbook;159). Appended Materials Standards 4.7

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