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Career Development: An Overview

Research · October 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14081.81760

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1 author:

Fadel Shaito
Al Maaref University


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Career Development:

An Overview

Fadel Shaito


The purpose of this research is to give a brief overview about career development because
many organizations and employees find it challenging to develop an effective career development
strategy. This research addresses career and career development definitions, career development
components, process and strategies. It also addresses the career management model, finalizing
with recommendations for organizations and employees and a conclusion.


Table of contents
1. Definitions ...........................................................................................................................6
2. Career Management Components .........................................................................................6
2.1 Education ......................................................................................................................6
2.2 Capability .....................................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Strategic Skills .......................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Tactical Skills ........................................................................................................8
2.3 Network ........................................................................................................................9
2.4 Experience ....................................................................................................................9
3 Career Development Process ................................................................................................9
3.1 Identifying Career Needs...............................................................................................9
3.2 Developing Career Opportunities ................................................................................ 10
3.2.1 Career Path .......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Job Analysis......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Succession Planning ............................................................................................. 10
3.3 Integration of Employee Needs with Career Opportunities .......................................... 12
3.3.1 Management by Objectives (MBO) ...................................................................... 12
3.3.2 Career Counselling............................................................................................... 12
3.4 Regular Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 12
4 Career Development Strategies .......................................................................................... 13
4.1 Individual Strategies ................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1. Do it Now ............................................................................................................ 13
4.1.2. Know Yourself .................................................................................................... 14
4.1.3. Analyze Career Opportunities .............................................................................. 14
4.1.4. Establish Career Goals ......................................................................................... 14
4.1.5. Obtain Feedback .................................................................................................. 15
4.1.6. Manage Your Career ............................................................................................ 15
4.1.7. Self-Management ................................................................................................. 15
4.2. Organizational Strategies ............................................................................................ 15
4.2.1. Human Resources Planning and Forecasting System ............................................ 16
4.2.2. Improving Dissemination of Career Option Information....................................... 16
4.2.3. Initial Career Counselling .................................................................................... 17
4.2.4. Support of Education and Training ....................................................................... 17

4.2.5. Job Posting .......................................................................................................... 17

4.2.6. Special Assignments and Job Rotating ................................................................. 17
4.2.7. Career Development Workshops .......................................................................... 17
4.2.8. Flexible Rewards and Promotional System........................................................... 17
4.2.9. Development and Use of Assessment System....................................................... 18
5. Career Management Model ................................................................................................ 18
5.1. Career Exploration ...................................................................................................... 19
5.1.1. Self-exploration ................................................................................................... 19
5.1.2. Environmental Exploration .................................................................................. 19
5.2. Awareness................................................................................................................... 19
5.3. Goal Setting ................................................................................................................ 19
5.4. Strategy Development ................................................................................................. 20
5.5. Strategy Implementation ............................................................................................. 20
5.6. Feedback ..................................................................................................................... 20
5.7. Career Appraisal ......................................................................................................... 20
6. Indicators of Effective Career Management........................................................................ 20
7. Benefits of Career Development......................................................................................... 20
8. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 21
8.1. For Organizations........................................................................................................ 21
8.2. For Employees ............................................................................................................ 21
9. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 21
References ................................................................................................................................ 22


Table of tables

Table 1: Succession Planning Process ....................................................................................... 11

Table of figures
Figure 1: Career Development Process ........................................................................................9
Figure 2: SMART Goals ........................................................................................................... 15


1. Definitions
Sullivan and Baruch defined “career” as “an individual’s work-related and other relevant
experiences, both inside and outside of organizations that form a unique pattern over the
individual’s life span” (2009), this definition distinguishes both physical movement as well as the
interpretation of individual’s perceptions of the career.

One definition of career management is that it is the planning of one’s activities and
engagements in the job one assumes in the path of his life for better completion, growth and
financial stability (Juneja, n.d.). Moreover, Career Development Association of Alberta defined
career development as “the lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions
in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future” (2012).

Workers want the chance to progress in their careers, “opportunity is the top reason why
39 percent of employees are engaged.” (Dixon, 2017). Along with that increased engagement,
career development programs lead to holding more people who are productive and grow their
skills, thus advancing the organization.

2. Career Management Components

If an organization lacks career development programs, it may lose talented employees. By
implementing a career development program you will not retain all your valuable talented
employees, but you will decrease the risk of losing them, so this program is essential for all
organizations, and the components of career development are:

1. Education
2. Capability
3. Network
4. Experience

2.1 Education
The first component/element of career development is education. This includes
both training (degree, certificates and classes) as well as self-training like reading,
ongoing classes, books and reading blogs and being always up-to-date for new


researches in the relevant field. Successful careers starts with education, getting
education to understand the broad concepts and overview of the relative industry is
crucial. However, you should not over invest in education without having experience.
While education is crucial, it’s a form of power, and how you invest this education is
more important than the paper itself. A bachelor degree is the most essential need in
any business now a days, however, in resumes education part is usually listed in the
bottom (Owyang, 2012).

2.2 Capability
The next component of career development, is the capability. Capabilities are the
raw skills needed to complete your jobs. These can include data, developing strategies,
project management, software management, programming, or a wide range of
knowledge working. Most employers agree that having both strategic and tactical skills
are needed (Owyang, 2012).

2.2.1 Strategic Skills

6 key strategic skills are: (Brearley, n.d.)

 Knowing how to prioritize: Arranging your workload is a key strategic skill. Don’t use a
complicated process, start with “Must Do” tasks and “Won’t Do” tasks. That’s it. No more
 Knowing when you need to be involved: Another vital strategic skill is understanding
where you add the most value. Leaders don’t need to engross themselves in everything
their team does. You need to know when to get out of the detail and let your team run
 Knowing how to manage up: One of the most important strategic skills is know how to
manage up. Strategic leaders don’t say “Yes” all the time. They push back on people when
they need to and say “No”. If you say “Yes” all the time, you’re going to be overwhelmed
in the long run.
 Knowing when to delegate responsibility, not just tasks: Handing over isn’t just about
tasks. Sometimes, you can delegate responsibility in your team to others. Not only does
this provide growth chances for your team, it frees up some of your time.


 Knowing how to resource your team properly: Having the right people in your team is
a strategic skill in itself. If you don’t have the right skills in your team, you’ll never be able
to take advantage of opportunities. You’ll be playing catch-up, because you don’t have the
right skills, or enough people.
 Being aware of the outside world: Leaders with good strategic skills understand what’s
going on around them. Keep an eye out for industry trends or technologies that may help
you and your team perform better. The world outside is changing and if you don’t keep an
eye on it, it might leave you behind.

2.2.2 Tactical Skills

5 key tactical skills: (Berkus, 2014)

 Delegate: Nothing is more of a turn off to a minion than having the boss do the
work for that person. Worse yet, breakdown to delegate make the leader the key
blockage in the flow of work through an organization. A great leader learns to
delegate, first.
 Measure the results of delegation: If there is no attempt to measure, no-one will
know if the work is up to standards for timeliness, quality, or the vision of the
leader. There are many types of metrics, some very easy to accomplish. But failure
to find and use them regularly is a failure at the top.
 Support: A leader’s obligation is to make sure that anything he delegates and
measures is given a chance of success by providing the tools required to perform
the job. Those include funding, people, training and facilities.
 Reward: “A great leader is a great cheerleader”, knowing when and how to reward
effective achievement through all levels of the organization. People naturally work
for rewards, from simple recognition to financial incentives.
 Celebrate: There is no greater feeling than to achieve a goal and to celebrate that
with some form of out-of-the-ordinary event. It can be a simple handshake and
comment in front of others who count, or an all-company celebration after
achievement of a major goal. A leader who fails to follow through and celebrate
misses a major opportunity to enhance the culture of the organization and motivate
the troops to further achievements.


2.3 Network
Network is the third component of career development. These are the individuals in
your career that you can depend on that will assist you when you ask, or will voluntarily
help you without asking. Like all relationships, your business network involves constant
attention and coaching. Don’t be that person who just comes around when you need
something, but be there to help others, and uphold an ongoing relationship (Owyang, 2012).

2.4 Experience
The fourth and last component of career development is experience. Solid careers may
have a chain of job positions that affiliate around a common career theme (marketing,
management, software, etc.) and having a solid track record is key. For those getting
ongoing in their career this is a challenge, as most entry level positions are seeking the
experienced. Focus on volunteering, interning, and attending local events to get networked.
In the end, this row becomes crucial as it’s the majority of one’s resume (Owyang, 2012).

3 Career Development Process

Integration of
employees needs Regular
Identifying career needs career
with career monitoring

Figure 1: Career Development Process

3.1 Identifying Career Needs

Some large organizations have assessment centers or apply career development
workshops wherein a group of employees are brought together to undertake psychological
testing, simulation exercises, and depth interviews. This process helps the employee to
make a decision concerning career goals and the steps to be taken to put efforts to
accomplish these goals. The HR manager also plays an important role of providing


information and assistance in making decisions about the career needs of the employee
(Risha, n.d.).

3.2 Developing Career Opportunities

Career opportunities are identified through job analysis. The manager should
identify career path for employees in the organization. He should discuss with the employees what
jobs are available in the organizational hierarchy and at the same time find where the employee
would want to go up in the organization in future. The employees should be provided information
regarding job postings that are available in the organization and, for future reference, what
requirements they will have to fulfill to achieve the promotion which they aspire (Risha, n.d.).

3.2.1 Career Path

Career paths are means that individuals take from their first foray into the job
market through to their final position before retirement. Commonly, speaking career paths start
with the most junior position and end with the most senior position, this isn’t always the case but
is likely the intent of the individual. It’s important to start thinking of career paths early as the
alternatives made early on in a career can influence the opportunities available in the future (HR
Zone, n.d.).

3.2.2 Job Analysis

Job analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the certain job duties
and requirements and the comparative importance of these duties for a given job. Job analysis is a
process where results are made about data collected on a job.

“The Job; not the person”. An imperative notion of job analysis is that the analysis
is conducted of the job, not the person. While job analysis data may be collected from executives
through interviews or questionnaires, the result of the analysis is a description or specifications of
the job, not a description of the person (HR Guide, 2015).

3.2.3 Succession Planning

Business Jargons defined succession planning as “the systematic process of recognizing and
creating future leaders who are able to take the position of the old ones when they leave the
organization due to retirement, resignation, termination, transfer, promotion or death.” (Business
Jargons, n.d.).

CAREER DEVELOPMENT Succession Planning Process

Succession planning process consists of 5 steps: (Business Jargons, n.d.)
Step Explanation
First, the key business areas are identified, i.e.
the areas which are significant with respect to
the operational activities and strategic
Identifying Key Business Areas and Positions
objectives. After that, those positions are
identified which if vacant can cause difficulty
in achieving business objectives.
You need to determine the required
competencies for key business areas and
position, in order to create the selection
criteria, establish performance standards and
Ascertaining Competencies for Key areas and
fill the difference between what the viable
successors know and what they need to know,
through the training and development process.
It determines the knowledge, skills, ability and
experience required to achieve business goals.
After competency is analyzed, the next step is
to identify among various employees working
in the organization, who are interested as well
as they have the capability to fill key business
Find out the interested and potential candidates areas and positions. The Human Resource
and assess them as per the competencies Manager discusses future career plans and
interests with the candidates and identifies the
potential successors who are ready to replace
the old ones and can be trained and developed
for future contingencies.
Strategies for learning, training, development,
knowledge transfer, experience sharing is
Develop and Implement Succession Strategies
developed and implemented for potential
The last step to the succession planning
process is to evaluate the succession planning
and management, to ensure that all the key
business areas and positions are covered under
Evaluate Effectiveness the succession planning. Further, it also
ensures that in case of any sudden vacancies in
future, key positions can be filled as soon as
possible and the successors perform
effectively when they hold the position.
Table 1: Succession Planning Process


Therefore, Succession Planning is all about developing a leadership substitute, for

a perpetual succession of the organization without any kind of disturbance, when there are changes
in the top management.

3.3 Integration of Employee Needs with Career Opportunities

It is required to align the needs and ambitions of the employees with career
opportunities in order to ensure right people will be available to meet the organizational manpower
requirements. Therefore, emphasis is placed on the training, on- and off-the-job, counselling and
coaching by supervisor, and planned rotation in positions of fluctuating functions and in different
locations. The process is pursued further with the help of periodic performance appraisals. Training
and counselling will be a wasteful exercise if the employee does not make progress along his career
path (Risha, n.d.)

Two important techniques in this stage are:.

a) Management by objectives (MBO)

b) Career counselling

3.3.1 Management by Objectives (MBO)

Under ‘management by objectives’, the employee sets his development goals and
also an action plan to achieve those goals. Steps are taken by the line managers to integrate personal
goals with the organizational goals (Risha, n.d.).

3.3.2 Career Counselling

In the case of counselling, the manager discusses the strengths and weaknesses of
the employee. This helps the employee to identify areas of development so that he/she can meet
future chal-lenges of his job (Risha, n.d.)

3.4 Regular Monitoring

It is required to regularly monitor the progress of the employee towards his career
development plans and see that the provision is being provided to develop those career plans. If
there is an incongruity, steps should be taken to recast work as necessary to confirm that career
development plans are met. In situations where career opportunities are not available due to
influence of technology and economic factors, the organization should redesign jobs or make
career shifts (Risha, n.d.).


4 Career Development Strategies

There is two critical strategies for career development which are:

a) Individual strategies
b) Organizational strategies

4.1 Individual Strategies

Usually, organizations put efforts to develop their employees. However, employees
should also take initiatives to develop their own careers. Career is the result of matching
individual’s goals with the organizational goals. Career development is a joint responsibility of an
employee and the organization. If an employee wants only the organization to develop his career,
the organization is likely to impose too much organizational control restricting the autonomy of
that employee. Therefore, it advised that you should be instrumental to manage your own career
(Risha, n.d.).

The self-management of your career will help you control your own vocation and
boost your independence. In career decisions, the individual is the only one having appropriate
information. He must be assertive to express his feelings so that he does not get deceived with
regard to his career. The steps involved in successful self-management of career are:

a) Do it now
b) Know yourself
c) Analyze career opportunities
d) Establish career goal
e) Obtain feedback
f) Manage your career

4.1.1. Do it Now
Do not delay in taking the decisions that have an impact on your career. Do not wait
for an auspicious day to come; for completing an academic activity, for settling down, and for any
other reasons. Pursuing a career will always have uncertainties. Self-management helps to reduce
the uncertainties (Risha, n.d.).


4.1.2. Know Yourself

First thing you have to know is your strengths and weaknesses. You must know how others see
you; view your behavioral pattern, and opinions they possess. You must have the ear to hear what
others are telling about you (Risha, n.d.).

4.1.3. Analyze Career Opportunities

Try and examine the sources of career opportunities. There are many sources of
information concerning occupations and career opportunities. You may also collect information
from some of your friends or relatives who keep themselves informed. Spend few hours browsing
the internet to determine what potential employers are seeking (Risha, n.d.).

4.1.4. Establish Career Goals

In the previous steps, we discussed that you should not delay decisions related to your career, you
need to know yourself, and you must analyze career opportunities. Putting it all together, now you
should develop your specific career goals. These goals must be SMART, and may be for short or
long term (Risha, n.d.). SMART Goals

Goals are part of every attribute of business/life and afford a sense of direction,
motivation, a clear focus, and clarify importance. By setting goals for yourself, you are providing
yourself with a target to aim for. A SMART goal is used to help guide goal setting. SMART is an

Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely

•Who is involved •How •Do I have the •Is the goal •Does my goal
in this goal? many/much? resources and realistic and have a deadline?
•What do I want to •How do I know if capabilities to within reach? •By when do you
accomplish? I have reached achieve the goal? •Is the goal want to achieve
•Where is this goal my goal? If not, what am I reachable given your goal?
to be achieved? •What is my missing? the time and
•When do I want indicator of •Have others done resources?
to achieve this progress? it successfully •Are you able to
goal? before? commit to
•Why do I want to achieving the
achieve this goal? goal?

acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Therefore, a


SMART goal incorporates all of these criteria to help focus your efforts and increase the chances
of achieving that goal (Corporate Finance Institute, n.d.).

4.1.5. Obtain Feedback

Feedback from relevant people help one correct his errors. You are required to think
and plan how you will gather feedbacks from others with regard to your self-analysis and current
career planning (Risha, n.d.).

4.1.6. Manage Your Career

This is not just implementing your plan, it is an ongoing process. Evaluating and
modifying career goals and plans should be a continual process. You must be flexible while taking
decisions. You should not be tied up completely with a particularly job, department, or
organization (Risha, n.d.).
Figure 2: SMART Goals

4.1.7. Self-Management
Self-assessment is the essential tool for self-management, self-assessment is
researching within you. Self-assessment aspects include: (Risha, n.d.)

a) Achievements
b) Skills and abilities
c) Personal values
d) Interests
e) Disabilities
f) Personal and family circumstances

4.2. Organizational Strategies

For the aim of developing human resources management, and career issues such as
reducing employees attritions, developing high-potential employees, preparing for managerial
positions, enhancing problem solving skills…, organizations spend efforts on designing programs
for their employees’ career development. Literatures suggest a number of specific drives that
organizations can take to make the career programs effective.


4.2.1. Human Resources Planning and Forecasting System

Considering and analyzing the targets of the organization, it should develop the job
specifications and recruit personnel of the required quantity and requisite quality. Companies need
to develop procedures to meet the target in fluctuating situations. They need to select the
appropriate forecasting technique to assess manpower needs. Human Resources Planning

Organizational Strategy

Human Resources Department Strategy

Forecast Human Resources Needs

Surplus Equillibrium Shortage

Supply > Supply = Supply <
Demand Demand Demand

Termination No Action
Lay Offs

Figure 3: Human Resources Planning Process

Management Study Guide defined human resources planning as “Human Resource Planning
(HRP) is the process of forecasting the future human resource requirements of the organization
and determining as to how the existing human resource capacity of the organization can be utilized
to fulfill these requirements” (Juneja, n.d.).

4.2.2. Improving Dissemination of Career Option Information

Organizations that have career development systems should share the information
with the employees because they always remain impatient to know more about their career and the
various available options. Organizations can share information through administrative manuals,


circulars, or other documents. By sharing information with employees, they can concentrate more
on their assigned work (Risha, n.d.).

4.2.3. Initial Career Counselling

Career counselling is a way of periodic performance appraisal, in addition to that,
counselling provides the opportunity to discuss career issues of employees, their goals and
opportunities available for developing in career (Risha, n.d.).

4.2.4. Support of Education and Training

Education and training systems support all the levels of employees to improve their
careers. First, prerequisites for further career growth are identified, and a training needs analysis
is conducted accordingly. Education is imparted for further employees’ growth (Risha, n.d.).

4.2.5. Job Posting

Employees seek to advance their careers. Employees need to be informed about
advancements in their careers, and organizations must provide all information regarding job
openings. Moreover, a job posting system helps organizations to attract talents, and this system
simulates employees of all levels in career planning and development (Risha, n.d.).

4.2.6. Special Assignments and Job Rotating

Doing the same job over a long period of time generates boredom. Employees should get
the opportunity of gaining new experience by way of performing special assignments and through
job rotation. These actions enable employees to learn new things first-hand and performing them
in different settings. Simultaneously, management can also ascertain the capacity and potential of
an employee to accept challenges, working in new settings, and with new people (Risha, n.d.).
4.2.7. Career Development Workshops
Considering the importance of employees’ career development, organizations are
arranging workshops and seminars as essential career development activities. These workshops
clearly indicate organizations’ concern for career development. However, the central assumption
of these workshops is the joint responsibility of individual and the organization for career
development (Risha, n.d.).
4.2.8. Flexible Rewards and Promotional System
Financial and non-financial rewards are used by ost of the organizations. The scope of
rewards and determining success criteria are limited due to limited thinking about them.
Nowadays, in the financial area, there is a growing trend toward giving employees a choice among
several forms of financial rewards.

In fact, organizations need to develop multiple ladders to consider promotion and rewards.
The promotional system should reflect the desires for spiral as well as linear careers. The
employees will definitely contribute their best to the organizations if flexible rewards and
promotional system are installed.

4.2.9. Development and Use of Assessment System

Many organizations use formal assessment and development system in order to evaluate potential
of employees to help them advance in their careers. Use of assessment systems have emerged as a
practice while selecting people. Later, organizations use assessment systems for career planning
as well.

5. Career Management Model

The career management model describes how people should manage their careers.
It consists of a few important components: (iEdu Note, n.d.)




Strategy Strategy
Implementation Development

Figure 4: Career Management Model


5.1. Career Exploration

Career exploration is the collection and analysis of career related information. The
employee should be aware of his own talent, interest, values, the importance of work in his life,
and about alternative jobs inside ad outside the organization. Career exploration advances
There are two types of career exploration: self-exploration and environmental exploration.
Career exploration should enable an individual to become more fully aware of himself and his
environment (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.1.1. Self-exploration
Self-exploration can provide a greater awareness of personal qualities. A person ought to
gain insight, for example, into his values, interests, and talents in both his work and non-work
Self-exploration provides information about strengths, weaknesses, talents and limitations
in order to let employees possess a deep understanding of their activities, whether they like it or
not. Self-awareness or self-assessment involves identifying and understanding one’s interests,
skills, and values as a foundation for career decision making, planning, and action.
Assessing and understanding your interests, skills, and values is the first step in identifying
the career path that is right for you.
There is a big difference between getting a job and pursuing a career you love. Research
has shown that individuals who choose careers that are closely aligned with their interests, skills,
and values tend to be more satisfied in their jobs and enjoy greater career success.
The self-assessment process is important, not only in pursuing your first internship or job
after college but also throughout your life as you move forward in your career (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.1.2. Environmental Exploration
Environmental exploration includes types of occupation, types of industries, necessary
skills, and job alternatives within a given organization or alternative future jobs, experience needed
to move from current line position to a staff position, company alternatives and impact of family
on career decisions (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.2. Awareness
As discussed before, exploration advances awareness. Awareness is an accurate perception
of person’s own qualities and characteristics of his relevant environment. Furthermore, awareness
is a central concept in career development. An exhaustive awareness of the self and the
environment allows a person to set his career goals and strategies of development (iEdu Note,
5.3. Goal Setting
People set career goals to maintain motivation, have something to look forward to and achieve
success. Effective career goals follow the SMART model that is explored previously (iEdu Note,


5.4. Strategy Development

A career strategy is a structured approach to developing capabilities, tools, and resources
in an organization, which will enable people to navigate their career ‘journey’ successfully. The
main strategies are, for example, competence in the present job, extended work involvement,
development of skills through training, opportunity development, development of supportive
relationships (mentors, sponsors, and peers), image building, and organizational politics (iEdu
Note, n.d.).
5.5. Strategy Implementation
“Strategy implementation put simply is the process that puts plans and strategies into action
to reach goals. The implementation of a reasonable strategy can produce progress toward the stated
career goal” (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.6. Feedback
The implementation of a career strategy can provide useful feedback to the person. This
feedback can enable the person to appraise his career (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.7. Career Appraisal
Whether the employee is progressing in his career toward his goal or not, the career strategy
implementation provides a useful feedback. This feedback, in conjunction with feedback from
other work and non-work sources, can allow a person to appraise his career. “Career appraisal is
the process by which people acquire and use career related feedback to determine whether their
goals and strategies are appropriate” (iEdu Note, n.d.).

6. Indicators of Effective Career Management

Greenhaus and Callanan have identified four indicators of effective career management.
They suggest that effective career management requires: (iEdu Note, n.d.)
a) Deep knowledge of the employee himself/herself and an accurate picture of the
b) The development of realistic goals that are compatible with one’s values, interest, abilities
and desired lifestyle,
c) The development and implementation of appropriate career strategies and
d) Continual feedback process that permits adaptation in the face of the changing situation.

7. Benefits of Career Development

Career development fosters open communication within the organization. This indorses the
open communication upon all organizational levels, the top managers and managers, and the
employees and managers. It is important to know that open communication is the root of any


Career development also encourages better use of employee skills. It aids the organization
by means of allowing managers to be aware of their skills and competencies do that they can apply
them at a position or occupation where they’ll be able to have better results.
Career development offer employees and the managers with beneficial assistance with
regards to career decisions. Moreover, they acquire an opportunity to evaluate their skills and
competencies and discover their objectives and future plans.
Due to the fact that organizations need to retain their indispensable assets and prepare them
for top-level positions in the future, they have to understand their career expectations and
requirements from their organization, and this is accomplished by the aid of career development
Career development plans provides feedback. This is necessary to evaluate the success rate
of a particular policy employed and the initiatives taken by the organization. Correspondingly, this
also helps managers to provide feedback for employees’ performance (Management - Training
Guru, 2015).

8. Recommendations
According to what has been discussed above, here are some recommendations for organizations
and for employees.
8.1. For Organizations
It is recommended for organizations to:
a) Plan and implement for an effective career development strategy
b) Increase budgets for training programs and workshops related to career development
c) Develop a succession plan
d) Implement for job posting systems
e) Communicate all the above recommendations with employees
8.2. For Employees
It is also recommended for employees to:
a) Don’t wait organizations to develop your career path
b) Take the initiative to develop you skills and competencies
c) Stay up-to-date for any new features related to your field
d) Set SMART goals for you career path
9. Conclusion
As a conclusion, a career development strategy is essential for both organizations and employees,
it has several benefits for both as we discussed. It is challenging to do that effectively, but it can
be effective if all career management components are took into consideration when planning and
implementing the career development plan.



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