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The Direct Method

I. Thinking about the Experience
Observations Principles
1 The students read aloud a passage about
Reading in the target language should be
the geography of the United States of
taught from the beginning of language
instruction; however, the reading skill
will be developed through practice with
speaking. Language is primarily speech.
Culture consists of more than the fine arts
(e.g. in this lesson we observed the
students studying geography and cultural
2 The teacher points to a part of the map
Objects (e.g. realia or pictures) present in
after each sentence is read.
the immediate classroom environment
should be used to help students
understand the meaning.
3 The teacher uses the target language to
The native language should not be
ask the students if they have a
question. The students use the target used in the classroom.
language to ask their questions.
4 The teacher answers the
students’ questions by drawing The teacher should demonstrate, not
on the whiteboard or giving explain or translate. It is desirable that
examples. students make a direct association
between the target language form and
Students should learn to think in the
5 The teacher asks questions about the
target language as soon as possible.
map in the target language, to which
Vocabulary is acquired more naturally if
the students reply in a complete
students use it in full sentences, rather
sentence in the target language.
than memorizing word lists.

6 Students ask questions about the map. The purpose of language learning is
communication (therefore students need
to learn how to ask questions as well as
answer them).
7 The teacher works with the students on Pronunciation should be worked on right
the pronunciation of ‘Appalachian.’ from the beginning of language
8 The teacher corrects a grammar error Self-correction facilitates language
by asking the students to make a learning.
9 The teacher asks questions about Lessons should contain some
the students; students ask each conversational activity—some
other questions. opportunity for students to use language
in real contexts. Students should be
encouraged to speak as much as
10 The students fill in blanks with possible.
prepositions practiced in the lesson. Grammar should be taught inductively.
There may never be an explicit grammar
11 The teacher dictates a paragraph rule given.
about United States geography. Writing is an important skill, to be
developed from the beginning of
12 All of the lessons of the week language instruction.
involve United States geography. The syllabus is based on situations
or topics, not usually on linguistic
13 A proverb is used to discuss how structures.
Americans view punctuality. Learning another language also involves
learning how speakers of that language

(Cái bảng ở này chia thành 2 phần: từ 1-->8 và từ 9-->13)

II. Reviewing the Principles

1 What are the goals of teachers who use the Direct Method?
- To encourage them to think in the target language.
- To help students learn how to communicate in the target language

2 What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students?
- The teacher directs
- The student role is less passive
- The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching–learning

3 What are some characteristics of the teaching/learning process?

- Teachers demonstrates meanings through realia, pictures, or pantomime
- He never translates it into the students’ native language.
- Students speak in the target language a great deal and communicate as if they
were in real situations.
- The syllabus is based upon situations or topics
- Grammar is taught inductively: the students are presented with examples and they
figure out the rule
- Students practice vocabulary by using new words in complete sentences.

4 What is the nature of student–teacher interaction? What is the

nature of student–student interaction?
- The initiation of interaction goes from teacher to students and from students to
- The latter is often teacher-directed
- Students converse with one another

5 How are the feelings of the students dealt with?

There are no principles of the method which relate to this area.
6 How is language viewed? How is culture viewed?
- Language is primarily spoken, not written. Therefore, students study common,
everyday speech in the target language.
- They also study culture consisting of the history, the geography, and information
about the daily lives of the speakers of the language.

7 What areas of language are emphasized? What language skills are

- Vocabulary is emphasized over grammar.
- Oral communication is seen as basic.
- Pronunciation also receives attention right from the beginning of a course.

8 What is the role of the students’ native language?

The students’ native language should not be used in the classroom.

9 How is evaluation accomplished?

- We did not actually see any formal evaluation
- Students are asked to use the language using both oral and written skills.

10 How does the teacher respond to student errors?

The teacher tries to get students to self-correct whenever possible.
11. Reviewing the Techniques

• Reading Aloud
Students take turns reading sections of a passage, play, or dialogue out loud.

• Question and Answer Exercise

Students are asked questions and answer in full sentences so that they practice new
words and grammatical structures.

• Getting Students to Self-correct

- The teacher asks them to make a choice between what they said and an alternative
answer he supplied.
- Other ways of getting students to self-correct:
+ a teacher might simply repeat what a student has just said, using a questioning
voice to signal.
+ the teacher to repeat what the student said, stopping just before the error.

• Conversation Practice
- The teacher asks students a number of questions in the target language,
- The students ask each other their own questions using the same grammatical

• Fill-in-the-blanks Exercise
- All the items are in the target language
- No explicit grammar rule would be applied.
• Dictation
- The first time the teacher reads it at a normal speed; the students just listen.
- The second time he reads the passage phrase by phrase; students write down what
they have heard.
- The last time the teacher again reads at a normal speed; students check their work.

• Map Drawing
- The students were given a map with the geographical features unnamed.
- Then the teacher gave the students directions
- The students then instructed the teacher to do the same thing with a map he had
drawn on the board.
- Each student could have a turn giving the teacher instructions for finding and
labelling one geographical feature.

• Paragraph Writing
The teacher in this class asked the students to write a paragraph in their own words on
the major geographical features of the United States.
II. Summary
The Direct Method
The teacher intend that students learn how
Teacher’s goals
to communicate in the target language.
The teacher and the students are more like
The roles of teachers and students
The teacher tries to get students to self-
Teacher’s response to students errors
correct whenever possible.
- Vocabulary is emphasized over
- Oral communication is seen as basic.
Language focus
- Pronunciation also receives attention
right from the beginning of a course.

- Teachers demonstrates meanings

through realia, pictures, or pantomime
- He never translates it into the students’
native language.
- Students speak in the target language a
great deal and communicate as if they
Teaching-learning process were in real situations.
- The syllabus is based upon situations
or topics.
- Grammar is taught inductively.
- Students practice vocabulary by using new
words in complete sentences.

- Reading aloud
- Question and Answer Exercise
- Getting the students to self-correct
- Conversation Practice
- Fill-in-the-blanks Exercise
- Dictation
- Map Drawing
- Paragraph Writing

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